2 years ago
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import requests import telebot import numpy as np import copy import multiprocessing as mp from telebot import types import threading from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support import asyncio from time import sleep list_of_error = [] list_of_lists = np.loadtxt("URL.txt", dtype=object) list_of_lists2 = list(copy.copy(list_of_lists)) list_of_lists3 = np.loadtxt("URL2.txt", dtype=object) list_of_lists4 = list(copy.copy(list_of_lists3)) list_of_lists5 = np.loadtxt("URL3.txt", dtype=object) list_of_lists6 = list(copy.copy(list_of_lists5)) # list_of_error = list(copy.copy(list_of_lists)) print(list_of_lists) print(list_of_lists4) print(list_of_lists6) bot = telebot.TeleBot('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') @bot.message_handler(commands=['start']) def thread_main(message): # threading.Thread(target=func1, args=(message,)).start() threading.Thread(target=func2, args=(message,)).start() # threading.Thread(target=func3, args=(message,)).start() threading.Thread(target=func4, args=(message,)).start() # def start(message): # bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Приветствие'.format(message.from_user, bot.get_me()), parse_mode='html') # markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() # def func1(): # def func1(message): # while True: # for line in list_of_lists2: # try: # # # resp=(urllib.request.urlopen(line).getcode()) #возращает статусы и имя ресурса # # print(resp) # # with eventlet.Timeout(3): # page = requests.get(line, timeout=3, headers={'User-Agent': 'some cool user-agent'}) # возращает статусы, без page # print(page.status_code) # if page.status_code == 200: # #sleep(0.1) # print('OK! Поток №1') # else: # # print(f'Ресурс {line} недоступен') # # message.text = print(f'Ресурс {line} недоступен') # # send_message(message.chat_id, chat_text, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML) # bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Система {line} недоступна') # # for line in list_of_lists(): # list_of_error.append(line) # #sleep(0.1) # print(list_of_error) # list_of_lists2.remove(line) # # print(list_of_lists.index(line)) # #if not line: # #continue # print(line.rstrip()) # #sleep(0.1) # except: # continue def func2(message): while True: for line in list_of_lists4: try: page = requests.get(line, timeout=3) # возращает статусы, без page print(f'{page.status_code} {line}') if page.status_code != 200: bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Система {line} недоступна') # for line in list_of_lists(): list_of_error.append(line) list_of_lists4.remove(line) # list_of_error1 = list(set(list_of_error)) # sleep(0.1) print(f'{list_of_error1} лист ошибок!') # print(list_of_lists.index(line)) # if not line: # continue print(line.rstrip()) #print(f"Система {line} доступна!") else: #page.status_code != 200: bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Система {line} недоступна') # for line in list_of_lists(): list_of_error.append(line) list_of_lists4.remove(line) # list_of_error1 = list(set(list_of_error)) # sleep(0.1) print(f'{list_of_error1} лист ошибок!') # print(list_of_lists.index(line)) # if not line: # continue print(line.rstrip()) #else: continue except: continue # except: # # else: # # print(f'Ресурс {line} недоступен') # # message.text = print(f'Ресурс {line} недоступен') # # send_message(message.chat_id, chat_text, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML) # bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Система {line} недоступна') # # for line in list_of_lists(): # list_of_error.append(line) # list_of_lists4.remove(line) # list_of_error1 = list(set(list_of_error)) # # sleep(0.1) # print(f'{list_of_error1} лист ошибок!') # # print(list_of_lists.index(line)) # # if not line: # # continue # print(line.rstrip()) # # sleep(0.1) # continue # # def func3(message): # while True: # for line in list_of_lists6: # try: # # # resp=(urllib.request.urlopen(line).getcode()) #возращает статусы и имя ресурса # # print(resp) # # with eventlet.Timeout(3): # page = requests.get(line, timeout=3, headers={'User-Agent': 'some cool user-agent'}) # возращает статусы, без page # print(page.status_code) # if page.status_code == 200: # #sleep(0.1) # print('OK! Поток №3') # else: # # print(f'Ресурс {line} недоступен') # # message.text = print(f'Ресурс {line} недоступен') # # send_message(message.chat_id, chat_text, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML) # bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Система {line} недоступна') # # for line in list_of_lists(): # list_of_error.append(line) # #sleep(0.1) # print(list_of_error) # list_of_lists6.remove(line) # # print(list_of_lists.index(line)) # #if not line: # #continue # print(line.rstrip()) # #sleep(0.1) # except: # continue # # def func4(message): while True: for line in list_of_error: try: page = requests.get(line, timeout=3) # возращает статусы, без page print(page.status_code) if page.status_code == 200: bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Система {line} доступна') print('Проверяю недоступные системы!') list_of_error1.remove(line) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print(f'Ошибка исключения ConnectionError {line}') continue # else: # bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Система {line} доступна') # list_of_lists4.append(line) # #sleep(0.1) # print(list_of_error) # list_of_error.remove(line) # #if not line: # # continue # print(line.rstrip()) # #sleep(0.1) except: page = requests.get(line, timeout=3) if page.status_code != 200: bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Система {line} недоступна') list_of_lists4.append(line) # sleep(0.1) print(list_of_error) # list_of_error.remove(line) # if not line: # continue print(line.rstrip()) # sleep(0.1) continue # # # if __name__=='__main__': # p1 = Process(target = start) # p1.start() # p2 = Process(target = func2) # p2.start() # ioloop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # tasks = [ # ioloop.create_task(func1()), # ioloop.create_task(func2()) # ] # ioloop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) # ioloop.close() # if name == '__main__': # def main(func: callable): # func() # # tasks = [func1, func2] # procs = [mp.Process(target=main, args=(i,)) for i in tasks] # создаем столько процессов, сколько имеем функций # for proc in procs: # proc.start() # # for proc in procs: # proc.join() if __name__ == '__main__': try: bot.polling(none_stop=True) except Exception as e: print(e) # bot.polling(none_stop=True, interval=0)