
a month ago
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Congratulations! You have gotten a job planning databasesfor the European Union. Your firston job assignment is to help the various countries maintain information about theirinhabitants. Your model should capture the following information:• In each country, there are provinces, which contain towns. There cannot be two provinceswith the same name in a single country. Similarly, there cannot be two towns with the samename in a single province.• People live in towns. Men and women work in a town. Children learn in a school in a town.• A person can be a man, a woman, or a child, and has a first-name, last-name, id, andbirthday. Children are any people under the age of 18.• A man can be married to a woman (polygamy is not allowed, i.e., one man can be marriedonly to one woman). Although the Pope strongly disapproves, divorce, and subsequentremarriage, is possibleFor each marriage,store the date of the marriage and information about who are the childrenof the married couple. You should assume that the parents of a child were married at the timeof his birth. Draw an entity relationship diagram to model the information described above.Remember to put edge constraints and participation constraints where needed. Underlinethe key attributes of each entity in the diagram. If you use the ISA relationship, state anycovering and overlap constraints that hold. Make any necessary and logical assumptions.State any such assumptions clearly. If there are any constraints in the problem that could notbe expressed in the diagram, state these clearly.
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