import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class PandemicSimulation: def __init__(self, population_size, initial_infected_count, transmission_rate, recovery_chance, random_state=None): """ Initialize the simulation parameters. Parameters ---------- population_size : int Total number of individuals in the population. initial_infected_count : int Number of individuals initially infected at the start of the simulation. transmission_rate : float (0.0 to 1.0) Probability that an infection is transmitted from an infected to a healthy individual during a meeting. recovery_chance : float (0.0 to 1.0) Probability that an infected individual recovers at the end of a day. random_state : int or None Optional seed for reproducibility. """ self.population_size = population_size self.initial_infected_count = initial_infected_count self.transmission_rate = transmission_rate self.recovery_chance = recovery_chance self.rng = np.random.default_rng(random_state) # Initialize population: True = infected, False = healthy self.population = np.zeros(population_size, dtype=bool) initially_infected_indices = self.rng.choice(population_size, initial_infected_count, replace=False) self.population[initially_infected_indices] = True self.days_elapsed = 0 def simulate_day(self): """ Simulate one day of meetings, infection spread, and recovery. """ # Randomly permute the population indices indices = self.rng.permutation(self.population_size) # Pair individuals: (indices[0], indices[1]), (indices[2], indices[3]), ... # If odd number of individuals, the last one doesn't meet anyone. pairs = indices.reshape(-1, 2) if self.population_size % 2 == 0 else indices[:-1].reshape(-1, 2) # Meeting step: transmit infection for p1, p2 in pairs: infected1 = self.population[p1] infected2 = self.population[p2] # If one infected and one healthy, infection might spread if infected1 and not infected2: # p2 gets infected with probability transmission_rate if self.rng.random() < self.transmission_rate: self.population[p2] = True elif infected2 and not infected1: # p1 gets infected with probability transmission_rate if self.rng.random() < self.transmission_rate: self.population[p1] = True # Recovery step: each infected recovers with probability recovery_chance infected_indices = np.where(self.population == True)[0] recoveries = self.rng.random(len(infected_indices)) < self.recovery_chance # Set recovered individuals to healthy self.population[infected_indices[recoveries]] = False # Increment day counter self.days_elapsed += 1 def run_until_cured(self, max_days=10_000): """ Run the simulation until no one is infected or until max_days is reached. Returns ------- int The number of days until the population is fully cured. """ while np.any(self.population) and self.days_elapsed < max_days: self.simulate_day() return self.days_elapsed # Set parameters for the simulation population_size = 10_000 initial_infected_count = 10 transmission_rate = 0.05 recovery_chance = 0.10 # Run a single simulation sim = PandemicSimulation(population_size, initial_infected_count, transmission_rate, recovery_chance, random_state=42) days = sim.run_until_cured() print(f"It took {days} days until the population was fully cured.") # Run multiple simulations to get an average n_simulations = 10_000 results = [] for i in range(n_simulations): sim = PandemicSimulation(population_size, initial_infected_count, transmission_rate, recovery_chance) days = sim.run_until_cured() results.append(days) avg_days = np.mean(results) print(f"Average days until cured over {n_simulations} simulations: {avg_days:.2f}") plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.hist(results, bins=n_simulations, edgecolor='black', alpha=0.7) plt.title('Distribution of Days Until Cured Over Multiple Simulations') plt.xlabel('Days Until Cured') plt.ylabel('Number of Simulations') plt.grid(True, alpha=0.3) plt.show()
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