2 years ago
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#ifndef DSAP_CUSTOM_CONTROLLER_H #define DSAP_CUSTOM_CONTROLLER_H #include "ISnakeController.h" #include "DirectionType.h" #include "Snake.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <vector> #include <algorithm> bool addDanger = true; class CustomController : public ISnakeController { public: DirectionType NextDirection(const Game& game, size_t id); const Position& SnakeHead(const Game& game, const size_t id){return game.Snakes().find(id)->second.Head();}; const std::list<Position> SnakeBodyList(const Game& game, const size_t id){return game.Snakes().find(id)->second.Body();}; const Position& MyHead(const Game& game){return game.Center();}; const Snake Me(const Game& game){return game.Snakes().find(1)->second;}; }; long left = 999999; long right = 999999; long forward = 9999999; DirectionType CustomController::NextDirection(const Game& game, size_t id){ const int radius = game.kSnakeRadius; // judge snake is in front left or right std::vector<Position> danger_ = {}; // /////////// tips // std::cout << SnakeHead(game, 1).x; // std::list<Position> bodyLst = SnakeBodyList(game, 2); // for (auto it = bodyLst.begin(); it != bodyLst.end(); it++) { // std::cout << it->x << ", " << it->y << std::endl; // } // std::cout << MyHead(game).x << " " << MyHead(game).y << std::endl; // add danger Position pos = MyHead(game); for(size_t i = 1; i < game.Snakes().size(); ++i){ if(i == id || (pos.x - SnakeHead(game, i).x) > 200 || (pos.y - SnakeHead(game, i).y) > 200){ continue; } std::list<Position> bodyLst = SnakeBodyList(game, i); // for (auto it = bodyLst.begin(); it != bodyLst.end(); it++) { // long other_x = it->x; // long other_y = it->y; // long new_other_x = std::cos(Me(game).Direction()) * other_x + std::sin(Me(game).Direction()) * other_y; // long new_other_y = -1 * std::sin(Me(game).Direction()) * other_x + std::cos(Me(game).Direction()) * other_y; // if(new_other_y > pos.y - radius){ // if in my first or second quadrant // if((pos.x + radius) > (new_other_x - radius) || (pos.x - radius) < (new_other_x + radius)){ // snake in my forward // long temp_forward = std::abs((new_other_y - radius) - (pos.y + radius)); // if(temp_forward < forward){ // forward = temp_forward; // } // } // else if (new_other_x > pos.x){ // right // if((pos.y + radius) > (new_other_y - radius) || (pos.y - radius) < (new_other_y + radius)){ // snake in my right // long temp_right = std::abs((new_other_x - radius) - (pos.x + radius)); // if(temp_right < right){ // right = temp_right; // } // } // } // // else if (new_other_x < pos.x){ // snake in my left // if((pos.y + radius) > (new_other_y - radius) || (pos.y - radius) < (new_other_y + radius)){ // snake in my left // long temp_left = std::abs((new_other_x - radius) - (pos.x + radius)); // if(temp_left < left){ // left = temp_left; // } // } // } // } // // // } // end of snake i's body for loop } // end of snakes for loop // print current status ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // std::cout << game.Time() << ": " << game.Center().x << " " << game.Center().y << ", Cur Direction " << game.Snakes().find(1)->second.Direction() << std::endl; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if(game.Time() == 200){ // first = true; // } // first go to the bottom // if(first == true){ // if(game.Snakes().find(1)->second.Direction() == 90){ // first = false; // second = true; // } // return DirectionType::kRight; // } // than turn left // if(second == true){ // if(game.Center().y > 2300 && game.Snakes().find(1)->second.Direction() > 0){ // return DirectionType::kLeft; // } // } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if(dir_sum < -360 || dir_sum > 360){ // return DirectionType::kForward; // } // long XSAVE_DISTANCE = 200; // long YSAVE_DISTANCE = 50; // long SNAKESAVE_DISTANCE = 50; // // default: right edge turn left; left edge turn right // if(game.Center().y < 125 && game.Snakes().find(1)->second.Direction() == -180){ // reverse = true; // } // // // if(reverse == true){ // // // if(game.Center().x + XSAVE_DISTANCE > game.FieldWidth()){ //// std::cout << "1) Edge" << std::endl; // return DirectionType::kRight; // } // // if collide with left edge // if(game.Center().x - XSAVE_DISTANCE < 0){ //// std::cout << "2) Edge" << std::endl; // return DirectionType::kLeft; // } //// for(size_t i = 1; i < game.Snakes().size(); ++i){ //// if(ymin_edges[i] < game.Center().y + YSAVE_DISTANCE && ymax_edges[i] > game.Center().y + YSAVE_DISTANCE){ //// if(game.Center().x + SNAKESAVE_DISTANCE > xmin_edges[i] ){ //// std::cout << "3) Snake: " << xmin_edges[i] << std::endl; //// return DirectionType::kRight; //// } //// if(game.Center().x - SNAKESAVE_DISTANCE < xmax_edges[i]){ //// std::cout << "4) Snake: " << xmax_edges[i]<< std::endl; //// return DirectionType::kLeft; //// } //// } //// } // return DirectionType::kForward; // // } // else if(reverse == false){ // //// // // if collide with right edge // if(game.Center().x + XSAVE_DISTANCE > game.FieldWidth()){ //// std::cout << "5) Edge!" << std::endl; // return DirectionType::kLeft; // } // // if collide with left edge // if(game.Center().x - XSAVE_DISTANCE < 0){ //// std::cout << "6) Edge!" << std::endl; // return DirectionType::kRight; // } // // for(size_t i = 1; i < game.Snakes().size(); ++i){ // if(ymin_edges[i] < game.Center().y + YSAVE_DISTANCE && ymax_edges[i] > game.Center().y + YSAVE_DISTANCE){ // if(game.Center().x + SNAKESAVE_DISTANCE > xmin_edges[i]){ //// std::cout << "7) Snake: " << xmin_edges[i] << std::endl; // return DirectionType::kLeft; // } // if(game.Center().x - SNAKESAVE_DISTANCE < xmax_edges[i]){ //// std::cout << "8) Snake: " << xmax_edges[i] << std::endl; // return DirectionType::kRight; // } // } // } //// std::cout << "9)Forward!" << std::endl; if(left > right && left > forward){ return DirectionType::kLeft; } else if(right > left && right > forward){ return DirectionType::kRight; } else{ return DirectionType::kForward; } } #endif // DSAP_CUSTOM_CONTROLLER_H