8 months ago
46 kB
var s = {}; var ownerId = "S4a2iPT8qfLedAQhAz5PRRhhvd0"; var msg = []; var admins = []; var banned = []; var serverNames = ["Robot", "Megaphone"]; var extendedCooldown = []; var isTyping = true; var user = ""; var wait = 0; var mobileMode = false; var input = ""; var spin = 0; var lastUpdated = getTime(); var coins = 1000000; var chatCensor = true; var room = "home"; var framesSinceRoomChange = 0; var showCursor = true; var keepCursor = false; var cooldown = 0; var views = 0; var safe = true; var backspaceActive = 0; var Screen = "Home"; var currentTheme = "lightmode"; var myThemes = ["lightmode"]; var purchasingTheme = false; var themes = { "Darkmode": { name: "Dark Mode", price: 0, desc: "The starter theme you know and love.", bg: "#151617", color: "white", input: "#232425", theme: "dodgerblue" }, "lightmode": ({ name: "Light Mode", price: 10, desc: "The classic eye breaking,Theme you know and hate", bg: "white", color: "black", input: "lightgray", theme: "#D74726" }), "purple": ({ name: "Purple", price: 50, desc: "My favorite color", bg: "#663399", color: "white", input: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", theme: "white" }), "blue": ({ name: "Blue", price: 50, desc: "Its blue", bg: "dodgerblue", color: "white", input: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", theme: "white" }), "green": ({ name: "Green", price: 50, desc: "green i guess", bg: "limegreen", color: "white", input: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", theme: "white" }), "red": ({ name: "Red", price: 50, desc: "Another one of my fav colors", bg: "tomato", color: "white", input: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", theme: "white" }), "yellow": ({ name: "Yellow", price: 50, desc: "Yellow cooooool", bg: "gold", color: "white", input: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", theme: "white" }), "gold": ({ name: "Gold", price: 500, desc: "If oyu are buying this take a look at yellow ๐", bg: "gold", color: rgb(30, 30, 0), input: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.2), theme: "goldenrod" }), "chocolate": ({ name: "Chocolate", price: 50, desc: "BROWN! ๐๐๐๐๐", bg: "saddlebrown", color: "white", input: "sienna", theme: "chocolate" }), "cottoncandy": ({ name: "Cotton Candy", price: 200, desc: "๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐", bg: "plum", color: "black", input: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.3), theme: "mediumslateblue" }), "popcorn": ({ name: "Popcorn", price: 100, desc: "Corny It is made of corn ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐", bg: "#ffff33", color: "black", input: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.4), theme: "gold" }), "monochrome": ({ name: "Monochrome", price: 25, desc: "My go to theme", bg: "black", color: "white", input: "black", theme: "white" }), "silver": ({ name: "Silver", price: 250, desc: "", bg: "darkgray", color: "black", input: "lightgray", theme: "gray" }), "blinding": ({ name: "Blinding", price: 25, desc: "THE LIGHT", bg: rgb(240, 240, 240), color: "gray", input: "white", theme: "lightgray" }), "nightsky": ({ name: "Night Sky", price: 50, desc: "*meditating* ๐", bg: rgb(30, 20, 60), color: "white", input: rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.1), theme: "dodgerblue" }), "pink": ({ name: "Pink", price: 50, desc: "Pink is Pink ๐", bg: "violet", color: "white", input: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", theme: "white" }), "orange": ({ name: "Orange", price: 50, desc: "A fruit and a color", bg: "orange", color: "white", input: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", theme: "white" }), "diamond": ({ name: "Diamond", price: 1000, desc: "you can easily get this if you go to a different room and spam", bg: "skyblue", color: "white", input: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)", theme: "white" }), "shadow": ({ name: "Shadow", price: 50, desc: "Like the shadow animatronics", bg: "black", color: "rgb(77, 77, 77)", input: "rgb(10, 10, 10)", theme: "white" }), "cute": ({ name: "Cute", price: 50, desc: "๐", bg: "violet", color: "white", input: "hotpink", theme: "skyblue" }), "classic": ({ name: "Classic", price: 50, desc: "......", bg: "saddlebrown", color: "white", input: "peru", theme: "sandybrown" }), "tricolor": ({ name: "Tricolor", price: 50, desc: "I definetly did not desighn this", bg: "goldenrod", color: "white", input: "midnightblue", theme: "darkred" }), "cool": ({ name: "Cool", price: 50, desc: "No need for this if you are already cool ๐", bg: "darkmagenta", color: "white", input: "indigo", theme: "dodgerblue" }), "vintage": ({ name: "Vintage", price: 99999999999999, desc: "If this is vintage then the price must go up", bg: "darkolivegreen", color: "white", input: "olivedrab", theme: "khaki" }), "neon": ({ name: "Neon", price: 50, desc: "DONT GET IT", bg: "limegreen", color: "white", input: "darkgoldenrod", theme: "magenta" }), "mist": ({ name: "Mist", price: 50, desc: "When you are walking in the forest a 3am like i do๐", bg: "darkslategray", color: "white", input: "slategray", theme: "gray" }) }; console.log("Your user ID is " + getUserId()); var shopThemes = []; var shopCycle = Object.keys(themes); shopCycle.splice(0, 1); var ignoreTheme = false; getKeyValue("main-views", function (rec) { if (typeof rec == "number") { setKeyValue("main-views", rec+1); } else { setKeyValue("main-views", 1); } }); var currentlyTyping = ""; var rank = "Guest"; var typeTimeout = 0; var coinText = 335; var systemFont = "system-ui, \"Segoe UI\", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, \"Apple Color Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Emoji\", \"Segoe UI Symbol\""; textFont(systemFont); var day = 0; var online = []; var onlineTimer = randomNumber(30, 60); var onlineFrames = 0; var showOnline = false; var onlineBox = 400; function draw() { s = themes[currentTheme]; if (typeof s != "object") { currentTheme = "darkmode"; s = themes[currentTheme]; } if ((Screen == "Home" || Screen == "Shop") && camera.x > 200) { coinText = camera.x + 135; } else { coinText = 335; } if (Screen == "Theme") { showMobileControls(false, true, true, true); } else { showMobileControls(false, false, false, false); } switch (Screen) { case "Home": camera.x += (200-camera.x)/5; break; case "Shop": camera.x += (600-camera.x)/5; break; case "Theme": camera.x += (-200-camera.x)/5; break; } background(s.bg); fill(s.input); noStroke(); rect(5, 370, 390, 25, 5); textSize(15); fill(s.color); textAlign(LEFT, CENTER); if (input == "" || mobileMode) { if (isTyping && showCursor && !mobileMode) { text("|", 10, 383); } fill(s.color); if (mobileMode) { text("NO GET BACK IN REGULAR MODE", 13, 383); } else { text("Message or die", 13, 383); } } else { var censoredInput = input; if (chatCensor) { censoredInput = censor(input); } if (isTyping && showCursor && !mobileMode) { text(censoredInput + "|", 13, 383); } else { text(censoredInput, 13, 383); } } textSize(12); if (!safe) { text("Loading...", 360, 40); } else if (user == "") { fill(s.input); rect(325, 5, 70, 20, 5); textAlign(CENTER, BASELINE); fill(s.color); text("Dont press this button", 360, 20); rank = "guest"; text("Springlocked", 360, 40); } else { textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER); fill(s.color); text(coins.toLocaleString() + " ยฉ", coinText + 60, 15); textAlign(CENTER, BASELINE); if (admins.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(getUserId())) >= 0 || ownerId == getUserId()) { if (ownerId == getUserId()) { rank = "Owner"; text("Owner", 360, 40); } else { rank = "Admin"; text("Admin", 360, 40); } fill(s.input); rect(325, 45, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); text("Clear Chat", 360, 60); fill(s.input); rect(325, 70, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); text("Ban/Unban", 360, 85); fill(s.input); rect(325, 95, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); text("Announce", 360, 110); if (getUserId() == ownerId) { fill(s.input); rect(325, 120, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); text("Admins", 360, 135); } fill(s.input); rect(325, 145, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); text("Cooldown", 360, 160); } else { fill(s.color); text("User", 360, 40); } } textAlign(CENTER, BASELINE); fill(s.input); rect(325, 170, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(12); text("Rules", 360, 184); fill(s.input); rect(325, 195, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(12); text("Music", 360, 209); fill(s.input); rect(325, 220, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(10); text((mobileMode ? "โ " : "") + "Mobile Mode", 360, 234); fill(s.input); rect(325, 245, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(12); text((chatCensor ? "โ " : "") + "Censor", 360, 260); fill(s.input); rect(325, 270, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(12); text("Shop", 360, 285); fill(s.input); rect(325, 295, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(12); text("Theme", 360, 310); fill(s.input); rect(325, 320, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(12); text("Room", 360, 335); fill(s.input); rect(325, 345, 70, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(11); text("Online Users", 360, 360); getKeyValue("name-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), function (rec) { if (typeof rec == "string") { user = formatUsername(rec); lastUpdated = getTime(); } else { user = ""; } safe = true; }); getKeyValue("themes-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), function (rec) { if (Array.isArray(rec)) { myThemes = rec; lastUpdated = getTime(); } else { myThemes = ["darkmode"]; } }); getKeyValue("theme-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), function (rec) { if (typeof rec == "string") { if (!ignoreTheme) { currentTheme = rec; } lastUpdated = getTime(); } else { currentTheme = 0; } }); getKeyValue("coins-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), function (rec) { if (typeof rec == "number") { if (rec > 999999) { coins = 999999; } else if (rec < 1) { coins = 0; } else { coins = Math.floor(rec); } lastUpdated = getTime(); } else { coins = 0; } }); getKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), function (rec) { if (Array.isArray(rec)) { if (rec.length != undefined && Object.keys(rec).indexOf("length") < 0) { msg = rec; lastUpdated = getTime(); } } else { msg = []; } }); getKeyValue("main-admins", function (rec) { if (Array.isArray(rec)) { if (rec.length != undefined && Object.keys(rec).indexOf("length") < 0) { admins = rec; lastUpdated = getTime(); } } else { admins = []; } }); getKeyValue("main-banned", function (rec) { if (Array.isArray(rec)) { if (rec.length != undefined && Object.keys(rec).indexOf("length") < 0) { banned = rec; lastUpdated = getTime(); } } else { banned = []; } }); getKeyValue("main-font", function (rec) { if ((typeof rec == "string" && (rec != "system-ui" && rec != "")) && rec != null) { textFont(rec); lastUpdated = getTime(); } else { textFont(systemFont); } }); getKeyValue("main-cooldown", function (rec) { if (Array.isArray(rec)) { if (rec.length != undefined && Object.keys(rec).indexOf("length") < 0) { extendedCooldown = rec; lastUpdated = getTime(); if (extendedCooldown.