8 months ago
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Medium Length Professional CV % LaTeX Template % Version 2.0 (8/5/13) % % This template has been downloaded from: % http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com % % Original author: % Trey Hunner (http://www.treyhunner.com/) % % Important note: % This template requires the resume.cls file to be in the same directory as the % .tex file. The resume.cls file provides the resume style used for structuring the % document. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style % \usepackage{hyphenat} % % \hyphenation{ма-те-ма-ти-ка вос-ста-нав-ли-вать} % \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc} % \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % \usepackage{hyperref} % \usepackage[english, russian]{babel} % \usepackage[left=0.4 in,top=0.4in,right=0.4 in,bottom=0.1in]{geometry} % Document margins % % \newcommand{\tab}[1]{\hspace{.2667\textwidth}\rlap{#1}} % % \newcommand{\itab}[1]{\hspace{0em}\rlap{#1}} % \name{Asad Rakhmani} % Your name % \address{\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut}{GitHub} | lacke15@mail.ru | Telegram: @AsadR22 } % Your phone number and email % \begin{document} % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % WORK && EDUCATION SECTION % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \begin{rSection}{Experience \& Achievements} % \end{rSection} % \begin{Abstract} % \textbf{Intern at Huawei} \hfill {summer 2023} \\ % Developed novel lossy compression techniques for numeric data using autoencoder neural networks, \\ % optimizing reconstruction error versus compression ratio. % \textbf{Diploma for the Best Project at the Sirius Summer School} \hfill {\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/MDETR_SORT_object_tracker}{GitHub Link}}\\ % This project demonstrates multi-object tracking in video by integrating a transformer-based\\ % object detection model with an online tracking algorithm that associates detections across frames\\ % to enable accurate detection and smooth tracking of multiple objects across video frames,\\ % even in complex scenes. % \textbf{First place in the Hackathon by VKontakte (VK) on machine learning} \hfill % {\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/ITMEM_VK_CASE}{GitHub Link}}\\ % binary classification problem on text data\\ % text data in BoW format were converted into embeddings (Word2Vec was used to convert some types of text data) and normalized, after which a model from the catboost library was trained on them % \textbf{Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Programming} % \textbf{Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics (Regional)} % \end{Abstract} % \begin{rSection}{EDUCATION} % \end{rSection} % \begin{Abstract} % \textbf{Intern at Huawei} \hfill {summer 2023} \\ % Developed novel lossy compression techniques for numeric data using autoencoder neural networks, \\ % optimizing reconstruction error versus compression ratio. % \textbf{ITMO University} \hfill % {2021 - 2025}\\ % Applied Mathematics and Computer Science % \textbf{National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan} \hfill % {spring 2023}\\ % Exchange Program as a Computer Science Student % \textbf{Winter School of Financial Mathematics} \hfill % {winter 2022}\\ % Pursued coursework in quantitative methods, concentrating on mathematics\\ % like probability and statistics, and implementing algorithmic trading strategies. % \textbf{Summer School of Artificial Intelligence} \hfill % {summer 2022}\\ % Attended an intensive program focused on cutting-edge machine learning techniques, \\ % culminating in a final project applying state-of-the-art models to a real-world problem.\\ % Mostly about CV and NLP % \end{Abstract} % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % PROJECTS SECTION % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \begin{rSection}{PROJECTS} % \end{rSection} % \item \textbf{Bimap | C++} \hfill % {\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/ITMO_university/tree/main/first\%20semester/C\%2B\%2B/Bimap}{GitHub Link}}\\ % a data structure that stores a set of pairs and efficiently performs key-by-value lookups. Unlike map, search in bimap can be performed both on the left (left) elements of pairs and on the right (right). % \item \textbf{Image auto contrast | С++ \& OpenMP} \hfill % {\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/ITMO_university/tree/main/first\%20semester/computer\%20architecture/openMP}{GitHub Link}}\\ % The program automatically corrects the contrast of ppm and pgm images. % For speed of work, the OpenMP parallel programming library was used. % % SKILLS SECTION % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \begin{rSection}{Skills} \itemsep -3pt % \end{rSection} % \textbf{Programming languages:} C++, Python, Java \\ % \textbf{Tools\&Other:} Git, Networking, STL, NumPy, TensorFlow, Pytorch, Multithreading, Docker \\ % \textbf{Human languages:} Native Russian, Fluent English, Chinese HSK2 \\ % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % EXAMPLE SECTION % %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % \begin{rSection}{Пройденные курсы в Университете} % % % \begin{itemize} % % \item C++ advanced % % \item Архитектура ЭВМ % % \item Операционные системы % % \item