a year ago
43 kB
<?php // This file resides in 'inc/class-toggle-nav-menu.php' if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || function_exists( 'Besa_Elementor_Toggle_Nav_Menu' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } use Elementor\Controls_Manager; use Elementor\Group_Control_Box_Shadow; use Elementor\Group_Control_Typography; use Elementor\Core\Kits\Documents\Tabs\Global_Typography; class Besa_Elementor_Toggle_Nav_Menu extends Besa_Elementor_Widget_Base { protected $nav_menu_index = 1; public function get_name() { return 'besa-toggle-nav-menu'; } public function get_title() { return esc_html__('Besa Toggle Nav Menu', 'besa'); } public function get_icon() { return 'eicon-nav-menu'; } public function get_script_depends() { $script = []; $script[] = 'jquery-treeview'; return $script; } public function on_export($element) { unset($element['settings']['menu']); return $element; } protected function get_nav_menu_index() { return $this->nav_menu_index++; } protected function register_controls() { $this->start_controls_section( 'section_layout', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Layout', 'besa'), ] ); $menus = $this->get_available_menus(); if (!empty($menus)) { $this->add_control( 'menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Primary Menu', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT, 'options' => $menus, 'default' => array_keys($menus)[0], 'save_default' => true, 'separator' => 'before', 'description' => sprintf(__('Go to the <a href="%s" target="_blank">Menus screen</a> to manage your menus.', 'besa'), admin_url('nav-menus.php')), ] ); } else { $this->add_control( 'menu', [ 'type' => Controls_Manager::RAW_HTML, 'raw' => sprintf(__('<strong>There are no menus in your site.</strong><br>Go to the <a href="%s" target="_blank">Menus screen</a> to create one.', 'besa'), admin_url('nav-menus.php?action=edit&menu=0')), 'separator' => 'after', 'content_classes' => 'elementor-panel-alert elementor-panel-alert-info', ] ); } $this->add_control( 'layout', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Layout Menu', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT, 'default' => 'horizontal', 'separator' => 'before', 'options' => [ 'horizontal' => esc_html__('Horizontal', 'besa'), 'vertical' => esc_html__('Vertical', 'besa'), 'treeview' => esc_html__('Tree View', 'besa'), ], 'frontend_available' => true, ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'align_items', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Align', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::CHOOSE, 'options' => [ 'flex-start' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Start', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-left', ], 'center' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Center', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-center', ], 'flex-end' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('End', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-right', ], ], 'prefix_class' => 'elementor-nav-menu%s__align-', 'default' => '', 'condition' => [ 'layout' => 'horizontal' ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .elementor-nav-menu' => 'justify-content: {{VALUE}} !important', ] ] ); $this->add_control( 'hidden_indicator', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Hidden Submenu Indicator', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER, 'default' => '', 'prefix_class' => 'hidden-indicator-', 'condition' => [ 'layout!' => 'treeview' ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'show_toggle_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Show Toggle Menu', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER, 'condition' => [ 'layout!' => 'horizontal', 'show_canvas_menu!' => 'yes', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'show_canvas_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Show Canvas Menu', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER, 'condition' => [ 'layout!' => 'horizontal', 'show_toggle_menu!' => 'yes', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'show_canvas_menu_class', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Show Canvas Menu Class', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::HIDDEN, 'prefix_class' => 'width-auto-', 'default' => 'yes', 'condition' => [ 'show_canvas_menu' => 'yes', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_section(); $this->register_section_toggle_menu(); $this->register_section_vertical_menu(); $this->register_section_canvas_menu(); $this->register_section_style_main_menu(); $this->register_section_style_menu_dropdown(); $this->register_section_style_menu_canvas(); } private function register_section_style_main_menu() { $this->start_controls_section( 'section_style_main-menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Main Menu', 'besa'), 'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE, ] ); $this->add_control( 'bg_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Background Color Full', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .elementor-nav-menu' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}}', ], ] ); $this->add_group_control( Group_Control_Typography::get_type(), [ 'name' => 'menu_typography', 'global' => [ 'default' => Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_TEXT, ], 'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li> a', ] ); $this->start_controls_tabs('tabs_menu_item_style'); $this->start_controls_tab( 'tab_menu_item_normal', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Normal', 'besa'), ] ); $this->add_control( 'color_menu_item', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Text Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li> a'=> 'color: {{VALUE}} !important', '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li > a i'=> 'color: {{VALUE}} !important', '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li> > a .caret:before' => 'color: {{VALUE}} ', ], ] ); $this->add_group_control( Group_Control_Box_Shadow::get_type(), [ 'name' => 'menu_item_box_shadow', 'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li> a', 'condition' => [ 'layout' => 'horizontal', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_tab(); $this->start_controls_tab( 'tab_menu_item_hover', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Hover', 'besa'), ] ); $this->add_control( 'bg_menu_item_hover', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Background Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li> a:hover, {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li > a:focus, {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li.active > a' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'color_menu_item_hover', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Text Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li> a:hover, {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li > a:focus, {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li.active > a, {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li > a:hover .caret, {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li > a:focus .caret, {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li.active > a .caret' => 'color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_group_control( Group_Control_Box_Shadow::get_type(), [ 'name' => 'menu_item_box_shadow_hover', 'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} >ul > li> a:hover', 'condition' => [ 'layout' => 'horizontal', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_tab(); $this->end_controls_tabs(); $this->add_responsive_control( 'padding_horizontal_menu_item', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Horizontal Padding', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'range' => [ 'px' => [ 'max' => 50, ], ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} > ul > li > a' => 'padding-left: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}; padding-right: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'padding_vertical_menu_item', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Vertical Padding', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'range' => [ 'px' => [ 'max' => 50, ], ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} > ul > li > a' => 'padding-top: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}; padding-bottom: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'menu_space_between', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Space Between', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'range' => [ 'px' => [ 'max' => 100, ], ], 'selectors' => [ 'body:not(.rtl) {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} > ul > li:not(:last-child)' => 'margin-right: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important', 'body.rtl {{WRAPPER}} .tbay-nav-menu-{{ID}} > ul > li:not(:last-child)' => 'margin-left: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_section(); } private function register_section_style_menu_canvas() { $this->start_controls_section( 'section_style_canvas', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Canvas', 'besa'), 'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE, 'condition' => [ 'show_canvas_menu' => 'yes', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_canvas_icon_color', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Color Icon', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .btn-canvas-menu i' => 'color: {{VALUE}};', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_section(); } private function register_section_style_menu_dropdown() { $this->start_controls_section( 'section_style_dropdown', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Dropdown', 'besa'), 'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE, ] ); $this->add_group_control( Group_Control_Typography::get_type(), [ 'name' => 'dropdown_typography', 'global' => [ 'default' => Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_ACCENT, ], 'exclude' => ['line_height'], 'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu > li > a', 'separator' => 'before', ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'dropdown_Heading', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Heading sub title megamenu', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'range' => [ 'px' => [ 'max' => 50, ], ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .elementor-widget-wp-widget-nav_menu > .elementor-widget-container > h5' => 'font-size: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important', ], ] ); $this->start_controls_tabs('tabs_dropdown_item_style'); $this->start_controls_tab( 'tab_dropdown_item_normal', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Normal', 'besa'), ] ); $this->add_control( 'color_dropdown_item', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Text Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .dropdown-menu > li > a, {{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .elementor-nav-menu > li > a, {{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .menu > li> a' => 'color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'background_color_dropdown_item', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Background Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu > .dropdown-menu, {{WRAPPER}} .elementor-nav-menu > li.dropdown > .dropdown-menu' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}} !important; border-color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], 'separator' => 'none', ] ); $this->end_controls_tab(); $this->start_controls_tab( 'tab_dropdown_item_hover', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Hover', 'besa'), ] ); $this->add_control( 'color_dropdown_item_hover', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Text Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, {{WRAPPER}} .dropdown-menu .elementor-nav-menu > li > a:hover, {{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .menu > li> a:hover, {{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .elementor-nav-menu > li > a:hover' => 'color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'background_color_dropdown_item_hover', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Background Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .dropdown-menu > li:hover, {{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .menu > li:hover' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], 'separator' => 'none', ] ); $this->end_controls_tab(); $this->end_controls_tabs(); $this->add_group_control( Group_Control_Box_Shadow::get_type(), [ 'name' => 'dropdown_box_shadow', 'exclude' => [ 'box_shadow_position', ], 'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .navbar-nav li:hover > .dropdown-menu', ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'padding_horizontal_dropdown_item', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Horizontal Padding', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .dropdown-menu > li, {{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .menu > li' => 'padding-left: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}; padding-right: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important', ], 'separator' => 'before', ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'padding_vertical_dropdown_item', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Vertical Padding', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'range' => [ 'px' => [ 'max' => 50, ], ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .dropdown-menu > li, {{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .menu > li' => 'padding-top: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}; padding-bottom: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'dropdown_padding', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Padding', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS, 'size_units' => ['px', 'em', '%'], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .dropdown-menu, {{WRAPPER}} .active-mega-menu .menu' => 'padding: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}} !important;', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_section(); } private