import math
deprem = input("Please enter the dataset: ")
deprem = deprem.replace(":", ",")
deprem = deprem.replace(";", ",")
mylist = deprem.split(",")
isimList = []
a = 0
while a < len(mylist):
aranan = input("Please enter the earthquake that you want to look for: ")
km = float(input("Please enter the radius (in km): "))
a = ("For the earthquake " + aranan + "; following(s) are the foreshocks and aftershocks:")
a = str(a)
if aranan not in isimList or aranan not in mylist:
print(aranan, "is not in the database.")
#if aranan not in mylist:
# print(aranan, "is not in the database.")
index = mylist.index(aranan)
shock = []
i = 1
while i in range(len(mylist)):
if int(mylist[index + 1]) - 86400 <= int(mylist[i]) <= int(mylist[index + 1]) + 86400:
shock.append(mylist[i - 1])
if aranan in shock:
i += 4
if len(shock) <= 0:
print("There were no foreshocks and aftershocks after the earthquake", aranan + ".")
print("For the earthquake", aranan + "; following(s) are the foreshocks and aftershocks:")
print("-" * len(a))
z = 0
while z in range(len(mylist)):
iq = mylist.index(aranan)
for j in shock:
if j in mylist:
ix = mylist.index(j)
distance = 100 * math.sqrt((float(mylist[iq + 3]) - float(mylist[ix + 3])) ** 2 + (
float(mylist[iq + 2]) - float(mylist[ix + 2])) ** 2)
if distance > km:
z += 4
for i in shock:
if i in mylist:
ix = mylist.index(i)
print("* Earthquake", mylist[ix], "with latitude", format(float(mylist[ix + 2]), '.2f'), "and longitude",
format(float(mylist[ix + 3]), '.2f') + ".")