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SQL TEST base on Aggregate function

1. From the following table, write a SQL query to calculate total purchase amount of all orders. Return total purchase amount.

Sample table: orders

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    customer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001
70010       1983.43     2012-10-10  3004         5006
70003       2480.4      2012-10-10  3009         5003
70012       250.45      2012-06-27  3008         5002
70011       75.29       2012-08-17  3003         5007
70013       3045.6      2012-04-25  3002         5001

Sample Output:


2. From the following table, write a SQL query to calculate the average purchase amount of all orders. Return average purchase amount. 

Sample table: orders

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    customer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001
70010       1983.43     2012-10-10  3004         5006
70003       2480.4      2012-10-10  3009         5003
70012       250.45      2012-06-27  3008         5002
70011       75.29       2012-08-17  3003         5007
70013       3045.6      2012-04-25  3002         5001

Sample Output:


3. From the following table, write a SQL query that counts the number of unique salespeople. Return number of salespeople.  

Sample table: orders

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    customer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001
70010       1983.43     2012-10-10  3004         5006
70003       2480.4      2012-10-10  3009         5003
70012       250.45      2012-06-27  3008         5002
70011       75.29       2012-08-17  3003         5007
70013       3045.6      2012-04-25  3002         5001
Sample Output:

4. From the following table, write a SQL query to count the number of customers. Return number of customers.  

Sample table: customer

 customer_id |   cust_name    |    city    | grade | salesman_id 
        3002 | Nick Rimando   | New York   |   100 |        5001
        3007 | Brad Davis     | New York   |   200 |        5001
        3005 | Graham Zusi    | California |   200 |        5002
        3008 | Julian Green   | London     |   300 |        5002
        3004 | Fabian Johnson | Paris      |   300 |        5006
        3009 | Geoff Cameron  | Berlin     |   100 |        5003
        3003 | Jozy Altidor   | Moscow     |   200 |        5007
        3001 | Brad Guzan     | London     |       |        5005
Sample Output:

5. From the following table, write a SQL query to determine the number of customers who received at least one grade for their activity.  

Sample table: customer

 customer_id |   cust_name    |    city    | grade | salesman_id 
        3002 | Nick Rimando   | New York   |   100 |        5001
        3007 | Brad Davis     | New York   |   200 |        5001
        3005 | Graham Zusi    | California |   200 |        5002
        3008 | Julian Green   | London     |   300 |        5002
        3004 | Fabian Johnson | Paris      |   300 |        5006
        3009 | Geoff Cameron  | Berlin     |   100 |        5003
        3003 | Jozy Altidor   | Moscow     |   200 |        5007
        3001 | Brad Guzan     | London     |       |        5005

Sample Output:


6. From the following table, write a SQL query to find the maximum purchase amount.  

Sample table: orders

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    customer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001
70010       1983.43     2012-10-10  3004         5006
70003       2480.4      2012-10-10  3009         5003
70012       250.45      2012-06-27  3008         5002
70011       75.29       2012-08-17  3003         5007
70013       3045.6      2012-04-25  3002         5001

Sample Output:

7. From the following table, write a SQL query to find the minimum purchase amount. 

Sample table: orders

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    customer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001
70010       1983.43     2012-10-10  3004         5006
70003       2480.4      2012-10-10  3009         5003
70012       250.45      2012-06-27  3008         5002
70011       75.29       2012-08-17  3003         5007
70013       3045.6      2012-04-25  3002         5001

Sample Output:


8. From the following table, write a SQL query to find the highest grade of the customers in each city. Return city, maximum grade.  

Sample table: customer

 customer_id |   cust_name    |    city    | grade | salesman_id 
        3002 | Nick Rimando   | New York   |   100 |        5001
        3007 | Brad Davis     | New York   |   200 |        5001
        3005 | Graham Zusi    | California |   200 |        5002
        3008 | Julian Green   | London     |   300 |        5002
        3004 | Fabian Johnson | Paris      |   300 |        5006
        3009 | Geoff Cameron  | Berlin     |   100 |        5003
        3003 | Jozy Altidor   | Moscow     |   200 |        5007
        3001 | Brad Guzan     | London     |       |        5005
Sample Output:

city		max
London		300
Paris		300
New York	200
California	200
Berlin		100
Moscow		200

9. From the following table, write a SQL query to find the highest purchase amount ordered by each customer. Return customer ID, maximum purchase amount. 

Sample table: orders

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    customer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001
70010       1983.43     2012-10-10  3004         5006
70003       2480.4      2012-10-10  3009         5003
70012       250.45      2012-06-27  3008         5002
70011       75.29       2012-08-17  3003         5007
70013       3045.6      2012-04-25  3002         5001
Sample Output:

customer_id	max
3007		2400.60
3008		250.45
3002		5760.00
3001		270.65
3009		2480.40
3004		1983.43
3003		75.29
3005		948.50

10. From the following table, write a SQL query to find the highest purchase amount ordered by each customer on a particular date. Return, order date and highest purchase amount.

Sample table: orders

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    customer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001
70010       1983.43     2012-10-10  3004         5006
70003       2480.4      2012-10-10  3009         5003
70012       250.45      2012-06-27  3008         5002
70011       75.29       2012-08-17  3003         5007
70013       3045.6      2012-04-25  3002         5001
Sample Output:

customer_id	ord_date	max
3002		2012-10-05	65.26
3003		2012-08-17	75.29
3005		2012-10-05	150.50
3007		2012-07-27	2400.60
3009		2012-08-17	110.50
3001		2012-09-10	270.65
3002		2012-09-10	5760.00
3005		2012-09-10	948.50
3009		2012-10-10	2480.40
3008		2012-06-27	250.45
3004		2012-10-10	1983.43
3002		2012-04-25	3045.60

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