
mail@pastecode.io avatar
2 years ago
9.5 kB
package mwolczecki;


The idea of this coding challenge, is to implement a service able to subscribe to upstream
balance change notifications from the GeneralBalanceService, keep an accumulated running balance
for each customer, and send downstream balance update notifications for subscribed customers.

1. Subscribe to balance changes for all customers by providing a GeneralBalanceUpdateCallback
   to the GeneralBalanceService instance received on the constructor.
2. Update internal data-structure to hold balances for each customer when the
   GeneralBalanceUpdateCallback::onBalanceUpdate method is called.
3. If the customer has a registered callback provided via the CustomerBalanceService::subscribe
   method, call the CustomerBalanceUpdateCallback::onBalanceUpdate method with an instance of

+-----------+                                    +-------------------------+                            +-----------------------+
| Customer  |                                    | CustomerBalanceService  |                            | GeneralBalanceService |
+-----------+                                    +-------------------------+                            +-----------------------+
      |                                                       | -------------------------------\                    |
      |                                                       |-| ::new(GeneralBalanceService) |                    |
      |                                                       | |------------------------------|                    |
      |                                                       |                                                     |
      |                                                       | subscribe(GeneralBalanceUpdateCallback)             |
      |                                                       |---------------------------------------------------->|
      |                                                       |                                                     |
      | subscribe(CustomerBalanceUpdateCallback)              |                                                     |
      |------------------------------------------------------>|                                                     |
      |                                                       |                                                     |
      |                                                       |                                                     |
      |                                                       |                                                     |
      |                                                       |                                        -----------\ |
      |                                                       |                                        | customer |-|
      |                                                       |                                        | buy/sell | |
      |                                                       |                                        | crypto   | |
      |                                                       |                                        |----------| |
      |                                                       |                                                     |
      |                                                       |                        GeneralBalanceUpdateCallback |
      |                                                       |             ::onBalanceUpdate(GeneralBalanceUpdate) |
      |                                                       |<----------------------------------------------------|
      |                                                       | ------------------\                                 |
      |                                                       |-| update internal |                                 |
      |                                                       | | balances data   |                                 |
      |                                                       | | structure       |                                 |
      |                                                       | |-----------------|                                 |
      |                                                       |                                                     |
      |                         CustomerBalanceUpdateCallback |                                                     |
      |              ::onBalanceUpdate(CustomerBalanceUpdate) |                                                     |
      |<------------------------------------------------------|                                                     |
      |                                                       |                                                     |


import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

enum Token {

 * Message/Event received from the upstream GeneralBalanceService,
 * for any change in the balance of any token for any customer
 * Balance Increases if getChange() > 0
 * Balance Decreases if getChange() < 0
interface GeneralBalanceUpdate {
    long getCustomer();

    Token getToken();

    double getChange();

 * A callback provided to the upstream GeneralBalanceService, to be called
 * whenever there is a change in the balance of a customer for any token
interface GeneralBalanceUpdateCallback {
    void onBalanceUpdate(GeneralBalanceUpdate update);

 * Service to subscribe for updates in the balances of all customers
 * (provided)
interface GeneralBalanceService {
    void subscribe(GeneralBalanceUpdateCallback callback);

 * A callback provided to the CustomerBalanceService, to be called
 * whenever there is a change in the balance of a token for the subscribed customer
interface CustomerBalanceUpdateCallback {
    void onBalanceUpdate(CustomerBalanceUpdate update);

 * Message/Event sent to the downstream customer balance subscription, whenever
 * the balance for a token for that customer changes
class CustomerBalanceUpdate {

    private final Token token;
    private double amount;
    private double change;

    public CustomerBalanceUpdate(Token token, double amount, double change) {
        this.token = token;
        this.amount = amount;
        this.change = change;

    public Token getToken() {
        return token;

    public double getAmount() {
        return amount;

    public double getChange() {
        return change;

 * A Service used by customers to get notifications of changes
 * to their own specific balances, for each {@link Token}
 * (implement)

class CustomerBalanceService implements GeneralBalanceUpdateCallback {

    private final GeneralBalanceService balanceService;
    private final Map<Long, CustomerDetails> customers;

    public CustomerBalanceService(GeneralBalanceService balanceService) {
        this.balanceService = balanceService;
        customers = new HashMap<>();
        // TODO: subscribe to GeneralBalanceService notifications

    private void updateBalance(long customer, Token token, double change) {
        // TODO: update in-memory data structure to reflect the received balance change

    public void subscribe(long customer, CustomerBalanceUpdateCallback callback) {
        if (!customers.containsKey(customer)) {
            Map<Token, Double> collect = Arrays.stream(Token.values()).collect(Collectors.toMap(i -> i, i -> 0d));
            customers.put(customer, new CustomerDetails(List.of(callback), collect));
        } else {
            CustomerDetails customerDetails = customers.get(customer);
            List<CustomerBalanceUpdateCallback> customerBalanceUpdateCallbacks = new ArrayList<>(customerDetails.callbacks);
            customers.put(customer, new CustomerDetails(customerBalanceUpdateCallbacks, customerDetails.currencyData));
        // TODO: store the callback provided by the customer, so it can be triggered when a change is received

    public void onBalanceUpdate(GeneralBalanceUpdate update) {
        long customer = update.getCustomer();
        if (!customers.containsKey(customer)) {
            Map<Token, Double> collect = Arrays.stream(Token.values()).collect(Collectors.toMap(i -> i, i -> 0d));
            customers.put(customer, new CustomerDetails(Collections.emptyList(), collect));

        CustomerDetails customerDetails = customers.get(customer);
        Map<Token, Double> currencyData = customerDetails.currencyData;

        currencyData.put(update.getToken(), currencyData.get(update.getToken()) + update.getChange());
        CustomerBalanceUpdate customerBalanceUpdate = new CustomerBalanceUpdate(update.getToken(), currencyData.get(update.getToken()), update.getChange());
        customerDetails.callbacks.forEach(i -> i.onBalanceUpdate(customerBalanceUpdate));

    record CustomerDetails(List<CustomerBalanceUpdateCallback> callbacks, Map<Token, Double> currencyData) {
