3 years ago
3.2 kB
var countries = require('./countries'); var Locale = require('dw/util/Locale'); var Site = require('dw/system/Site'); /** * @description filter out the countries array to return only ones that are allowed in * site's allowedLocales * @return {array} allowedCountries array of countries that have allowed locales */ function getCountries() { var site =Site.getCurrent(); var allowedLocales = site.getAllowedLocales(); var allowedCountries = countries.filter(function (country) { var hasAllowedLocale = false; // loop over allowed locales for (var i = 0; i < allowedLocales.length; i++) { var locale = Locale.getLocale(allowedLocales[i]); if (country.countryCode === locale.country) { hasAllowedLocale = true; break; } } return hasAllowedLocale; }); return allowedCountries; } function getAllLanguages() { var allCountriesLanguages = new Object(); var allowedCountries = getCountries(); allowedCountries.forEach(function (country) { var countryLanguages = new Array(); country.languages.forEach(function (language) { countryLanguages.push(language.toLowerCase()); }); allCountriesLanguages[country.countryCode] = countryLanguages; }); return allCountriesLanguages; } function getCountriesGroupedBy(group) { var countries = getCountries(); var countriesGrouped = {}; countries.forEach(function (country) { var key = country.hasOwnProperty(group) ? country[group] : undefined; if (countriesGrouped.hasOwnProperty(key)) { countriesGrouped[key].push(country); } else { countriesGrouped[key] = [country]; } }); return countriesGrouped; } /** * @description iterate over the countries array, find the first country that has the current locale * @param {PipelineDictionary} pdict the current pdict object * @return {object} country the object containing the country's settings */ function getCurrent(pdict) { if (!countries || countries.length === 0) { return; } var currentLocale = Locale.getLocale(pdict.CurrentRequest.locale); var country; if (!currentLocale.country) { return countries[0]; // return the first in the list if the requested one is not available } for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { var _country = countries[i]; if (_country.countryCode === currentLocale.country) { country = _country; break; } } return country || countries[0]; // return the first in the list if the requested one is not available }; function getLanguages (currentCountry) { var result = []; currentCountry.languages.forEach(function (language) { result.push(language); }); return result; } exports.getCountries = getCountries; exports.getCountriesGroupedBy = getCountriesGroupedBy; exports.getCurrent = getCurrent; exports.getLanguages = getLanguages; exports.getAllLanguages = getAllLanguages;
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