
a month ago
17 kB
<Report>Patching NPC Jenassa | HirelingJenassa | 0B9982:Skyrim.esm
	Assets race: DarkElfRace
	Body Shape race: DarkElfRace
	Height race: DarkElfRace
	Head Parts race: DarkElfRace
	<CombinationAssignment>Assigning an asset combination
			<SpecificAssignments>Found Asset Pack set by Specific NPC Assignment: Zhizhen Skin 3BA
				Specific NPC Assignment at position 6 is requiring the following Subgroups: BN.M
					<AssetPack>Evaluating distribution rules for asset pack: Zhizhen Skin 3BA
						Skipped evaluation of Whole Config Distribution Rules for Asset Pack Zhizhen Skin 3BA because it is forced by Specific NPC Assignments.
					<AssetPack>Filtering subgroups within asset pack: Zhizhen Skin 3BA
						Subgroup HD.D.V (Head Diffuse/Doubleeyelid/Vampire) is invalid because its allowed races ([Nord Vampire, Breton Vampire, Dark Elf Vampire, High Elf Vampire, Imperial Vampire, Orc Vampire, Redguard Vampire, Wood Elf Vampire]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HD.ZTE.V (Head Diffuse/Zhizhen's Three Eyelids/Vampire) is invalid because its allowed races ([Nord Vampire, Breton Vampire, Dark Elf Vampire, High Elf Vampire, Imperial Vampire, Orc Vampire, Redguard Vampire, Wood Elf Vampire]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HN.D.B (Head Normals/Default/Breton) is invalid because its allowed races ([Breton, Bretão]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HN.D.HE (Head Normals/Default/High Elf) is invalid because its allowed races ([High Elf, Alto Elfo, Wood Elf]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HN.D.I (Head Normals/Default/Imperial) is invalid because its allowed races ([Imperial]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HN.D.Orc (Head Normals/Default/Orc) is invalid because its allowed races ([Orc]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HN.D.R (Head Normals/Default/Redguard) is invalid because its allowed races ([Redguard]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HN.Do.V (Head Normals/Doubleeyelid/Vampire) is invalid because its allowed races ([Nord Vampire, Breton Vampire, Dark Elf Vampire, High Elf Vampire, Imperial Vampire, Orc Vampire, Redguard Vampire, Wood Elf Vampire]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HN.ZTE.V (Head Normals/Zhizhen's Three Eyelids/Vampire) is invalid because its allowed races ([Nord Vampire, Breton Vampire, Dark Elf Vampire, High Elf Vampire, Imperial Vampire, Orc Vampire, Redguard Vampire, Wood Elf Vampire]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HS.V (Head Subsurface/Vampire) is invalid because its allowed races ([Nord Vampire, Breton Vampire, Dark Elf Vampire, High Elf Vampire, Imperial Vampire, Orc Vampire, Redguard Vampire, Wood Elf Vampire]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Subgroup HSp.V (Head Specular/Vampire) is invalid because its allowed races ([Nord Vampire, Breton Vampire, Dark Elf Vampire, High Elf Vampire, Imperial Vampire, Orc Vampire, Redguard Vampire, Wood Elf Vampire]) do not include the current NPC's race (Dark Elf)
						Available Subgroups by index: 
						0 (Head Diffuse): [HD.D.M (Main), HD.ZTE.M (Main)]
						1 (Head Normals): [HN.D.DE (Dark Elf), HN.Do.M (Main), HN.ZTE.M (Main)]
						2 (Head Subsurface): [HS.M (Main)]
						3 (Head Specular): [HSp.M (Main)]
						4 (Head Complexion): [HC.BDM (Blank Detail Map)]
						5 (Body Diffuse): [BD.DNNH (Dark Nipple No Hair), BD.DN (Dark Nipple), BD.LN (Light Nipple), BD.LNNH (Light Nipple No Hair)]
						6 (Body Normals): [BN.M (Muscle)]
						7 (Body Subsurface): [BS (Body Subsurface)]
						8 (Body Specular): [BSp (Body Specular)]
						9 (Hands Diffuse): [HaD (Hands Diffuse)]
						10 (Hands Normals): [HaN (Hands Normals)]
						11 (Hands Subsurface): [HaS (Hands Subsurface)]
						12 (Hands Specular): [HaSp (Hands Specular)]
						13 (Etc Diffuse): [ED.BNH (Brown No Hair), ED.B (Brown), ED.P (Pink), ED.PNH (Pink No Hair)]
						14 (Etc Normals): [EN (Etc Normals)]
						15 (Etc Subsurface): [ES (Etc Subsurface)]
						16 (Etc Specular): [ESp (Etc Specular)]
		<CombinationGeneration>Generating a new combination
			Choosing a new seed subgroup from the following list of available seeds and (matched ForceIf attributes):
			HD.D.M: Main (0)
			HD.ZTE.M: Main (0)
			HN.D.DE: Dark Elf (0)
			HN.Do.M: Main (0)
			HN.ZTE.M: Main (0)
			HS.M: Main (0)
			HSp.M: Main (0)
			HC.BDM: Blank Detail Map (0)
			BD.DNNH: Dark Nipple No Hair (0)
			BD.DN: Dark Nipple (0)
			BD.LN: Light Nipple (0)
			BD.LNNH: Light Nipple No Hair (0)
			BN.M: Muscle (0)
			BS: Body Subsurface (0)
			BSp: Body Specular (0)
			HaD: Hands Diffuse (0)
			HaN: Hands Normals (0)
			HaS: Hands Subsurface (0)
			HaSp: Hands Specular (0)
			ED.BNH: Brown No Hair (0)
			ED.B: Brown (0)
			ED.P: Pink (0)
			ED.PNH: Pink No Hair (0)
			EN: Etc Normals (0)
			ES: Etc Subsurface (0)
			ESp: Etc Specular (0)
			Chose seed subgroup BD.DN (Body Diffuse/Dark Nipple) in Zhizhen Skin 3BA at random
			<Seed-BD_DN>Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of BD.DN
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.D.M,HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.D.DE,HN.Do.M,HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Current Combination:
				Available Subgroups:
