3 years ago
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#include <omnetpp.h> using namespace omnetpp; //for Omnet++ ver. 5 class Server : public cSimpleModule { private: cQueue queue; //the queue of jobs; it is assumed that the first job in the queue is the one being serviced cMessage *departure; //special message; it reminds about the end of service and the need for job departure simtime_t departure_time; //time of the next departure simtime_t T; simtime_t overflowStart; simtime_t overflowEnd; int maxQueueSize; int lostMessages; int allMessages; int consecutiveLosses; cOutVector process; cDoubleHistogram *overflowHist; cLongHistogram *consecutiveLossesHist; bool isOverflowing; protected: virtual void initialize(); virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msgin); }; Define_Module(Server); void Server::initialize() { departure = new cMessage("Departure"); overflowHist = new cDoubleHistogram("Buffer overflow period"); overflowHist->setRange(0, 4); overflowHist->setNumCells(300); consecutiveLossesHist = new cLongHistogram("Consecutive losses"); maxQueueSize = par("N"); consecutiveLosses = 0; T = 1; WATCH(lostMessages); WATCH(allMessages); overflowStart = simTime(); overflowEnd = simTime(); isOverflowing = false; } void Server::handleMessage(cMessage *msgin) //two types of messages may arrive: a job from the source, or the special message initiating job departure { if (msgin==departure) //job departure { cMessage *msg = (cMessage *)queue.pop(); //remove the finished job from the head of the queue if(queue.getLength() + 1 == maxQueueSize && isOverflowing) { overflowHist->collect(simTime() - overflowStart); isOverflowing = false; consecutiveLossesHist->collect(consecutiveLosses); consecutiveLosses = 0; } process.record(queue.getLength()); send(msg,"out"); //depart the finished job if (!queue.isEmpty()) //if the queue is not empty, initiate the next service, i.e. schedule the next departure event in the future { departure_time=simTime()+par("service_time"); scheduleAt(departure_time,departure); } } else //job arrival { if(queue.getLength() < maxQueueSize) { allMessages++; if (queue.isEmpty()) //if the queue is empty, the job that has just arrived has to be served immediately, i.e. the departure event of this job has to be scheduled in the future { departure_time=simTime()+par("service_time"); scheduleAt(departure_time,departure); } queue.insert(msgin); //insert the job at the end of the queue if(queue.getLength() >= maxQueueSize) { isOverflowing = true; overflowStart = simTime(); consecutiveLosses++; } } else { lostMessages++; consecutiveLosses++; } } EV << "L = " << (double)lostMessages / (double)allMessages << std::endl; EV << "The average number of consecutive losses = " << consecutiveLossesHist->getMean() << std::endl; }
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