non stolen code
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local SPAWN_PART = game:GetService("Workspace").Map.SpawnPart local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local function getRandomPositionInPart(Part) local x = Part.Position.X + math.random(-Part.Size.X/2,Part.Size.X/2) local y = Part.Position.Y + math.random(-Part.Size.Y/2,Part.Size.Y/2) local z = Part.Position.Z + math.random(-Part.Size.Z/2,Part.Size.Z/2) return,y,z) end local API = {} function API:GetFabiUserIds() return 366712739 end function API:GetSpecialUserIds() local DevIDs = {366712739, 2827441444, 1291358020, 1118184451, 70693779, -2} return DevIDs end function API:GetTagsInfo() return { [1] = { Role = "Fan", Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255), }, [25] = { Role = "Influencer", Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 32, 113) }, [50] = { Role = "Staff", Color = Color3.fromRGB(46, 66, 53) }, [27] = { Role = "Contributor", Color = Color3.fromRGB(161, 231, 186) }, [248] = { Role = "Lead Manager", Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 147, 24) }, [240] = { Role = "Higher Staff", Color = Color3.fromRGB(135, 203, 254) }, [80] = { Role = "Developer", Color = Color3.fromRGB(206, 10, 255) }, [252] = { Role = "Marketer", Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) }, [253] = { Role = "Co-Owner", Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 239, 20) }, [254] = { Role = "Owner", Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 234, 2) }, [255] = { Role = "Head Developer", Color = Color3.fromRGB(30, 27, 27) } } end function API:GetLevelEmit(Level) if Level == 1 then return 0.5 elseif Level == 2 then return 0.5 elseif Level == 3 then return 4 elseif Level == 4 then return 6 elseif Level == 5 then return 16 elseif Level == 6 then return 13 elseif Level == 7 then return 13 end return 0 end function API:GetLevelWaitTime(Level) if Level == 1 then return 120 elseif Level == 2 then return 140 elseif Level == 3 then return 160 elseif Level == 4 then return 180 elseif Level == 5 then return 200 elseif Level == 6 then return 260 elseif Level == 7 then return 360 end return 0 end function API:GetLevelColors(Level) if Level == 1 then return Color3.fromRGB(102, 255, 0) elseif Level == 2 then return Color3.fromRGB(213, 246, 252) elseif Level == 3 then return Color3.fromRGB(135, 203, 254) elseif Level == 4 then return Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0) elseif Level == 5 then return Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255) elseif Level == 6 then return Color3.fromRGB(255, 32, 113) elseif Level == 7 then return Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0) elseif Level == 8 then return Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0) end return Color3.fromRGB(102, 255, 0) end function API:GetLevel(Amount) if Amount >= 100000 then return 6 elseif Amount >= 10000 then return 5 elseif Amount >= 1000 then return 4 elseif Amount >= 100 then return 3 elseif Amount >= 10 then return 2 elseif Amount >= 1 then return 1 end end function API:CreateFireworks(Count, barrage) local FireworkTemplate = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Templates"):WaitForChild("Firework") for i = 1, Count, 1 do spawn(function() local Firework = FireworkTemplate:Clone() Firework.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace").Fireworks Firework.Position = getRandomPositionInPart(SPAWN_PART) local BRICK_COLOR = BrickColor.random() Firework.BrickColor = BRICK_COLOR Firework.SparkleExplosion.Color = Firework.Trail.Color = TweenService:Create( Firework,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0), {Transparency = 0} ):Play() local TweenTime =, 2) TweenService:Create(Firework,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false , 0),{ Position = Firework.Position +,, 75),0) }):Play() Firework.Fwoosh.PlaybackSpeed =, 1.2) Firework.Fwoosh:Play() Firework.FlameBeam.Enabled = true Firework.Sparkles.Enabled = true task.wait(TweenTime) Firework.FlameBeam.Enabled = false Firework.Sparkles.Enabled = false Firework.Explosion.PlaybackSpeed =, 1.2) Firework.Explosion:Play() Firework.SparkleExplosion:Emit(30) Firework.Transparency = 1 for i = 1, 20 do local Part ="Part") Part.CastShadow = false Part.Color = Firework.Color Part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon Part.Name = "FireworkFlare" Part.CFrame = Firework.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(i * 18), math.rad(i * 18), 0)) Part.Parent = workspace Part.Position = Firework.Position Part.Anchored = true Part.CanCollide = false Part.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball Part.Size =, 3, 3) Part.Transparency = 1 Part.TopSurface = 10 Part.BottomSurface = 10 Part.LeftSurface = 10 Part.RightSurface = 10 Part.FrontSurface = 10 Part.BackSurface = 10 Part.Velocity = Part.CFrame.lookVector * 50 local Attachment1 ="Attachment") Attachment1.Parent = Part Attachment1.Position =, Part.Size.Y * 0.5, 0) local Attachment2 ="Attachment") Attachment2.Parent = Part Attachment2.Position =, Part.Size.Y * -0.5, 0) local Trail = Firework.Trail:Clone() Trail.Parent = Part Trail.Attachment0 = Attachment1 Trail.Attachment1 = Attachment2 Trail.Lifetime = 2.5 Trail.Enabled = true local BodyForce ="BodyForce"); BodyForce.Parent = Part BodyForce.force =, Part:GetMass() * workspace.Gravity - 40, 0) Part.Anchored = false local Flare = Firework.Flare:Clone() Flare.Parent = Part Flare.Enabled = true spawn(function() wait(4); Part.Trail.Enabled = false Part.Flare.Enabled = false Part.Anchored = true wait(10) Part:Destroy() end) end task.wait(7.5) Firework:Destroy() end) if not barrage then task.wait(, 1)) else task.wait(0.025) end end end function API:GetCurrencyValues(Count) local waitTime = 1 local robuxCount = 1 if API:GetLevel(Count) >= 7 then robuxCount = 1000 waitTime = 0.005 elseif API:GetLevel(Count) >= 6 then robuxCount = 500 waitTime = 0.005 elseif API:GetLevel(Count) == 5 then robuxCount = 250 waitTime = 0.1 elseif API:GetLevel(Count) == 4 then robuxCount = 100 waitTime = 0.1 elseif API:GetLevel(Count) == 3 then robuxCount = 50 waitTime = 0.15 elseif API:GetLevel(Count) == 2 then robuxCount = 10 waitTime = 0.25 end return robuxCount, waitTime end local Groupid = 12537617 function API:GetRankInGroup(Player) if typeof(Player) ~= "Instance" then warn("tried to rank player with type :"..typeof(Player)) return 1 end if not Player then return 1 end if Player.UserId == 366712739 then return 255 end return Player:GetRankInGroup(Groupid) end function API:GetPanelRanks(Player) local Rank = API:GetRankInGroup(Player) if Rank == 253 or Rank == 255 or Rank == 254 or Rank == 251 or Rank == 252 or Rank == 250 or Rank == 50 or Rank == 249 then return true end return false end function API:GetGamepasses() return { ["Sign"] = 234918589, ["AnonymousDevice"] = 655693329, ["InvisibleDevice"] = 673751015, ["VIP"] = 655910388, ["Kart"] = 671405892, ["PrivateServerPlus"] = 679895430 } end local AnonymousTexts = { "Anonymouse", "Anony", "Anonymouss", "ANONYMOUS", "Anonymouser", "secret", "hidden", "unknown", "anoninonimus", "special" } function API:GetAnonymousName(PlayerId) return AnonymousTexts[math.random(1,#AnonymousTexts)]..tostring(math.floor(math.floor(PlayerId/5)/5)) end return API
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