3 years ago
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import java.io.*; public class Example { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String user,password,yn,search,again,choice; int to=0,y=1,z=0,end=0,r=1; int available[] = new int[6]; int ticketI[][] = new int [100][3]; String ticketS[][] = new String[100][3]; double ticketD[][] = new double [100][3]; double pay[] = new double[20]; double change[] = new double[20]; for(int i=1;i<4;){ System.out.print("Enter Username: "); user = in.readLine(); System.out.print("Enter Password: "); password = in.readLine(); //"available[]" is the SEAT AVAILABLE// //store 20 seats every destination [1-5]// for(int o=1; o<=5; o++){ available[o]=20; } //if user and password are correct proceed to MAIN MENU// if(user.equals("1") && password.equals("1")){ for(int x=1; x==1;){ //the MAIN MENU// System.out.println("********************************************"); System.out.println("** BUS RESERVATION AND TICKETING SYSTEM **"); System.out.println("********************************************"); System.out.println("** [1] Destination **"); System.out.println("** [2] Passengers **"); System.out.println("** [3] Billing **"); System.out.println("** [4] View **"); System.out.println("** [5] Exit **"); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("***************************************\n"); for(x=1; x==1;){ System.out.print("ENTER CHOICE: "); choice=in.readLine(); //if CHOICE is "1" display the DESTINATION// if (choice.equals("1")){ //the DESTINATION DETAILS// //display the "Destination", every destination "Fare", and the "Seat" available// System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("** DESTINATION | FARE | SEAT **"); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("** 1.)DAVAO CITY | Php600 | "+available[1]+" **"); System.out.println("** 2.)BUTUAN CITY | Php170 | "+available[2]+" **"); System.out.println("** 3.)CABADBARAN | Php150 | "+available[3]+" **"); System.out.println("** 4.)TANDAG | Php200 | "+available[4]+" **"); System.out.println("** 5.)CAGAYAN | Php250 | "+available[5]+" **"); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("***************************************\n"); System.out.println("PWD, STUDENT, & SENIOR CITIZEN with 20% DISCOUNT!!!\n"); x=0; } //if CHOICE is "2" proceed to Ticket Booking// else if (choice.equals("2")){ int print=1; //display first the Destination Details// System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("** DESTINATION | FARE | SEAT **"); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("** 1.)DAVAO CITY | Php600 | "+available[1]+" **"); System.out.println("** 2.)BUTUAN CITY | Php170 | "+available[2]+" **"); System.out.println("** 3.)CABADBARAN | Php150 | "+available[3]+" **"); System.out.println("** 4.)TANDAG | Php200 | "+available[4]+" **"); System.out.println("** 5.)CAGAYAN | Php250 | "+available[5]+" **"); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("***************************************\n"); System.out.println("PWD, STUDENT, & SENIOR CITIZEN with 20% DISCOUNT!!!\n"); if((available[1]==0)&&(available[2]==0)&&(available[3]==0)&&(available[4]==0)&&(available[5]==0)){ System.out.println("Sorry, We don't have available seats for all Destination!"); x=0; } //inputing of Passenger's Name// else{ for(x=1; x==1;){ System.out.print("\nENTER PASSENGER'S NAME: "); ticketS[z][0] = in.readLine(); x=0; //if Passenger's Name already used, display error and go back to Inputing// for(int l=0; l<z; l++){ if(ticketS[l][0].equalsIgnoreCase(ticketS[z][0])){ System.out.println("Sorry, Passenger's name have already used!"); x=1; } } } //inputing of Destination// //integers Only [1-5]// for(x=1; x==1;){ System.out.print("ENTER DESTINATION [number]: "); to = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); //if Inputed integers are "<1" or ">5", display error and go back to Inputing// if(to<1 || to>5){ System.out.println("Invalid Input!"); x=1; } //if available seat is eqaul to "Zero", display error and go back to Inputing// for(int d=1; d<=5; d++){ if(to==d){ if(available[to]==0){ System.out.println("Sorry, We don't have available seat!"); x=1; } x=0; } } } //convert the integer to string// String dest[] = { " ", "DAVAO CITY", "BUTUAN CITY", "CABADBARAN", "TANDAG", "CAGAYAN"}; double fare[] = { 0,600,170,150,200,250}; //converted integer to string, transfer to storage array// ticketS[z][1] = dest[to]; ticketD[z][0] = fare[to]; //inputing for Number of Passenger's// for(x=1; x==1;){ System.out.print("HOW MANY PASSENGERS ARE YOU?: "); ticketI[z][0] = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); //subtract the available seat by the the number inputed// for(int p=1; p<=5; p++){ if(to==p){ print=1; available[to] = available[to]-ticketI[z][0]; //if the subtracted available