3 years ago
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public static List<AnnualizedReturn> mainCalculateSingleReturn(String[] args) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { if(args.length == 0) return Collections.emptyList(); File file = resolveFileFromResources(args[0]); ObjectMapper om = getObjectMapper(); RestTemplate rt = new RestTemplate(); List<PortfolioTrade> pt = Arrays.asList(om.readValue(file, PortfolioTrade[].class)); List<AnnualizedReturn> ar = new ArrayList<>(); for(PortfolioTrade x: pt){ LocalDate s = x.getPurchaseDate(); LocalDate dt = LocalDate.parse(args[1]); String symbol = x.getSymbol(); String url = "{symbol}/prices?startDate={s}&endDate={dt}&token=0c3030e3c53a205867d9fcbb578eb254e003da23"; TiingoCandle[] listOfTiingo = rt.getForObject(url, TiingoCandle[].class, symbol, s, dt); Double buyPrice = listOfTiingo[0].getOpen(); Double sellPrice = listOfTiingo[listOfTiingo.length-1].getClose(); ar.add(calculateAnnualizedReturns(LocalDate.parse(args[1]), x, buyPrice, sellPrice)); } Collections.sort(ar, new Comparator<AnnualizedReturn>() { @Override public int compare(AnnualizedReturn o1, AnnualizedReturn o2) { //return - o2.getClosingPrice()); double delta = o2.getAnnualizedReturn() - o1.getAnnualizedReturn(); if(delta > 0.00001) return 1; if(delta < -0.00001) return -1; return 0; } }); return ar; } // todo: CRIO_TASK_MODULE_CALCULATIONS // Return the populated list of AnnualizedReturn for all stocks. // Annualized returns should be calculated in two steps: // 1. Calculate totalReturn = (sell_value - buy_value) / buy_value. // 1.1 Store the same as totalReturns // 2. Calculate extrapolated annualized returns by scaling the same in years span. // The formula is: // annualized_returns = (1 + total_returns) ^ (1 / total_num_years) - 1 // 2.1 Store the same as annualized_returns // Test the same using below specified command. The build should be successful. // ./gradlew test --tests PortfolioManagerApplicationTest.testCalculateAnnualizedReturn public static AnnualizedReturn calculateAnnualizedReturns(LocalDate endDate, PortfolioTrade trade, Double buyPrice, Double sellPrice) { System.out.println(trade.getPurchaseDate()+" "+endDate+" "+buyPrice+" "+sellPrice); Double total_returns = (Double)((sellPrice - buyPrice)/buyPrice); LocalDate startDate = trade.getPurchaseDate(); double total_num_years = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(startDate, endDate)/365.24; System.out.println(total_num_years); // System.out.println(total_num_years); // System.out.println((double)(1/total_num_years)); Double annualized_returns = Math.pow((1 + total_returns), (1.0 / total_num_years)) - 1; // System.out.println("AR: "+ annualized_returns+ " TNY: "+ total_num_years+" "+ total_returns); return new AnnualizedReturn(trade.getSymbol(), annualized_returns, total_returns); }
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