$tabs = '<div class="performance-data__action">'; $tabs .= '<div class="custom-select">'; $tabs .= '<select name="performance-class" class="performance-data__select">'; $has_default_states = ! empty( array_filter( array_map( function( $inner_block ) { return ! empty( $inner_block['attrs']['states'] ); }, $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) ); if ( is_array( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) { foreach ( $block['innerBlocks'] as $inner_block ) { $title = $inner_block['attrs']['title']; $states = ! empty( $inner_block['attrs']['states'] ) ? $inner_block['attrs']['states'] : []; $id = sanitize_title_with_dashes( $title ); $gtm_atts = setup_multiple_gtm_attributes(array("category"=>"Page Engagement", "action"=>"Filter Click", "label"=>'Performance Filter | ' . esc_attr( $title ), "component_type"=>"Chart tabs", "click_text"=>esc_attr( $title ), "tag_name"=>"Page Engagement Click"), false); $tabs .= '<option ' . $gtm_atts . ' value="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '" data-default-in-states="' . esc_attr( implode( ' ', $states ) ) . '">' . esc_html( $title ) . '</option>'; } } $tabs .= '</select>'; $tabs .= '</div>'; $tabs .= '</div>'; In below code we have javascript for performance-data__select to get values from option inside initBlock import { assignEventAction } from '../utils/analytics'; import { getSelectedStateFromLocalStorage } from '../utils/local-storage'; /** * Tabs */ export default class BlackstonePerformanceData { /** * Component Constructor. */ constructor() { this.blocks = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( '.performance-data' ) ); this.selectedState = getSelectedStateFromLocalStorage(); // Bail if tabs block is not on page if ( ! this.blocks.length ) { return; } this.blocks.forEach( block => this.initBlock( block ) ); } /** * Initialize the block. */ initBlock( block ) { const select = block.querySelector( '.performance-data__select' ); const options = Array.from( select.querySelectorAll( 'option' ) ); const windowhashdata = window.location.hash ? window.location.hash : ''; // phpcs:ignore select.addEventListener( 'change', ( e ) => this.selectTab( e, block ) ); document.addEventListener( 'setGatingState', () => { this.selectedState = getSelectedStateFromLocalStorage(); this.updateTabs( select, options, windowhashdata ); } ); this.updateTabs( select, options ); this.selectTabOnload( block, windowhashdata ); block.dataset.initiallyHidden = false; if ( block.querySelector( '.is-sticky' ) ) { this.positionSelectDropdown( block ); } } /** * Update the tabs (for state change); */ updateTabs( select, options, windowhashdata ) { let defaultOption = null; if ( this.selectedState ) { const defaultOptions = options.filter( option => { const defaultInStates = option.dataset.defaultInStates?.split( ' ' ); return defaultInStates.includes( this.selectedState ); } ); if ( defaultOptions.length && ! windowhashdata ) { [defaultOption] = defaultOptions; select.value = defaultOption.value; const changeEvent = new Event( 'change' ); select.dispatchEvent( changeEvent ); } } } /** * Select Tab Logic. */ selectTab( e, block ) { const selected = e.target.options[ e.target.selectedIndex ].value; const target = block.querySelector( `.performance-data-${ selected }` ); const items = Array.from( block.querySelectorAll( '.performance-data__item' ) ); // Unselect selected items. items.forEach( item => item.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', false ) ); // Select target one. if ( target ) { target.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true ); // Remove focus to prevent ipad issue with chart selection. e.target.blur(); } /** * Reset the first performance item chart tab to first. * 10up/component-tabs does not provide an api for targetting each instance, * therefore all tabs are updated on the page. `e.isTrusted` ensures it is * an user action and not occuring as a result of `updateTabs` region updates, * which causes onload issues. */ if ( e.isTrusted ) { const firstChartTab = target.querySelector( '.tab-item a[role=tab]' ); if ( firstChartTab ) { firstChartTab.click(); } } // Send GTM data assignEventAction( e ); } /** * Scroll to selected class when hash is present . */ selectTabOnload( block, windowhashdata ) { if ( windowhashdata ) { if ( window.history.scrollRestoration ) { window.history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; } const selecteddata = windowhashdata.replace( '#', '' ).toLowerCase(); const targetdata = block.querySelector( `.performance-data-${ selecteddata }` ); const itemsdata = Array.from( block.querySelectorAll( '.performance-data__item' ) ); const elem = document.querySelector( '.performance-data' ); const isAnchorAvailable = [...document.querySelector( '.performance-data__select' ).options] .filter( x => x.value === selecteddata )[0]; if ( isAnchorAvailable ) { isAnchorAvailable.setAttribute( 'selected', true ); //Unselect selected itemsdata. itemsdata.forEach( item => item.