Endpoint push leads
a year ago
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@http.route([ '/api/push_leads' ], type='http', auth="none", methods=['POST'], csrf=False) @check_valid_token def restapi_push_leads_data(self, **post): datas = post.get('leads_data',None) if datas: datas = eval(datas) OProspect = request.env['crm.prospect'] total = 0 for data in datas: try: if data.get('source') == '' or data.get('source') == None or data.get('source') == False or data.get('source') == ' ': source = 'WSE Website' else: source = data.get('source') except: source = 'WSE Website' # Add parameter to pass by Steven (11-03-2020) utm_medium = data.get('utm_medium') utm_campaign = data.get('utm_campaign') utm_source = data.get('utm_source') utm_content = data.get('utm_content') utm_term = data.get('utm_term') membership_product_name = data.get('membership_product_name') branch_name = data.get('branch_name') # Add parameter to pass requested by Ricky (23-04-2020) department = data.get('department') corporate_name = data.get('corporate_name') # Add referral code (11-05-2020) Requested by Kevin ref_code = data.get('ref_code') # Add more fields requested by Marketing Team(16-07-2020) consultation = data.get('consultation') learning_preference = data.get('learning_preference') if learning_preference == 'Online': branch_id = '24' else: branch_id = data.get('branch_id') # branch_name = data.get('branch_id') # Add course plan and awareness field requested by Jafar - BD Team(05-04-2021) course_plan = data.get('course_plan') awareness = data.get('awareness') # Add gender requested by Marketing (19-10-2021) gender = data.get('gender') # Add fbp and fbc requested by Aditiya (01-11-2021) fbp = data.get('fbp') fbc = data.get('fbc') # Add multitouch_attribution requested by Marketing (18-11-2021) multitouch_attribution = data.get('multitouch_attribution') # Add conversion_url requested by Marketing (10-02-2022) conversion_url = data.get('conversion_url') data.update({'name': data['contact_name'], 'source': source, 'utm_medium': utm_medium, 'utm_campaign': utm_campaign, 'utm_source': utm_source, 'utm_content': utm_content, 'utm_term': utm_term, 'membership_product_name': membership_product_name, 'branch': branch_name, 'department': department, 'corporate_name': corporate_name, 'ref_code': ref_code, 'consultation': consultation, 'learning_preference': learning_preference, 'course_plan': course_plan, 'awareness': awareness, 'gender': gender, 'fbp': fbp, 'fbc': fbc, 'multitouch_attribution': multitouch_attribution, 'conversion_url': conversion_url, 'branch_id': branch_id,}) if data.get('purpose'): for purpose in PURPOSE_MAPPING: dpurp = data.get('purpose') if dpurp in PURPOSE_MAPPING[purpose]: data.update({'purpose':purpose}) if data.get('job'): for job in JOB_MAPPING: djob = data.get('job') if djob in JOB_MAPPING[job]: data.update({'job':job}) if data.get('goals'): for goal in GOALS_MAPPING: dg = data.get('goals') if dg in GOALS_MAPPING[goal]: data.update({'goals':goal}) OProspect.create(data) total += 1 return valid_response( 200, 'Success Push Data . Total ' + str(total) + ' Record.' )