Public Domain (CC0) ARM Assembler. Free as in actual freedom.unknown
a year ago
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/////////////////////////////////// NRM //////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// NEW ARM ASSEMBLER //////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////// NANCY'S ARM ASSEMBLER /////////////////////////////// /* Public Domain (CC0) ARM Assembler. Free as in actual freedom. GOALS: - ObjAsm compatibility - Portability (across 32-bit CPUs) - Simplicity - Speed (for JIT use) TODO: - labeled branches - make hello.s compilable - handle |labels| - macros (start with swinames) - replace `strtol` with proper readers - Consult ObjAsm if S bit should be generated with CMP, CMN, TST and TEQ also check what CMPS generates with ObjAsm - STM/LDM can't have PC as a base or have empty {} - STM/LDM after Arch >= 7 doesn't allow writeback into the register that appear in {} NOTES: - With 2-pass assembler there are two approaches: - 1st pass generates the code, while also storing label positions. 2nd pass patches it. - 1st pass goes over the code, calculating label positions. 2nd pass generates actual code. - APCS versions: CHEAT SHEET: <Operation>{<cond>}{S} Rd, Rm, Rn Data processing instruction format: BitOffset/NBits: Name - Description 28/ 4: F - if condition: see CND_* macros 25/ 3: C - class: 0 = Rm is register 1 = Rm is immeidate 21/ 4: O - operation code: see NRM_* macros 20/ 1: S - set flags 16/ 4: Rn - 1st operand register 12/ 4: Rd - destination register 0/12: Rm - 2nd operand register or immediate Register (C=0): 0/4: Register 4/1: ShiftSource 5/2: ShiftType 0 = LSL logical left 1 = LSR logical right 2 = ASR arithmetic right (sign bit handled) 3 = ROR rotate right 7/5: shift value Immediate (ShiftSource=0) 7/5 = immediate (0 to 31, i.e. 7 for LSL#7) Register (ShiftSource=1) 7/1 = should be 0 8/4 = register Immediate (C=1): 0/8: value 8/4: rotate right amount note: it is multiplied by 2 before use RRX is a shorthand for `Operation RegA, RegB, ROR #0` In 24-bit mode postfixing CMP/CMN/TST/TEQ with P sets Rd to 0xF = PSR R15, beside PC, used to hold PSR, which later became CPSR. LDR/STR with immediate offset: Pre-indexed instruction (possibly with write back) opcode{cond}{B} register,[base{index}]{!} Post-indexed instruction opcode{cond}{B}{T} register,[base]{,index} {T} if present the TRANS pin will be active. Used in supervisor mode to with user mode page translation. I.e. when doing unchecked and untranslated writes to a user supplied address. Note that T is invalid for preindexed addressing 28/ 4: F - if {cond}: see CND_.* macros 25/ 3: C - class: 2 = Rm is immediate 3 = Rm is register 24/ 1: P - pre/post increment: 0 = post: add offset after transfer 1 = pre: add offset before transfer 23/ 1: U - up/down: 0 = down: subtract offset from base 1 = up: add offset to base 22/ 1: B - BYTE/WORD bit 21/ 1: W - Write-back {!}:write new address into base register W=1 && P=0: LDRT/STRT operation (forced usermode MMU translation) W=1 && P=1: writeback without forced MMU translation P=0 && W=0: writeback without forced MMU translation P=1 && W=0: no writeback, no forced MMU translation load/store register with MMU translation 20/ 1: D - direction: 0=STR, 1=LDR 16/ 4: Rn - base register 12/ 4: Rd - src/dst register 0 /12: Rm - offset Register (C=2), same format as with data processing opcodes 0/4: Register 4/1: ShiftSource 5/2: ShiftType 0 = LSL logical left 1 = LSR logical right 2 = ASR arithmetic right (sign bit handled) 3 = ROR rotate right 7/5: shift value Immediate (ShiftSource=0) 7/5 = immediate (0 to 31, i.e. 7 for LSL#7) Register (ShiftSource=1) 7/1 = should be 0 8/4 = register Immediate (C=3) 0/12: 12-bit immediate offset applied to base LDM/STM instruction format: opcode{cond}type base{!}, {list}{^} For example, STMNEDB 28/ 4: F - if {cond}: see CND_.* macros 25/ 3: C - class: always 4 24/ 1: P - pre/post increment: 0 = post: add offset after transfer 1 = pre: add offset before transfer 23/ 1: U - up/down: 0 = subtract offset from base 1 = add offset to base 22/ 1: S - {^} = load PSR or force user mode 21/ 1: W - Write-back {!}: write new address into base register 20/ 1: D - direction: 0=STM, 1=LDM 16/ 4: Rn - base register 0/15: Rs - registers to load store (i.e. the {list}). B/BL branch instruction format: 28/ 4: F - if condition: see CND_.* macros 25/ 3: C - class: always 5 24/ 1: L - Link: 0 = B, 1 = BL 0/24: Im - Immediate Offset SWI format: 28/ 4: F - if condition: see CND_.* macros 25/ 3: C - class: always 7 24/ 1: L - always 0x1 0 /24: Im - Immediate SWI number */ //////////////////////////// NRM CONFIGURATION ///////////////////////////////// #define NRM_STANDALONE //////////////////////////// STANDARD INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////// #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdarg.h> /////////////////////////// OBSCURE INCLUDES /////////////////////////////////// #define STB_DS_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_ds.h" //NOTE: SH tables by default expect user to do strdup #define arrdup(xs) ((xs) ? \ (void*)((uint8_t*)memcpy(malloc(sizeof(*stbds_header(xs)) \ + stbds_header(xs)->capacity*sizeof(xs[0])) \ , stbds_header(xs) \ ,(sizeof(*stbds_header(xs)) \ + stbds_header(xs)->capacity*sizeof(xs[0])) \ )+sizeof(*stbds_header(xs))) \ : 0) #define alen(a) arrlen(a) #define aput(a,v) arrput(a,v) #define apop(a) arrpop(a) #define alast(a) arrlast(a) #define adup(a) arrdup(a) ////////////////////////// GENERIC DECLARATION ///////////////////////////////// #define U8 uint8_t #define U16 uint16_t #define U32 uint32_t #define S8 int8_t #define S16 int16_t #define S32 int #define F32 float #define F64 double #define U64 uint64_t #define S64 int64_t struct nrm_t; typedef struct nrm_t nrm_t; #define TCTX nrm_t #define CTX TCTX *this #define C (*this) #define FLM (&this->flm) /////////////////////////////// UTILITIES ////////////////////////////////////// //file end #define ISFLE(x) ((x) == FLE) #define ISWS(x) ((x) == ' ' || (x) == '\t') #define SKPWS(p) while (ISWS(nx)) rd() //locally defined terminating characater #define ISTC(x) ((x) == tc) static void upcase(char *d, char *s) { while ((*d++ = toupper(*s++))); } static char *_hidden_cat_(char *a0, ...) { char *a; va_list ap; int size = strlen(a0); va_start(ap, a0); for (;;) { a = va_arg(ap, char*); if (!a) break; size += strlen(a); } va_end(ap); size += 1; char *o = malloc(size); char *p = o; a = a0; while (*a) *p++ = *a++; va_start(ap, a0); for (;;) { a = va_arg(ap, char*); if (!a) break; while (*a) *p++ = *a++; } va_end(ap); *p++ = 0; return o; } #define cat(...) _hidden_cat_(__VA_ARGS__, 0) ////////////////////////// MEMORY MANAGEMENT /////////////////////////////////// //local heap, allows evading malloc where possible #define LHP(TSZ) char h_[TSZ]; char *hp_=h_, *he_ = h_+TSZ-1 //read characters by calling rd(), while tst(nx) is true //assumes hp points to a temporary heap buffer and he points to its end #define RDS(dst,tst) do { \ dst = hp_; \ while (tst(nx)) { \ if (hp_ == he_) fatal("line is too long."); \ *hp_++ = rd(); \ } \ *hp_++ = 0; \ } while (0) ////////////////////////////////// URL ///////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { char *dir; char *name; char *ext; } url_t; static url_t *url_parts(char *path) { int bufsz = strlen(path)+3; url_t *fn = malloc(sizeof(url_t)+bufsz); char *r = (char*)(fn+1); char *dir; char *name; char *ext; char *p, *q; int l; if ((p = strrchr(path, '/'))) { l = p-path + 1; dir = r; strncpy(dir, path, l); dir[l] = 0; p++; r += l+1; } else { p = path; dir = r; *r++ = 0; } if ((q = strrchr(p, '.'))) { l = q-p; name = r; strncpy(name, p, l); name[l] = 0; q++; r += l+1; ext = r; l = strlen(q); strcpy(ext, q); } else { ext = r; *r++ = 0; name = r; strcpy(name, p); } fn->dir = dir; fn->name = name; fn->ext = ext; return fn; } /////////////////////// FILE MANAGER DECLARATIONS ////////////////////////////// /* RATIONALE: - Portabily. - Flexibility. - Speed. - Parser housekeeping (row/column, names, etc..). */ //File end #define FLE -1 ///////////////////////// // mfl_t.desc flags //file's data array is owned by us and have to be freed #define MFL_OWNED 0x001 //macro buffer #define MFL_MACRO 0x002 //has an associated filesystem #define MFL_FS 0x004 //the file won't be freed when nref hits 0 #define MFL_RETAIN 0x008 //root file #define MFL_ROOT 0x010 struct flm_t; typedef struct flm_t flm_t; struct flp_t; typedef struct flp_t flp_t; struct mfl_t; typedef struct mfl_t mfl_t; struct mfl_t { //memory held file U32 desc; //file description U8 *base; //start of the data U32 size; //length of the file char *name; //name of the file url_t *url; //path to the source int nrefs; //number of references to this file //if it gets 0, we we can free it. mfl_t *ovrd; //this entry overrides another in the file table flm_t *flm; //associated file manager }; struct flp_t { //file pointer U8 *ptr; //current location inside the file U8 *end; //end of the file U8 *line; //start of the current line (used to calculate column) U32 row; //line counter mfl_t *fl; //the file handle //flp_t *prev; //OBSOLETE: for reading files which include other files //use nrm_t->fstack instead, //since one file can be opened several times U8 *shd; // shadow copy }; static mfl_t *new_mfl(char *name, U8 *base, U32 size) { mfl_t *f = malloc(sizeof(mfl_t)); f->name = strdup(name); f->base = base; f->size = size; f->nrefs = 0; f->desc = 0; f->url = 0; f->ovrd = 0; return f; } static void del_mfl(mfl_t *f) { if (f->url) free(f->url); free(f->name); if (f->desc&MFL_OWNED) arrfree(f->base); free(f); } static flp_t *new_flp(mfl_t *f) { flp_t *fp = malloc(sizeof(flp_t)); fp->fl = f; fp->ptr = f->base; fp->end = f->base + f->size; fp->line = fp->ptr; fp->row = 0; fp->shd = 0; return fp; } static void del_flp(flp_t *fp) { free(fp); } static void mfl_ref(mfl_t *f) {f->nrefs++;} static void mfl_unref(mfl_t *f) { if (!(--f->nrefs || (f->desc&MFL_RETAIN))) del_mfl(f); } struct flm_t { //file manager flp_t flp; //current file TCTX *ctx; struct { char *key; mfl_t *value; } *ft; //file table //a stack of currently processed files (beside the flp) flp_t **fstack; flp_t *tflp_stack; char **paths; //include directories }; typedef struct { int row; int col; char *macroname; char *filename; } flmp_t; static void flm_location(flm_t *this, flmp_t *p); static void flm_conclude(flm_t *this); static int nxF(flp_t *f) { return f->ptr==f->end ? FLE : *f->ptr; } static int rdF(flp_t *f) { if (f->ptr == f->end) return FLE; U8 ch = *f->ptr++; if (f->shd) *f->shd++ = ch; //does a shadow copy if (f->ptr == f->end) flm_conclude(f->fl->flm); else { if (ch == '\n') { f->row++; f->line = f->ptr; } } return ch; } #define cflp (&FLM->flp) //next char peek #define nx nxF(cflp) //read char #define rd() rdF(cflp) //FIXME: the below macros will fail with windowed files //these are for temporary redefining input #define cflp_push(tflp) \ aput(FLM->tflp_stack, *cflp); \ cflp = *tflp; #define cflp_pop() cflp = apop(FLM->tflp_stack) #define cflp_shd(s) do { cflp->shd = s; } while (0) //FIXME: handle unicode #define FL_COL(f) ((f)->ptr - (f)->line) #define cflp_saved() FLM->fstack[alen(FLM->fstack)-1] #define cflp_save() do {*cflp_saved() = *cflp;} while (0) #define cflp_load() do {*cflp = *cflp_saved();} while (0) #define FLLOC(R,C,N,F) int R = (F)->row; int C = FL_COL(F); \ char *N = (F)->fl->name; //////////////////////////// SYMBOL TABLE ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// // SYMBOL TYPES //none #define SYM_NON 0x00 //mnemonic #define SYM_MNM 0x01 //macro #define SYM_MCR 0x02 //register #define SYM_REG 0x03 //macro constant #define SYM_EQU 0x04 //macro constant #define SYM_LBL 0x05 //ObjAsm apparently uses AREA as a synonym for namespace typedef struct { char *name; } area_t; typedef union { //note that ARM word is 32bit, compared to x86's 16bit int i; U8 b; //byte U16 h; //half-word U32 w; U32 d; //dword U64 q; //qword S8 sb; //byte S16 sh; //half-word S32 sw; S32 sd; //dword S64 sq; //qword char *s; } val_t; typedef struct { char *name; //index inside the name table U32 desc; //description of the symbol val_t v; //value of the symbol } sym_t; typedef struct { char *key; sym_t *value; } *sym_tbl_t; #define SYM_TYPE(s) ((s)->desc&0xff) ////////////////////// CONDITION CODES ///////////////////////////////////////// // Equal / Zero: Z == 1 #define NRM_EQ 0x0 // Not Equal / Not Zero: Z = 0 #define NRM_NE 0x1 //HS/CS - Carry Set / Unsigned Higher or Same: C == 1 #define NRM_CS 0x2 //LO/CC - Carry Clear / Unsigned Lower: C == 0 #define NRM_CC 0x3 // Minus / Negative: N==1 #define NRM_MI 0x4 // Plus / Positive or Zero: N==0 #define NRM_PL 0x5 // Overflow Set: V==1 #define NRM_VS 0x6 // Overflow Clear: V==0 #define NRM_VC 0x7 // Unsigned Higher: C == 1 && Z == 0 #define NRM_HI 0x8 // Unsigned Lower or Same: C == 0 || Z == 1 #define NRM_LS 0x9 // Greater or Equal: N == V #define NRM_GE 0xA // Less Than: N != V #define NRM_LT 0xB // Greater Than: Z == 0 && N == V #define NRM_GT 0xC // Less or Equal: Z == 1 || N != V #define NRM_LE 0xD // Always (unconditional) #define NRM_AL 0xE // Never (unconditionally false) #define NRM_NV 0xF //////////////////////////// OPERATION CODES /////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// // Legend: // Rd - destionation // Rn - 1st operand // Rm - 2nd operand //Rd = Rn & Rm #define NRM_AND (0x0<<21) //Rd = Rn ^ Rm #define NRM_EOR (0x1<<21) //Rd = Rn - Rm #define NRM_SUB (0x2<<21) //Rd = Rm - Rn #define NRM_RSB (0x3<<21) //Rd = Rn + Rm #define NRM_ADD (0x4<<21) //Rd = Rn + Rm + C #define NRM_ADC (0x5<<21) //Rd = Rn - Rm - C #define NRM_SBC (0x6<<21) //Rd = Rm - Rn - C #define NRM_RSC (0x7<<21) //NZCV <- Rn & Rm //S should be always 1 #define NRM_TST (0x8<<21) //NZCV <- Rn ^ Rm //S should be always 1 #define NRM_TEQ (0x9<<21) //NZCV <- Rn - Rm //S should be always 1 #define NRM_CMP (0xA<<21) //NZCV <- Rn + Rm (compare negated) //S should be always 1 #define NRM_CMN (0xB<<21) //Rd = Rn | Rm #define NRM_ORR (0xC<<21) //Rd = Rm (Rn is ignored) #define NRM_MOV (0xD<<21) //Rd = Rn & ~Rm (bit clear) #define NRM_BIC (0xE<<21) //Rd = ~Rm (Rn is ignored) #define NRM_MVN (0xF<<21) //store #define NRM_STR (0x2<<25) //load #define NRM_LDR ((0x2<<25)|NRM_STLD_LD) //store #define NRM_STM (0x4<<25) //load #define NRM_LDM ((0x4<<25)|NRM_STLD_LD) //branch #define NRM_B (0x5<<25) //branch and link #define NRM_BL ((0x5<<25)|(1<<24)) //software interrupt #define NRM_SWI ((0x7<<25)|(1<<24)) #define NRM_O_LSL 0 #define NRM_O_LSR 1 #define NRM_O_ASR 2 #define NRM_O_ROR 3 #define NRM_O_RRX 4 //for S suffixed opcodes #define NRM_S (1<<20) #define NRM_L (1<<24) //immediate operand #define NRM_I (1<<25) //load flag for ST/LD opcode #define NRM_STLD_LD (1<<20) //save incremented offset back after ST/LD #define NRM_WRITEBACK (1<<21) //preicrement Rn (base register), before STR/LDR #define NRM_PRE (1<<24) //increment up #define NRM_UP (1<<23) #define NRM_STLD_BYTE (1<<22) #define NRM_STLD_TRANS (NRM_WRITEBACK|1) //that is for exiting service mode #define NRM_LOAD_PSR_FORCE_USER_MODE (1<<22) #define NRM_NONE 0xFFFFFFFF #define NRM_ERROR 0xFFFFFFFE #define NRM_EOF 0xFFFFFFFD //data processing register #define NRM_CLS_DPR 0x0 //data processing immediate #define NRM_CLS_DPI 0x1 //load/store immediate offset #define NRM_CLS_STLDI 0x2 //load/store register offset #define NRM_CLS_STLDR 0x3 //load/store multiple #define NRM_CLS_STLDM 0x4 //branch #define NRM_CLS_B_BL 0x5 #define NRM_CLS_SWI 0x7 #define NRM_CND(dsc) ((dsc)>>28) #define NRM_OPC(dsc) ((dsc)&(0xF<<21)) #define NRM_IS_CTDP(x) ((x)==NRM_CMP || (x)==NRM_CMN || \ (x)==NRM_TST || (x)==NRM_TEQ) #define NRM_IS_MOV(x) ((x)==NRM_MOV || (x)==NRM_MVN) //instruction class #define NRM_CLS(dsc) (((dsc)>>25)&7) #define NRM_IS_DP(x) (NRM_CLS(x) == NRM_CLS_DPR || NRM_CLS(x) == NRM_CLS_DPI) #define NRM_IS_STLD(x) \ (NRM_CLS(x) == NRM_CLS_STLDI || NRM_CLS(x) == NRM_CLS_STLDR) #define NRM_IS_BRANCH(x) (NRM_CLS(x) == NRM_CLS_B_BL) #define NRM_IS_STLDM(x) (NRM_CLS(x) == NRM_CLS_STLDM) /////////////////////////// BIT MANIPULATION /////////////////////////////////// static U32 nrm_ror(U32 x, U32 n) { //32bit rotate right return (x >> n) | (x << (32 - n)); } static U32 nrm_rol(U32 x, U32 n) { //32bit rotate left return (x << n) | (x >> (32 - n)); } #define NRM_BAD_IMM 0xFFFFFFFF U32 nrm_enc_imm(U32 imm) { //encode immediate as a RORed value U32 v = imm; for (U32 s = 0; s < 31; s += 2) { v = nrm_rol(imm, s); if (v < 256) { //printf("v=%d s=%d\n", v, s); return v | (s<<7) | NRM_I; } } return NRM_BAD_IMM; } U32 nrm_dec_imm(U32 opcode) {//decode immediate given ARM opcode U32 v = opcode & 0xff; U32 r = ((opcode >> 8) & 0xf) << 1; return nrm_ror(v, r); } //////////////////////////// GLOBAL DATA /////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { char *key; int32_t value; } ki_t; //key to integer value typedef struct { char *key; U32 value; } ku_t; //key to integer value static ki_t base_regs[] = { { "r0", 0},{ "r1", 1},{ "r2", 2},{ "r3", 3}, { "r4", 4},{ "r5", 5},{ "r6", 6},{ "r7", 7}, { "r8", 8},{ "r9", 9},{"r10",10},{"r11",11}, {"r12",12},{"r13",13},{"r14",14},{"r15",15}, { "R0", 0},{ "R1", 1},{ "R2", 2},{ "R3", 3}, { "R4", 4},{ "R5", 5},{ "R6", 6},{ "R7", 7}, { "R8", 8},{ "R9", 9},{"R10",10},{"R11",11}, {"R12",12},{"R13",13},{"R14",14},{"R15",15}, { "sp",13},{ "SP",13},{ "lr",14},{ "LR",14}, { "pc",15},{ "PC",15}, {0,0} }; static ki_t apcs_regs[] = { //RISC OS C ABI //objasm v3.27 apparently only includes the lower case names {"a1", 0}, {"a2", 1}, {"a3", 2}, {"a4", 3}, {"v1", 4}, {"v2", 5}, {"v3", 6}, {"v4", 7}, {"v8", 8}, {"v6", 9}, {"sl",10}, {"fp",11}, {"ip",12}, {"sp",13}, {"lr",14}, {"pc",15}, {0,0} }; static ku_t cnds[] = { {"EQ", NRM_EQ}, {"NE", NRM_NE}, {"CS", NRM_CS}, {"CC", NRM_CC}, {"MI", NRM_MI}, {"PL", NRM_PL}, {"VS", NRM_VS}, {"VC", NRM_VC}, {"HI", NRM_HI}, {"LS", NRM_LS}, {"GE", NRM_GE}, {"LT", NRM_LT}, {"GT", NRM_GT}, {"LE", NRM_LE}, {"AL", NRM_AL}, {"NV", NRM_NV}, {"HS", NRM_CS}, {"LO", NRM_CC}, {0,0} }; static ku_t opcs[] = { {"AND", NRM_AND}, {"EOR", NRM_EOR}, {"SUB", NRM_SUB}, {"RSB", NRM_RSB}, {"ADD", NRM_ADD}, {"ADC", NRM_ADC}, {"SBC", NRM_SBC}, {"RSC", NRM_RSC}, {"TST", NRM_TST|NRM_S}, {"TEQ", NRM_TEQ|NRM_S}, {"CMP", NRM_CMP|NRM_S}, {"CMN", NRM_CMN|NRM_S}, {"ORR", NRM_ORR}, {"MOV", NRM_MOV}, {"BIC", NRM_BIC}, {"MVN", NRM_MVN}, {"LDR", NRM_LDR}, {"STR", NRM_STR}, {"LDM", NRM_LDM}, {"STM", NRM_STM}, {"B" , NRM_B }, {"BL" , NRM_BL }, {"SWI", NRM_SWI}, {0,0} }; enum { NRM_D_FIRST_DRC=0, NRM_D_ASSERT, NRM_D_OPT, NRM_D_TTL, NRM_D_SUBT, NRM_D_ORG, NRM_D_AREA, NRM_D_ENTRY, NRM_D_END, NRM_D_GET, NRM_D_INCLUDE, NRM_D_IMPORT, NRM_D_EXPORT, NRM_D_EQU, NRM_D_GBLA, NRM_D_GBLL, NRM_D_GBLS, NRM_D_LCLA, NRM_D_LCLL, NRM_D_LCLS, NRM_D_SETA, NRM_D_SETL, NRM_D_SETS, NRM_D_RN, NRM_D_FN, NRM_D_CP, NRM_D_CN, NRM_D_DCB, NRM_D_DCW, NRM_D_DCD, NRM_D_DCZ, NRM_D_DCFS, NRM_D_DCFD, NRM_D_ALIGN, NRM_D_SMORG, NRM_D_RESERVE, NRM_D_NOFP, NRM_D_RLIST, NRM_D_IF, NRM_D_ELSE, NRM_D_ENDIF, NRM_D_MACRO, NRM_D_MEND, NRM_D_MEXIT, NRM_D_LAST_DRC }; static ku_t dcts[] = { //assembler directives {"ASSERT", NRM_D_ASSERT},{"!", NRM_D_ASSERT}, {"OPT", NRM_D_OPT}, {"TTL", NRM_D_TTL}, {"SUBT", NRM_D_SUBT}, {"ORG", NRM_D_ORG}, {"AREA", NRM_D_AREA}, {"ENTRY", NRM_D_ENTRY}, {"END", NRM_D_END}, {"GET", NRM_D_GET}, {"INCLUDE", NRM_D_INCLUDE}, {"IMPORT", NRM_D_IMPORT}, {"EXPORT", NRM_D_EXPORT}, {"*", NRM_D_EQU}, {"EQU", NRM_D_EQU}, {"GBLA", NRM_D_GBLA}, {"GBLL", NRM_D_GBLL}, {"GBLS", NRM_D_GBLS}, {"LCLA", NRM_D_LCLA}, {"LCLL", NRM_D_LCLL}, {"LCLS", NRM_D_LCLS}, {"SETA", NRM_D_SETA}, {"SETL", NRM_D_SETL}, {"SETS", NRM_D_SETS}, {"RN", NRM_D_RN}, {"FN", NRM_D_FN}, {"CP", NRM_D_CP},{"CN", NRM_D_CN}, {"DCB", NRM_D_DCB}, {"DCW", NRM_D_DCW}, {"DCD", NRM_D_DCD}, {"=", NRM_D_DCB}, {"&", NRM_D_DCD}, {"%", NRM_D_DCZ}, {"DCFS", NRM_D_DCB}, {"DCFD", NRM_D_DCFD}, {"ALIGN", NRM_D_ALIGN}, {"^", NRM_D_SMORG}, {"#", NRM_D_RESERVE}, {"NOFP", NRM_D_NOFP}, {"RLIST", NRM_D_NOFP}, {"IF", NRM_D_IF}, {"ELSE", NRM_D_ELSE}, {"ENDIF", NRM_D_ENDIF}, {"[", NRM_D_IF}, {"|", NRM_D_ELSE}, {"]", NRM_D_ENDIF}, {"MACRO", NRM_D_MACRO}, {"MEND", NRM_D_MEND}, {"MEXIT", NRM_D_MEXIT}, {0,0} }; #define NRM_BV_FALSE 0x01 #define NRM_BV_TRUE 0x02 #define NRM_BV_PC 0x03 #define NRM_BV_VAR 0x04 #define NRM_BV_OPT 0x05 #define NRM_BV_CONFIG 0x06 #define NRM_BV_ENDIAN 0x07 #define NRM_BV_INVALID 0x08 static ku_t blts[] = { //builtin variables {"{FALSE}", NRM_BV_FALSE}, {"{TRUE}", NRM_BV_TRUE}, {"{PC}", NRM_BV_PC}, {".", NRM_BV_PC}, {"{VAR}", NRM_BV_VAR}, {"@", NRM_BV_VAR}, {"{OPT}", NRM_BV_OPT}, {"{CONFIG}", NRM_BV_CONFIG}, {"{ENDIAN}", NRM_BV_ENDIAN}, {0,0} }; static int nrm_globals_ready = 0; #define NRM_BAD_OPCODE 0xFFFFFFFF static ku_t *opcm = NULL; // opcode mnemonic map static ku_t *cndm = NULL; // condition mnemonic map static ku_t *dctm = NULL; // directive map static ku_t *bltm = NULL; // builtin variable map static void nrm_init_globals() { shdefault(opcm,NRM_BAD_OPCODE); for (ku_t *o = opcs; o->key; o++) shput(opcm, o->key, o->value); shdefault(cndm,NRM_BAD_OPCODE); for (ku_t *o = cnds; o->key; o++) shput(opcm, o->key, o->value<<28); for (ku_t *o = dcts; o->key; o++) shput(dctm, o->key, o->value); for (ku_t *o = blts; o->key; o++) shput(bltm, o->key, o->value); nrm_globals_ready = 1; } ////////////////////////////// NRM STATE /////////////////////////////////////// // Options for the nrm_init typedef struct { //ARGUMENTS char **paths; //paths to search for files U32 flags; void *user; //user provided handle //available to callbacks through ncm_user //CALLBACKS provided by user //called when a fatal error has occured void (*fatal)(void *ncm, char *macro ,char *file, int row, int col, char *description); //checks is a file exists (using in include) int (*exists)(void *ncm, char *filename); //reads entire file, storing its size at the *size pointer uint8_t *(*get)(void *ncm, U32 *size, char *filename); } nrm_opt_t; typedef struct { //represents expression delayed for the 2nd pass U32 pc; char *expr; char *name; int row; int col; } dld_t; struct nrm_t { // NRM's state flm_t flm; //file manager nrm_opt_t opt; //user specified options sym_tbl_t st; //symbol map sym_t **sl; //symbol list int pass; U8 *out; dld_t *dld; //list of delayed expressions U32 pc; //have to maintain a separate one //because out could be broken into parts int dldi; }; ///////////////////////////// NRM ERROR //////////////////////////////////////// //FIXME: when fatal error happens, the nrm_t should be freed static void fatalF(CTX, char *fmt, ...) { if (!C.opt.fatal) exit(-1); flmp_t p; flm_location(FLM, &p); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); int l = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); char *s = (char*)malloc(l+1); va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(s, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); C.opt.fatal(this, p.macroname, p.filename, p.row, p.col, s); exit(-1); } #define fatal(...) fatalF(this, __VA_ARGS__) ///////////////////////////// FILE MANAGER ///////////////////////////////////// static mfl_t *mfl_open(CTX, char *filename) { U32 size; U8 *data = C.opt.get(this, &size, filename); if (!data) return 0; mfl_t *f = new_mfl(filename, data, size); f->url = url_parts(f->name); f->desc |= MFL_OWNED|MFL_FS; f->desc |= MFL_RETAIN; //as of now we retain everything, due to filetable return f; } static void flm_deinit(flm_t *this) { for (int i = 0; i < alen(this->fstack); i++) { flp_t *fp = this->fstack[i]; fp->fl = 0; del_flp(fp); } arrfree(this->fstack); for (int i = 0; i < shlen(this->ft); i++) { mfl_t *next = this->ft[i].value; do { mfl_t *f = next; next = f->ovrd; del_mfl(f); } while (next); } shfree(this->ft); } static flp_t *flm_cur_flp(flm_t *this) { int nfiles = alen(this->fstack); for (int i = nfiles-1; i >= 0; i--) { flp_t *p = this->fstack[i]; if (p->fl->desc&MFL_FS) return p; } return 0; } //resolves a relative filename static char *flm_resolve(flm_t *this, char *rel_name) { char *tmprel_name = 0; char *tmpname = 0; int nonlocal = 0; if (*rel_name == '<') { nonlocal = 1; rel_name++; } flp_t *cfp = flm_cur_flp(this); char **ps = this->paths; if (!ps) return 0; url_t *url = url_parts(rel_name); if (!*url->ext) { tmprel_name = cat(rel_name, ".h"); rel_name = tmprel_name; } free(url); for (int i = -1; i < 0 || *ps; i++) { char *folder; if (i == -1) { if (nonlocal || !cfp) { continue; } folder = cfp->fl->url->dir; //try current dir } else { folder = *ps; ps++; } tmpname = cat(folder, rel_name); if (C.ctx->opt.exists(this,tmpname)) break; free(tmpname); tmpname = 0; } if (tmprel_name) free(tmprel_name); return tmpname; } static void flm_location(flm_t *this, flmp_t *p) { p->filename = 0; p->macroname = 0; p->row = 0; p->col = 0; for (int i = alen(C.fstack)-1; i >= 0; i--) { flp_t *fp = C.fstack[i]; if (fp->fl->desc & MFL_MACRO) { if (!p->macroname) p->macroname = fp->fl->name; } else { if (!p->filename) { p->filename = fp->fl->name; p->row = fp->row; p->col = FL_COL(fp); } } } if (!p->filename) p->filename = "<none>"; } static void flm_push(flm_t *this, mfl_t *f) { mfl_ref(f); U8 *shd = 0; if (alen(C.fstack)) { *alast(C.fstack) = C.flp; shd = C.flp.shd; } flp_t *fp = new_flp(f); aput(C.fstack, fp); C.flp = *fp; C.flp.shd = shd; } //include counter for each encountered file static ku_t *flm_incnts = NULL; static void flm_minclude(flm_t *this, char *name, U8 *base, U32 size, U32 flags) { if (!flm_incnts) { shdefault(flm_incnts,0); sh_new_arena(flm_incnts); } shput(flm_incnts, name, shget(flm_incnts,name)+1); mfl_t *f = new_mfl(name, base, size); f->desc |= flags; f->flm = this; flm_push(this, f); } static void flm_conclude(flm_t *this) { U8 *shd = C.flp.shd; if (C.flp.fl->desc&MFL_ROOT) return; // can't pop root flp_t *fp = apop(C.fstack); C.flp = *alast(C.fstack); C.flp.shd = shd; mfl_t *f = fp->fl; if (f->ovrd) shput(C.ft, f->name, f->ovrd); //uncover old entry del_flp(fp); mfl_unref(f); } static void flm_include(flm_t *this, char *rel_name) { char *resolved_name = 0; char *filename; if (alen(C.fstack)) resolved_name = flm_resolve(this, rel_name); if (resolved_name) filename = resolved_name; else filename = rel_name; //consider it being absolute name mfl_t *f = shget(this->ft,filename); if (f) { flm_push(this, f); return; } f = mfl_open(C.ctx, filename); if (!f) fatalF(C.ctx, "Couldn't read `%s`", filename); f->flm = this; shput(C.ft, f->name, f); flm_push(this, f); if (resolved_name) free(resolved_name); } static void flm_init(flm_t *this, TCTX *ctx) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(flm_t)); this->ctx = ctx; sh_new_arena(this->ft); //copies keys to internal store this->paths = ctx->opt.paths; flm_minclude(this, "", "", 0, MFL_ROOT); } ////////////////////////////// NRM SYMBOL ////////////////////////////////////// static sym_t *nrm_sref(CTX, char *name) { sym_t *s = shget(, name); if (!s) { s = malloc(sizeof(sym_t)); s->desc = SYM_NON; s->name = strdup(name); memset(s, 0, sizeof(sym_t)); shput(, name, s); aput(, s); } return s; } ////////////////////////////// NRM INIT //////////////////////////////////////// void nrm_opt_init(nrm_opt_t *o) { memset(o, 0, sizeof(nrm_opt_t)); } //assign's name to a register indexed by index void nrm_name_reg(CTX, char *name, int index) { sym_t *s = nrm_sref(this,name); s->desc = SYM_REG; s->v.w = index; } void nrm_init(CTX, nrm_opt_t *opt) { if (!nrm_globals_ready) nrm_init_globals(); memset(this, 0, sizeof(nrm_t)); if (opt) memcpy(&C.opt, opt, sizeof(nrm_opt_t)); else nrm_opt_init(&C.opt); sh_new_arena(; flm_init(&this->flm, this); for (ki_t *rn = base_regs; rn->key; rn++) { nrm_name_reg(this, rn->key, rn->value); } } static nrm_t *new_nrm(nrm_opt_t *opt) { nrm_t *this = malloc(sizeof(nrm_t)); nrm_init(this, opt); return this; } static void del_nrm(CTX) { flm_deinit(&this->flm); free(this); } void nrm_cstr(CTX, char *cstr) { flm_minclude(&this->flm, "<cstr>", cstr, strlen(cstr), 0); } ////////////////////////// NRM OPERATIONS ////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { //parsed instruction U32 dsc; //binary description of the instruction } nrm_nst_t; //is end of stream, line feed or comment #define ISNL(x) (ISFLE(x) || (x)=='\n') #define ISNLC(x) (ISNL(x) || (x)==';') //is argument end #define ISWSNLC(x) (ISNLC(x) || ISWS(x)) #define ISAE(x) (ISWSNLC(x) || (x) == ',') #define SKPAE(p) do { if (nx == ',') {rd(); SKPWS();} } while(0) static char *get_dec(CTX) { char *r = NULL; while (isdigit(nx)) aput(r, rd()); aput(r,0); return r; } static char *get_hex(CTX) { char *r = NULL; while (isxdigit(nx)) aput(r, rd()); aput(r,0); return r; } #define NRM_ARG_SYM 0 #define NRM_ARG_IMM 1 #define NRM_ARG_REG 2 #define NRM_ARG_LST 3 #define NRM_ARG_ADR 4 #define NRM_ARG_SFT 5 //register set #define NRM_ARG_RES 6 #define NRM_SFT_REG (1<<4) typedef struct { char *s; //readed string int desc; val_t v; } nrm_arg_t; static int issymchr(int c) { return isalnum(c) || c == '_'; } #define READ_NUM(name,base) \ S32 name; \ {SKPWS(); \ char *tmp_; \ int sign = 0; \ if (nx == '-') {sign=1; rd();} \ if (base==10) RDS(tmp_,isdigit); else RDS(tmp_,isxdigit); \ if (!tmp_[0]) fatal("number expected"); \ name = strtol(tmp_, 0, base); \ if (sign) name = -name;} static U32 parse_stldm_type(U32 dsc, char *m) { if (m[0]=='I') { dsc |= NRM_UP; if (m[1]=='B') dsc |= NRM_PRE; else if (m[1]!='A') dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } else if (m[0]=='D') { if (m[1]=='B') dsc |= NRM_PRE; else if (m[1]!='A') dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } else { if (dsc & NRM_STLD_LD) { /* LDMFD=LDMIA, LDMFA=LDMDA, LDMED=LDMIB, LDMEA=LDMDB */ if (m[0]=='F') { if (m[1]=='D') dsc |= NRM_UP; else if (m[1]!='A') dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } else if (m[0]=='E') { dsc |= NRM_PRE; if (m[1]=='D') dsc |= NRM_UP; else if (m[1]!='A') dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } else { dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } } else { /* STMFD=STMDB, STMFA=STMIB, STMED=STMDA, STMEA=STMIA */ if (m[0]=='F') { dsc |= NRM_PRE; if (m[1]=='A') dsc |= NRM_UP; else if (m[1]!='D') dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } else if (m[0]=='E') { if (m[1]=='A') dsc |= NRM_UP; else if (m[1]!='D') dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } else { dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } } } return dsc; } #define MAX_MM_LEN 7 static U32 parse_mnemonic(CTX, char *mm) { U32 dsc; char m[8], t[8]; int l = 0; while ((m[l] = toupper(mm[l]))) if (++l == MAX_MM_LEN) return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; switch (l) { case 1: case 2: case 3: dsc = shget(opcm, m); if (dsc != NRM_BAD_OPCODE) { if (NRM_IS_STLDM(dsc)) return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; //add a switch defaulting to dsc |= NRM_UP; return dsc | (NRM_AL<<28); } if (l == 3 && m[0] == 'B') { dsc = shget(cndm, m+1); if (dsc != NRM_BAD_OPCODE) { dsc |= NRM_B; return dsc; } } break; case 4: strncpy(t, m, 3); t[3] = 0; dsc = shget(opcm, t); if (dsc == NRM_BAD_OPCODE) return dsc; if (m[3] == 'S') { if (!NRM_IS_DP(dsc)) return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; dsc |= NRM_S; } else if (m[0] == 'B' && m[1] == 'L') { //BLCC dsc = shget(cndm, m+2); dsc |= NRM_BL; return dsc; } else if (m[3] == 'B') { //LDRB/STRB if (!NRM_IS_STLD(dsc)) return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; dsc |= NRM_STLD_BYTE; } else if (m[3] == 'T') { //LDRT/STRT if (!NRM_IS_STLD(dsc)) return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; dsc |= NRM_STLD_TRANS; } else if (m[3] == 'P') { //CMPP/CMNP/TSTP/TEQP U32 opc = NRM_OPC(dsc); if (!NRM_IS_CTDP(opc)) return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; dsc |= (0xF<<12); } else { return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } dsc |= NRM_AL<<28; break; case 5: strncpy(t, m, 3); t[3] = 0; dsc = shget(opcm, t) | (NRM_AL<<28); if (NRM_IS_STLDM(dsc)) return parse_stldm_type(dsc,m+3); if (m[3] == 'B' && m[4] == 'T' && NRM_IS_STLD(dsc)) { dsc |= NRM_STLD_BYTE|NRM_STLD_TRANS; } else { dsc |= shget(cndm, m+3); } break; case 6: strncpy(t, m, 3); t[3] = 0; dsc = shget(opcm, m); strncpy(t, m+3, 2); dsc |= shget(cndm, t); if (NRM_IS_DP(dsc)) { //ADDEQS, etc.. if (m[5] != 'S') return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; dsc |= NRM_S; } else if (NRM_IS_STLD(dsc)) { //LDREQB, erc.. if (m[5] == 'B') dsc |= NRM_STLD_BYTE; else if (m[5] == 'T') dsc |= NRM_STLD_TRANS; else return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } else { return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } break; case 