					0: [HD.D.M,HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.D.DE,HN.Do.M,HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HD.ZTE.M (Zhizhen's Three Eyelids/Main) at position 0 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HD.ZTE.M
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.D.M,HD.ZTE.M]
					1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HN.ZTE.M (Zhizhen's Three Eyelids/Main) at position 1 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HN.ZTE.M
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
					2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HS.M (Main) at position 2 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HS.M
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
					3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HSp.M (Main) at position 3 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HSp.M
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
					4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HC.BDM (Blank Detail Map) at position 4 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HC.BDM
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
					5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: BD.DN (Dark Nipple) at position 5 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of BD.DN
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
					6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: BN.M (Muscle) at position 6 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of BN.M
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
					7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: BS (Top Level) at position 7 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of BS
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
					8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: BSp (Top Level) at position 8 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of BSp
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS , BSp
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
					9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HaD (Top Level) at position 9 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HaD
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS , BSp , HaD
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
					10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HaN (Top Level) at position 10 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HaN
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS , BSp , HaD , HaN
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
					11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HaS (Top Level) at position 11 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HaS
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS , BSp , HaD , HaN , HaS
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
					12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: HaSp (Top Level) at position 12 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of HaSp
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS , BSp , HaD , HaN , HaS , HaSp
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
					13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: ED.B (Brown) at position 13 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of ED.B
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS , BSp , HaD , HaN , HaS , HaSp , ED.B
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
					14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: EN (Top Level) at position 14 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of EN
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS , BSp , HaD , HaN , HaS , HaSp , ED.B , EN
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
					15: [ES]
				16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: ES (Top Level) at position 15 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of ES
				Current Combination: HD.ZTE.M , HN.ZTE.M , HS.M , HSp.M , HC.BDM , BD.DN , BN.M , BS , BSp , HaD , HaN , HaS , HaSp , ED.B , EN , ES
				Available Subgroups:
				0: [HD.ZTE.M]
				1: [HN.ZTE.M]
				2: [HS.M]
				3: [HSp.M]
				4: [HC.BDM]
				5: [BD.DN]
				6: [BN.M]
				7: [BS]
				8: [BSp]
				9: [HaD]
				10: [HaN]
				11: [HaS]
				12: [HaSp]
				13: [ED.B]
				14: [EN]
				15: [ES]
					16: [ESp]
				Chose next subgroup: ESp (Top Level) at position 16 at random.
				Trimming remaining subgroups within Zhizhen Skin 3BA by the required/excluded subgroups of ESp
				Successfully generated combination: Zhizhen Skin 3BA:HD.ZTE.M|HN.ZTE.M|HS.M|HSp.M|HC.BDM|BD.DN|BN.M|BS|BSp|HaD|HaN|HaS|HaSp|ED.B|EN|ES|ESp
				Head Diffuse: Zhizhen's Three Eyelids/Main
				Head Normals: Zhizhen's Three Eyelids/Main
				Head Subsurface: Main
				Head Specular: Main
				Head Complexion: Blank Detail Map
				Body Diffuse: Dark Nipple
				Body Normals: Muscle
				Body Subsurface: Top Level
				Body Specular: Top Level
				Hands Diffuse: Top Level
				Hands Normals: Top Level
				Hands Subsurface: Top Level
				Hands Specular: Top Level
				Etc Diffuse: Brown
				Etc Normals: Top Level
				Etc Subsurface: Top Level
				Etc Specular: Top Level
		Current combination is accepted without body shape selection.
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