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', false ) ); // Select target one. if ( targetdata ) { targetdata.setAttribute( 'aria-selected', true ); } if ( elem ) { const yOffset = -100; const y = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset + yOffset; window.scrollTo( {top: y, behavior: 'smooth'} ); } } } } /** * Just triggers a null change event on select dropdown when the page is scrolled without any change in class selector. * * @return void */ positionSelectDropdown( block ){ const selectElement = block.querySelector( '.performance-data__select' ); document.addEventListener( 'scroll', () => { const isFocused = ( document.activeElement === selectElement ); if ( isFocused ) { selectElement.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) ); } } ); } } Add same for dropdown-option to get values from dropdown and add that in initBlock for dropdown also add necessary code like anchor available and resr base functionality should also work with this dropdown code functionality should work $shareClass = __( 'Share Class', 'blackstone' ); $tabs = '<div class="dropdown-container">'; $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-header" onclick="toggleDropdown()">'; $tabs .= '<div class="share">'. $shareClass .'</div>'; $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-button">Select an option</div>'; $tabs .= '</div>'; $has_default_states = ! empty( array_filter( array_map( function( $inner_block ) { return ! empty( $inner_block['attrs']['states'] ); }, $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) ); if ( is_array( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) { $groupsPerforamcenBars = array(); foreach( $block['innerBlocks'] as $inner_block ) { $groupTitle = trim( $inner_block['attrs']['groupTitle'] ); if ( ! isset( $groupsPerforamcenBars[ $groupTitle ] ) ) { $groupsPerforamcenBars[ $groupTitle ] = array(); } $groupsPerforamcenBars[ $groupTitle ][] = $inner_block; } $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-options" id="dropdown-options">'; foreach ( $groupsPerforamcenBars as $groupTitle => $group_tabs ) { $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-group">'; $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-group-title">'. $groupTitle .'</div>'; foreach ( $group_tabs as $inner_block ) { $title = $inner_block['attrs']['title']; $states = ! empty( $inner_block['attrs']['states'] ) ? $inner_block['attrs']['states'] : []; $id = sanitize_title_with_dashes( $title ); $groupTitles = $inner_block['attrs']['groupTitle'] ? explode("\n", $inner_block['attrs']['groupTitle']) : []; $gtm_atts = setup_multiple_gtm_attributes(array("category"=>"Page Engagement", "action"=>"Filter Click", "label"=>'Performance Filter | ' . esc_attr( $title ), "component_type"=>"Chart tabs", "click_text"=>esc_attr( $title ), "tag_name"=>"Page Engagement Click"), false); $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-option" onclick="selectOption(\'' . esc_js( $title ) . '\')" ' . $gtm_atts . ' value="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '" data-default-in-states="' . esc_attr( implode( ' ', $states ) ) . '">' . esc_html( $title ) . '</div>'; } $tabs .= '</div>'; } $tabs .= '</div>'; the whole php code we have is add_filter( 'render_block', function( $block_content, $block ) { if ( 'blackstone/performance-data' === $block['blockName'] ) { if ( $block['innerBlocks'] ) { $groupTitles = array(); foreach( $block['innerBlocks'] as $inner_block ) { $groupTitle = $inner_block['attrs']['groupTitle']; if ( ! empty( $groupTitle ) && ! in_array( $groupTitle, $groupTitles, true ) ) { $groupTitles[] = $groupTitle; } } if ( empty( $groupTitles ) ) { $tabs = '<div class="performance-data__action">'; $tabs .= '<div class="custom-select">'; $tabs .= '<select name="performance-class" class="performance-data__select">'; $has_default_states = ! empty( array_filter( array_map( function( $inner_block ) { return ! empty( $inner_block['attrs']['states'] ); }, $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) ); if ( is_array( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) { foreach ( $block['innerBlocks'] as $inner_block ) { $title = $inner_block['attrs']['title']; $states = ! empty( $inner_block['attrs']['states'] ) ? $inner_block['attrs']['states'] : []; $id = sanitize_title_with_dashes( $title ); $gtm_atts = setup_multiple_gtm_attributes(array("category"=>"Page Engagement", "action"=>"Filter Click", "label"=>'Performance Filter | ' . esc_attr( $title ), "component_type"=>"Chart tabs", "click_text"=>esc_attr( $title ), "tag_name"=>"Page Engagement Click"), false); $tabs .