5 months ago
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#!/usr/bin/python3 from collections import namedtuple # Characters that should not be considered option chars OPTION_BREAK_CHARS = [' ', '\t', ',', '|', '=', '['] # Characters that delimit options OPTION_DELIMITER_CHARS = [',', '|'] Unparsed = namedtuple('Unparsed', ['text']) OptionWithMetavar = namedtuple('OptionWithMetavar', ['option', 'metavar', 'optional']) OptionsWithDescription = namedtuple('OptionsWithDescription', ['options', 'description']) class CharStream: def __init__(self, s, pos = 0): self.s = s self.len = len(s) self.pos = pos def peek(self, relative_pos = 0): try: return self.s[self.pos + relative_pos] except IndexError: return None def peek_str(self, length): return self.s[self.pos:self.pos + length] def get(self): c = self.s[self.pos] self.pos += 1 return c def is_space(self): return self.peek() in (' ', '\t') def is_end(self): return self.pos >= self.len def copy(self): return CharStream(self.s, self.pos) def __repr__(self): line = '' i = self.pos while i < self.len: if self.s[i] == '\n': break else: line += self.s[i] i += 1 return "CharStream(%r)" % line def eat_line(s): ''' Read the remainling line and return it (including the newline character). ''' content = '' while not s.is_end(): char = s.get() content += char if char == '\n': break return content def eat_space(s): ''' Read spaces and tabs and return it. ''' content = '' while s.is_space(): content += s.get() return content def parse_option_string(s): ''' Read an option string and return it. All chars except OPTION_BREAK_CHARS are considered valid option chars. Example option strings: --help, -h If the resulting option string is '-' or '--', it is not considered an option. ''' option = '' p = s.copy() eat_space(p) if p.peek() != '-': return None while not p.is_end() and p.peek() not in OPTION_BREAK_CHARS: option += p.get() if option == '-' or option == '--': return None s.pos = p.pos return option def parse_bracket(s): ''' Read and return a bracketed expression. Bracketed expressions are: <foo bar> [foo bar] (foo bar) {foo bar} ''' content = s.peek() try: closing = {'<':'>', '[':']', '(':')', '{':'}'}[content] except KeyError: return None s.get() while not s.is_end(): char = s.get() content += char if char == closing: break return content def parse_string(s): ''' Read and return a string. Strings are: 'foo bar' "foo bar" Since it is unlikely that we encountej escape sequences in a description string of an option, we don't process any escape sequences. ''' quote = s.peek() if quote not in ('"', "'"): return None s.get() content = quote while not s.is_end(): char = s.get() content += char if char == quote: break return content def parse_metavar(s): ''' Read and return a metavar. Everything until a tab, space or newline is considered a metavar. Special cases: - Bracketed expressions (e.g., '<foo bar>') and quoted strings (e.g., '"foo bar"') are handled, and the spaces within them are preserved. - The function supports metavars enclosed by `<`, `[`, `(`, `{`, as well as single (`'`) and double (`"`) quotes. Metavars are: foo_bar 'foo bar' "foo bar" <foo bar> ''' metavar = '' while not s.is_end() and not s.peek() in (' ', '\t', '\n'): if s.peek() in ('<', '[', '(', '{'): metavar += parse_bracket(s) elif s.peek() in ('"', "'"): metavar += parse_string(s) else: metavar += s.get() return metavar def parse_trailing_description_line(s): ''' Reads and returns a trailing description line. A line is considered a trailing description line if it meets the following criteria: - It starts with whitespace (indicating continuation from a previous line). - It does not begin with a hyphen ('-'), which would indicate the start of a new option. ''' p = s.copy() if not p.is_space(): return None while p.is_space(): p.get() if p.peek() == '-': return None content = eat_line(p) s.pos = p.pos return content def parse_description(s): ''' Reads and returns the description of an option. ''' eat_space(s) content = eat_line(s) while True: line = parse_trailing_description_line(s) if line: content += line else: break return content def parse_option_with_metavar(s): ''' Read and return an option with its metavar (if any). Valid inputs are: --option=METAVAR --option[=METAVAR] (in this case, 'optional' is set to True) --option METAVAR Invalid inputs areE: --option METAVAR (notice two spaces) ''' opt = parse_option_string(s) metavar = None optional = False if opt: if s.peek_str(2) == '[=': optional = True metavar = parse_metavar(s) elif s.peek() == '=': s.get() metavar = parse_metavar(s) # Two spaces after --option means the descriptoin follows elif s.peek_str(2).isspace(): return OptionWithMetavar(opt, metavar, optional) # An option delimiter cannot be a metavar elif parse_option_delimiter(s.copy()): return OptionWithMetavar(opt, metavar, optional) elif not s.is_end() and s.is_space(): s.get() return OptionWithMetavar(opt, parse_metavar(s), optional) return OptionWithMetavar(opt, metavar, optional) else: return None def parse_option_delimiter(s): ''' Parse an option delimiter and return True if it was found, False otherwise. ''' p = s.copy() eat_space(p) if p.get() in (',', '|'): s.pos = p.pos return True return False def parse_options_with_description(s): options = [] description = None while not s.is_end(): option = parse_option_with_metavar(s) if option: options.append(option) else: break if not parse_option_delimiter(s): break if not options: return None #if s.peek() == '\n' or s.peek_str(2) in (' ', ' \n'): if s.peek() in (' ', '\t', '\n'): description = parse_description(s) return OptionsWithDescription(options, description) def parse(s): r = [] while not s.is_end(): options = parse_options_with_description(s) if options: r.append(options) else: line = eat_line(s) r.append(Unparsed(line)) return r if __name__ == '__main__': import sys try: file = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: file = '/dev/stdin' with open(file, 'r') as fh: content = s = CharStream(content) r = parse(s) for o in r: print(o)
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