13 days ago
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USE Enterprise --Q1 What are the full details of all employees in the alphabetical order of last then first names within every department? SELECT * FROM [Enterprise.Employee] e WHERE e.departmentId IS NOT NULL ORDER BY e.departmentId, e.employeeLastName, e.employeeFirstName; --Q2 How many employee couples? SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'NumberOfCouples' FROM [Enterprise.Marry]; --Q3 What are the employees’ names, the corresponding department names and phone numbers, in the alphabetical order of last then first names? SELECT e.employeeFirstName, e.employeeLastName, d.departmentName, d.departmentPhone FROM [Enterprise.Employee] e JOIN [Enterprise.Department] d ON e.departmentId = d.departmentId ORDER BY e.employeeLastName, e.employeeFirstName; --Q4 For each department name, what are the corresponding phone number and the number of employees in the department, in the order of department names? SELECT d.departmentName, d.departmentPhone, COUNT(e.employeeId) AS 'NumberOfEmployees' FROM [Enterprise.Department] d LEFT JOIN [Enterprise.Employee] e ON d.departmentId = e.departmentId GROUP BY d.departmentName, d.departmentPhone ORDER BY d.departmentName; --Q5 For each department name, what are the corresponding phone number and the number of employees in the department, in the descending order of numbers of employees in the department? SELECT d.departmentName, d.departmentPhone, COUNT(e.employeeId) AS 'NumberOfEmployees' FROM [Enterprise.Department] d LEFT JOIN [Enterprise.Employee] e ON d.departmentId = e.departmentId GROUP BY d.departmentName, d.departmentPhone ORDER BY 'NumberOfEmployees' DESC; --Q6 What are employee names, in the alphabetical order of their last then first names, and numbers of assigned projects, where each employee was assigned to at least two projects? SELECT e.employeeFirstName, e.employeeLastName, COUNT(A.projectId) AS 'NumberOfProjects' FROM [Enterprise.Employee] e JOIN [Enterprise.Assign] a ON e.employeeId = a.employeeId GROUP BY e.employeeFirstName, e.employeeLastName HAVING COUNT(a.projectId) >= 2 ORDER BY E.employeeLastName, E.employeeFirstName; --Q7 What are all details of employees in the departments, for which more than five employees work in? SELECT e.* FROM [Enterprise.Employee] e JOIN ( SELECT departmentId FROM [Enterprise.Employee] GROUP BY departmentId HAVING COUNT(employeeId) > 5 ) d ON e.departmentId = d.departmentId; --Q8 For each project, what are the project number and the difference between its estimated cost and the overall average estimated cost of all projects? SELECT p.projectId, p.projectName, (p.projectEstCost - (SELECT AVG(projectEstCost) FROM [Enterprise.Project])) AS 'CostDifference' FROM [Enterprise.Project] p; --Q9 For the city with population above the average population among all cities, what are all details about the city and how many more population compared to the average population? SELECT c.*, (c.cityPopulation - (SELECT AVG(cityPopulation) FROM [Enterprise.City])) AS 'PopulationDifference' FROM [Enterprise.City] c WHERE c.cityPopulation > (SELECT AVG(cityPopulation) FROM [Enterprise.City]); --Q10 What are all details about the skills in the order of their descriptions, which employees apply on projects with estimated cost higher than 15000, using subquery SELECT S.* FROM [Enterprise.Skill] s WHERE s.skillId IN ( SELECT a.skillId FROM [Enterprise.Apply] a JOIN [Enterprise.Project] p ON a.projectId = p.projectId WHERE p.projectEstCost > 15000 ) ORDER BY s.skillName; --Q11 What are all details about the oldest employee, using uncorrelated subquery? SELECT * FROM [Enterprise.Employee] e WHERE e.employeeDOB = (SELECT MIN(employeeDOB) FROM [Enterprise.Employee]); --Q12 What are all details about the oldest employee, using correlated subquery? SELECT e1.* FROM [Enterprise.Employee] e1 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [Enterprise.Employee] e2 WHERE e2.employeeDOB < e1.employeeDOB ); --Q13 What are the details about projects, which employees either are assigned to or apply skills on, without using subquery? SELECT DISTINCT p.* FROM [Enterprise.Project] p JOIN [Enterprise.Assign] a ON p.projectId = a.projectId JOIN [Enterprise.Apply] ap ON p.projectId = ap.projectId; --Q14 What are the details about projects, which employees either are assigned to or apply skills on, using subquery? SELECT * FROM [Enterprise.Project] p WHERE p.projectId IN ( SELECT projectId FROM [Enterprise.Assign] a ) OR p.projectId IN ( SELECT projectId FROM [Enterprise.Apply] a ); --Q15 What are the numbers of project assignments for all possible combinations of employees and then cities? (Hint: This is an OLAP query using GROUP BY CUBE.) SELECT e.employeeId, c.cityId, COUNT(a.projectId) AS NumberOfAssignments FROM [Enterprise.Employee] e JOIN [Enterprise.Assign] a ON e.employeeId = a.employeeId JOIN [Enterprise.City] c ON a.cityId = c.cityId WHERE e.employeeId IS NOT NULL AND c.cityId IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CUBE(e.employeeId, c.cityId) HAVING COUNT(a.projectId) > 0;
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