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(getUserId())) >= 0) { cooldown = 10; } else { cooldown = 1; } } } else { extendedCooldown = []; cooldown = 1; } }); getKeyValue("main-views", function (rec) { if (typeof rec == "number") { views = rec; lastUpdated = getTime(); } else { views = 1; } }); getKeyValue("online-" + formatUsername(room + " "), function (rec) { if (typeof rec == "string") { var valid = online.filter(function (entry) { return (entry.name == formatUsername(rec)); }); if (valid.length > 0) { online[online.indexOf(valid[0])].time = getTime(); } else { online.push({name: formatUsername(rec), time: getTime()}); } } }); if (onlineFrames > onlineTimer && user != "") { setKeyValue("online-" + formatUsername(room + " "), formatUsername(user)); onlineFrames = 0; onlineTimer = randomNumber(30, 60)*(online.length+1); } else { onlineFrames++; } var removeOnline = online.filter(function (entry) { return (getTime()-entry.time > 5000); }); for (var i in removeOnline) { online.splice(online.indexOf(removeOnline[i]), 1); } var y = 5; for (var i = msg.length-9; i < msg.length; i++) { if (typeof msg[i] == "object" && !Array.isArray(msg[i])) { fill(s.input); noStroke(); rect(5, y, 315, 35, 5); if (mouseWentDown("left") && World.mouseX >= 5 && World.mouseX <= 320 && World.mouseY >= y && World.mouseY <= y+35 && (rank == "Admin" || rank == "Owner") && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { prompt("@" + formatUsername(msg[i].user) + "'s User ID:", msg[i].uid); } y += 40; var tag = ""; if (msg[i].uid == encodeURIComponent(ownerId)) { tag = "[Owner] "; } else if ((msg[i].uid == "Server")) { tag = "[Server] "; } else if (admins.indexOf(msg[i].uid) >= 0) { tag = "[Admin] "; } else if (banned.indexOf(msg[i].uid) >= 0) { tag = "[Banned] "; } fill(s.color); textSize(20); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); textStyle("normal"); if ((msg[i].uid != "Server" || (msg[i].uid == "Server" && serverNames.indexOf(msg[i].user) >= 0)) && formatUsername(msg[i].user).length >= 3) { text(formatUsername(msg[i].user, msg[i].uid), 10, y-40); } else { text("Invalid Name", 10, y-40); } textSize(12); fill(rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.5)); textAlign(RIGHT, TOP); text(tag + formatTime(msg[i].time), 315, y-35); textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE); fill(s.color); textSize(12); if (typeof msg[i].msg == "string" && (msg[i].uid != "Server" || (msg[i].uid == "Server" && serverNames.indexOf(msg[i].user) >= 0))) { if (msg[i].msg.length > 0) { textStyle("normal"); if (chatCensor) { text(censor(msg[i].msg.substring(0,50)), 10, y-10); } else { text(msg[i].msg.substring(0,50), 10, y-10); } } else { textStyle("italic"); text("Error: Cannot load message.", 10, y-10); } } else { textStyle("italic"); text("Error: Cannot load message.", 10, y-10); } } } if (mouseWentDown("left")) { if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 5 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 25 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { if (user == "" && safe) { var x = prompt("Enter a username."); if (typeof x == "string") { if (formatUsername(x).length >= 3) { getKeyValue("taken-" + formatUsername(x + " "), function (re) { if (re == true) { prompt("Error: This username is taken."); } else if (censor(formatUsername(x)).includes("*")) { prompt("Error: This username contains inappropriate content and cannot be used."); } else { setKeyValue("name-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), formatUsername(x + " "), function () { user = x; }); setKeyValue("taken-" + formatUsername(x + " "), true); } }); } else { prompt("Error: This username doesn't meet the length requirements."); } } else { user = ""; } } else { prompt("You have " + coins.toLocaleString() + " " + (coins == 1 ? "coin" : "coins") + ". You earn coins for chatting and you can spend them in the Theme Shop to get themes."); } } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 45 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 65 && (rank == "Admin" || rank == "Owner") && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { setKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), [{ uid: encodeURIComponent("Server"), user: "Server", time: getTime(), msg: "Chat cleared by @" + user + "." }]); } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 70 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 90 && (rank == "Admin" || rank == "Owner") && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { var b = prompt("Enter a user's User ID to ban them, or enter a banned user's ID to revive them. You can check a user's User ID by clicking on one of their messages. (You can also type \"@first\", \"@last\", and \"@all\".) Banned users:\n" + banned.join("\n")); if (b != null) { getKeyValue("main-banned", function (rec) { if (!Array.isArray(rec)) { rec = []; } if (b == "@first") { rec.splice(0, 1); } else if (b == "@last") { rec.splice(rec.length-1, 1); } else if (b == "@all") { rec = []; } else if (rec.indexOf(b) >= 0) { rec.splice(rec.indexOf(b), 1); } else { rec.push(b); } setKeyValue("main-banned", rec); }); } } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 95 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 115 && (rank == "Admin" || rank == "Owner") && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { var c = prompt("What do you want to announce?"); if (c != null) { getKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), function (rec) { if (Array.isArray(rec)) { rec.push({ uid: encodeURIComponent("Server"), user: "Announcement", time: getTime(), msg: c }); setKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), rec); } else { setKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), [{ uid: (encodeURIComponent("Server")), user: "Announcement", time: getTime(), msg: c }]); } }); } } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 120 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 140 && (rank == "Owner") && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { var ad = prompt("Enter a user's User ID to make them an admin, or enter an admins's ID to un-admin them. You can check a user's User ID by clicking on one of their messages. (You can also type \"@first\", \"@last\", and \"@all\".) Admins:\n" + admins.join("\n")); if (ad != null) { getKeyValue("main-admins", function (rec) { if (!Array.isArray(rec)) { rec = []; } if (ad == "@first") { rec.splice(0, 1); } else if (ad == "@last") { rec.splice(rec.length-1, 1); } else if (ad == "@all") { rec = []; } else if (rec.indexOf(ad) >= 0) { rec.splice(rec.indexOf(ad), 1); } else { rec.push(ad); } setKeyValue("main-admins", rec); }); } } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 145 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 165 && (rank == "Admin" || rank == "Owner") && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { var eC = prompt("Enter a user's User ID to extend their cooldown to 10 seconds, or enter an affected user's ID to reset their cooldown. You can check a user's User ID by clicking on one of their messages. (You can also type \"@first\", \"@last\", and \"@all\".) Users with extended cooldowns:\n" + extendedCooldown.join("\n")); if (eC != null) { getKeyValue("main-cooldown", function (rec) { if (!Array.isArray(rec)) { rec = []; } if (eC == "@first") { rec.splice(0, 1); } else if (eC == "@last") { rec.splice(rec.length-1, 1); } else if (eC == "@all") { rec = []; } else if (rec.indexOf(eC) >= 0) { rec.splice(rec.indexOf(eC), 1); } else { rec.push(eC); } setKeyValue("main-cooldown", rec); }); } } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 170 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 190 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { prompt(("Rules:\n1. Do not report chat\n2. No profanity or spamming except in the room 'spam'\nBreaking any of these rules will result in a ban") + "!", ""); } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 190 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 215 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { camera.x = 200; prompt("My favorite music:", "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXvLgObZjWK3-8lYuqCti9oa-jHO6Kp-R") } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 220 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 240 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { mobileMode = !mobileMode; } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 245 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 265 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { chatCensor = !chatCensor; } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 270 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 290 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { Screen = "Shop"; } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 295 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 315 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { Screen = "Theme"; } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 320 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 340 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { var cR = prompt("Enter a room name. The name must be 3-24 characters and can include lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. Here are some examples:\nhome\nroleplay\n" + user + "s_chat"); if (typeof cR == "string" && cR.length >= 3) { room = formatUsername(cR + " "); online = []; framesSinceRoomChange = 0; } } if (World.mouseX >= 325 && World.mouseY >= 345 && World.mouseX <= 395 && World.mouseY <= 365 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { showOnline = true; } if (World.mouseX <= 45 && World.mouseY <= 45 && Screen == "Shop") { Screen = "Home"; } if (World.mouseX >= 355 && World.mouseY <= 45 && Screen == "Theme") { Screen = "Home"; } if (World.mouseY >= 370 && Screen == "Home" && !showOnline) { if (mobileMode && getTime() > wait && user != "") { input = prompt("Enter your message."); if (typeof input == "string" && (banned.