
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
9.6 kB
% Resume in Latex
% Author
% License : MIT

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%%%%%%  CV STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\name}{Your Name} % Your Name
\newcommand{\course}{Your Program} % Your Program
\newcommand{\roll}{xxxxxxx} % Your Roll No.
\newcommand{\phone}{xxxxxxxxxx} % Your Phone Number
\newcommand{\emaila}{youremail@email.com} %Email 1
\newcommand{\emailb}{officialemail@nitp.ac.in} %Email 2


\includegraphics[width=2cm,clip]{MNNIT logo.jpg}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{L r} \\
  \textbf{\Large \ SHIVANI KUSHWAHA} & {\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faPhone}\ +91-\ 8707571361}\\
   & \href{mailto:https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#sent}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faEnvelope}\ {kushwahashivani51584@gmail.com}} \\
   & \href{mailto:https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#sent}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faEnvelope}\ {shivani.20214115@mnnit.ac.in}} \\
  &  \href{https://github.com/shivaniks}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faGithub}\ {shivaniks}} \\
  {Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj} & \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/shivani-kushwaha-mnnit/}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faLinkedin}\ {shivani-kushwaha-mnnit}}
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      {Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology,Allahabad}{CPI:7.69}
      {B.Tech and Computer Sciene and Engineering}{Till 3rd semester }
      {Onkar Nath Saryu Devi Intermediate Collage Umariya Badal,Prayagraj}{Percentage:67}
      {Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Utter Pradesh}{2019}
      {Onkar Nath Saryu Devi Intermediate Collage Umariya Badal,Prayagraj}{Percentage:85 }
      {Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Utter Pradesh}{2017}


\section{\textbf{Personal Projects}}
      {\textbf{MAPIFY}}%Project Name

        {\textbf{Tools \& technologies used :} HTML,React.js,Node.js,CSS,Express.js,MongoDb,Maplibre Library.}
      {\textbf{More Description of Project :}  
      \item {User can login and signup.}
      \item {Displays a map:Displays a map on the screen for users to mark a location or see other reviews. }
      \item {Reviews:Allows users to add reviews about a particular location or monument and other user can see the reviews and plan their trips accordingly.}
      {\textbf{FitZone}}%Project Name
        {\textbf{Tools \& technologies used :} HTML,React.js,Node.js,CSS,Express.js,MongoDb.}

      {\textbf{More Description of Project :}  
      \item {FitZone is a comprehensive resource for all those are looking to improve their health and Fitness.}
      \item {It is a health and fitness website offering various features like locating nearby gyms ,lab tests and expert advices.}
      \item {Users not only get the best of exercises rather personalized diet plans,access to lab tests and user can custamise their workout plas based on their body shapes.}
       \item {The website also provides video content from experts on mental health and welling.}     
      {\textbf{BLOG APPLICATION}}%Project Name

        {\textbf{Tools \& technologies used :} HTML,Node.js,CSS,Express.js,MongoDb.}

      {\textbf{More Description of Project :}  
      \item {User can create blog after login.}
      \item {User can create Blog on different Categories like-Music,Movies,Sports,Tech,Fashion and can publish. }
      \item {User can delete Blog and make some changes on Blog Created by Particular user.}
      \item {User can search Blogs which is created and can comment.}

 %---------------Coding Profiles--------------
 \section{\textbf{Coding Profile}}
    \textbullet{} \href{https://leetcode.com/kushwahashivani51584/}{Leetcode   }
    \textbullet{} \href{https://www.hackerrank.com/kushwaha_shivani}{HackerRank   }
    \textbullet{} \href{https://auth.geeksforgeeks.org/user/kushwahashiuysn/}{GeeksForGeeks   }
    \textbullet{} \href{https://www.codechef.com/users/kshivanik}{CodeChef   }
%-----------Technical skills-----------------
\section{\textbf{Technical Skills and Interests}}
 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.05in, label={}]
     \textbf{Programming Languages}{: C,C++,JAVA,JS} \\
     \textbf{Libraries}{: React } \\
     \textbf{Development Skills}{: Frontend} \\
     \textbf{Developer Tools}{: VS Code,IntelliJ} \\

\resumePOR{Achievement } % Award
    {Participated in Softathalon,a mock placement event conducting during Avishkar 22} % Event
    {2022} %Event Year
\resumePOR{Achievement } % Award
    {Cracked JEE mains with 98.25 percentile} % Event
    {2021} %Event Year


\resumePOR{Reading books,Listening Songs ,dance. } 

