2 years ago
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import colorama import os import ctypes import random import time from collections import Counter from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style from platform import system from sys import exit import subprocess import uuid import os import requests import hashlib def auth() -> None: systemID = subprocess.check_output('wmic csproduct get uuid').decode().split('\n')[1].strip() procID = subprocess.check_output('wmic cpu get ProcessorId').decode().split('\n')[1].strip() hwid = hashlib.sha256((procID + systemID).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if os.path.isfile('key.txt'): with open('key.txt') as f: auth_key = f.read().strip() else: auth_key = input('Enter Cracked.to Auth Key: ') with open('key.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(auth_key) data = { "a": "auth", "k": auth_key, "hwid": hwid } r = requests.post('https://cracked.io/auth.php', data=data) if r.ok: res = r.json() if 'error' in res: print(res["error"]) if (os.path.exists("key.txt")): os.remove("key.txt") exit(1) elif res['auth']: print(f'Auth Granted. Welcome {res["username"]}!') else: print(res) exit(1) else: print(r.text, r.status_code) exit(1) blue = Fore.BLUE ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW(f'Combo Cleaner V1 by AIO') def cls(): os.system('cls' if os.name=='nt' else 'clear') def dupes(): combo = open('combo.txt','r',errors='ignore').read().splitlines() output = list(set(combo)) with open('output.txt','w',errors='ignore') as p: p.writelines('\n'.join(output)) def password_lenght(): combo = open('combo.txt','r',errors='ignore').read().splitlines() print(f' {blue}>> {blue}Enter minimum password length{blue}:') min = int(input(' ')) print(f'\n {blue}>> {blue}Enter maximum password length{blue}:') max = int(input(' ')) output = [] for x in combo: try: first, second = x.split(':',2) if len(second) >= min and len(second) <= max: output.append(x) except: pass with open('output.txt','w',errors='ignore') as p: p.writelines('\n'.join(output)) def email_lenght(): combo = open('combo.txt','r',errors='ignore').read().splitlines() print(f' {blue}>> {blue}Enter minimum email/username length{blue}:') min = int(input(' ')) print(f'\n {blue}>> {blue}Enter maximum email/username length{blue}:') max = int(input(' ')) output = [] for x in combo: try: first, second = x.split(':',2) if len(first) >= min and len(first) <= max: output.append(x) except: pass with open('output.txt','w',errors='ignore') as p: p.writelines('\n'.join(output)) def ep_from_combo(): combo = open('combo.txt','r',errors='ignore').read().splitlines() output = [] for x in combo: try: first, second = x.split(':',2) if '.' in first and '@' in first: output.append(x) except: pass with open('output.txt','w',errors='ignore') as p: p.writelines('\n'.join(output)) def up_from_combo(): combo = open('combo.txt','r',errors='ignore').read().splitlines() output = [] for x in combo: try: first, second = x.split(':',2) if not '.' in first and not '@' in first: output.append(x) except: pass with open('output.txt','w',errors='ignore') as p: p.writelines('\n'.join(output)) def remove_number_only_pw(): combo = open('combo.txt','r',errors='ignore1').read().splitlines() output = [] for x in combo: try: first, second = x.split(':',2) if second.isdecimal() == False: output.append(x) except: pass with open('output.txt','w',errors='ignore') as p: p.writelines('\n'.join(output)) def close(): exit() def choosing(): cls() print(f''' {blue} 1 >> {blue}Remove dupes {blue} 2 >> {blue}Filter password lenght {blue} 3 >> {blue}Filter email/user lenght {blue} 4 >> {blue}Filter email:password ont {blue} 5 >> {blue}Filter user:password out {blue} 6 >> {blue}Remove number only passwords {blue} 7 >> {blue}Exit ''') def menu(): while True: choice = int(input(' Choice: ')) cls() if choice == 1: dupes() elif choice == 2: password_lenght() elif choice == 3: email_lenght() elif choice == 4: ep_from_combo() elif choice == 5: up_from_combo() elif choice == 6: remove_number_only_pw() elif choice == 7: close() continue menu()