seat is "<0", display error// //add the inputed number to the subtracted seat, to back the original seat// //display the available seat and back to the inputing// if(available[to]<0){ System.out.print("Sorry, We don't have seat available for " +ticketI[z][0] +" person\n"); available[to] = available[to]+ticketI[z][0]; System.out.print("We only have " +available[to] +" seat available\n"); x=1; print=0; } else{ x=0; } } } } //inputing for Number of Discounted Passenger's// for(x=1;x==1;){ System.out.print("HOW MANY PASSENGERS HAVE DISCOUNT?: "); ticketI[z][1] = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); if(ticketI[z][1]>ticketI[z][0]){ System.out.println("Invalid Input!"); System.out.println("No. of Passengers are only " +ticketI[z][0] +"!"); x=1; } else{ break; } } //print out of passengers details.... if(print==1){ System.out.println("\n***************************************"); System.out.println("** PASSENGER'S DETAILS **"); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("PASSENGER'S NAME: " + ticketS[z][0]); System.out.println("PASSENGER'S DESTINATION : " + ticketS[z][1]); System.out.println("FARE PRICE: Php " + ticketD[z][0]); System.out.println("NO. OF PASSENGERS: " + ticketI[z][0]); System.out.println("NO. OF PASSENGERS WITH DISCOUNT: " + ticketI[z][1]); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("***************************************\n"); ticketS[z][2]="0"; double discount=(ticketD[z][0]-(ticketD[z][0]*0.2))*ticketI[z][1]; ticketD[z][2]= ((ticketI[z][0]-ticketI[z][1])*ticketD[z][0])+discount; x=0; } z++; } } else if (choice.equals("3")){ for(x=1; x==1;){ System.out.print("ENTER PASSENGER'S NAME: "); search = in.readLine(); int s=1; for(int b=0;b<z;b++){ if(search.equalsIgnoreCase(ticketS[b][0])){ System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("** PASSENGER'S DETAILS **"); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("PASSENGER'S NAME: " + ticketS[b][0]); System.out.println("PASSENGER'S DESTINATION : " + ticketS[b][1]); System.out.println("FARE PRICE: Php" + ticketD[b][0]); System.out.println("NO. OF PASSENGERS: " + ticketI[b][0]); System.out.println("NO. OF PASSENGERS WITH DISCOUNT: " + ticketI[b][1]); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("***************************************"); s=0; x=0; if(ticketS[b][2].equals("x")){ System.out.println("Passenger's Already Paid!"); x=0; } else{ ticketS[b][2]="x"; for(x=1; x==1;){ System.out.println("\nPASSENGER'S TOTAL FARE: Php "+ticketD[b][2]); System.out.print("ENTER AMOUNT TO PAY: "); pay[b] = Double.parseDouble(in.readLine()); change[b]=pay[b]-ticketD[b][2]; if(change[b]<0){ System.out.println("Invalid Input!"); x=1; } else{ System.out.println("CHANGE: Php "+change[b]); System.out.println(""); x=0; } } } } } if (s==1){ System.out.println("\nPASSENGER'S NAME NOT FOUND!\n"); for(int q=1; q==1;){ System.out.print("Do you wish to continue with this transaction? [Y/N]: "); again=in.readLine(); if(again.equalsIgnoreCase("y")){ q=0; } else if (again.equalsIgnoreCase("n")){ q=0; x=0; } else{ System.out.println("\nInvalid input!\n"); } } } } } else if (choice.equals("4")){ for(int sx=1; sx<=3;){ System.out.print("SEARCH PASSENGER'S NAME: "); search = in.readLine(); int s=1; for(x=0; x<=z; x++){ if(search.equalsIgnoreCase(ticketS[x][0])){ System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("** PASSENGER'S DETAILS **"); System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("PASSENGER'S NAME: " + ticketS[x][0]); System.out.println("PASSENGER'S DESTINATION : " + ticketS[x][1]); System.out.println("FARE PRICE: Php" + ticketD[x][0]); System.out.println("NO. OF PASSENGERS: " + ticketI[x][0]); System.out.println("NO. OF PASSENGERS WITH DISCOUNT: " + ticketI[x][1]); System.out.println("TOTAL FARE PRICE: Php " + ticketD[x][2]); if(ticketS[x][2].equals("x")){ System.out.println("PAY: Php " +pay[x]); System.out.println("CHANGE: Php " +change[x]); System.out.println("STATUS: PAID"); } else{ System.out.println("STATUS: NOT PAID"); } System.out.println("***************************************"); System.out.println("***************************************"); s=0; sx=4; } } if (s==1){ System.out.println("Passenger's Name not found!"); sx++; } } } else if(choice.equals("5")){ end=1; x=0; System.out.println("Thank You!"); } else{ System.out.println("Invalid Input!"); x=1; } } for(y=1; y==1;){ if(end==1){ break; } System.out.print("Do you want another transaction? [Y/N]: "); yn = in.readLine(); if (yn.equalsIgnoreCase("y")){ x=1; y=0; } else if (yn.equalsIgnoreCase("n")){ System.out.println("\nThank You!!!"); break; } else{ System.out.println("Invalid Input!!!"); y=1; } } } i=4; } else{ System.out.println("\nInvalid user or password!\n"); i++; } } } }
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