2 years ago
3.4 kB
import React, { useState } from "react"; import { Box, useTheme } from "@mui/material"; import { DataGrid } from "@mui/x-data-grid"; import { useGetTransactionsQuery } from "state/api"; import Header from "components/Header"; import DataGridCustomToolbar from "components/DataGridCustomeToolbar"; const Transactions = () => { const theme = useTheme(); // values to be sent to the backend const [page, setPage] = useState(0); const [pageSize, setPageSize] = useState(20); const [sort, setSort] = useState({ /* field: "userId", sort: "asc",*/ }); //sort initialized as {} const [search, setSearch] = useState(""); const [searchInput, setSearchInput] = useState(""); //const sortParsed = JSON.parse(sort); //any time parameters change it automatically makes another api request const { data, isLoading } = useGetTransactionsQuery({ page, pageSize, sort: JSON.stringify(sort), search, }); console.log("transactions"); console.log(data); const columns = [ { field: "_id", headerName: "ID", flex: 1, }, { field: "userId", headerName: "User ID", flex: 1, }, { field: "createdAt", headerName: "CreatedAt", flex: 1, }, { field: "products", headerName: "# of Products", flex: 0.5, sortable: false, renderCell: (params) => params.value.length, }, { field: "cost", headerName: "Cost", flex: 1, renderCell: (params) => `$${Number(params.value).toFixed(2)}`, }, ]; return ( <Box m="1.5rem 2.5rem"> <Header title="TRANSACTIONS" subtitle="Entire list of transactions" /> <Box height="80vh" sx={{ "& .MuiDataGrid-root": { border: "none", }, "& .MuiDataGrid-cell": { borderBottom: "none", }, "& .MuiDataGrid-columnHeaders": { backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.alt, color: theme.palette.secondary[100], borderBottom: "none", }, "& .MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller": { backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.light, }, "& .MuiDataGrid-footerContainer": { backgroundColor: theme.palette.background.alt, color: theme.palette.secondary[100], borderTop: "none", }, "& .MuiDataGrid-toolbarContainer .MuiButton-text": { color: `${theme.palette.secondary[200]} !important`, }, }} > <DataGrid loading={isLoading || !data} getRowId={(row) => row._id} rows={(data && data.transactions) || []} columns={columns} rowCount={(data && data.total) || 0} rowsPerPageOptions={[20, 50, 100]} pagination page={page} pageSize={pageSize} paginationMode="server" sortingMode="server" onPageChange={(newPage) => setPage(newPage)} onPageSizeChange={(newPageSize) => setPageSize(newPageSize)} onSortModelChange={(newSortModel) => setSort(...newSortModel)} components={{ Toolbar: DataGridCustomToolbar }} componentsProps={{ toolbar: { searchInput, setSearchInput, setSearch }, }} /> </Box> </Box> ); }; export default Transactions;
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