7: strncpy(t, m, 3); t[3] = 0; dsc = shget(opcm, t); if (NRM_IS_STLDM(dsc)) { //STMLOIA, etc.. strncpy(t, m+3, 2); dsc |= shget(cndm, t); dsc = parse_stldm_type(dsc,m+5); } else if (NRM_IS_STLD(dsc)) { //LDRVCBT, etc.. if (m[5] != 'B' && m[6] != 'T') return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; dsc |= NRM_STLD_BYTE|NRM_STLD_TRANS; } else { return NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } strncpy(t, m+3, 2); dsc |= shget(cndm, t); break; default: dsc = NRM_BAD_OPCODE; } return dsc; } void nrm_skip_comment(CTX) { while (!ISNLC(nx) || nx == ';') rd(); if (nx == '\n') rd(); } void nrm_skip_till_eol(CTX) { while (!ISNL(nx)) rd(); if (nx == '\n') rd(); } static void nrm_set_label(CTX, char *l, U32 pc) { sym_t *s = nrm_sref(this,l); s->desc = SYM_LBL; s->v.w = pc; } static void nrm_outw(CTX, U32 w) { uint8_t *out = C.out; aput(out, w&0xFF); aput(out, (w>>8)&0xFF); aput(out, (w>>16)&0xFF); aput(out, w>>24); C.out = out; } static void nrm_do_expr(CTX) { //processes single expression LHP(256); //temporary area for parsing mnemonic and args char shd[512]; //shadow copy of this input line char *m, *l; nrm_arg_t as[5]; int n = 0; //nargs cflp_save(); cflp_shd(shd); read_label: //ObjAsm labels variables always begin at the start of a line, //everything else gets indented. if (ISWS(nx)) { l = ""; SKPWS(); } else if (nx == ';') { nrm_skip_comment(this); goto read_label; } else { RDS(l,!ISWSNLC); SKPWS(); } read_mnemonic: if (nx == '\n') { rd(); if (*l) { SKPWS(); goto read_mnemonic; } goto read_label; } if (ISFLE(nx)) { if (*l) nrm_set_label(this, l, alen(C.out)); return; } //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", m); RDS(m,!ISWSNLC); SKPWS(); U32 dsc = parse_mnemonic(this, m); //U32 dsc = shget(opctbl, m); if (dsc == NRM_BAD_OPCODE) { int dct = shget(dctm, m); U32 pc = alen(C.out); if (!dct) fatal("unknown operation `%s`", m); if (dct == NRM_D_EQU) { //these are akin to argless C99 macros if (!*l) fatal("EQU without a label."); char *v; RDS(v,!ISNLC); if (nx == '\n') rd(); sym_t *s = nrm_sref(this,l); s->desc = SYM_EQU; s->v.s = strdup(v); *l = 0; //consume label } else if (dct == NRM_D_AREA) { nrm_skip_till_eol(this); //ignored for now } else if (dct == NRM_D_ENTRY) { nrm_skip_till_eol(this); //for now we assume 1st opcode to be entry } else if (dct == NRM_D_DCB) { if (nx == '\"') { rd(); for (;;) { //FIXME: implement option of C escapes int ch = rd(); if (ch == FLE) fatal("EOF in string"); if (ch == '\"') { aput(C.out, 0); break; } aput(C.out, ch); } } else if (isdigit(nx)) { READ_NUM(v,10); if ((U32)v > 255) fatal("DCB value is invalid"); aput(C.out, v); } else { fatal("DCB value is invalid"); } } else if (dct == NRM_D_DCD) { if (nx == '&') { rd(); READ_NUM(v,16); nrm_outw(this, v); nrm_skip_till_eol(this); } else { fatal("DCD value is invalid"); } } else if (dct == NRM_D_ALIGN) { //FIXME: implement optional arguments while (alen(C.out)&0x3) aput(C.out, 0); } else if (dct == NRM_D_END) { nrm_skip_till_eol(this); } else{ fatal("directive `%s` is unimplemented", m); } if (*l) nrm_set_label(this, l, pc); return; //it is possible we got END } if (*l) nrm_set_label(this, l, alen(C.out)); U32 cls = NRM_CLS(dsc); //fprintf(stderr, "%x\n", dsc); int bo = 0; //opening bracket int bd = 0; //bracket depth int bs = -1; //bracket start int be = -1; //bracket end int wb = 0; //write-back int nr = 0; //negative register for (; !ISNLC(nx) && n < 5; n++) { int c; cflp_save(); //save file position for error reporting nrm_arg_t *a = &as[n]; arg_retry: c = nx; if (isalpha(c)) { RDS(a->s,issymchr); //a->v.s sym_t *sym = shget(, a->s); if (sym) { if (sym->desc == SYM_REG) { a->desc = NRM_ARG_REG; a->v.w = sym->v.w; } else if (sym->desc == SYM_EQU) { flm_minclude(&this->flm, "<EQU>", sym->v.s, strlen(sym->v.s), 0); goto arg_retry; } else if (sym->desc == SYM_LBL) { a->desc = NRM_ARG_IMM; U32 v = sym->v.w; if (cls != NRM_CLS_DPR && cls != NRM_CLS_DPI) { if (cls == NRM_CLS_STLDI) bo = '['; a->v.sw = v; } else { a->v.w = nrm_enc_imm(v); if (a->v.w == NRM_BAD_IMM) fatal("can't encode `%d`", v); } } else { if (cls == NRM_CLS_B_BL) { //we the lable have value already we just provide it as immediate //otherwise we will register it with nrm_t.labels fatal("implement labeled branches"); } else { fatal("`%s` is unexpected", a->s); } } } else if (strlen(a->s) == 3) { int base = 10; char s[4]; strncpy(s, a->s, 3); s[3] = 0; upcase(s,s); int shtype = -1; int is_rrx = 0; if (!strcmp(s,"LSL")) shtype = NRM_O_LSL; else if (!strcmp(s,"LSR")) shtype = NRM_O_LSR; else if (!strcmp(s,"ASR")) shtype = NRM_O_ASR; else if (!strcmp(s,"ROR")) shtype = NRM_O_ROR; else if (!strcmp(s,"RRX")) { shtype = NRM_O_ROR; is_rrx = 1; } else { fatal("`%s` is unexpected", a->s); } a->desc = NRM_ARG_SFT; SKPWS(); if (is_rrx) { a->v.w = 0; } else if (nx == '#' || nx == '&' || ISWS(nx)) { if (nx == '#') { rd(); } if (nx == '&') { base = 16; } READ_NUM(v,base) if (v > 31) fatal("shift value `%d` is larger than 31", v); a->v.w = (v<<7) | (shtype<<5); } else if (isalpha(c)) { RDS(a->s,issymchr); sym_t *sym = shget(, a->s); if (!sym || sym->desc != SYM_REG) { fatal("`%s` is unexpected", a->s); } a->v.w = (sym->v.w<<8)|NRM_SFT_REG; } else { fatal("operand %d is invalid", n); } } else { if (C.pass == 0) { dld_t dld; FLLOC(row,col,name,cflp_saved()); dld.row = row; dld.col = col; = strdup(name); dld.pc = alen(C.out); nrm_skip_till_eol(this); //ignored for now *cflp->shd = 0; cflp->shd = 0; dld.expr = strdup(shd); aput(C.dld,dld); aput(C.out,0); aput(C.out,0); aput(C.out,0); aput(C.out,0); return; } else { fatal("symbol `%s` is undefined", a->s); } } } else if (c == '#') { int base = 10; rd(); SKPWS(); if (nx == '\"') { int tc = rd(); RDS(a->s,!ISTC); rd(); if (strlen(a->s)>1) fatal("char literal #\"%s\" is too big", a->s); a->v.w = a->s[0]; //assume ASCII } else { if (nx == '&') { read_hex_imm: base = 16; rd(); } a->desc = NRM_ARG_IMM; READ_NUM(v,base); if (cls != NRM_CLS_DPR && cls != NRM_CLS_DPI) { if (cls == NRM_CLS_STLDI) bo = '['; a->v.sw = v; } else { a->v.w = nrm_enc_imm(v); if (a->v.w == NRM_BAD_IMM) fatal("can't encode `%d`", v); } } } else if (c == '&') { goto read_hex_imm; } else if (c == '=') { fatal("implement `=` reading."); } else if (c == '|') { fatal("implement `|` reading."); } else if (c == '[') { if (bo) fatal("unexpected `%c`", c); rd(); bo = c; bd++; bs = n; n--; } else if (c == ']') { rd(); if (bo!