3 months ago
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export const questionsData = { "1": [ { image: "q1" question: "A white arrow painted on a lane means....?", options: ["Stop before the arrow and yield to pedestrians", "You may move only in the direction of the arrow", "Move to the far left or far right lane as soon as the way is clear","It shows where you must stop"], correct: "You may move only in the direction of the arrow" }, { image: "q2" question: "Are drivers responsible for their passengers buckling up ?", options: ["Only if the passengers are in the front seat", "Only if the passengers are over 16 years of age", "Only if the passengers are in the back seat", "Only if the passengers are under 16 years of age"], correct: "Only if the passengers are under 16 years of age" }, { image: "q3" question: "When must drivers stop for school buses on roads with a median ?", options: ["When behind a stopped bus which has its upper red lights flashing", "Upon every approach to a school bus", "Every time the bus stops"], correct: "When behind a stopped bus which has its upper red lights flashing" }, { image: "q4" question: "On a roadway where traffic is moving in both directions, in what lane must a driver be before making a left turn?", options: ["The lane closest to the right-hand side of the roadway", "The lane immediately to the right of the center line of the roadway", "The lane does not matter provided the driver signals", "The lane closest to the left-hand side of the roadway"], correct: "The lane immediately to the right of the center line of the roadway" }, { image: "q5" question: "If a driver is caught driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) from ----------------, the police can immediately suspend the driver’s license up to three days for a first occurrence.?", options: ["0.07 to 0.08", "0.05 to 0.08", "0.08 to 0.10", "0.08 to 0.18"], correct: "0.05 to 0.08" }, { image: "q6" question: "If an emergency vehicle with lights on and sirens sounding is travelling on a street that allows for two-way traffic, what does the law require drivers to do??", options: ["Continue at the same speed", "Signal the driver to pass", "Speed up and get out of the way", "Pull to the right as far as possible and stop"], correct: "Pull to the right as far as possible and stop" }, { image: "q7" question: "Where there are no posted speed limits, the maximum speed in cities, towns and villages is:", options: ["30km/h", "60km/h", "40km/h", "50km/h"], correct: "50km/h", }, { image: "q8" question: "When the traffic signal light facing a driver is red and the driver intends to go straight through the intersection, what must the driver do first?", options: ["Stop, give pedestrians the right-of-way, then proceed with caution", "Slow down, proceed when the way is clear", "Stop, proceed when the way is clear", "Stop, wait until the light changes to green and the intersection is clear before moving through it"], correct: "Stop, wait until the light changes to green and the intersection is clear before moving through it", }, { image: "q9" question: "When entering a highway, what must drivers do??", options: ["Signal, increase speed and merge smoothly with traffic", "Stop on the acceleration lane, wait for an opening, and then enter the freeway rapidly", "Drive slowly and be prepared to stop for freeway traffic","Slow down, then enter the freeway at a sharp angle"], correct: "Signal, increase speed and merge smoothly with traffic", }, { image: "q10" question: "A flashing red beacon above an intersection means:", options: ["Slow down and drive with increased caution", "Slow down and if necessary yield right-of-way to vehicles approaching from the left or right", "Drivers must come to a complete stop and move through the intersection only when it is safe to do so", "Signal light is out of order, proceed with caution"], correct: "Drivers must come to a complete stop and move through the intersection only when it is safe to do so", }, { image: "q11" question: "When towing a trailer or boat, the driver of a motor vehicle is not permitted to carry the following in the trailer or boat:", options: ["Firearms", "People", "Flammable materials", "Camping equipment"], correct: "People", }, { image: "q12" question: "Why must a vehicle undergo emission testing?", options: ["Because the vehicle registration needs to be renewed", "Because the vehicle may be grossly polluting the environment", "All answers are correct", "Because the vehicle is past a certain age"], correct: "All answers are correct", }, { image: "q13" question: "When driving with headlights on, in what situations are drivers required to use low beam headlights?", options: ["within 150 metres of an oncoming vehicle", "within 300 metres of an oncoming vehicle", "within 30 metres of an oncoming vehicle", "within 50 metres of an oncoming vehicle"], correct: "within 150 metres of an oncoming vehicle", }, { image: "q14" question: "How many meters in both directions must drivers be able to