Inventory cost avatar
14 days ago
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 private function getLifetimeStats($livestock)
        $purchasePrice = $livestock->purchase_price ?? 0;
        $estimatedSellingPrice = $livestock->est_value ?? 0;
        $totalInventoryCost = $this->calculateInventoryCostForLivestock($livestock);
        $totalFarmExpenses = $livestock->farm->expenses->sum('amount');
        $activeLivestockCount = Livestock::where('farm_id', $livestock->farm_id)
            ->whereIn('status', ['ACTIVE', 'LACTATING', 'FOR_SALE', 'QUARANTINE', 'SICK'])
        $monthsSinceAdded = $livestock->created_at->diffInMonths(now()) ?: 1;
        $averageCostPerMonth = ($totalInventoryCost + $totalFarmExpenses) / $activeLivestockCount / $monthsSinceAdded;
        $totalCost = $purchasePrice + ($averageCostPerMonth * $monthsSinceAdded);
        $marginAvailable = $estimatedSellingPrice - $totalCost;
        $targetToSell = $averageCostPerMonth != 0 ? $marginAvailable / $averageCostPerMonth : 0;
        $roi = $totalCost != 0 ? (($estimatedSellingPrice - $totalCost) / $totalCost) * 100 : 0;
        $dailyCost = $averageCostPerMonth / 30; // Assuming 30 days per month
        $daysToBreakEven = $dailyCost != 0 ? ($totalCost / $dailyCost) : 0;
        return [
            'purchase_price' => [
                'value' => round($purchasePrice, 2),
                'description' => 'The initial cost of acquiring the livestock.',
            'average_cost_per_month' => [
                'value' => round($averageCostPerMonth, 2),
                'description' => 'The average monthly cost of maintaining the livestock, including feed, healthcare, and a portion of farm expenses.',
            'total_cost' => [
                'value' => round($totalCost, 2),
                'description' => 'The total amount spent on the livestock, including purchase price and accumulated monthly costs.',
            'estimated_selling_price' => [
                'value' => round($estimatedSellingPrice, 2),
                'description' => 'The projected market value of the livestock if sold today.',
            'margin_available' => [
                'value' => round($marginAvailable, 2),
                'description' => 'The potential profit if the livestock is sold at the estimated selling price.',
            'target_to_sell' => [
                'value' => round($targetToSell, 2),
                'description' => 'The number of months it would take for the margin to equal the total cost, indicating an optimal selling time.',
            'roi' => [
                'value' => round($roi, 2),
                'description' => 'Return on Investment: The percentage of profit or loss relative to the total cost, indicating the efficiency of the investment.',
            'days_to_break_even' => [
                'value' => round($daysToBreakEven, 0),
                'description' => 'The estimated number of days it will take for the livestock\'s value to equal its total cost.',

    private function calculateInventoryCostForLivestock($livestock)
        $farmId = $livestock->farm_id;
        $startDate = $livestock->created_at;
        return ItemEntry::where(function ($query) use ($farmId) {
            $query->whereHas('item', function ($subQuery) use ($farmId) {
                $subQuery->where('farm_id', $farmId);
            ->where('type', 'OUT')
            ->where('posting_date', '>=', $startDate)
            ->sum(DB::raw('amount * balance'));
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