
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
5.5 kB
var omrane=omrane||{};
// Array to push MArkers.
var markerArray = [];
// Array to push markers LatLng values to fitBounds.
var markersBoundsArray = [];

var mymap = null;
/*jshint esnext: true */
omrane.mapInit = function (divMapId, arrayInfos, centerCountry) {

    arrayInfos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arrayInfos));
    // mymap = L.map(divMapId, { scrollWheelZoom: false });
    mymap = L.map(divMapId, {
        center: [33.5731104, -7.5898434],
        zoom: 7,
        minZoom: 5,
        maxZoom: 18

    L.tileLayer('https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', {
        attribution: null

    L.tileLayer('https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager_only_labels/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png', {
        attribution: null,      
        subdomains: 'abcd',

    // call to init function
    // omrane.fetchData(arrayInfos, centerCountry);
    // omrane.scrollWheelZoom(mymap);
// omrane.fetchData = function (arrayInfos, centerCountry) {
//     // Set custom icon
//     var customIcon = L.icon({
//         iconUrl: '/bundles/omranesocle/refonte/images/css/original_marker.png',
//         iconSize:     [40, 'auto'], // size of the icon
//         iconAnchor: [0, 16],
//         popupAnchor:  [20, -40]
//     });

//     // Creating markercluster
//     var markersCluster = L.markerClusterGroup({
//         iconCreateFunction: function(cluster) {
//             var childCount = cluster.getChildCount();
//             var size = 40;
//             var c = ' marker-cluster-';
//             if (childCount < 10) {
//                 c += 'small';
//             } else if (childCount < 100) {
//                 size = 55;
//                 c += 'medium';
//             } else {
//                 size = 70;
//                 c += 'large';
//             }

//             return new L.DivIcon({ html: '<div><span>' + childCount + '</span></div>', className: 'marker-cluster' + c, iconSize: new L.Point(size, size) });
//         }
//     });

//     for (locId in arrayInfos) {
//         var ezLocationInfos = arrayInfos[locId];
//         var locationId = locId;
//         if(typeof ezLocationInfos["locationId"] !== 'undefined') {
//             locationId = ezLocationInfos["locationId"];
//         }
//         objectLatitude = ezLocationInfos["lat"];
//         objectLongitude = ezLocationInfos["lng"];

//         marker = L.marker([objectLatitude, objectLongitude], {icon : customIcon});
//         omrane.mapSetMessage(marker, locationId, mymap);
//         markerArray.push(marker);
//         markersCluster.addLayer(marker);
//         markersBoundsArray.push(L.latLng(objectLatitude, objectLongitude));
//     }

//     // Add Marker cluster Layer to map
//     mymap.addLayer(markersCluster);

//     // Call to fitbounds function
//     omrane.fitbBounds(mymap, centerCountry);
//     // Call to custom search function
//     omrane.customSearch(mymap, customIcon);
// };
// omrane.reloadMap = function (divMapId, arrayInfos) {
//     arrayInfos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arrayInfos));
//     mymap.remove();
//     mymap = L.map(divMapId);

//     L.tileLayer('https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', {
//         attribution: null,
//         zoom: 10,
//         maxZoom: 18,
//         accessToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYWxpOTk2IiwiYSI6ImNqaTV0dXRpZDA0Z3IzbHBrOTE3ZThwZmIifQ.s5AoPuGA72HefSctxLAyzw'
//     }).addTo(mymap);

//     // call to init function
//     omrane.fetchData(arrayInfos);
// };
// omrane.fitbBounds = function (mymap,centerCountry) {
//     // Fitbounds
//     if(centerCountry) {
//         var corner1 = L.latLng(34.686667, -1.911389), //Oujda
//             corner2 = L.latLng(23.6975,  -15.937), //Dakhela
//             bounds = L.latLngBounds(corner1, corner2);
//         mymap.fitBounds(bounds, {animation: false});
//     } else {
//         var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(markersBoundsArray);
//         mymap.fitBounds(bounds);
//         mymap.setZoom(12);
//     }
// };
// omrane.customSearch = function (mymap, customIcon) {
//     mymap.addControl( new L.Control.Search({
//         textPlaceholder: 'rechercher...',
//         url: 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=json&q={s}',
//         jsonpParam: 'json_callback',
//         propertyName: 'display_name',
//         position:'topleft',    // where do you want the search bar?
//         propertyLoc: ['lat','lon'],
//         zoom: 10,        // set zoom to found location when searched
//         marker: L.marker([0,0],{draggable: true,opacity:.5,icon : customIcon,radius:30}).bindPopup('Drag me'),
//     }) );
// };

// omrane.mapSetMessage = function (marker, ezLocationId, mymap) {

//     marker.addEventListener('click', function () {
//         href = '/content/location/' + ezLocationId + '/map';
//         if (jQuery("#prefix_langue").length > 0) {
//             href = "/" + jQuery("#prefix_langue").attr('href') + href
//         }

//         jQuery.ajax({
//             url: href,
//             success: function (data) {
//         marker.bindPopup(data);
//         marker.openPopup();
//             }
//         });
//         mymap.setView([marker.getLatLng().lat, marker.getLatLng().lng]);
//     });
// };

// omrane.scrollWheelZoom = function (mymap) {
//     if (viewportWidth <= 1024) {
//         mymap.scrollWheelZoom.disable();
//     }
// }