{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./theme.nix ]; programs.waybar = { enable = true; systemd = { enable = true; target = "graphical-session.target"; }; settings = [ { "layer" = "top"; #"position" = "top"; modules-left = [ "custom/menu" "hyprland/workspaces" "hyprland/window" ]; modules-center = [ "hyprland/language" "clock" "idle_inhibitor" ]; modules-right = [ "pulseaudio" "bluetooth" "network" "cpu" "memory" "backlight" "battery" "tray" "custom/power" ]; "custom/menu" = { "format" = "{} [ ☢︎ ]"; "on-click" = "pkill wofi || wofi"; #"on-click" = "pidof wofi || wofi"; "tooltip" = false; }; "hyprland/workspaces" = { "disable-scroll" = true; "all-outputs" = true; "warp-on-scroll" = true; "format" = "({})"; "format-icons" = { focused = ""; }; }; "hyprland/window" = { "format" = "{}"; }; "idle_inhibitor" = { "format" = "{icon}"; "format-icons" = { "activated" = " )"; "deactivated" = " )"; }; "timeout" = 760.0; }; "tray" = { # "icon-size" = 21; "spacing" = 10; }; "clock" = { # "timezone" = "America/New_York"; "format" = " {:%H:%M}"; "tooltip-format" = "<small>{:%D}</small>\n<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>"; "format-alt" = " {:%d/%m/%Y}"; }; "cpu" = { "format" = " {usage}%"; "interval" = 2; "on-click" = "pkill btop || wezterm -e --class btop -e btop -p 1"; }; "memory" = { "format" = " {percentage}%"; "interval" = 2; "on-click" = "pkill btop || wezterm -e --class btop -e 'btop'"; }; "backlight" = { "device" = "intel_backlight"; "min" = 0; "max" = 100; "on-scroll-up" = "brightnessctl s 1%+"; "on-scroll-down" = "brightnessctl s 1%-"; "orientation" = "horizontal"; "format" = "{icon} {percent}%"; "tooltip" = false; "format-icons" = [ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ]; }; "battery" = { "states" = { "good" = 100; "moderate" = 50; "warning" = 30; "critical" = 15; }; "format" = "{icon} {capacity}%"; "format-charging" = " {capacity}%"; "format-plugged" = " {capacity}%"; "format-alt" = "{icon} {time}"; "format-time" = "{H}:{M}"; "format-icons" = [ "" "" "" "" "" ]; }; "hyprland/language" = { "format" = " {} "; "format-ru" = "(ru ⌨"; "format-en" = "(us ⌨"; "on-click" = "hyprctl switchxkblayout at-translated-set-2-keyboard next"; }; "custom/power" = { "format" = " ⏻ "; "tooltip" = false; "on-click" = "pkill wlogout || wlogout"; }; "network" = { # "interface" = "wlp2*"; // (Optional) To force the use of this interface "format-wifi" = " {essid}"; "format-ethernet" = " Connected"; "tooltip-format" = "{ifname} via {gwaddr}"; "format-linked" = " {ifname} (No IP)"; "format-disconnected" = " Disconnected)"; "format-alt" = "{signalStrength}-wifi{frequency}"; "on-click" = "pkill impala || wezterm -e --class impala -e 'impala'"; }; "bluetooth" = { #"format" = "{status}"; "format-on" = "{status}"; "format-disabled" = ""; "format-off" = "{status}"; "format-connected" = " {device_alias}"; "format-connected-battery" = " {icon} {device_alias}"; "tooltip-format-on" = "{controller_address} {controller_address_type}"; "tooltip-format-off" = "{controller_address} {controller_address_type}"; "tooltip-format-connected" = "{device_address} {controller_alias}"; "tooltip-format-connected-battery" = "{device_battery_percentage}% {device_address} {controller_alias}"; "format-icons" = [ "" "" "" "" "" ]; "on-click" = "pkill bluetuith || wezterm -e --class bluetuith -e 'bluetuith'"; }; # "wireplumber" = { # "format" = "{icon} {volume}%"; # "format-muted" = " {volume}% "; # "format-source" = ""; # "format-source-muted" = ""; # "format-icons" = { # "headphone" = ""; # "hands-free" = ""; # "headset" = ""; # "phone" = ""; # "portable" = ""; # "car" = ""; # "default" = ["" "" ""]; # }; # "on-click" = "pkill pavucontrol || pavucontrol"; # }; "pulseaudio" = { "max-volume" = 100; # "scroll-step" = 1; // %, can be a float "format" = "{format_source}{icon} {volume}%"; "format-muted" = "{format_source} {volume}%"; "format-bluetooth" = "{format_source} {icon} {volume}%"; "format-bluetooth-muted" = "{format_source} {volume}%"; "format-source" = " "; "format-source-muted" = " "; "format-icons" = { "headphone" = ""; "hands-free" = ""; "headset" = ""; "phone" = ""; "portable" = ""; "car" = ""; "default" = [ "" "" "" ]; }; "tooltip" = false; "on-click" = "pkill myxer || myxer"; }; #"mpd" = { #"max-length" = 25; #"format" = "<span foreground='#bb9af7'></span> {title}"; #"format-paused" = " {title}"; #"format-stopped" = "<span foreground='#bb9af7'></span>"; #"format-disconnected" = ""; #"on-click" = "mpc --quiet toggle"; #"on-click-right" = "mpc update; mpc ls | mpc add"; #"on-click-middle" = "kitty --class='ncmpcpp' ncmpcpp "; #"on-scroll-up" = "mpc --quiet prev"; #"on-scroll-down" = "mpc --quiet next"; #"smooth-scrolling-threshold" = 5; #"tooltip-format" = "{title} - {artist} ({elapsedTime:%M:%S}/{totalTime:%H:%M:%S})"; #}; } ]; }; }
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