
mail@pastecode.io avatar
5 months ago
2.5 kB
import rl "vendor:raylib"

main :: proc() {

    // Initialize Raylib window
    rl.InitWindow(1080, 720, "3D Grid Example")
    defer rl.CloseWindow()

    // Set window to be resizable and set the target FPS

	// Seed rand
	rl.SetRandomSeed(cast(u32) time.time_to_unix_nano(time.now()))

    // Define the 3D camera
    camera3d: rl.Camera3D
    camera3d.position = rl.Vector3{0, 10, 20}
    camera3d.target = rl.Vector3{0, 0, 0}
    camera3d.up = rl.Vector3{0, 1, 0}
    camera3d.fovy = 45
    camera3d.projection = rl.CameraProjection.PERSPECTIVE

    // Grid size and cube size
    grid_size := 100
    cube_size: f32 = 1.0

    // Create a 2D array to represent grid data
    grid: [500][500]bool

    // Initialize the grid with some colored cubes
    for y in 0..<grid_size {
        for x in 0..<grid_size {
            if rl.GetRandomValue(0, 100) > 50 {
                grid[y][x] = true
            } else {
                grid[y][x] = false

    // Main game loop
    for !rl.WindowShouldClose() {
        // Update camera position (optional)
        camera3d.position.x += 0.1
        camera3d.position.z += 0.1

        // Begin drawing
        defer rl.EndDrawing()

        // Clear the background color
        rl.ClearBackground(rl.Color{49, 44, 53, 255})

        // Start 3D drawing mode
            // Iterate over the grid to draw cubes
            for y in 0..<grid_size {
                for x in 0..<grid_size {
                    // Calculate cube position in 3D space
                    cube_pos: rl.Vector3 = rl.Vector3{
                        cast(f32) x,
						cast(f32) 0.0,
						cast(f32) y,

                    // Draw cubes based on the grid data
                    if grid[y][x] {
                        rl.DrawCube(cube_pos, cube_size, cube_size, cube_size, rl.RED)
                    } else {
                        rl.DrawCube(cube_pos, cube_size, cube_size, cube_size, rl.DARKGRAY)

                    // Optional: Draw cube wires
                    rl.DrawCubeWires(cube_pos, cube_size, cube_size, cube_size, rl.BLACK)

            // Draw grid lines for better visualization
            // rl.DrawGrid(500, 1)

        // Draw FPS on the screen
        rl.DrawFPS(10, 10)
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