
a year ago
34 kB
Scratch RT Allocations:
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F 4xMSAA : 39321600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888 4xMSAA : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA32323232F  : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA32323232F  : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8 4xMSAA : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG3232F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG3232F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F 8xMSAA : 12582912 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 R32F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 R32F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA32323232F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA32323232F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG1616  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG1616  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8 8xMSAA : 6291456 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA16161616F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA16161616  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA8888  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 R32F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 R32F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA32323232F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA32323232F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 D24S8  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 D24S8  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F  : 1572864 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F  : 1572864 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x480 RGBA16161616  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RG3232F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RG3232F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8  : 786432 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8  : 786432 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 256x256 RGBA16161616F  : 524288 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 R32F  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 R32F  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 RGBA16161616F  : 98304 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 RGBA8888  : 49152 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 D24S8  : 49152 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] 61 RTs, Total = 279289856 Bytes

[Server] SV:  Sending full update to client oreldm (reason:  initial update)
[Client] CL:  Receiving uncompressed update from server
oreldm connected
[Networking] server @ loopback:1:  NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
[Client] CL:  Signon traffic "server":  incoming 11.967 KB [14 pkts], outgoing 831 bytes [14 pkts]
[Networking] oreldm @ loopback:0:  NetChan Setting Timeout to 20.00 seconds
[SceneSystem] Too many non-culled draws (alloc 320, need 398), resizing!
> connect
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Remote Connect (, 2 )
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME):  loop(remoteconnect) id(2) addons() desc(Remote Connect (
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop remoteconnect requested:  id [2] addons []
[Client] CL:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Client] CL:  Disconnecting from server: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to loopback:1, handle #3403826022 (2055 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #3403826022 (userdata 1)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan server @  (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #3403826022 (userdata 1)
[SteamNetSockets] [#3403826022 pipe 'server'] closed by app, linger requested but not needed (2055) NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[SteamNetSockets] [#1672297712 pipe 'oreldm'] closed by peer (2055): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for loopback:1, handle #3403826022
[Networking] Closing 'client' poll group
[Server] SV:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  Server shutting down: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE (55)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_active -> ss_dead)
[Server] SV:  Disconnect client 'oreldm' from server(1): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN
[SignonState] Client 0 'oreldm' signon state SIGNONSTATE_FULL -> SIGNONSTATE_NONE
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'server' to loopback:0, handle #1672297712 (1001 NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN)
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #1672297712 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan oreldm @  (unknown) from Steam Net Connection handle #1672297712 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for loopback:0, handle #1672297712
[Server] CSource2Server::GameServerSteamAPIDeactivated()
[Networking] Closing 'server' poll group
[stringtables] SV: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables:  removing 12 tables
[stringtables] CL: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables:  removing 12 tables
[Client] CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Client] CL:  CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
WriteSteamRemoteStorageFileAsync( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> at 29.085
[Server] SV:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Server] SV:  CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( remoteconnect : success )
CAsyncWriteInProgress::OnComplete( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> Success at 29.088
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #1672297712 pipe 'oreldm' closed by peer, reason 2055: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_LOOPDEACTIVATE
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #1672297712 (userdata -1)
[NetSteamConn] Opened Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, connection #1921998715 UDP invalid@
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[SteamNetSockets] [#1921998715 UDP steamid:90180632895912968@] connected
[Client] Sending connect to
[Client] Received S2C_CHALLENGE [0 auth 3] from
[Client] Sending C2S_CONNECT [13988 protocol 0 auth 3] to
[Client] Received S2C_CONNECTION from [addons:'']
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan server @ ( with Steam Net Connection handle #1921998715 (userdata 0)
[Client] CL:  Connected to ''
[SignonState] CL:  Suppress INetchannel::Transmit() in loopmode( remoteconnect )
[Client] CL:  CLoopModeRemoteConnect::OnClientFrameSimulate switching to "levelload" loopmode with addons:  
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop levelload requested:  id [2] addons []
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( levelload : success )
[SignonState] CL:  Permit INetchannel::Transmit()
[Client] CL:  CLoopModeLevelLoad::MaybeSwitchToGameLoop switching to "game" loopmode with addons ()
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop game requested:  id [2] addons []
[Client] CL:  CNetworkGameClient already exists for connection to ''
[Client] CL:  connection to '' already started
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "de_mirage"
[Client] Players: 10 (2 bots) / 64 humans
[Client] Build: 9961 (revision 8682326)
[Client] Server Number: 4
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_5' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_6' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_7' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_8' on panel ''
**** Unable to localize '#loadingscreen_title_de_mirage_9' on panel ''
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000631 seconds
[Console] SetConVar: No such cvar ( sv_coaching_enabled set to true), skipping
[Client] CL:  Got pure server whitelist: sv_pure = 1.
