2 months ago
3.2 kB
import bpy import re import os # File location file_path = r"C:\Users\User\sequence.txt" # Reading the file with open(file_path, "r") as file: data = file.read() # Extracting all actions from the file (extracting only the final action name) actions = re.findall(r'normal/.*/(.*?)\.inf\s*{[^}]*"startframe"\s*"(\d+)"[^}]*"duration"\s*"(\d+)"', data) if not actions: raise ValueError("No actions were found in the file.") # Total number of actions total_actions = len(actions) # Ensure an armature is selected if not (bpy.context.object and bpy.context.object.type == 'ARMATURE'): raise ValueError("Select an armature before running the script.") obj = bpy.context.object if not (obj.animation_data and obj.animation_data.action): raise ValueError("No action exists on the selected armature.") original_action = obj.animation_data.action # Export folder for FBX files export_dir = r"C:\Users\user\exports" os.makedirs(export_dir, exist_ok=True) # Processing all actions for i, (action_name, start_frame, duration) in enumerate(actions): start_frame = int(start_frame) duration = int(duration) end_frame = start_frame + duration - 1 # Ignoring the last frame # Duplicate the action new_action = original_action.copy() new_action.name = action_name new_action.use_fake_user = True # Keep the action even without a direct connection to the object obj.animation_data.action = new_action # Keep only the keyframes within the required range for fcurve in new_action.fcurves: keyframes = [kp for kp in fcurve.keyframe_points if start_frame <= kp.co[0] <= end_frame] # Clear all keyframes fcurve.keyframe_points.clear() # Add only the keyframes within the range for kp in keyframes: new_time = kp.co[0] - start_frame + 1 # Shift the start frame to 1 fcurve.keyframe_points.insert(new_time, kp.co[1]) # Bake the animation bpy.context.scene.frame_start = 1 bpy.context.scene.frame_end = duration bpy.ops.nla.bake( frame_start=1, frame_end=duration, only_selected=False, # Bake all objects visual_keying=True, # Bake visual data clear_constraints=False, clear_parents=False, bake_types={'POSE'} # Bake pose animation ) # Export FBX file export_path = os.path.join(export_dir, f"{action_name}.fbx") bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx( filepath=export_path, use_selection=False, # Export all items in the scene bake_anim=True, # Bake animation bake_anim_force_startend_keying=True, # Force keyframes at start and end bake_anim_simplify_factor=0.0, # No simplification of keyframes add_leaf_bones=False, apply_unit_scale=True ) # Print progress percentage progress = (i + 1) / total_actions * 100 print(f"Action {i + 1}/{total_actions}: '{action_name}' created and saved as FBX. Progress: {progress:.2f}%") print("All actions were successfully completed and saved as FBX files!")
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