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(getUserId())) < 0 || (rank == "Admin" || rank == "Owner"))) { if (input.replace(/\s/g, "").length > 0) { wait = getTime() + cooldown*1000; setTimeout(function () { getKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), function (rec) { if (!Array.isArray(rec)) { rec = []; } rec.push({ uid: encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), user: formatUsername(user), time: getTime(), msg: input.substring(0, 50) }); setKeyValue("typing-" + formatUsername(room + " "), ""); while (rec.length >= 10) { rec.shift(); } if (room == "home") { setKeyValue("coins-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), coins+getCoins()); } input = ""; setKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), rec); }); }, 300); } } } else { isTyping = true; } } else { isTyping = false; } } getKeyValue("typing-" + formatUsername(room + " "), function (rec) { if (rec != user) { currentlyTyping = rec; } }); if (currentlyTyping != "" && formatUsername(currentlyTyping) != formatUsername(user) && typeof currentlyTyping == "string") { fill(s.color); textSize(10); textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE); text(formatUsername(currentlyTyping) + " is typing...", 5, 370); } if (getTime() < wait) { fill(s.theme); barX = (wait-getTime())/1000/cooldown*390; rect(5, 370, barX, 2, 5); } if (World.mouseX > 370 && World.mouseY > 370 && Screen == "Home") { fill(rgb(21, 22, 23, credits.bgc)); if (credits.bgc > 0.05) { rect(0, 0, 400, 400); } credits.bgc += (0.9-credits.bgc)/5; credits.t -= (credits.t-200)/5; spin = 360; } else { fill(rgb(21, 22, 23, credits.bgc)); if (credits.bgc > 0.05) { rect(0, 0, 400, 400); credits.bgc -= (credits.bgc)/5; } else { credits.bgc = 0; } credits.t += (400-credits.t)/5; spin = 0; } fill(rgb(220, 220, 220, credits.bgc)); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(30-((credits.t-200)/5)); if (credits.bgc > 0.05) { text("Total views: " + views.toLocaleString(), credits.t, credits.t); } if (showOnline) { onlineBox += (250-onlineBox)/5; } else { onlineBox += (400-onlineBox)/5; } if (onlineBox <= 399) { fill(s.bg); rect(onlineBox-5, 0, 10, 400); fill(s.input); rect(onlineBox, 5, 405-onlineBox, 390, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(20); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); text("Online Users", onlineBox+5, 10); textAlign(RIGHT, TOP); text("โง", onlineBox+145, 10); if (camera.mouseX >= 370 && camera.mouseX <= 400 && camera.mouseY >= 5 && camera.mouseY <= 25 && mouseWentDown("left")) { showOnline = false; } textAlign(LEFT, TOP); textSize(15); var onlineText = ""; for (var i in online) { onlineText += "@" + formatUsername(online[i].name) + "\n"; } text(onlineText, onlineBox+5, 30); } if (keyDown(BACKSPACE)) { backspaceActive++; if (backspaceActive >= World.frameRate/2) { input = input.substring(0, input.length-1); if (input.length == 0) { setKeyValue("typing-" + formatUsername(room + " "), ""); } } } else { backspaceActive = 1; } fill(s.input); ellipse(425, 25, 40, 40); fill(s.color); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(15); text("Back", 425, 25); if (shopThemes.length > 0 && camera.x >= 200) { fill(s.color); textSize(25); textAlign(CENTER, TOP); text("Theme Shop", 600, 5); textSize(15); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text("Themes change often.\nCollect coins by chatting in the home room.", 600, 370); for (var a in shopThemes) { var thisTheme = themes[shopThemes[a]]; if (typeof thisTheme == "object") { var yx = 55+(50*a)+(60*a); fill(s.input); rect(705, yx+45, 60, 25, 5); fill(thisTheme.bg); rect(440, yx, 325, 50, 5); fill(thisTheme.theme); rect(760, yx, 5, 50); fill(thisTheme.input); rect(445, yx+5, 310, 40, 5); fill(thisTheme.color); textSize(20); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); text(thisTheme.name, 450, yx+10); textSize(12); textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE); text(thisTheme.desc, 450, yx+40); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); fill(s.color); text(thisTheme.price.toLocaleString() + " " + (thisTheme.price == 1 ? "coin" : "coins"), 440, yx+55); fill(s.color); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); if (myThemes.indexOf(shopThemes[a]) >= 0) { text("Owned", 735, yx+60); } else { text("Buy", 735, yx+60); if (!purchasingTheme) { if (mouseWentDown("left") && camera.mouseX >= 705 && camera.mouseX <= 765 && camera.mouseY >= yx+50 && camera.mouseY <= yx+70) { if (coins >= thisTheme.price) { purchasingTheme = true; var _cT = myThemes; _cT.push(shopThemes[a]); var _cP = thisTheme.price; setKeyValue("themes-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), _cT, function () { purchasingTheme = false; }); setKeyValue("coins-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), coins-_cP); } } } } if (a == 0) { fill(thisTheme.theme); rect(700, yx, 60, 20); rect(700, yx, 65, 25, 5); fill(thisTheme.bg); textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE); textSize(15); text("NEW!!", 705, yx+20); } if (a == shopThemes.length-1) { fill(thisTheme.theme); rect(650, yx, 110, 20); rect(650, yx, 115, 25, 5); fill(thisTheme.bg); textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE); textSize(15); text(timeUntil((day+1)*86400000) + "!", 655, yx+20); } } } } else { textSize(30); fill(s.color); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text("", 600, 200); } fill(s.color); textSize(25); textAlign(CENTER, TOP); text("Select