a month ago
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import { assignEventAction } from '../utils/analytics'; import { getSelectedStateFromLocalStorage } from '../utils/local-storage'; /** * Tabs */ export default class BlackstonePerformanceData { /** * Component Constructor. */ constructor() { this.blocks = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '.performance-data' ) ); this.selectedState = getSelectedStateFromLocalStorage(); // Bail if tabs block is not on page if ( ! this.blocks.length ) { return; } this.blocks.forEach( block => this.initBlock( block ) ); } /** * Initialize the block. */ initBlock( block ) { const select = block.querySelector( '.performance-data__select' ); const dropdownHeader = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-header' ); const dropdownButton = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-button' ); const dropdownOptions = Array.from( block.querySelectorAll( '.dropdown-option' ) ); const windowhashdata = window.location.hash ? window.location.hash : ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.Window.location, WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.Window.VarAssignment if ( select ) { const options = Array.from( select.querySelectorAll( 'option' ) ); select.addEventListener( 'change', ( e ) => this.selectTab( e, block ) ); document.addEventListener( 'setGatingState', () => { this.selectedState = getSelectedStateFromLocalStorage(); this.updateTabs( select, options, windowhashdata ); } ); this.updateTabs( select, options ); this.selectTabOnload( block, windowhashdata ); block.dataset.initiallyHidden = false; if ( block.querySelector( '.is-sticky' ) ) { this.positionSelectDropdown( block ); } }else { if ( dropdownHeader ) { dropdownHeader.addEventListener( 'click', ( e ) => this.toggleDropdown( e, block ) ); } if ( dropdownButton ) { dropdownButton.addEventListener( 'click', ( e ) => this.toggleDropdown( e, block ) ); } if ( 0 < dropdownOptions.length ) { dropdownOptions.forEach( option => { option.addEventListener( 'click', ( e ) => this.selectDropdownOption( e, block ) ); } ); } document.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => { if ( !event.target.closest( '.dropdown-container' ) ) { this.closeDropdown( block ); } } ); document.addEventListener( 'setGatingState', () => { this.selectedState = getSelectedStateFromLocalStorage(); this.updateTabsForDropdown( dropdownOptions, windowhashdata, block ); } ); block.dataset.initiallyHidden = false; this.updateTabsForDropdown( dropdownOptions, windowhashdata, block ); this.selectTabOnloadForDropdown( block, windowhashdata ); window.addEventListener( 'scroll', () => this.handleScroll( block ) ); } // Set the initial value of the dropdown button based on priority: hash value, gating state, or default option const hashValue = windowhashdata ? windowhashdata.replace( '#', '' ).toLowerCase() : null; let selectedOption = null; if ( hashValue ) { selectedOption = dropdownOptions.find( option => option.getAttribute( 'value' ) === hashValue ); } if ( !selectedOption && this.selectedState ) { selectedOption = dropdownOptions.find( option => { const defaultInStates = option.dataset.defaultInStates?.split( ' ' ); return defaultInStates && defaultInStates.includes( this.selectedState ); } ); } if ( !selectedOption ) { selectedOption = dropdownOptions[0]; } if ( selectedOption && dropdownButton ) { dropdownButton.innerText = selectedOption.innerText; this.selectDropdownOption( { target: selectedOption, stopPropagation: () => {} }, block ); } } toggleDropdown( e, block ) { e.stopPropagation(); const dropdownOptions = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-options' ); const dropdownContainer = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-container' ); dropdownOptions.classList.toggle( 'show' ); dropdownContainer.classList.toggle( 'selected' ); } closeDropdown( block ) { const dropdownOptions = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-options' ); const dropdownContainer = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-container' ); dropdownOptions.classList.remove( 'show' ); dropdownContainer.classList.remove( 'selected' ); } selectDropdownOption( e, block ) { e.stopPropagation(); const selected = e.target.getAttribute( 'value' ); const dropdownButton = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-button' ); const target = block.querySelector( `.performance-data-${selected}` ); const items = Array.from( block.querySelectorAll( '.performance-data__item' ) ); if ( dropdownButton ) { dropdownButton.innerText = e.target.innerText; } items.forEach( item => item.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', false ) ); if ( target ) { target.