= '<option ' . $gtm_atts . ' value="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '" data-default-in-states="' . esc_attr( implode( ' ', $states ) ) . '">' . esc_html( $title ) . '</option>'; } } $tabs .= '</select>'; $tabs .= '</div>'; $tabs .= '</div>'; } else { $shareClass = __( 'Share Class', 'blackstone' ); $tabs = '<div class="dropdown-container">'; $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-header" onclick="toggleDropdown()">'; $tabs .= '<div class="share">'. $shareClass .'</div>'; $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-button">Select an option</div>'; $tabs .= '</div>'; $has_default_states = ! empty( array_filter( array_map( function( $inner_block ) { return ! empty( $inner_block['attrs']['states'] ); }, $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) ); if ( is_array( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) { $groupsPerforamcenBars = array(); foreach( $block['innerBlocks'] as $inner_block ) { $groupTitle = trim( $inner_block['attrs']['groupTitle'] ); if ( ! isset( $groupsPerforamcenBars[ $groupTitle ] ) ) { $groupsPerforamcenBars[ $groupTitle ] = array(); } $groupsPerforamcenBars[ $groupTitle ][] = $inner_block; } $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-options" id="dropdown-options">'; foreach ( $groupsPerforamcenBars as $groupTitle => $group_tabs ) { $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-group">'; $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-group-title">'. $groupTitle .'</div>'; foreach ( $group_tabs as $inner_block ) { $title = $inner_block['attrs']['title']; $states = ! empty( $inner_block['attrs']['states'] ) ? $inner_block['attrs']['states'] : []; $id = sanitize_title_with_dashes( $title ); $groupTitles = $inner_block['attrs']['groupTitle'] ? explode("\n", $inner_block['attrs']['groupTitle']) : []; $gtm_atts = setup_multiple_gtm_attributes(array("category"=>"Page Engagement", "action"=>"Filter Click", "label"=>'Performance Filter | ' . esc_attr( $title ), "component_type"=>"Chart tabs", "click_text"=>esc_attr( $title ), "tag_name"=>"Page Engagement Click"), false); $tabs .= '<div class="dropdown-option" onclick="selectOption(\'' . esc_js( $title ) . '\')" ' . $gtm_atts . ' value="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '" data-default-in-states="' . esc_attr( implode( ' ', $states ) ) . '">' . esc_html( $title ) . '</div>'; } $tabs .= '</div>'; } $tabs .= '</div>'; } $tabs .= '</div>'; $tabs .='<script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { // Set the initial value of the dropdown button to the first option var firstOption = document.querySelector(".dropdown-option"); var dropdownButton = document.querySelector(".dropdown-button"); if (firstOption) { dropdownButton.innerText = firstOption.innerText; } }); function toggleDropdown() { var dropdownOptions = document.getElementById("dropdown-options"); var dropdownContainer = document.querySelector(".dropdown-container"); dropdownOptions.classList.toggle("show"); dropdownContainer.classList.toggle("selected"); } function selectOption(value) { document.querySelector(".dropdown-button").innerText = value; document.getElementById("dropdown-options").classList.remove("show"); document.querySelector(".dropdown-container").classList.remove("selected"); } // Close the dropdown if the user clicks outside of it window.onclick = function(event) { var dropdownContainer = document.querySelector(".dropdown-container"); var dropdownOptions = document.getElementById("dropdown-options"); if (!event.target.closest(".dropdown-container")) { if (dropdownOptions.classList.contains("show")) { dropdownOptions.classList.remove("show"); dropdownContainer.classList.remove("selected"); } } } </script>'; } // Add custom select. $block_content = str_replace( '<!-- Tabs Placeholder -->', $tabs, $block_content ); $block_content = str_replace( 'data-component="chart-tabs-tab-item-link"', 'data-component="chart-tabs-tab-item-link" data-disable-ga-auto-tracking="true"', $block_content ); if ( $has_default_states ) { $block_content = str_replace( 'data-initially-hidden="false"', 'data-initially-hidden="true"', $block_content ); } // Make first item visible. $block_content = preg_replace( '/role=\"tabpanel\" aria-selected=\"false\"/', 'role="tabpanel" aria-selected="true"', $block_content, 1 ); } } return $block_content; }, 10, 2 );
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