Scratch RT Allocations:
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F 4xMSAA : 39321600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888 4xMSAA : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA32323232F  : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA32323232F  : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8 4xMSAA : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG3232F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG3232F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F 8xMSAA : 12582912 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 R32F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 R32F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA32323232F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA32323232F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG1616  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG1616  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8 8xMSAA : 6291456 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA16161616F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA16161616  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA8888  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 R32F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 R32F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA32323232F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA32323232F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 D24S8  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 D24S8  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F  : 1572864 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F  : 1572864 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x480 RGBA16161616  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RG3232F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RG3232F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8  : 786432 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8  : 786432 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 256x256 RGBA16161616F  : 524288 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 R32F  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 R32F  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 RGBA16161616F  : 98304 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 RGBA8888  : 49152 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 D24S8  : 49152 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] 61 RTs, Total = 279289856 Bytes

**** Panel  has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
**** Panel  has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 8.269 msec
CS_App_Lifetime_Gamestats: Recording PartyBrowserRefreshResults 
[SteamNetSockets] Ping measurement completed in 4.2s.  Relays: 24 valid, 0 great, 5 good+, 11 ok+, 25 ignored
[SteamNetSockets] Ping location: par=53+5,fra=55+5,lhr=62+6/60+5,ams=63+6/62+5,mad=62+6,vie=94+9/66+5,waw=76+7/71+5,sto2=85+8/75+5,sto=87+8/75+5,iad=136+13/130+5,gru=245+24,sgp=311+31/248+21
[SteamNetSockets] SDR RelayNetworkStatus:  avail=OK  config=OK  anyrelay=OK   (OK.  Relays: 24 valid, 0 great, 5 good+, 11 ok+, 25 ignored)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_mirage_9_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_mirage_8_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_mirage_7_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_mirage_6_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "panorama/images/map_icons/screenshots/1080p/de_mirage_5_png.vtex_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_25.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_phoenix.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_bloodhound.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_24.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_23.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_armsdeal3.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_22.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_breakout.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_dangerzone.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_winteroffensive.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_32.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_bravo.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_31.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_30.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_shadow.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_armsdeal2.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_revolver.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_wildfire.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model !embedded_sequence_data!characters/models/shared/animsets/animset_ct.vmdl: unable to find bone reference "ball_l"
[AnimResource] Model !embedded_sequence_data!characters/models/shared/animsets/animset_uiplayer.vmdl: unable to find bone reference "ball_l"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_chroma2.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model !embedded_sequence_data!characters/models/shared/animsets/animset_t.vmdl: unable to find bone reference "ball_l"
[AnimResource] Model !embedded_sequence_data!characters/models/shared/animsets/animset_ct.vmdl: unable to find bone reference "ball_l"
[AnimResource] Model !embedded_sequence_data!characters/models/shared/animsets/animset_uiplayer.vmdl: unable to find bone reference "ball_l"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_horizon.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_clutch.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_spectrum2.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_hydra.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_huntsman.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_armsdeal1.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_glove.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_gamma2.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_gamma.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_chroma3.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_29.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_28.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_chroma.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_27.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_vanguard.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_community_26.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[AnimResource] Model models/props/crates/csgo_drop_crate_spectrum.vmdl: sequence/animation name collision found "tools_preview"
[ResourceSystem] Failed loading resource "maps/prefabs/misc/terrorist_team_intro_variant2/world_visibility.vvis_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: File not found)
[WorldRenderer] CWorldRendererMgr::ServiceWorldRequests long frame: 65.630241ms
[Client] CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Client] CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Client] CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[HostStateManager] Host activate: Remote Connect (
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
**** Panel EmbeddedHudWeaponSelection has fill-parent-flow for height, but isn't in a flowing down or up layout
Scratch RT Allocations:
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F 4xMSAA : 39321600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888 4xMSAA : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA32323232F  : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA32323232F  : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8 4xMSAA : 19660800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA16161616F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG3232F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG3232F  : 9830400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F 8xMSAA : 12582912 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RGBA8888  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 R32F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 R32F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA32323232F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA32323232F  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 D24S8  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG1616  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 1280x960 RG1616  : 4915200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8 8xMSAA : 6291456 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA16161616F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA16161616  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RG3232F  : 2457600 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 RGBA8888  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 R32F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 R32F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA32323232F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA32323232F  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 D24S8  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 640x480 D24S8  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F  : 1572864 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 RGBA16161616F  : 1572864 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x480 RGBA16161616  : 1228800 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA16161616F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RG3232F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RG3232F  : 614400 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8  : 786432 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 512x384 D24S8  : 786432 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 256x256 RGBA16161616F  : 524288 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 RGBA8888  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 R32F  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 R32F  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 320x240 D24S8  : 307200 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 RGBA16161616F  : 98304 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 RGBA8888  : 49152 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] RT 128x96 D24S8  : 49152 Bytes
[RenderPipelineCsgo] 61 RTs, Total = 279289856 Bytes

[SteamNetSockets] [#1921998715 UDP steamid:90180632895912968@ 'server'] closed by peer (2084): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_UNUSUAL
[NetSteamConn] Steam Net connection #1921998715 UDP steamid:90180632895912968@ 'server' closed by peer, reason 2084: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_UNUSUAL
[NetSteamConn] Closing Steam Net Connection on socket 'client' to, handle #1921998715 (0 (null))
[NetSteamConn] CloseSteamNetConnection handle #1921998715 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Disassociating NetChan server @ ( from Steam Net Connection handle #1921998715 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Removing Steam Net Connection for, handle #1921998715
[Client] Disconnection during connection phase. Sign-on state: 5 (SIGNONSTATE_SPAWN). Disconnect reason: 84 (NETWORK_DISCONNECT_UNUSUAL).
