like in below code we are using textareacontrol <PanelRow> {postOne && postOne.id && ( <TextareaControl label={__('Custom Article Title', 'blackstone')} help="Optional text that will override the title of this selected article." value={customTitleOne} onChange={(customTitleOne) => { setAttributes({ customTitleOne }); }} /> )} </PanelRow> in below code convert textareacontrol to richtext like below code <PanelRow> {postOne && postOne.id && ( <TextareaControl label={__('Custom Article Title', 'blackstone')} help="Optional text that will override the title of this selected article." value={customTitleOne} onChange={(customTitleOne) => { setAttributes({ customTitleOne }); }} /> )} </PanelRow> we have to use this code like it is using here convert textareacontrol code to richtext also use label/title in richtext like below code so change above code accordingly <PanelBody title={__('Image Rendition Settings', 'blackstone')}> <PanelRow> <RichText enforce={false} className="components-text-control__input bx-vertical-list__input" placeholder={__('Rendition Name', 'blackstone')} multiline={false} onChange={(renditionName) => setAttributes({ renditionName })} value={renditionName} /> </PanelRow> </PanelBody>
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