14 days ago
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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //creating a structure to define the datatype of the list struct node { int cof; int exp; struct node* next ; }*new_node1,*head1,*temp1,*h1,*h2,*poly1,*poly2,*poly,*trav; struct node* create() { int i1,jcof1,jexp1,n1,hcof1,hexp1; head1=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if (head1==NULL) { printf("no memory "); exit(0); } printf("enter the cof for the first element of the polynomial:"); scanf("%d",&hcof1); printf("enter the exponent for the first element of the polynomial:"); scanf("%d",&hexp1); head1 -> cof = hcof1; head1 -> exp = hexp1; head1 -> next = NULL; temp1=head1; printf("enter the number of elements after the first element:"); scanf("%d",&n1); for(i1=0;i1<n1;i1++) { new_node1=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if (new_node1==NULL) { printf("no memory"); break; } printf("enter the coefficent of the %d element",i1+1); scanf("%d",&jcof1); printf("enter the exponent of the %d element",i1+1); scanf("%d",&jexp1); new_node1 -> cof = jcof1; new_node1 -> exp =jexp1; new_node1 -> next= NULL; temp1 -> next = new_node1; temp1 = new_node1; new_node1=NULL; } return head1; } struct node* print() { printf("The elements of first polynomial:\n"); poly1=h1; while(poly1!=NULL) { printf("%dX^%d \n",poly1->cof,poly1->exp); poly1=poly1->next; } printf("The elements of second polynomial:\n"); poly2=h2; while(poly2!=NULL) { printf("%dX^%d \n",poly2->cof,poly2->exp); poly2=poly2->next; } } struct node* multiply() { poly1=h1; poly2=h2; struct node* nh=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); nh=NULL; while(poly1!=NULL) { poly2=h2; while(poly2!=NULL) { struct node* nn=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); nn->cof=poly1->cof * poly2->cof; nn->exp=poly1->exp + poly2->exp; nn->next=NULL; if (nh==NULL) { nh=nn; poly=nh; } else { poly->next=nn; poly=poly->next; } poly2=poly2->next; } poly1=poly1->next; } return nh; } int main() { h1=create(); h2=create(); print(); printf("***********************************************\n"); trav=multiply(); while(trav!=NULL) { printf("%dx^%d+",trav->cof,trav->exp); trav=trav->next; } return 0; } // print 2x^2+3x^1+4x^0 * 3x^3+2x^0
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