Theme", -200, 5); fill(s.input); ellipse(-25, 25, 40, 40); fill(s.color); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(15); text("Back", -25, 25); textSize(14); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(s.color); text("Use the up and down arrow keys to change your theme.", -200, 55); fill(s.input); rect(-355, 165, 315, 40, 5); textSize(20); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); fill(s.color); text(s.name, -350, 170); textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE); textSize(12); text(s.desc, -350, 200); fill(s.theme); rect(-45, 165, 5, 40); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); fill(s.color); text("Theme " + (myThemes.indexOf(currentTheme) + 1) + "/" + myThemes.length, -355, 210); if (ignoreTheme) { textAlign(RIGHT, TOP); text("Saving...", -40, 210); } textSize(12); textAlign(CENTER, TOP); text("Theme Collection", -200, 250); textSize(30); text(Math.floor((myThemes.length/Object.keys(themes).length)*100) + "%", -200, 270); if (keyWentDown("up") && !ignoreTheme && Screen == "Theme") { if (myThemes.indexOf(currentTheme) > 0) { currentTheme = myThemes[myThemes.indexOf(currentTheme) - 1]; ignoreTheme = true; setKeyValue("theme-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), currentTheme, function () { ignoreTheme = false; }); } } if (keyWentDown("down") && !ignoreTheme && Screen == "Theme") { if (myThemes.indexOf(currentTheme) < myThemes.length-1) { currentTheme = myThemes[(myThemes.indexOf(currentTheme) + 1)]; ignoreTheme = true; setKeyValue("theme-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), currentTheme, function () { ignoreTheme = false; }); } } drawSprites(); if (getTime() - lastUpdated >= 60000) { fill(s.bg); rect(70, 0, 260, 160, 5); fill(s.input); rect(80, 10, 240, 140, 5); fill(s.color); textAlign(LEFT, TOP); textSize(15); text("You might have been disconnected. If this doesn't disappear, try reloading.\n\nLast updated: " + formatTime(lastUpdated), 85, 15, 240); } textAlign(LEFT, TOP); if (framesSinceRoomChange < 30) { fill(s.bg); rect(0, 0, 155, 25, 5); fill(s.input); rect(0, 0, 150, 20, 5); fill(s.color); textSize(15); text(room, 5, 5); } else if (framesSinceRoomChange < 40) { fill(s.bg); rect(0, 0, 155, 25-((framesSinceRoomChange-30)*2), 5); fill(s.input); rect(0, 0, 150, 20-((framesSinceRoomChange-30)*2), 5); fill(s.color); textSize(15); text(room, 5, 5-((framesSinceRoomChange-30)*2)); } framesSinceRoomChange++; day = Math.floor(getTime()/86400000); shopThemes = [shopCycle[day%shopCycle.length], shopCycle[(day-1)%shopCycle.length], shopCycle[(day-2)%shopCycle.length]]; } var credits = { bgc: 0, t: 315 }; var barX = (wait-getTime())/cooldown*400; setInterval(function () { if (isTyping && keepCursor && !mobileMode) { showCursor = !showCursor; } else { showCursor = true; if (keepCursor) { keepCursor = false; } } }, 500); function censor(input) { input = input.replace(/motherfuck/gi, "**********"); input = input.replace(/fuck/gi, "****"); input = input.replace(/fuk/gi, "***"); input = input.replace(/shit/gi, "****"); input = input.replace(/bitch/gi, "*****"); input = input.replace(/bich/gi, "****"); input = input.replace(/cunt/gi, "****"); input = input.replace(/dick/gi, "****"); input = input.replace(/pussy/gi, "*****"); input = input.replace(/nigga/gi, "*****"); input = input.replace(/nigger/gi, "******"); input = input.replace(/\bkkk\b/gi, "***"); input = input.replace(/piss/gi, "****"); input = input.replace(/vagina/gi, "******"); input = input.replace(/penis/gi, "*****"); input = input.replace(/pussies/gi, "*******"); input = input.replace(/titties/gi, "*******"); input = input.replace(/titty/gi, "*****"); input = input.replace(/cock/gi, "****"); input = input.replace(/hitler/gi, "******"); input = input.replace(/asshole/gi, "*******"); input = input.replace(/dumbass/gi, "*******"); input = input.replace(/\bcum\b/gi, "***"); input = input.replace(/wtf/gi, "***"); input = input.replace(/fuc/gi, "***"); input = input.replace(/\btf\b/gi, "**"); input = input.replace(/balls/gi, "*****"); input = input.replace(/horny/gi, "***"); input = input.replace(/boobs/gi, "****"); input = input.replace(/dookie/gi, "******"); input = input.replace(/deepthroat/gi, "**********"); return input; } function emojify(input) { input = input.replace(/:skull:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:coffee:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:happy:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:big_smile:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:smile:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:angry:/g, "๐ "); input = input.replace(/:cheeks:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:yell:/g, "๐ก"); input = input.replace(/:swear:/g, "๐คฌ"); input = input.replace(/:loud_cry:/g, "๐ญ"); input = input.replace(/:happy_tear:/g, "๐ฅฒ"); input = input.replace(/:tongue:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:wink:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:smooch:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:laugh_loud:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:shy:/g, "๐ณ"); input = input.replace(/:surprised:/g, "๐ฎ"); input = input.replace(/:cry:/g, "๐ข"); input = input.replace(/:cool:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:eyeroll:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:heart_eyes:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:heart:/g, "โค"); input = input.replace(/:red_heart:/g, "โค"); input = input.replace(/:orange_heart:/g, "๐งก"); input = input.replace(/:yellow_heart:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:green_heart:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:blue_heart:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:purple_heart:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:heartbroken:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:iced:/g, "๐ฅถ"); input = input.replace(/:devil:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:speechless:/g, "๐ฐ"); input = input.replace(/:bruh:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:scream:/g, "๐ฑ"); input = input.replace(/:swat:/g, "๐ "); input = input.replace(/:sick:/g, "๐คข"); input = input.replace(/:upside_down:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:money:/g, "๐ค"); input = input.replace(/:moan:/g, "๐ฉ"); input = input.replace(/:nerd:/g, "๐ค"); input = input.replace(/:worried:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:burger:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:ok:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:thumbs_up:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:thumbs_down:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:peace:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:nails:/g, "๐ "); input = input.replace(/:eyes:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:eye:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:mouth:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:box:/g, "โฌ"); input = input.replace(/:cat:/g, "๐ฑ"); input = input.replace(/:toxic:/g, "โฃ"); input = input.replace(/:kneeling:/g, "๐ง"); input = input.replace(/:vs:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:hole:/g, "๐ณ"); input = input.replace(/:blood_type_a:/g, "๐ ฐ"); input = input.replace(/:blood_type_b:/g, "๐ ฑ"); input = input.replace(/:blood_type_ab:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:blood_type_o:/g, "๐ พ"); input = input.replace(/:orange:/g, "๐"); input = input.replace(/:poop:/g, "๐ฉ"); input = input.replace(/:pride_flag:/g, "๐ณโ๐"); input = input.replace(/:aries:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:taurus:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:gemini:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:cancer:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:leo:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:virgo:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:libra:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:scorpio:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:sagittarius:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:capricorn:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:aquarius:/g, "โ"); input = input.replace(/:pisces:/g, "โ"); return input; } function keyTyped() { if (encodeURIComponent(key) != "%0D") { if (isTyping && !mobileMode && key.length == 1) { input += key; } showCursor = true; keepCursor = true; input = emojify(input); input = input.substring(0, 50); if (input.length >= 1) { if (getTime() - typeTimeout > 300) { setKeyValue("typing-" + formatUsername(room + " "), formatUsername(user)); typeTimeout = getTime(); } } else { setKeyValue("typing-" + formatUsername(room + " "), ""); } } else if (isTyping && !mobileMode) { if (user != "") { if (input.replace(/\s/g, "") != "" && getTime() > wait) { if (banned.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(getUserId())) < 0 || (rank == "Administer" || rank == "Owner")) { getKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), function (rec) { if (!Array.isArray(rec)) { rec = []; } wait = getTime() + cooldown*1000; rec.push({ uid: encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), user: formatUsername(user), time: getTime(), msg: input.substring(0, 50) }); setKeyValue("typing-" + formatUsername(room + " "), ""); while (rec.length >= 10) { rec.shift(); } if (room == "home") { setKeyValue("coins-" + encodeURIComponent(getUserId()), coins+getCoins(input)); } input = ""; setKeyValue("msg-" + formatUsername(room + " "), rec); }); } else { prompt("Your account was banned."); } } } else { prompt("You are currently in Guest Mode. Click \"Sign Up\" to choose a username."); } } if (getUserId() == "Server") { prompt("No."); } } function keyPressed() { if (keyCode == BACKSPACE && isTyping) { input = input.substring(0, input.length-1); if (input.length == 0) { setKeyValue("typing-" + formatUsername(room + " "), ""); } } } function formatUsername(i) { var bypass = ["Server", "Announcement"]; if (bypass.indexOf(i) >= 0) { return i; } else if (typeof i == "string") { return i.toLowerCase().substring(0,24).replace(/[^a-z0-9\_\-]/g, ""); } else { return "Invalid Name"; } } function formatTime(time) { var d = new Date(); var e = new Date(time); var dow = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]; var mo = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; if (d.getTime()-time >= -60000 && d.getTime()-time <= 60000) { return "now"; } else if (d.getTime()-time <= 3600000) { if (Math.floor((d.getTime()-time)/60000) == 1) { return Math.floor((d.getTime()-time)/60000) + " min"; } else { return Math.floor((d.getTime()-time)/60000) + " mins"; } } else