#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h> #define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels #define OLED_RESET -1 // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin) Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET); unsigned long startTime; void setup() { // Initialize the display if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) { Serial.println(F("SSD1306 allocation failed")); for(;;); } display.clearDisplay(); startTime = millis(); // Start the timer } void loop() { // Run the animation for 5 seconds if (millis() - startTime < 5000) { animateComplexIlluminati(); } else{ display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 10); // Display static text display.println("WELCOME"); display.display(); delay(2000); display.clearDisplay(); display.setTextSize(2); display.setTextColor(WHITE); display.setCursor(5, 10); display.println("SHOOFE"); display.setTextSize(1); display.setCursor(28, 30); display.println("HAPPY TRACKING"); display.display(); delay(2000); display.clearDisplay(); display.display(); }} // Function to animate the complex Illuminati symbol void animateComplexIlluminati() { display.clearDisplay(); // Draw a pulsating triangle (Illuminati symbol) int16_t x1 = 64, y1 = 16; int16_t x2 = 32, y2 = 48; int16_t x3 = 96, y3 = 48; static int pulsateOffset = 0; static bool pulsateGrow = true; if (pulsateGrow) { pulsateOffset++; if (pulsateOffset > 4) pulsateGrow = false; } else { pulsateOffset--; if (pulsateOffset < -4) pulsateGrow = true; } display.drawTriangle(x1, y1 - pulsateOffset, x2, y2 + pulsateOffset, x3, y3 + pulsateOffset, SSD1306_WHITE); // Animate the eye inside the triangle static int16_t eyeX = 64; static bool eyeDir = true; // Blink the eye static bool eyeOpen = true; static unsigned long blinkTime = millis(); if (millis() - blinkTime > 500) { // Blink every 500ms eyeOpen = !eyeOpen; blinkTime = millis(); } if (eyeOpen) { // Draw the eye display.drawCircle(eyeX, 32, 6, SSD1306_WHITE); // Outer circle of the eye display.fillCircle(eyeX, 32, 2, SSD1306_WHITE); // Inner pupil } // Move the eye back and forth if (eyeDir) { eyeX++; if (eyeX >= 72) eyeDir = false; // Change direction } else { eyeX--; if (eyeX <= 56) eyeDir = true; // Change direction } // Animate rays emanating from the triangle static int rayAngle = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 45) { int rayX = 64 + (20 + pulsateOffset) * cos((rayAngle + i) * PI / 180); int rayY = 32 + (20 + pulsateOffset) * sin((rayAngle + i) * PI / 180); display.drawLine(64, 32, rayX, rayY, SSD1306_WHITE); } rayAngle += 5; // Rotate the rays slowly display.display(); // Show the current frame delay(50); // Adjust the speed of the animation }
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