Дискретная теория вероятностей % % \item Дискретная математика % % \item Алгоритмы и структуры данных % % \item Линейная алгебра и дополнительные главы линейной алгебры % % \item Математический анализ (1 и 2 семестры) % % \end{rSection} % \end{document} %------------------------- % Resume in Latex % Author : Sourabh Bajaj + some brand new features from Mary Feofanova + some changes by Muhammadjon Hakimov % Sourabh's: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume % Mary's: https://github.com/mary3000/resume % Muhammadjon's: https://github.com/mrhakimov/resume % License : MIT %------------------------ \documentclass[letterpaper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{makecell} \usepackage[link=off]{phonenumbers} \usepackage{ragged2e} \usepackage{latexsym} 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%----------HEADING----------------- \begin{center}\textbf{\Large Asad Rakhmani}\end{center} \vspace{-12pt} \begin{center} Email: \MYhref{mailto:asadrakhmani@gmail.com}{asadrakhmani@gmail.com} \quad LinkedIn: \MYhref{https://www.linkedin.com/in/asad-rakhmani-8a99b9277}{Asad} \quad GitHub: \MYhref{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut}{BuryatyaTut} \end{center} %-----------SUMMARY----------------- \vspace{-10pt} % \section{Summary} % \resumeSubHeadingListStart % \justifying % Software Engineer with 2+ years of experience specializing in backend development in cloud infrastructure and distributed systems. Looking for Software Engineer positions, passionate about distributed systems and large-scale infrastructure. % \resumeSubHeadingListEnd %-----------EXPERIENCE----------------- \vspace{-5pt} \section{Employment} \justifying \resumeSubHeadingListStart \resumeExpSubheading {Lumos Labs, Singapore}{} {Junior Smart Contract Developer}{September 2023 --- December 2023} {\skill{Solidity} \skill{DeFi} \skill{Bridges} \skill{EVM} \skill{Hardhat} \skill{Security Audit}} \resumeDesc{ \begin{itemize} \item I've skillfully engaged with the dynamic realms of decentralized finance (DeFi) and Bridge protocols through hands-on experience with industry-leading products such as those offered by \textbf{Compound, AAVE, UniSwap, SushiSwap, Stargate, and LayerZero}. \item With a solid track record, I've successfully developed, deployed, and managed multiple smart contracts. This spans from fundamental \textbf{ERC20} and \textbf{ERC721} with IPFS standards to intricate staking mechanisms. My proficiency extends to utilizing Proxy patterns, highlighting my ability to implement robust and secure solutions. \item Beyond individual components, I bring a comprehensive understanding of the \textbf{end-to-end workflow of Web3 projects}. \end{itemize}} \resumeExpSubheading {HUAWEI}{} {Researcher, Intern, at Software Toolchain Innovation Laboratory}{July 2023 --- August 2023} {\skill{Python} \skill{Tensorflow} \skill{Probabilty\&Statistics} \skill{Autoencoders} \skill{Deep Learning} \skill{data analysis} \skill{Presentations}} \resumeDesc{ \begin{itemize} \item Researched and developed novel lossy compression techniques for numeric data using autoencoder neural networks, optimizing the tradeoff between reconstruction error and compression ratio. \item Developed and implemented a platform for testing new compression approaches, enabling flexible integration and benchmarking of different compressor architectures and techniques. \item Through collaborations with cross-functional groups, I developed soft skills such as presentation delivery, team communication, decision-making, and rapid learning. \end{itemize}} % \resumeExpSubheading % {\href{https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Wonderland}{Omozone --- leading e-commerce platform in Wonderland \ExternalLink}}{Remote / Tamarama, Wonderland} % {Software Engineer at Object Storage Team}{Mar 2022 --- Present} % {\skill{Go} \skill{S3} \skill{ScyllaDB} \skill{Ceph} \skill{Kubernetes} \skill{Nginx} \skill{Distributed Systems} \skill{Databases}} % \resumeDesc{ % \begin{itemize} % \item Implemented \textbf{fault-tolerant leader election} using \underline{Raft}'s implementation from \href{https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/tree/main/raft}{\underline{etcd library} \ExternalLink} that helped to perform a wide range of operations like data synchronization that only one node in the system should perform % \item Automated the process of checking and synchronization of access control lists for S3 storages by patching open-source rclone migration tool that sped up the bucket migration process from one cluster to another % \item Designed and delivered the microservice that collects statistics on the latest user activity and limits traffic for users that load the gateways the most to avoid downtime for other users % \end{itemize}} \resumeSubHeadingListEnd %-----------EDUCATION----------------- \section{Education} \resumeSubHeadingListStart \resumeSubheading {}{2021 --- 2025} {\href{https://en.itmo.ru/}{ITMO university. Bachelor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science\ExternalLink}}{ }{ \vspace{5pt} \newline{One of the best(top 3) IT Universities in Russia. The Best program of that university} \newline{\textbf{Some of the courses:} Algorithms and Data Structures, Machine Learning, Concurrent Programming, Databases, Probability, Statistics, Operating