='[') fatal("unexpected `%c`",c); be = n; bd--; n--; } else if (c == '-') { if (cls != NRM_CLS_STLDI) fatal("unexpected `%c`",c); rd(); nr = n; n--; } else if (c == '!') { if (cls != NRM_CLS_STLDI && cls != NRM_CLS_STLDM) fatal("unexpected `%c`",c); rd(); wb = n; n--; } else if (c == '{') { if (cls != NRM_CLS_STLDM) fatal("unexpected `%c`",c); rd(); U32 regs = 0; int prev = -1; int interp = 0; SKPWS(); for (;;) { int c = nx; if (isalpha(c)) { RDS(a->s,issymchr); sym_t *sym = shget(, a->s); if (!sym || sym->desc != SYM_REG) fatal("`%s` is unexpected", a->s); if (interp) { interp = 0; int a = prev; int b = sym->v.w; if (a > b) { int t = b; b = a-1; a = t-1; } while (a++ < b) regs |= 1<<a; prev = sym->v.w; } else { prev = sym->v.w; regs |= 1<<prev; } } else if (c == '-') { rd(); interp = 1; } else if (c == ',') { rd(); } else if (c == '}') { rd(); break; } else { fatal("unexpected `%c`",c); } } SKPWS(); if (nx == '^') { rd(); regs |= NRM_LOAD_PSR_FORCE_USER_MODE; } as[n].desc = NRM_ARG_RES; as[n].v.w = regs; } else { fatal("operand %d is invalid", n); } SKPWS(); SKPAE(); } if (n > 4) fatal("too many operands"); //too many args if (bo) { if (bd) fatal("unclosed `%c`", bo); int bn = be-bs; if (n == 0 || (bn > 1 && be != n)) fatal("invalid `%c` specification", bo); } //skip comment till EOL if (nx == ';') nrm_skip_comment(this); //printf("l=%s m=%s a=%s b=%s c=%s d=%s\n", l, m,a,b,c,d); switch (cls) { case NRM_CLS_DPR: case NRM_CLS_DPI: //should we allow partially encoded opcodes //if (n != 2) fatal("too %s operands", n > 2 ? "many" : "little"); if (n < 2) fatal("too little operands"); if (as[0].desc != NRM_ARG_REG) fatal("operand 0 is invalid"); U32 opc = NRM_OPC(dsc); if (NRM_IS_CTDP(opc)) dsc |= as[0].v.w<<16; else dsc |= as[0].v.w<<12; if (as[1].desc == NRM_ARG_REG) dsc |= as[1].v.w; else if (as[1].desc == NRM_ARG_IMM) dsc |= as[1].v.w; else fatal("operand 1 is invalid"); if (n > 2) { if (as[2].desc == NRM_ARG_SFT && as[1].desc == NRM_ARG_REG) { dsc |= as[2].v.w; } else { fatal("operand 2 is invalid"); } if (n > 3) { fatal("finish implementing DP opcodes"); } } break; case NRM_CLS_STLDI: //NRM_CLS_STLDR can't occur before this switch if (n < 2) fatal("too little operands"); if (n > 4) fatal("too many operands"); if (wb && (wb != n || n == 2)) fatal("unexpected `%c`",'!'); if (as[0].desc != NRM_ARG_REG) fatal("operand 0 is invalid"); int trans = 0; if (dsc&0x1) { trans = 1; dsc ^= 1; } dsc |= as[0].v.w<<12; if (bo != '[') fatal("missing [...] base"); if (as[1].desc == NRM_ARG_REG) { dsc |= as[1].v.w<<16; //base register } else if (as[1].desc == NRM_ARG_IMM) { if (n > 2) { fatal("offset is invalid"); } dsc |= 15<<16; //pc relative addressing S32 sw = (S32)as[1].v.w - (S32)this->pc - 8; if (sw >= 0) dsc |= NRM_UP; else sw = -sw; dsc |= sw; } else { fatal("base register is invalid"); } if (n == 2) { dsc |= NRM_UP; //FIXME: should we really add these? //consult objasm output if (!trans) dsc |= NRM_PRE; } else { if (as[2].desc == NRM_ARG_IMM) { S32 sw = as[1].v.w; if (sw >= 0) dsc |= NRM_UP; else sw = -sw; dsc |= sw; } else if (as[2].desc == NRM_ARG_REG) { dsc |= (NRM_CLS_STLDR<<25); dsc |= as[2].v.w; if (nr && nr == 2) nr = 0; else dsc |= NRM_UP; } else { fatal("offset is invalid"); } if (wb) dsc |= NRM_WRITEBACK; if (be == n) if (!trans) dsc |= NRM_PRE; else { if (wb && wb != be) fatal("unexpected `%c`",'!'); } if (n > 3) { if (as[3].desc == NRM_ARG_SFT && as[2].desc == NRM_ARG_REG) { dsc |= as[3].v.w; } else { fatal("operand 2 is invalid"); } } } if (nr) fatal("unexpected `%c`",'-'); //placed somewhere randomly break; case NRM_CLS_STLDM: if (n != 2) fatal("too %s operands", n > 2 ? "many" : "little"); if (wb) { if (wb != 1) fatal("unexpected `%c`",'!'); dsc |= NRM_WRITEBACK; } if (as[0].desc == NRM_ARG_REG) dsc |= as[0].v.w<<16; //base register else fatal("base register is invalid"); if (as[1].desc == NRM_ARG_RES) dsc |= as[1].v.w; //base register else fatal("register set is invalid"); break; case NRM_CLS_B_BL: if (n != 1) fatal("too %s operands", n > 1 ? "many" : "little"); if (as[0].desc != NRM_ARG_IMM) fatal("immediate expected"); //FIXME: this code should be moved into a seprate function // since it can be reused for patching S32 sw = as[0].v.sw; if (sw & 0x3) fatal("unaligned destination"); sw -= 8; //PC - 2 instructions if (sw < 0) sw = (U32)sw & 0x3FFFFFF; dsc |= sw>>2; break; case NRM_CLS_SWI: if (n != 1) fatal("too %s operands", n > 1 ? "many" : "little"); if (as[0].desc != NRM_ARG_IMM) fatal("immediate expected"); #define MAX_SWI_INDEX 0xFFFFFF if (as[0].v.w > MAX_SWI_INDEX) fatal("SWI number is larger than %d", MAX_SWI_INDEX); dsc |= as[0].v.w; break; default: fatal("operation `%s` is unimplemented", m); break; } do_output: nrm_outw(this, dsc); } static uint8_t *nrm_do(CTX) { C.pass = 0; C.out = 0; while (!ISFLE(nx)) { this->pc = alen(this->out); nrm_do_expr(this); if (nx == '\n') rd(); } U8 *r = C.out; C.out = 0; C.pass++; for (int i = 0; i < alen(C.dld); i++) { C.dldi = i; flm_minclude(&this->flm, C.dld[i].name, C.dld[i].expr ,strlen(C.dld[i].expr), 0); U32 spc = alen(C.out); this->pc = C.dld[i].pc; nrm_do_expr(this); U32 dpc = C.dld[i].pc; while (spc < alen(C.out)) r[dpc++] = C.out[spc++]; //patch it } arrfree(C.out); C.out = 0; return r; } void nrm_include(CTX, char *filename) { flm_include(&C.flm, filename); } /////////////////////// NRM PROCESSING LOOP //////////////////////////////////// static uint8_t *nrm_do_cstr(nrm_opt_t *opt, char *cstr) { nrm_t *nrm = new_nrm(opt); nrm_cstr(nrm, cstr); uint8_t *r = nrm_do(nrm); del_nrm(nrm); return r; } static uint8_t *nrm_do_file(nrm_opt_t *opt, char *filename) { nrm_t *nrm = new_nrm(opt); nrm_include(nrm, filename); uint8_t *r = nrm_do(nrm); del_nrm(nrm); return r; } /////////////////////////// STANDALONE ///////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef NRM_STANDALONE //////////////////////////// ncu_file.h //////////////////////////////////////// #define FILE_SIZE_ERROR 0xFFFFFFFF static uint32_t fileSize(char *filename) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) return FILE_SIZE_ERROR; fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); uint32_t sz = ftell(fp); fclose(fp); return sz; } static uint8_t *fileGet(uint32_t *rsize, char *filename) { uint32_t sz = fileSize(filename); if (sz == FILE_SIZE_ERROR) return 0; FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) return 0; *rsize = sz; uint8_t *p = 0; arrsetlen(p, sz+1); p[sz] = 0; fread(p, 1, sz, fp); fclose(fp); return p; } static int fileSet(char *filename, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) return 0; fwrite(data, 1, size, fp); fclose(fp); return 1; } static int fileExist(char *filename) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) return 0; fclose(fp); return 1; } //////////////////////////////// MAIN ////////////////////////////////////////// #define XD_NO 0x80 static void xd(uint8_t *p, int n, uint32_t s, uint32_t opt) { int i; int ll = (opt&0xFF); int j = 0; if (!