#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
//#define __DEBUG__
#define BLOCKSIZE 32
#define MEMSIZE 64
#define ROW 0
#define COL 1
#define HANDLE_ERROR(status) \
{ \
if (status != cudaSuccess) \
{ \
fprintf(stderr, "%s failed at line %d \nError message: %s \n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__ ,cudaGetErrorString(status)); \
} \
const int INF = ((1 << 30) - 1);
//const int V = 50010;
void input(char* inFileName, int B);
void output(char* outFileName);
void block_FW(int B);
int ceil(int a, int b);
void cal(int B, int Round, int block_start_x, int block_start_y, int block_width, int block_height);
__global__ void block_FW_phase_1(int B, int *dist, int round, int vertex);
__global__ void block_FW_phase_2(int B, int *dist, int round, int vertex, int mode);
__global__ void block_FW_phase_3(int B, int *dist, int round, int vertex);
__global__ void dist_print(int *dist, int v) {
for( int i = 0; i < v * v; ++i){
printf("%d ", dist[i]);
using namespace std;
int n, m;
int *Dist;
int *Dist_result;
int *Dist_cuda;
int vertex, edge, o_v;
struct stat fileInfo = {0};
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int B = MEMSIZE;
input(argv[1], B);
return 0;
void input(char* infile, int B){
int fd = open(infile, O_RDWR);
fstat(fd, &fileInfo);
int* file_map = (int*)mmap(NULL, fileInfo.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
vertex = file_map[0];
edge = file_map[1];
#ifdef __DEBUG__
cout << "vertex= " << vertex << ", edge= " << edge << endl;
//vertex = vertex + ( BLOCK_FACTOR - ( (vertex-1) % BLOCK_FACTOR + 1 ) );
o_v = vertex;
vertex = (vertex % B != 0) ? (vertex/B+1)*B : vertex;
Dist = new int[vertex * vertex];
//cudaHostAlloc( &Dist, vertex * vertex * sizeof (int), cudaHostAllocDefault);
//cudaHostAlloc( &Dist, vertex * vertex * sizeof (int), cudaHostAllocMapped);
for(int i = 0; i < vertex; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < vertex; j++) {
if(i != j)
Dist[i * vertex + j] = INF;
Dist[i * vertex + j] = 0; // i == j
int now_position = 2;
int src, dst, weight;
for(int i = 0; i < edge; i++) {
src = file_map[now_position++];
dst = file_map[now_position++];
weight = file_map[now_position++];
#ifdef __DEBUG__
cout << "Frome: " << src << " to " << dst << " weight = " << weight << endl;
Dist[src * vertex + dst] = weight;
void output(char* outFileName) {
FILE* outfile = fopen(outFileName, "w");
for (int i = 0; i < o_v; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < o_v; ++j) {
if (Dist[i * vertex + j] >= INF)
Dist[i * vertex + j] = INF;
fwrite(Dist + i * vertex, sizeof(int), o_v, outfile);
int ceil(int a, int b) { return (a + b - 1) / b; }
void block_FW(int B) {
#ifdef __DEBUG__
float k_time;
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
cudaError_t cudaStatus;
cudaStatus = cudaSetDevice(0);
int round = ceil(vertex, B);
// Init and copy data to vram
//cudaHostGetDevicePointer( &Dist_cuda, Dist, 0);
#ifdef __DEBUG__
// Create cuda event
cudaMalloc(&Dist_cuda, vertex*vertex*sizeof(int));
cudaMemcpy(Dist_cuda, Dist, vertex*vertex*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Create block and thread
dim3 num_blocks_phase_1(1, 1);
dim3 num_blocks_phase_2(round, 1);
dim3 num_blocks_phase_3(round, round);
dim3 num_threads(BLOCKSIZE,BLOCKSIZE);
cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(block_FW_phase_1, cudaFuncCachePreferL1);
cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(block_FW_phase_2, cudaFuncCachePreferL1);
cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(block_FW_phase_3, cudaFuncCachePreferL1);
#ifdef __DEBUG__
cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
for (int r = 0; r < round; ++r) {
//printf("%d %d\n", r, round);
/* Phase 1*/
block_FW_phase_1 <<< num_blocks_phase_1, num_threads>>>(B, Dist_cuda, r, vertex);
/* Phase 2*/
block_FW_phase_2 <<< num_blocks_phase_2, num_threads>>> (B, Dist_cuda, r, vertex, ROW);
block_FW_phase_2 <<< num_blocks_phase_2, num_threads>>> (B, Dist_cuda, r, vertex, COL);
/* Phase 3*/
block_FW_phase_3 <<< num_blocks_phase_3, num_threads>>> (B, Dist_cuda, r, vertex);
//dist_print <<< 1, 1>>> (Dist_cuda, vertex);
#ifdef __DEBUG__
cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&k_time, start, stop);
// Move back
cudaMemcpy(Dist, Dist_cuda, vertex*vertex*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// Free cuda memory and destroy cuda event
#ifdef __DEBUG__
__global__ void block_FW_phase_1(int B, int *dist, int round, int vertex){
// Declared Shared Memory
__shared__ int mys[MEMSIZE][MEMSIZE];
// Register
int x = threadIdx.x;
int y = threadIdx.y;
int dummy = B * round;