Systems, advanced Java, advanced C++} } \resumeSubheading {}{spring 2023} {National Tsing Hua University, Exchange Computer Science Student}{ }{ \vspace{5pt} \newline{Top 3 Universities in Taiwan} % \newline{\textbf{Relevant coursework:} Operating Systems, Concurrent Programming, Distributed Systems, Databases, Software Design} } \resumeSubHeadingListEnd % -------Achievements------------------ \section{Achievements} \justifying \resumeSubHeadingListStart \resumeSubheading {}{Fall 2023} {\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/Audit_Farm_MixBytes/blob/main/AsadR_Audit.md}{Mix Bytes -- Auditors Farm\ExternalLink}}{}{} \resumeExpSubheading {\href{https://airi.net/}{AI Summer School hosted by AIRI -- biggest and most advanced Russian AI lab\ExternalLink}}{} {\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/MDETR_SORT_object_tracker}{Diploma for the Best Project at the Sirius Summer School\ExternalLink}}{Summer 2022} {\skill{Machine Learning} \skill{Python} \skill{Docker} \skill{Deep Learning} \skill{CV\&NLP} \skill{Probability\&Statistics} \skill{Pytorch} \skill{Transformer}} \resumeDesc{ \begin{itemize} \item This project demonstrates multi-object tracking in video by integrating a transformer-based object detection model with an online tracking algorithm that associates detections across frames to enable accurate detection and smooth tracking of multiple objects across video frames, even in complex scenes. \end{itemize}} \resumeExpSubheading {{AI Hackathon backed by "VK" - Russian "Meta"}}{} {\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/ITMEM_VK_CASE}{First Place in a Hackathon Hosted by VKontakte\ExternalLink}}{Summer 2022} {\skill{Machine Learning} \skill{Python} \skill{Deep Learning} \skill{NLP} \skill{CatBoost} \skill{Pytorch} \skill{Presentation} \skill{Teamwork} \skill{Data Analysis}} \resumeDesc{ \begin{itemize} \item Converted text to normalized embeddings with Word2Vec, then trained a CatBoost model on the embeddings for binary text classification, outperforming competing solutions. % \item Collaborated in a cross-functional hackathon, contributing coding skills and organizing teamwork to develop a machine learning classification solution. Created and delivered the final presentation pitching our approach. \end{itemize}} \resumeSubheading {}{Spring 2021} {Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics (Regional Round)}{}{} \resumeSubheading {}{Spring 2021} {Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for High Schoolers in Programming}{}{ \skill{Algorithms \& Data Structures} } \resumeSubHeadingListEnd %--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------ \section{Skills} \resumeSubHeadingListStart \begin{tabular}{ll} \textbf{Languages:} Proficient: Solidity, Python, Rust, C++, Java, Bash; Familiar: JavaScript, Clojure, C\#, C \\ \textbf{Frameworks \& Tools:} Git, Networking, STL, NumPy, TensorFlow, Pytorch, Multithreading, Docker, Linux, Bash \\ % \textbf{Human languages:} & \quad Native Russian, Fluent English, Chinese HSK2 \\ \end{tabular} \resumeSubHeadingListEnd %-----------PROJECTS----------------- % \section{Projects} % \resumeSubHeadingListStart % \resumeProjSubheading % {}{}{\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/ITMO_university/tree/main/first\%20semester/computer\%20architecture/openMP}{Image auto contrast\ExternalLink}}{} % {\skill{C++} \skill{OpenMP} \skill{MultiThreading}} % \resumeDesc{ % \begin{itemize} % \item An image processing program written in C++ and OpenMP that reads a PGM/PPM image file and writes out the adjusted image to a new file. Utilizes multithreading and static scheduling to parallelize image processing for improved performance. % \end{itemize} % } % \resumeProjSubheading % {}{}{\href{https://github.com/BuryatyaTut/ITMO_university/tree/main/first\%20semester/C\%2B\%2B/Bimap}{Bimap\ExternalLink}}{} % {\skill{C++} \skill{STL} \skill{Templates} \skill{RAII} \skill{Smart pointers} \skill{Move semantics} } % \resumeDesc{ % \begin{itemize} % \item Engineered a bidirectional map data structure to store key-value pairs and enable efficient lookups by either key or value, providing faster searches compared to a standard map limited to key lookups. % \end{itemize} % } % \resumeProjSubheading % {}{}{English text simplifier}{} % {\skill{Kotlin} \skill{Ktor} \skill{MongoDB} \skill{Redis}} % \resumeDesc{ % \begin{itemize} % \item Developed a web application for simplifying English texts by replacing complex words with synonyms using \underline{Ktor} % \item Sped up the application \textbf{by 2 times} by caching frequently used words in \underline{Redis} after proper comparison analysis % \end{itemize} % } % \resumeSubHeadingListEnd %-----------VOLUNTEERING----------------- \section{Volunteering} \resumeSubHeadingListStart \vspace{5pt} \item Volunteered for programming competitions including \textbf{the ICPC} and All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics Regional Round, gaining experience supporting technical events. % \vspace{-5pt} % \item Mentored and reviewed homework assignments at \textbf{\MYhref{https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Dumbledore\%27s_Army}{D.A.}}'s \underline{Golang course} for \textbf{300+ students} \resumeSubHeadingListEnd \end{document}
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