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true ); } this.closeDropdown( block ); assignEventAction( e ); } /** * Update the tabs (for state change); */ updateTabs( select, options, windowhashdata ) { let defaultOption = null; if ( this.selectedState ) { const defaultOptions = options.filter( option => { const defaultInStates = option.dataset.defaultInStates?.split( ' ' ); return defaultInStates.includes( this.selectedState ); } ); if ( defaultOptions.length && ! windowhashdata ) { [defaultOption] = defaultOptions; select.value = defaultOption.value; const changeEvent = new Event( 'change' ); select.dispatchEvent( changeEvent ); } } } updateTabsForDropdown( dropdownOptions, windowhashdata, block ) { let defaultOption = null; if ( this.selectedState ) { const defaultOptions = dropdownOptions.filter( option => { const defaultInStates = option.dataset.defaultInStates?.split( ' ' ); return defaultInStates && defaultInStates.includes( this.selectedState ); } ); if ( defaultOptions.length && !windowhashdata ) { [defaultOption] = defaultOptions; const event= new Event( 'click', { bubbles: true } ); defaultOption.dispatchEvent( event ); const dropdownButton = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-button' ); if( dropdownButton ) { dropdownButton.innerText = defaultOption.innerText; } } } } /** * Select Tab Logic. */ selectTab( e, block ) { const selected = e.target.options[ e.target.selectedIndex ].value; const target = block.querySelector( `.performance-data-${ selected }` ); const items = Array.from( block.querySelectorAll( '.performance-data__item' ) ); // Unselect selected items. items.forEach( item => item.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', false ) ); // Select target one. if ( target ) { target.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true ); // Remove focus to prevent ipad issue with chart selection. e.target.blur(); } /** * Reset the first performance item chart tab to first. * 10up/component-tabs does not provide an api for targetting each instance, * therefore all tabs are updated on the page. `e.isTrusted` ensures it is * an user action and not occuring as a result of `updateTabs` region updates, * which causes onload issues. */ if ( e.isTrusted ) { const firstChartTab = target.querySelector( '.tab-item a[role=tab]' ); if ( firstChartTab ) { firstChartTab.click(); } } // Send GTM data assignEventAction( e ); } /** * Scroll to selected class when hash is present . */ selectTabOnload( block, windowhashdata ) { if ( windowhashdata ) { if ( window.history.scrollRestoration ) { window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; } const selecteddata = windowhashdata.replace( '#', '' ).toLowerCase(); const targetdata = block.querySelector( `.performance-data-${ selecteddata }` ); const itemsdata = Array.from( block.querySelectorAll( '.performance-data__item' ) ); const elem = document.querySelector( '.performance-data' ); const isAnchorAvailable = [...document.querySelector( '.performance-data__select' ).options] .filter( x => x.value === selecteddata )[0]; if ( isAnchorAvailable ) { isAnchorAvailable.setAttribute( 'selected', true ); //Unselect selected itemsdata. itemsdata.forEach( item => item.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', false ) ); // Select target one. if ( targetdata ) { targetdata.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true ); } if ( elem ) { const yOffset = -100; const y = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY + yOffset; window.scrollTo( {top: y, behavior: 'smooth'} ); } } else { this.selectTabOnloadForDropdown( block, windowhashdata ); } } } selectTabOnloadForDropdown( block, windowhashdata ) { if ( windowhashdata ) { if ( window.history.scrollRestoration ) { window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; } const selecteddata = windowhashdata.replace( '#', '' ).toLowerCase(); const targetdata = block.querySelector( `.performance-data-${selecteddata}` ); const itemsdata = Array.from( block.querySelectorAll( '.performance-data__item' ) ); const elem = document.querySelector( '.performance-data' ); const isDropdownAnchorAvailable = [...block.querySelectorAll( '.dropdown-option' )] .filter( x => x.getAttribute( 'value' ) === selecteddata )[0]; if ( isDropdownAnchorAvailable ) { const dropdownHeaderText = block.querySelector( '.dropdown-header .dropdown-button' ); if ( dropdownHeaderText ) { dropdownHeaderText.innerText = isDropdownAnchorAvailable.innerText; } itemsdata.forEach( item => item.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', false ) ); if ( targetdata ) { targetdata.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true ); } if ( elem ) { const yOffset = -100; const y = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY + yOffset; window.scrollTo( { top: y, behavior: 'smooth' } ); } } } } /** * Just triggers a null change event on select dropdown when the page is scrolled without any change in class selector. * * @return void */ positionSelectDropdown( block ){ const selectElement = block.querySelector( '.performance-data__select' ); document.addEventListener( 'scroll', () => { const isFocused = ( document.activeElement === selectElement ); if ( isFocused ) { selectElement.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) ); } } ); } handleScroll( block ) { const dropdownOptions = document.getElementById( 'dropdown-options' ); const dropdownContainer = document.querySelector( '.dropdown-container' ); if ( dropdownContainer && dropdownContainer.classList.contains( 'selected' ) ) { dropdownOptions.classList.remove( 'show' ); dropdownContainer.classList.remove( 'selected' ); } } }
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