$ tailscale netcheck --verbose
2023/09/05 23:58:19 netcheck: sent to
2023/09/05 23:58:19 netcheck: netcheck.runProbe: named node "bgg derp" has no address
2023/09/05 23:58:19 netcheck: sent to
2023/09/05 23:58:19 netcheck: netcheck.runProbe: named node "bgg derp" has no address
2023/09/05 23:58:19 netcheck: sent to
2023/09/05 23:58:19 netcheck: netcheck.runProbe: named node "bgg derp" has no address
2023/09/05 23:58:22 netcheck: hairCheck done
2023/09/05 23:58:22 netcheck: portMap done
2023/09/05 23:58:22 netcheck: netcheck: UDP is blocked, trying HTTPS
2023/09/05 23:58:22 netcheck: UDP is blocked, trying ICMP
2023/09/05 23:58:22 netcheck: [v1] measuring ICMP latency of bgg (0): listen ip4:icmp socket: operation not permitted
2023/09/05 23:58:22 netcheck: sockstats: trace "NetcheckClient" was overwritten by another
2023/09/05 23:58:23 netcheck: [v1] checkCaptivePortal: Get "http://derp.1000bug.com/generate_204": EOF
2023/09/05 23:58:23 netcheck: [v1] report: udp=false icmpv4=false v6=false v6os=true mapvarydest= hair= portmap= derp=0
2023/09/05 23:58:23 netcheck: GetReport took 4.198s; err=<nil>
* UDP: false
* IPv4: (no addr found)
* IPv6: no, but OS has support
* MappingVariesByDestIP:
* HairPinning:
* PortMapping:
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x2 addr=0x18 pc=0x103785614]
goroutine 17 [running, locked to thread]:
tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale/cli.printReport(0x140002ac2b8, 0x140003ac0b0)
tailscale.com@v1.48.1/cmd/tailscale/cli/netcheck.go:154 +0x484
tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale/cli.runNetcheck({0x103b963e8, 0x104260820}, {0x1039d8860?, 0x140002ac0d8?, 0x0?})
tailscale.com@v1.48.1/cmd/tailscale/cli/netcheck.go:94 +0x494
github.com/peterbourgon/ff/v3/ffcli.(*Command).Run(0x0?, {0x103b963e8?, 0x104260820?})
github.com/peterbourgon/ff/v3@v3.3.0/ffcli/command.go:153 +0x140
github.com/peterbourgon/ff/v3/ffcli.(*Command).Run(0x140002a2000?, {0x103b963e8?, 0x104260820?})
github.com/peterbourgon/ff/v3@v3.3.0/ffcli/command.go:157 +0xf0
tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale/cli.Run({0x14000032220?, 0x0?, 0x1400028e000?})
tailscale.com@v1.48.1/cmd/tailscale/cli/cli.go:175 +0x9f0
tailscale.io/xcode/ipn-go-bridge/export_cgo_macos.go:20 +0x74