SQL> create table branch_schema(branch_name varchar(10) primary key,branch_city varchar(10) not null ,asset int not null); Table created. Table created. SQL> create table customer2(customer_name varchar(10) primary key,customer_stree t varchar(10) not null ,customer_city varchar(10) not null); Table created. SQL> create table loan2(loan_no int primary key,branch_name varchar(10) not null ,amount int not null,foreign key(branch_name) references branch_schema(branch_n ame)); Table created. SQL> create table borrower2(customer_name varchar(10) not null,loan_no int not n ull,foreign key(customer_name) references customer2(customer_name),foreign key(l oan_no) references loan2(loan_no)); Table created. SQL> create table account2(account_no int primary key,branch_name varchar(10) no t null,balance int not null, foreign key(branch_name) references branch_schema(b ranch_name)); Table created. SQL> SQL> create table deposit2(customer_name varchar(10) not null,account_no int not null,foreign key(customer_name) references customer2(customer_name),foreign key (account_no) references account2(account_no)); SQL> select loan_no from loan2 where amount not between 90000 and 100000; LOAN_NO ---------- 101 102 103 104 SQL> select loan_no from loan2 where branch_name='paripally' and amount>1200; LOAN_NO ---------- 101 SQL> select avg(balance) from account2; AVG(BALANCE) ------------ 28000 SQL> select branch_name,avg(balance) from account2 group by branch_name; BRANCH_NAM AVG(BALANCE) ---------- ------------ paripally 35000 alamcode 65000 oyoor 4000 anchal 8000 SQL> select count(customer_name) from customer2; COUNT(CUSTOMER_NAME) -------------------- 4 SQL> select max(amount) from loan2 group by branch_name; MAX(AMOUNT) ----------- 5000 75000 25000 50000 SQL> select branch_name,sum(balance) from account2 group by branch_name; BRANCH_NAM SUM(BALANCE) ---------- ------------ paripally 35000 alamcode 65000 oyoor 4000 anchal 8000 SQL> insert into branch_schema values('oyoor','kollam',85000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into branch_schema values('anchal','kollam',86000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into branch_schema values('alamcode','tvm',105000); 1 row created. SQL> select * from branch_schema; BRANCH_NAM BRANCH_CIT ASSET ---------- ---------- ---------- paripally tvm 100000 oyoor kollam 85000 anchal kollam 86000 alamcode tvm 105000 SQL> insert into customer2 values('azhar','oyoor','kollam'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer2 values('bazil','oyoor','kollam'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer2 values('bhavya','alamcode','tvm'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into customer2 values('x','paripally','kollam'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from customer2; CUSTOMER_N CUSTOMER_S CUSTOMER_C ---------- ---------- ---------- azhar oyoor kollam bazil oyoor kollam bhavya alamcode tvm x paripally kollam SQL> insert into loan2 values(101,'paripally','5000'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into loan2 values(102,'oyoor','25000'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into loan2 values(103,'anchal','50000'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into loan2 values(104,'alamcode','75000'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from loan2; LOAN_NO BRANCH_NAM AMOUNT ---------- ---------- ---------- 101 paripally 5000 102 oyoor 25000 103 anchal 50000 104 alamcode 75000 SQL> insert into borrower2 values('azhar',101); 1 row created. SQL> insert into borrower2 values('bazil',102); 1 row created. SQL> insert into borrower2 values('bhavua',103); insert into borrower2 values('bhavua',103) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SYSTEM.SYS_C007084) violated - parent key not found SQL> insert into borrower2 values('bhavya',103); 1 row created. SQL> insert into borrower2 values('x',104); 1 row created. SQL> select * from borrower2; CUSTOMER_N LOAN_NO ---------- ---------- azhar 101 bazil 102 bhavya 103 x 104 SQL> insert into account2 values(10,'paripally',35000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into account2 values(11,'alamcode',65000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into account2 values(12,'oyoor',4000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into account2 values(12,'anchal',8000); insert into account2 values(12,'anchal',8000) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSTEM.SYS_C007088) violated SQL> insert into account2 values(13,'anchal',8000); 1 row created. SQL> select * from account2; ACCOUNT_NO BRANCH_NAM BALANCE ---------- ---------- ---------- 10 paripally 35000 11 alamcode 65000 12 oyoor 4000 13 anchal 8000 SQL> insert into deposit2 values('azhar',10); 1 row created. SQL> insert into deposit2 values('bazil',11); 1 row created. SQL> insert into deposit2 values('bhavya',12); 1 row created. SQL> insert into deposit2 values('x',13); 1 row created. SQL> select * from deposit2; CUSTOMER_N ACCOUNT_NO ---------- ---------- azhar 10 bazil 11 bhavya 12 x 13 SQL> select loan_no from loan2 where amount not between 90000 and 100000; LOAN_NO ---------- 101 102 103 104 SQL> select loan_no from loan2 where branch_name='paripally' and amount>1200; LOAN_NO ---------- 101 SQL> select avg(balance) from account; AVG(BALANCE) ------------ SQL> select avg(balance) from account2; AVG(BALANCE) ------------ 28000 SQL> select branch_name,avg(balance) from account2 group by branch_name; BRANCH_NAM AVG(BALANCE) ---------- ------------ paripally 35000 alamcode 65000 oyoor 4000 anchal 8000 SQL> select branch_name,avg(balance) from account2 group by branch_name; BRANCH_NAM AVG(BALANCE) ---------- ------------ paripally 35000 alamcode 65000 oyoor 4000 anchal 8000 SQL> select count(customer_name) from customer2; COUNT(CUSTOMER_NAME) -------------------- 4 SQL> select max(amount) from loan2 group by branch_name; MAX(AMOUNT) ----------- 5000 75000 25000 50000 SQL> select balance from account2 group by branch_name; select balance from account2 group by branch_name * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression SQL> select balance from account2 order by branch_name; BALANCE ---------- 65000 8000 4000 35000 SQL> select branch_name,sum(balance) from account2 group by branch_name; BRANCH_NAM SUM(BALANCE) ---------- ------------ paripally 35000 alamcode 65000 oyoor 4000 anchal 8000
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