function register_section_toggle_menu() { $this->start_controls_section( 'section_toggle_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Toggle Menu', 'besa' ), 'condition' => [ 'show_toggle_menu!' => '', 'layout!' => 'horizontal', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_menu_align', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Alignment', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::CHOOSE, 'options' => [ 'left' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Left', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-left', ], 'center' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Center', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-center', ], 'right' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Right', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-right', ], 'justify' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Justified', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-justify', ], ], 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}}' => 'text-align: {{VALUE}};', '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title' => 'text-align: {{VALUE}} !important;', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_menu_title_heading', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Title', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::HEADING, ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_menu_title', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Primary Title', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::TEXT, 'default' => esc_html__( 'Title', 'besa' ), 'label_block' => true, ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_internationalisation_menu_title', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Internationalisation Title', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::TEXT, 'default' => esc_html__( 'Internationalisation Title', 'besa' ), 'label_block' => true, ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_internationalisation_menu_link', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Internationalisation Link', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::URL, 'dynamic' => [ 'active' => true, ], 'placeholder' => esc_html__( 'https://your-link.com', 'elementor' ), 'default' => [ 'url' => '#', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_menu_title_tag', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Title HTML Tag', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT, 'options' => [ 'h1' => 'H1', 'h2' => 'H2', 'h3' => 'H3', 'h4' => 'H4', 'h5' => 'H5', 'h6' => 'H6', 'div' => 'div', 'span' => 'span', 'p' => 'p', ], 'default' => 'h3', ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_menu_title_size', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Font Size Title', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'range' => [ 'px' => [ 'min' => 10, 'max' => 80, ], ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title span' => 'font-size: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important;', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_menu_title_line_height', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Line Height Title', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'range' => [ 'px' => [ 'min' => 10, 'max' => 80, ], ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title span' => 'line-height: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important;', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_menu_title_font_weight', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Font Weight Title', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT, 'options' => [ '100' => '100', '200' => '200', '300' => '300', '400' => '400', '500' => '500', '600' => '600', '700' => '700', '800' => '800', ], 'default' => '700', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title span' => 'font-weight: {{VALUE}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_content_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Toggle content menu', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER, 'prefix_class' => 'elementor-toggle-content-menu-', 'default' => 'yes', ] ); $this->add_control( 'ajax_toggle', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Ajax Toggle Menu', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER, 'default' => 'no', 'description' => esc_html__( 'Show/hidden Ajax Toggle Menu', 'besa' ), 'condition' => [ 'toggle_content_menu' => 'yes', 'show_toggle_menu' => 'yes', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'show_content_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Show content menu', 'besa' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Show content menu on home or landing pages', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER, 'prefix_class' => 'elementor-show-content-menu-', 'default' => 'no', 'condition' => [ 'toggle_content_menu!' => '', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'show_toggle_menu_icon', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Show Icon', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SWITCHER, ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_menu_icon_heading', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Icon', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::HEADING, 'condition' => [ 'show_toggle_menu_icon!' => '', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_menu_icon', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Icon', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::ICONS, 'label_block' => true, 'default' => [ 'value' => 'fas fa-star', 'library' => 'fa-solid', ], 'condition' => [ 'show_toggle_menu_icon!' => '', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_menu_icon_size', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Font Size Icon', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'range' => [ 'px' => [ 'min' => 10, 'max' => 80, ], ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title i, {{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title svg' => 'font-size: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} !important;', ], 'condition' => [ 'show_toggle_menu_icon!' => '', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_section(); $this->register_section_style_toggle_menu(); } private function register_section_vertical_menu() { $this->start_controls_section( 'section_vertical_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Vertical Menu', 'besa' ), 'condition' => [ 'layout' => 'vertical', 'show_canvas_menu!' => 'yes', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_vertical_submenu_align', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Alignment Sub Menu', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::CHOOSE, 'options' => [ 'left' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Left', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-left', ], 'right' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Right', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-right', ], ], 