int d_x = threadIdx.x + dummy;
int d_y = threadIdx.y + dummy;
// load shared memory
mys[y][x] = dist[d_x + d_y * vertex];
mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex];
// int a = mys[y][x];
// int b = mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE];
// int c = mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x];
// int d = mys[y][x+BLOCKSIZE];
#pragma unroll 12
for (int i=0; i < B; ++i){
// a = min(a, (mys[y][i] + mys[i][x]));
// b = min(b, (mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]));
// c = min(c, (mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys[i][x]));
// d = min(d, (mys[y][i] + mys[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]));
mys[y][x] = min(mys[y][x], (mys[y][i] + mys[i][x]) );
mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = min(mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE], (mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]) );
mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = min(mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x], (mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys[i][x]) );
mys[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = min(mys[y][x+BLOCKSIZE], (mys[y][i] + mys[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]) );
// Move back
// dist[d_x + d_y * vertex] = a;
// dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = b;
// dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = c;
// dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex] = d;
dist[d_x + d_y * vertex] = mys[y][x];
dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE];
dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = mys[y+BLOCKSIZE][x];
dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex] = mys[y][x+BLOCKSIZE];
__global__ void block_FW_phase_2(int B, int *dist, int round, int vertex, int mode){
//if (blockIdx.x == round) return;
__shared__ int mys_bas[MEMSIZE][MEMSIZE];
__shared__ int mys_pre[MEMSIZE][MEMSIZE];
int x = threadIdx.x;
int y = threadIdx.y;
int dummy = round * B;
mode = 0 row
mode = 1 col
int d_x = (mode == ROW) ? (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * B) : (threadIdx.x + dummy);
int d_y = (mode == ROW) ? (threadIdx.y + dummy) : (threadIdx.y + blockIdx.x * B);
// load shared memory
mys_bas[y][x] = dist[d_x + d_y * vertex];
mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex];
// Update d_x d_y for ref block
d_x = threadIdx.x + dummy;
d_y = threadIdx.y + dummy;
mys_pre[y][x] = dist[d_x + d_y * vertex];
mys_pre[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_pre[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_pre[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex];
int a = mys_bas[y][x];
int b = mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE];
int c = mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x];
int d = mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE];
#pragma unroll 12
for ( int i = 0; i < B; ++i){
if (mode == ROW) {
a = min(a, (mys_pre[y][i] + mys_bas[i][x]) );
b = min(b, (mys_pre[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_bas[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]) );
c = min(c, (mys_pre[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_bas[i][x]));
d = min(d, (mys_pre[y][i] + mys_bas[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]));
// mys_bas[y][x] = min(mys_bas[y][x], (mys_pre[y][i] + mys_bas[i][x]) );
// mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = min(mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE], (mys_pre[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_bas[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]) );
// mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = min(mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x], (mys_pre[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_bas[i][x]));
// mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = min(mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE], (mys_pre[y][i] + mys_bas[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]));
}else {
a = min(a, (mys_bas[y][i] + mys_pre[i][x]) );
b = min(b, (mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_pre[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]) );
c = min(c, (mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_pre[i][x]));
d = min(d, (mys_bas[y][i] + mys_pre[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]));
// mys_bas[y][x] = min(mys_bas[y][x], (mys_bas[y][i] + mys_pre[i][x]) );
// mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = min(mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE], (mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_pre[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]) );
// mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = min(mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x], (mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_pre[i][x]));
// mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = min(mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE], (mys_bas[y][i] + mys_pre[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]));
// reset d_x, d_y
d_x = (mode == ROW) ? (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * B) : (threadIdx.x + dummy);
d_y = (mode == ROW) ? (threadIdx.y + dummy) : (threadIdx.y + blockIdx.x * B);
// Move back
dist[d_x + d_y * vertex] = a;
dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = b;
dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = c;
dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex] = d;
// dist[d_x + d_y * vertex] = mys_bas[y][x];
// dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE];
// dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x];
// dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex] = mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE];
__global__ void block_FW_phase_3(int B, int *dist, int round, int vertex){
__shared__ int mys_bas[MEMSIZE][MEMSIZE];
__shared__ int mys_pre_x[MEMSIZE][MEMSIZE];
__shared__ int mys_pre_y[MEMSIZE][MEMSIZE];
int x = threadIdx.x;
int y = threadIdx.y;
int dummy = round * B;
int d_x = threadIdx.x + (blockIdx.x * B);
int d_y = threadIdx.y + (blockIdx.y * B);
int d_x_pre = dummy + threadIdx.x;
int d_y_pre = dummy + threadIdx.y;
// load data to share memory
mys_bas[y][x] = dist[d_x + d_y * vertex];
mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = dist[d_x + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex];
// load reference X axis
mys_pre_x[y][x] = dist[d_x_pre + d_y * vertex];
mys_pre_x[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x_pre + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_pre_x[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = dist[d_x_pre + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_pre_x[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x_pre + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex];
// load reference Y axis
mys_pre_y[y][x] = dist[d_x + d_y_pre * vertex];
mys_pre_y[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y_pre + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_pre_y[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = dist[d_x + (d_y_pre + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex];
mys_pre_y[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y_pre * vertex];
int a = mys_bas[y][x];
int b = mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE];
int c = mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x];
int d = mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE];
#pragma unroll 12
for ( int i = 0; i < B; ++i){
a = min(a, (mys_pre_x[y][i] + mys_pre_y[i][x]) );
b = min(b, (mys_pre_x[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_pre_y[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]) );
c = min(c, (mys_pre_x[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_pre_y[i][x]));
d = min(d, (mys_pre_x[y][i] + mys_pre_y[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]));
// mys_bas[y][x] = min(mys_bas[y][x], (mys_pre_x[y][i] + mys_pre_y[i][x]) );
// mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE] = min(mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE], (mys_pre_x[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_pre_y[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]) );
// mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x] = min(mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x], (mys_pre_x[y+BLOCKSIZE][i] + mys_pre_y[i][x]));
// mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE] = min(mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE], (mys_pre_x[y][i] + mys_pre_y[i][x+BLOCKSIZE]));
// Move back
dist[d_x + d_y * vertex] = a;
dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = b;
dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = c;
dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex] = d;
// dist[d_x + d_y * vertex] = mys_bas[y][x];
// dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + (d_y + BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x+BLOCKSIZE];
// dist[d_x + (d_y+BLOCKSIZE) * vertex] = mys_bas[y+BLOCKSIZE][x];
// dist[(d_x + BLOCKSIZE) + d_y * vertex] = mys_bas[y][x+BLOCKSIZE];