if (d.getTime()-time <= 14400000) { if (Math.floor((d.getTime()-time)/3600000) == 1) { return Math.floor((d.getTime()-time)/3600000) + " hr"; } else { return Math.floor((d.getTime()-time)/3600000) + " hrs"; } } else if (d.getMonth() + "" + d.getDate() + d.getFullYear() == e.getMonth() + "" + e.getDate() + e.getFullYear()) { if (e.getHours() == 0) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return "12:0" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } else { return "12:" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } } else if (e.getHours() == 12) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return "12:0" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } else { return "12:" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } } else if (e.getHours() > 12) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return (e.getHours()-12) + ":0" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } else { return (e.getHours()-12) + ":" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } } else { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return e.getHours() + ":0" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } else { return e.getHours() + ":" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } } } else if (d.getTime()-time <= 604800000) { if (e.getHours() == 0) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return dow[e.getDay()] + ", 12:0" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } else { return dow[e.getDay()] + ", 12:" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } } else if (e.getHours() == 12) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return dow[e.getDay()] + ", 12:0" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } else { return dow[e.getDay()] + ", 12:" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } } else if (e.getHours() > 12) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return dow[e.getDay()] + ", " + (e.getHours()-12) + ":0" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } else { return dow[e.getDay()] + ", " + (e.getHours()-12) + ":" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } } else { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return dow[e.getDay()] + ", " + e.getHours() + ":0" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } else { return dow[e.getDay()] + ", " + e.getHours() + ":" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } } } else if (d.getFullYear() == e.getFullYear()) { if (e.getHours() == 0) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return mo[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getDate() + ", 12:0" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } else { return mo[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getDate() + ", 12:" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } } else if (e.getHours() == 12) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return mo[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getDate() + ", 12:0" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } else { return mo[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getDate() + ", 12:" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } } else if (e.getHours() > 12) { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return mo[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getDate() + ", " + (e.getHours()-12) + ":0" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } else { return mo[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getDate() + ", " + (e.getHours()-12) + ":" + e.getMinutes() + " PM"; } } else { if (e.getMinutes() < 10) { return mo[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getDate() + ", " + e.getHours() + ":0" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } else { return mo[e.getMonth()] + " " + e.getDate() + ", " + e.getHours() + ":" + e.getMinutes() + " AM"; } } } else { return parseInt(e.getMonth() + 1, 10) + "/" + e.getDate() + "/" + e.getFullYear(); } } function logUsername(id) { getKeyValue("name-" + id, function (v) { console.log(v); }); } function logThemes(id) { getKeyValue("themes-" + id, function (v) { console.log(v); }); } function logCoins(id) { getKeyValue("coins-" + id, function (v) { console.log(v); }); } function getCoins() { return 1; } function generateCycle() { var a = Object.keys(themes); a.splice(0, 1); var b = Object.keys(themes); for (var i in a) { b.push(a[i]); } var c = []; var d = b.length; for (var i = 0; i < d; i++) { var e = randomNumber(0, b.length-1); c.push(b[e]); b.splice(e, 1); } return c; } function timeUntil(input) { var timeLeft = input-getTime(); if (timeLeft > 86400000) { return "Days left: " + Math.floor(timeLeft/86400000); } if (timeLeft > 3600000) { return "Hours left: " + Math.floor(timeLeft/3600000); } if (timeLeft > 60000) { return "Minutes left: " + Math.floor(timeLeft/60000); } return "Seconds left: " + Math.floor(timeLeft/1000); } if (window.getURLPath()[3] == "view" || window.getURL().indexOf("//edit") >= 0) { while (true) { prompt("No."); } } if (window.getURL().includes("?room=")) { var cR = window.getURL().substring(window.getURL().indexOf("?room=")+6, window.getURL().length); console.log(cR); if (cR.length >= 3) { room = formatUsername(cR + " "); online = []; framesSinceRoomChange = 0; } }
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