see in order to make a legal U-turn?", options: ["250 metres", "150 metres", "50 metres", "100 metres"], correct: "150 metres", }, { image: "q15" question: "In Ontario, there is a seat belt law", options: ["Only when driving within a municipality", "Only when driving on an open highway", "Yes", "No"], correct: "Yes", }, { image: "q16" question: "When parked facing uphill with a curb:", options: ["Turn the steering wheel to the right", "Turn the steering wheel to the left", "The direction of the wheels doesn’t matter as long as the parking brake is set", "The front wheels must be parallel to the curb"], correct: "Turn the steering wheel to the left", }, { image: "q17" question: "If your phone rings while driving:", options: ["Let it go to voice mail", "All answers are correct", "Pull over and park to use your cell phone", "Have a passenger take the call"], correct: "All answers are correct", }, { image: "q18" question: "When a right turn against a red signal light is permitted, what does the law require drivers to do before entering the intersection and making the turn?", options: ["Slow down, signal and turn", "Slow down and proceed with caution", "Come to a complete stop, wait until the way is clear, and proceed when it is safe to do so.", "Stop, then edge into traffic"], correct: "Come to a complete stop, wait until the way is clear, and proceed when it is safe to do so.", }, { image: "q19" question: "Upon approaching a Yield sign, what does the law require drivers to do?", options: ["Stop, then enter oncoming traffic quickly", "Speed up and force their way into oncoming traffic", "Stop, then enter oncoming traffic slowly", "Slow down, stop if necessary, and proceed only when the way is clear"], correct: "Slow down, stop if necessary, and proceed only when the way is clear ", }, { image: "q20" question: "A flashing yellow beacon above an intersection:", options: ["Warns drivers to proceed with caution", "Requires drivers to stop if making a right turn", "Requires drivers to stop if making a left turn", "Permits drivers to continue at the same speed"], correct: "Warns drivers to proceed with caution", }, { image: "q21" question: "Upon approaching a stop sign, what does the law require drivers to do before entering the intersection?", options: ["Slow down, sound horn and proceed", "Slow down and if the way is clear, proceed", "Stop, sound horn, then proceed", "Stop, and when it is safe to do so, proceed"], correct: "Stop, and when it is safe to do so, proceed", }, { image: "q22" question: "In what lane must drivers be before making a left turn from a one-way street?", options: ["In the lane closest to the left-hand side of the roadway", "In the lane closest to the right-hand side of the roadway", "The lane does not matter provided the driver signals", "In the lane closest to the center line of the roadway"], correct: "In the lane closest to the left-hand side of the roadway", }, { image: "q23" question: "When does the law require lights on vehicles to be turned on?", options: ["Between sunset and sunrise", "Between half an hour before sunset to half an hour after sunrise and at any other time visibility is not clear for a distance of 150m", "No specified time", "Between sunset and sunrise as well as any other time visibility is not clear for a distance of 150m"], correct: "Between half an hour before sunset to half an hour after sunrise and at any other time visibility is not clear for a distance of 150m", }, { image: "q24" question: "When a police officer signals a driver to pull the vehicle over:", options: ["The driver must slow down and stop the vehicle in the driving lane it has been using", "The driver must slow down, pull over as far to the left as safely possible and come to a complete stop", "The driver must continue driving until the nearest parking lot, signal, pull into the parking lot, and stop", "The driver must slow down, pull over as far to the right as safely possible and come to a complete stop"], correct: "The driver must slow down, pull over as far to the right as safely possible and come to a complete stop", }, { image: "q25" question: "If a signal light changes from green to amber as a driver approaches an intersection, what should the driver do?", options: ["Speed up to clear the intersection as quickly as possible", "Stop. If stop cannot be made safely, proceed with caution", "Sound horn to warn pedestrians and other drivers that the vehicle will travel through the intersection.", "Maintain current speed and continue through the intersection."], correct: "Stop. If stop cannot be made safely, proceed with caution", }, { image: "q26" question: "Two solid lines painted on the pavement...?", options: ["It means the lane you are in, is ending or exiting and that you must change lanes", "Stop before the lines and yield to pedestrians", "it is unsafe to pass", "Guide traffic away from fixed objects such as bridge piers or concrete islands"], correct: "Guide traffic away from fixed objects such as bridge piers or