proj1_tif_blurry code
a month ago
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import numpy as np import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Function to manually apply a Gaussian filter def apply_gaussian(image, kernel_size=5, sigma=1.0): kernel = np.fromfunction(lambda x, y: (1/2*np.pi*sigma**2) * np.exp(-((x-(kernel_size-1)//2)**2 + (y-(kernel_size-1)//2)**2) / (2*sigma**2)), (kernel_size, kernel_size)) kernel /= np.sum(kernel) # Manually apply convolution using the Gaussian kernel image_padded = np.pad(image, (kernel_size // 2,), mode='reflect') height, width = image.shape filtered_image = np.zeros_like(image) for i in range(height): for j in range(width): filtered_image[i, j] = np.sum(kernel * image_padded[i:i+kernel_size, j:j+kernel_size]) return filtered_image # Function to downsample (reduce size by a factor of 2) def downsample(image): return image[::2, ::2] # Function to upsample (increase size by a factor of 2) def upsample(image): upsampled = np.zeros((image.shape[0]*2, image.shape[1]*2), dtype=image.dtype) upsampled[::2, ::2] = image return upsampled # Function to crop the inner 90% of the image def crop_inner_90(image): height, width = image.shape h_crop = int(height * 0.075) # Crop 7.5% on top and bottom w_crop = int(width * 0.075) # Crop 7.5% on left and right return image[h_crop:height - h_crop, w_crop:width - w_crop] # Function to create Gaussian pyramid def gaussian_pyramid(image, levels): pyramid = [image] for i in range(1, levels): image = downsample(apply_gaussian(image)) pyramid.append(image) return pyramid # Function to create Laplacian pyramid def laplacian_pyramid(gaussian_pyramid): laplacian_pyramid = [] for i in range(len(gaussian_pyramid) - 1): upsampled = upsample(gaussian_pyramid[i+1]) # Ensure the sizes match after upsampling (sometimes slight mismatches) upsampled = cv2.resize(upsampled, (gaussian_pyramid[i].shape[1], gaussian_pyramid[i].shape[0])) laplacian = gaussian_pyramid[i] - upsampled laplacian_pyramid.append(laplacian) laplacian_pyramid.append(gaussian_pyramid[-1]) # The last level is kept as is return laplacian_pyramid # Function to compute L2 norm (SSD) with inner 90% of the image def compute_l2_norm(image1, image2): height = min(image1.shape[0], image2.shape[0]) width = min(image1.shape[1], image2.shape[1]) image1_cropped = image1[:height, :width] image2_cropped = image2[:height, :width] image1_inner = crop_inner_90(image1_cropped) image2_inner = crop_inner_90(image2_cropped) return np.sqrt(np.sum((image1_inner - image2_inner) ** 2)) # Function to compute NCC (Normalized Cross-Correlation) with inner 90% of the image def compute_ncc(image1, image2): height = min(image1.shape[0], image2.shape[0]) width = min(image1.shape[1], image2.shape[1]) image1_cropped = image1[:height, :width] image2_cropped = image2[:height, :width] image1_inner = crop_inner_90(image1_cropped) image2_inner = crop_inner_90(image2_cropped) image1_norm = (image1_inner - np.mean(image1_inner)) / np.std(image1_inner) image2_norm = (image2_inner - np.mean(image2_inner)) / np.std(image2_inner) return np.sum(image1_norm * image2_norm) / (np.sqrt(np.sum(image1_norm ** 2)) * np.sqrt(np.sum(image2_norm ** 2))) # Function to shift an image by a given offset def shift_image(image, dx, dy): return np.roll(np.roll(image, dx, axis=1), dy, axis=0) # Function to manually align images using either L2 or NCC metric def align_images(reference_image, target_image, metric='l2', displacement_range=15): best_offset = (0, 0) best_score = float('inf') if metric == 'l2' else -1 # Initialize best score # Search over all possible displacements for dx in range(-displacement_range, displacement_range + 1): for dy in range(-displacement_range, displacement_range + 1): # Shift the target image by dx and dy shifted_target = np.roll(np.roll(target_image, dx, axis=1), dy, axis=0) # Calculate the score if metric == 'l2': score = compute_l2_norm(reference_image, shifted_target) if score < best_score: best_score = score best_offset = (dx, dy) elif metric == 'ncc': score = compute_ncc(reference_image, shifted_target) if score > best_score: # Maximize NCC best_score = score best_offset = (dx, dy) return best_offset # Function to process the image (input is a .tif, output will be a .jpg) def process_image(image_path, metric='l2', displacement_range=15, pyramid_levels=3): # Load the .tif image image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) if image is None: raise ValueError(f"Error loading image {image_path}. Ensure it's a valid image file.") height = image.shape[0] // 3 blue = image[:height, :] green = image[height:2 * height, :] red = image[2 * height:, :] # Build Gaussian pyramids for each channel blue_pyramid = gaussian_pyramid(blue, pyramid_levels) green_pyramid = gaussian_pyramid(green, pyramid_levels) red_pyramid = gaussian_pyramid(red, pyramid_levels) # Align the Green and Red channels to the Blue channel at the top of the pyramid offset_green = align_images(blue_pyramid[-1], green_pyramid[-1], metric=metric, displacement_range=displacement_range) offset_red = align_images(blue_pyramid[-1], red_pyramid[-1], metric=metric, displacement_range=displacement_range) # Shift the Green and Red channels based on the calculated offsets green_aligned = shift_image(green, offset_green[0], offset_green[1]) red_aligned = shift_image(red, offset_red[0], offset_red[1]) # Crop all channels to the same size min_height = min(blue.shape[0], green_aligned.shape[0], red_aligned.shape[0]) min_width = min(blue.shape[1], green_aligned.shape[1], red_aligned.shape[1]) blue_cropped = blue[:min_height, :min_width] green_cropped = green_aligned[:min_height, :min_width] red_cropped = red_aligned[:min_height, :min_width] # Merge the aligned channels into a color image aligned_image = cv2.merge([blue_cropped, green_cropped, red_cropped]) # Display the aligned image plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(aligned_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) plt.title('Aligned Color Image') plt.axis('off') # Save the aligned image as .jpg output_path = image_path.replace('.tif', '_aligned.jpg') cv2.imwrite(output_path, aligned_image) # Example usage image_path = 'emir.tif' # Provide the path to your .tif file process_image(image_path, metric='ncc', displacement_range=15, pyramid_levels=5)
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