a year ago
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def add_numbers(x, y): """ Adds two numbers and returns the result. """ return x + y def multiply_numbers(x, y): """ Multiplies two numbers and returns the result. """ return x * y def concat_strings(x, y): """ Concatenates two strings and returns the result. """ return x + y def is_even(x): """ Checks if a number is even and returns True if it is, False otherwise. """ return (x % 2 == 0) def square_number(x): """ Calculates the square of a number and returns the result. """ return x ** 2 def string_length(x): """ Calculates the length of a string and returns the result. """ return len(x) def max_of_three(x, y, z): """ Finds the maximum of three numbers and returns the result. """ if(x > y): temp =x x = y y = temp if(y > z): temp =y y = z z = temp return z def is_vowel(x): """ Checks if a character is a vowel and returns True if it is, False otherwise. """ if (x == 'a' or x == 'e' or x == 'i' or x == 'o' or x == 'u'): return True if (x == 'A' or x == 'E' or x == 'I' or x == 'O' or x == 'U'): return True return False def celsius_to_farenheit(x): """ Converts a temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit and returns the result. """ return x * 9 / 5 +32 def is_positive(x): """ Checks if a number is positive and returns True if it is, False otherwise. """ if(x > 0): return True return False
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