[Client] CL:  Server disconnected: 84: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_UNUSUAL
**** Unable to localize '#GenericConfirmText_Label' on panel descendant of 'PopupManager'
[Client] CL:  Disconnecting from server: NETWORK_DISCONNECT_UNUSUAL
[Networking] Closing 'client' poll group
[HostStateManager] CHostStateMgr::QueueNewRequest( Idle (levelload), 3 )
[HostStateManager] HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE):  loop(levelload) id(3) addons() desc(Idle (levelload))
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop levelload requested:  id [3] addons []
[Client] CL:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[Client] CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems done
[stringtables] CL: CNetworkStringTableContainer::RemoveAllTables:  removing 12 tables
[Client] CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameShutdown uninstalled game rules
[Client] CL:  CGameRules::CGameRules destructed
WriteSteamRemoteStorageFileAsync( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> at 33.873
[HostStateManager] Host activate: Idle (levelload)
[Console] Unknown command 'end_single_player_pause'!
[Console] Unknown command 'single_player_pause'!
[Console] Unknown command 'single_player_pause'!
CAsyncWriteInProgress::OnComplete( "voice_ban.dt" ) -> Success at 33.880
[Client] CL:  CLoopModeLevelLoad::MaybeSwitchToGameLoop switching to "game" loopmode with addons ()
[EngineServiceManager] SwitchToLoop game requested:  id [3] addons []
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_dead -> ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest)
[Server] SV:  maxplayers set to 1
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Server] SV:  Executing server defaults
[Server] SV:  Executing listen server config file
[Developer] GameTypes: could not find matching game mode value of "" in any game type.
[Server] SV:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
[InputService] execing gamemode_competitive.cfg
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/gamemode_competitive_server.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] exec: couldn't exec '{*}cfg/skill1.cfg', unable to read file
[InputService] execing server_default.cfg
[Server] SV:  Spawn Server: <empty>
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading)
[Server] CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active)
[Client] CL:  CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
[Client] CL:  CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
[SteamNetSockets] [#2944246396 pipe] connected
[SteamNetSockets] [#1320721380 pipe] connected
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'client'
[Networking] Created poll group for socket 'server'
[Networking] Connected loopback client=af7da27c@loopback:1 <-> server=4eb89be4@loopback:0
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan oreldm @ loopback:0 (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #1320721380 (userdata 0)
[NetSteamConn] Associating NetChan server @ loopback:1 (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #2944246396 (userdata 1)
[Client] CL:  Connected to 'loopback:1'
ClientPutInServer create new player controller [oreldm]
[Server] Client 0 'oreldm' setting rate to 786432
[Client] Game: "Counter-Strike 2"
[Client] Map: "<empty>"
[Client] Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
[Client] Build: 9960 (revision 8682326)
[Client] Server Number: 2
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo
[VScript] Initializing CSGO VScript Game System
[Client] CL:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "resource/subtitles/closecaption_english.txt".
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000725 seconds
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: create on client true
[Client] CNetworkGameClient::ProcessClassInfo: creating client serializers from local server serializers (crc 0, server api exists)
[Client] Client missing networkable entity class CTriggerTripWire
[Client] CNetworkGameClientBase::LinkClasses took 8.084 msec
[Client] CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
[Server] SV:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Host] HO:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[Server] SV:  1 player server started
[Client] CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems {
[Client] CL:  } IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems done
[SignonState] CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
[Server] SV:  Sending full update to client oreldm (reason:  initial update)
[Client] CL:  Receiving uncompressed update from server
oreldm connected
[Networking] server @ loopback:1:  NetChan Setting Timeout to 30.00 seconds
[Client] CL:  Signon traffic "server":  incoming 12.064 KB [18 pkts], outgoing 840 bytes [17 pkts]
[Networking] oreldm @ loopback:0:  NetChan Setting Timeout to 20.00 seconds
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 272.09ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
Excessive frame time of 120.21ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 227.03ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 22 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 243.47ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
Excessive frame time of 108.65ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 250.15ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 22 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 241.30ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
Excessive frame time of 115.84ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 238.96ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 22 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 240.21ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 23 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 249.28ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
Excessive frame time of 100.89ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 223.66ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 22 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 239.31ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
Excessive frame time of 105.81ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 263.45ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 22 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 241.57ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 23 iterations without a present event.
Excessive frame time of 244.87ms clamped.  Acting as if the frame only took 100.00ms
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