(opt&XD_NO)) printf("%06x: ", s); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%02X", p[i]); if (++j == ll || i+1 == n) { printf("\n"); if (!(opt&XD_NO) && i+1 != n) printf("%06x: ", s+i+1); j = 0; } else { printf(" "); } } } static void cbFatal(void *ncm, char *macro ,char *file, int row, int col, char *text) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d\n", file, row+1, col+1); if (macro) fprintf(stderr, " During macro expansion `%s`\n", macro); fprintf(stderr, " Fatal: %s\n", text); exit(-1); } static uint8_t *cbGet(void *handle, uint32_t *rsize, char *filename) { return fileGet(rsize, filename); } static int cbExists(void *handle, char *filename) { return fileExist(filename); } static void p(char *s) { printf("%s\n", s); } void usage() { p("NRM 0.1 New ARM Assembler by Nancy Sadkov (public domain CC0 version)"); p(""); p("Usage: nrm [keyword arguments] sourcefile objectfile"); //FIXME: implement rest of the ObJAsm options below #if 0 p(" nrm [keyword arguments] -o objectfile sourcefile"); p("Keyword options (upper case shows allowable abbreviation):"); p(""); p("-Help Output this infomation"); p("-LIST <file> Create a listing file:"); p(" -NOTerse Terse flag off (default on)"); p(" -Width <n> Listing page width (default 79)"); p(" -Length <n> Listing page length (default 66)"); p(" -Xref List X-ref info on symbols (default off)"); p("-VIA <file> Read in extra comm line arguments from <file>"); p("-ERRors <file> Write error output to file"); p("-LIttleend Assemble code for little-endian memory"); p("-BIgend Assemble code for big-endian memory"); p("-Apcs NONE|3<quals> Specify variany of APCS in use (in any)"); p("-Depend <file> Write 'make' source file dependency information to <file>"); p("-ThrowBack Support error processing by Desktop Tools & compliant tools"); p("-DeskTop Set the work directory for the assembler as <dir>"); p("-Esc Enable C-style escape sequences (eg '\n', '\t')"); p("-UpperCase Recognise instruction mnemonics in upper case only"); p("-I <dir>[,<dir>] Include <dir>s on the source file search path"); p("-CPU <target-cpu> Set the target ARM core type"); p("-PreDefine <directive> Pre-execute a SET{A|L|S} directive"); p("-G Output ASD debugging tables"); p("-NOCache Turn off source caching (default on)"); p("-MaxCache <n> Set maximum source cache size (default 8MB)"); p("-ABSolute Accept AAsm source code"); p("-NOWarn Disable all warning messages"); p(""); p(""); p("-FRom, -TO, -Print Supported for backward compatibility"); p("-Quit Recognised for backward compatibility, but ignored"); #endif exit(0); } #if 0 //the below struct is for reference header only //dont cast/memcpy it as is, since we want this code //to work on big endian machines typedef struct { /*00*/U32 bl_decompress; //NOP if the image is not compressed. /*04*/U32 bl_relocate; //NOP if the image is not self-relocating. /*08*/U32 bl_init; //NOP if the image has none. /*0C*/U32 entry; //either BL to entry or an offset for non executables //Non-executable AIF uses an offset, not BL /*10*/U32 swi_os_exit; //...last ditch in case of return. /*14*/U32 ro_sz; //Includes header size if executable AIF; //excludes headser size if non-executable AIF. /*18*/U32 rw_sz; //Exact size - a multiple of 4 bytes /*1C*/U32 debug_sz; //Exact size - a multiple of 4 bytes /*20*/U32 zero_sz; //`.bss` section size, cleared by bl_init //a multiple of 4 bytes /*24*/U32 debug_type; //0, 1, 2, or 3 /*28*/U32 base; //Address the image (code) was linked at. //typically 0x8000 /*2C*/U32 workspace; //Min work space - in bytes - to be reserved //preallocates heap /*30*/U32 mode; //Address mode: 26/32 + 3 flag bytes //LS byte contains 26 or 32; //bit 8 set when using a separate data base. /*34*/U32 data_base; //Address the image data was linked at. /*38*/U32 reserved0; //set to 0 /*3C*/U32 reserved1; //set to 0 /*40*/U32 bl_debug_init; //NOP if unused. /*44*/U32 init[15]; //init code; typically zeroes zero_sz bytes of bss } aifhdr_t; #endif //basic header which just transfers control to the code below it static uint8_t nrm_aif_header[0x80] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xE1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xE1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xE1, 0x1B, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEB, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEF, 0xAC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xE1, 0x0F, 0xC0, 0x4E, 0xE0, 0x0C, 0xC0, 0x8F, 0xE0, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x9C, 0xE9, 0x10, 0xC0, 0x4C, 0xE2, 0x30, 0x20, 0x9C, 0xE5, 0x01, 0x0C, 0x12, 0xE3, 0x34, 0xC0, 0x9C, 0x15, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x8C, 0x00, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x8C, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xE3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x53, 0xE3, 0x0E, 0xF0, 0xA0, 0xD1, 0x04, 0x00, 0x8C, 0xE4, 0x04, 0x30, 0x53, 0xE2, 0xFB, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xEA }; int nrm_dump_aif(char *filename, uint8_t *r, uint32_t len) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!f) return -1; fwrite(nrm_aif_header, 1, 0x80, f); fwrite(r, 1, len, f); fclose(f); return 0; } static void b2c(uint8_t *p, int n) { int i; int j = 0; printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("0x%02X", p[i]); if (++j == 4 || i+1 == n) { printf(",\n"); printf(" "); j = 0; } else { printf(", "); } } printf("\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { nrm_opt_t o; nrm_opt_init(&o); o.fatal = cbFatal; o.exists = cbExists; o.get = cbGet; #if 0 uint32_t fsz; uint8_t *p = fileGet(&fsz, argv[2]); b2c(p, 0x80); exit(-1); #endif //printf("%s,%s\n", argv[1], argv[2]); #if 1 if (argc != 3) usage(); uint8_t *r = nrm_do_file(&o, argv[1]); //xd(r, alen(r), 0x8080, 4); if (nrm_dump_aif(argv[2], r, alen(r))) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't creare `%s`\n", argv[2]); exit(-1); } arrfree(r); #else uint8_t *r = nrm_do_cstr(&o, "label ldmib r12,{r0,r1,r2,r3} ;; Comment!"); xd(r, alen(r), 0, 4); #endif return 0; } #endif /*NRM_STANDALONE*/
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