concrete islands", }, { image: "q27" question: "Which driver has the right-of-way in a roundabout?", options: ["A driver approaching the roundabout", "A driver already in the roundabout", "A driver turning right into the roundabout", "A driver turning left into the roundabout"], correct: "A driver already in the roundabout", }, { image: "q28" question: "When arriving at an intersection which has no stop line, crosswalk or sidewalk, where must drivers stop?", options: ["Right beside the stop sign", "A little into the intersection", "At the edge of the intersection", "Right before the stop sign"], correct: "At the edge of the intersection", }, { image: "q29" question: "A person whose driver licence is under suspension, may", options: ["not operate a motor vehicle under any circumstance", "operate a motor vehicle to and from work", "operate a motor vehicle when accompanied by a licensed driver", "operate a motor vehicle in the case of an extreme emergency"], correct: "not operate a motor vehicle under any circumstance", }, { image: "q30" question: "When lights are required, drivers must use low beam headlights when following another vehicle within what distance?", options: ["within 120 metres", "within 30 metres", "within 60 metres", "within 100 metres"], correct: "within 60 metres", }, { image: "q31" question: "When a streetcar is stopped to take on or discharge passengers where there is no safety zone, what does the law require drivers to do before passing the streetcar?", options: ["Pass on the left side when the way is clear", "PaStop at least two metres behind the rear doors where passengers are getting on or offris", "Sound horn and pass with caution", "Stop behind the rear of the streetcar, then proceed with caution"], correct: "Stop at least two metres behind the rear doors where passengers are getting on or off", }, { image: "q32" question: "When it is safe to do so, passing other vehicles on the right side", options: ["Is not permitted under any circumstance", "Is permitted when the street or highway has two or more lanes for traffic in the direction the vehicle is traveling.", "Is permitted at any time on any street or highway", "Is permitted providing it is possible to do so by driving on the shoulder of the road"], correct: "Is permitted when the street or highway has two or more lanes for traffic in the direction the vehicle is traveling.", }, { image: "q33" question: "As you approach the curve....?", options: ["Slam on your brakes", "Stop before entering", "Speed up", "Try to determine the safe speed for it"], correct: "Try to determine the safe speed for it", }, { image: "q34" question: "What lane of traffic should drivers use when they intend to make a right-hand turn?", options: ["The lane closest to the right side of the road", "The lane approaching from the left", "The lane closest to the center line of the road", "The lane closest to the left side of the road"], correct: "The lane closest to the right side of the road", }, { image: "q35" question: "If two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time, the right-of-way should be given to:", options: ["The vehicle approaching from the left", "The one moving faster", "The vehicle approaching from the right", "Neither one"], correct: "The vehicle approaching from the right", }, { image: "q36" question: "Why must drivers use signals when turning?", options: ["To notify drivers behind them of their intention", "To notify oncoming traffic of their intention", "All answers are correct", "To notify pedestrians of their intention"], correct: "All answers are correct", }, { image: "q37" question: "When may drivers pass on the right shoulder?", options: ["Never", "Whenever it can be done safely", "At any time a vehicle is turning left, even if the right shoulder is unpaved", "Only when passing a vehicle turning left and only if the right shoulder is paved"], correct: "Only when passing a vehicle turning left and only if the right shoulder is paved", }, { image: "38" question: "High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on provincial highways are reserved for vehicles with how many occupants?", options: ["Any vehicle that is travelling above the posted speed limit", "4 or more people", "3 or more people", "At least two people"], correct: "At least two people", }, { image: "q39" question: "Who has the right-of-way over all others at an intersection when the light is green?", options: ["Drivers turning right", "Pedestrians crossing against the light", "Pedestrians crossing with the light", "Drivers turning left"], correct: "Pedestrians crossing with the light", }, { image: "q40" question: "When passing a cyclist, allow at least...", options: ["three metres between the vehicle and the cyclist", "five metres between the vehicle and the cyclist", "one metre between the vehicle and the cyclist", "two metres between the vehicle and the cyclist"], correct: "one metre between the vehicle and the cyclist", }, ],
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