'default' => 'right', ] ); $this->end_controls_section(); } private function register_section_canvas_menu() { $this->start_controls_section( 'section_canvas_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Canvas Menu', 'besa' ), 'condition' => [ 'show_canvas_menu' => 'yes', 'layout!' => 'horizontal', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_canvas_icon_heading', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Icon', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::HEADING, ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_canvas_menu_icon', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Icon', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::ICONS, 'label_block' => true, 'default' => [ 'value' => 'tb-icon tb-icon-text-align-right', 'library' => 'tbay-custom', ], ] ); 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$this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_canvas_title_align', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Alignment Title', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::CHOOSE, 'options' => [ 'left' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Left', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-left', ], 'right' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Right', 'besa'), 'icon' => 'fa fa-align-right', ], ], 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-canvas-title' => 'text-align: {{VALUE}} !important;', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_section(); } private function register_section_style_toggle_menu() { $this->start_controls_section( 'section_style_toggle_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Toggle Menu', 'besa' ), 'tab' => Controls_Manager::TAB_STYLE, 'condition' => [ 'show_toggle_menu!' => '', 'layout!' => 'horizontal', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'style_toggle_menu', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Background Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_group_control( Group_Control_Typography::get_type(), [ 'name' => 'style_toggle_menu_typography', 'global' => [ 'default' => Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_TEXT, ], 'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title span', ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_menu_color', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Text Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title, {{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title > *'=> 'color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_control( 'toggle_menu_color_hover', [ 'label' => esc_html__('Hover Text Color', 'besa'), 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR, 'default' => '', 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title:hover, {{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title a:hover, {{WRAPPER}} .open .toggle-menu-title a'=> 'color: {{VALUE}} !important', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_menu_border_radius', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Border Radius', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS, 'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title' => 'border-radius: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}} !important;', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_menu_padding', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Padding', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS, 'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title' => 'padding: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}} !important;', ], ] ); $this->add_responsive_control( 'toggle_menu_margin', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Margin', 'besa' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::DIMENSIONS, 'size_units' => [ 'px', '%' ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .toggle-menu-title' => 'margin: {{TOP}}{{UNIT}} {{RIGHT}}{{UNIT}} {{BOTTOM}}{{UNIT}} {{LEFT}}{{UNIT}} !important;', ], ] ); $this->end_controls_section(); } public function render_get_toggle_menu() { $settings = $this->get_settings(); extract( $settings ); $ouput = ''; if( $layout === 'horizontal' || !$show_toggle_menu ) return; // Internationalisation. if ( 'GB' !== get_user_country_code() ) { $toggle_menu_title = $toggle_internationalisation_menu_title; } if( empty($toggle_menu_title) && !$show_toggle_menu_icon ) return; $ouput .= '<'. $toggle_menu_title_tag .' class="toggle-menu-title category-inside-title">'; if( !empty($toggle_content_menu) ) { if ( 'GB' === get_user_country_code() ) { $ouput .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="click-show-menu menu-click">'; } else { if ( ! empty( $toggle_internationalisation_menu_link['url'] )) { $ouput .= '<a href="' . esc_url( $toggle_internationalisation_menu_link['url'] ) . '" class="click-intl-menu">'; } else { $ouput .= '<a href="#" class="click-intl-menu">'; } } } if( $show_toggle_menu_icon ) { $ouput .= '<i class="'. $toggle_menu_icon['value'] .'"></i>'; } if( !empty($toggle_menu_title) ) $ouput .= '<span>'. $toggle_menu_title .'</span>'; if( !empty($toggle_content_menu) ) { $ouput .= '</a>'; } $ouput .= '</'. $toggle_menu_title_tag .'>'; return $ouput; } public function render_canvas_button_menu() { $settings = $this->get_settings(); extract($settings); $ouput = ''; if( $layout === 'horizontal' || !$show_canvas_menu ) return; $ouput .= '<div class="canvas-menu-btn-wrapper">'; $ouput .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn-canvas-menu menu-click"><i class="'. $toggle_canvas_menu_icon['value'] .'"></i></a>'; $ouput .= '</div>'; $ouput .= '<div class="canvas-overlay-wrapper"></div>'; return $ouput; } public function render_get_toggle_canvas_menu() { $settings = $this->get_settings(); extract( $settings ); $ouput = ''; if( $layout === 'horizontal' || !$show_canvas_menu ) return; if( empty($toggle_canvas_title) ) return; $ouput .= '<'. $toggle_canvas_title_tag .' class="toggle-canvas-title">'; $ouput .= $toggle_canvas_title; $ouput .= '</'. $toggle_canvas_title_tag .'>'; return $ouput; } protected function get_view_template( $tpl_slug, $tpl_name, $settings = [] ) { $located = ''; $templates = []; if ( ! $settings ) { $settings = $this->get_settings_for_display(); } if ( !empty($tpl_name) ) { $tpl_name = trim( str_replace( '.php', '', $tpl_name ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); $templates[] = 'elementor_templates/' . $tpl_slug . '-' . $tpl_name . '.php'; $templates[] = 'elementor_templates/' . $tpl_slug . '/' . $tpl_name . '.php'; } $templates[] = 'elementor_templates/' . $tpl_slug . '.php'; foreach ( $templates as $template ) { if ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $template ) ) { $located = locate_template( $template ); break; } else { $located = false; } } if ( $located ) { include $located; } else { echo sprintf( __( 'Failed to load template with slug "%s" and name "%s".', 'besa' ), $tpl_slug, $tpl_name ); } } } $widgets_manager->register(new Besa_Elementor_Toggle_Nav_Menu());
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