
a year ago
134 kB
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// @version=5
//Telegram ==>> https://t.me/+UAk3hqvoD89jZTlk

info = input.bool(true, title="Developer - Aryan Singh",group="Money Moves [Tool Kit Premium]")

_v = input.string("0.1", title="Version", options=["0.1"], group="Money Moves [Tool Kit Premium]")

//User has to agree to have the indi loading on the chart.
var user_consensus = input.string(defval="", title="TYPE  'agree'  TO ADD TO CHART. \nTrading involves a risk of loss, and may not be appropriate for every one. Please consider carefully if trading is appropriate for you. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Any and all indicator signals provided by 'Money Moves Algo' are for educational purposes only\nCopyRight - @Money Moves Algo", confirm = true, group="Money Moves [Tool Kit Premium]")
var PassCorrect = false
if user_consensus == "agree"
    PassCorrect := true
    PassCorrect := false

colors = input.string(title='Color Scheme', defval='DARK', options=['DARK', 'LIGHT'] , group="Money Moves [Tool Kit Premium]")
bullcolor = colors == 'DARK' ? #00DBFF : color.rgb(0, 255, 8) 
bearcolor = colors == 'DARK' ? #E91E63 : color.rgb(255, 0, 0)


indicator("Money Moves [Tool Kit Premium]", overlay = true, max_labels_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_bars_back = 100)

//------------------- Money Move Smc  ----------------------//

//------------------- Money Move SR  ----------------------//
// Get user input
enableSR   = input(true, "SR On/Off", group="Money Move [SR]")
strengthSR = input.int(5, "S/R Strength", 1, group="Money Move [SR]")
lineStyle  = input.string("Solid", "Line Style", ["Solid", "Dotted", "Dashed"], group="Money Move [SR]")
lineWidth  = input.int(1, "S/R Line Width", 1, group="Money Move [SR]")
useZones   = input(true, "Zones", group="Money Move [SR]")
useHLZones = input(true, "Strong S/R Zones", group="Money Move [SR]")
expandSR   = input(true, "Expand SR", group="Money Move [SR]")
zoneWidth  = input.int(2, "Zone Width %", 0, tooltip="it's calculated using % of the distance between highest/lowest in last 300 bars", group="Money Move [SR]")

//------------------- Money Move TrendLine  ----------------------//
// Get user input
var string GROUP_ATL    = "Money Moves [TrendLine V2]"
var bool show_tl   = input.bool(false, title="Show TrendLine", tooltip="Shows lower/upper trendlines", group=GROUP_ATL)
var int n = input.int(15, title="Trendline Sensitivity", minval=2, group=GROUP_ATL)
// A Fractal is always a Pivot H/L (but a Pivot H/L is not always a Fractal):
float pivtHigh = ta.pivothigh(n, n)[1]
float PivtLow = ta.pivotlow(n, n)[1]
bool upfract = not na(pivtHigh)
bool downfract = not na(PivtLow)
var string LINE_WIDTH1_STR = "Width 1"
var string LINE_WIDTH2_STR = "Width 2"
// @function : _get_width(), a map {string:int}
_get_width(string str_input) =>
    return_int = switch str_input
        LINE_WIDTH1_STR => 1
        LINE_WIDTH2_STR => 2
var string subgroup1    = "recent line"
var color ln_col_up = color.new(bearcolor , 0)
var color ln_col_down = color.new(bullcolor , 0)
var int lnwidth_recent  = _get_width(input.string(LINE_WIDTH1_STR, options=[LINE_WIDTH1_STR, LINE_WIDTH2_STR], title="", inline=subgroup1, group=GROUP_ATL))
var string subgroup2    = "historical line"
var color ln_col_prev   = input.color(color.new(color.gray, 50), title="Historical Line", group=GROUP_ATL, inline=subgroup2)
var int lnwidth_prev    = _get_width(input.string(LINE_WIDTH1_STR, options=[LINE_WIDTH1_STR, LINE_WIDTH2_STR], title="", inline=subgroup2, group=GROUP_ATL))

var int max_tl          = input.int(1, title="Max pair of lines", maxval=250, minval=1, group=GROUP_ATL)*2
var string _str_extend  = input.string("Right", options=["Right", "Both ways"], title="Which way to extend lines", group=GROUP_ATL)
var string str_extend   = _str_extend == "Both ways" ? extend.both : extend.right

//------------------- Money Moves [Order Blocks]  ----------------------//
// Get user input

var bool show_OBls  = input.bool(false, title="Show Order Blocks", tooltip="Show lower/upper trendlines" , group = "Money Moves [OrderBlocks]")
length = input.int(5, 'Sensitivity' , minval = 1, group = "Money Moves [OrderBlocks]")
line_style = input.string('Dotted', 'Order Block Line Style' , options = ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'] , group = "Money Moves [OrderBlocks]")
line_width = input.int(1, 'Order Block Line Width' , minval = 1 , group = "Money Moves [OrderBlocks]")
mitigation = input.string('Wick', 'Confirmation Type' , options = ['Wick', 'Close'] , group = "Money Moves [OrderBlocks]")

bull_ext_last = input.int(1, 'Bullish OB ' , minval = 1 , inline = 'bull' , group = "Money Moves [OrderBlocks]")
bear_ext_last = input.int(1, 'Bearish OB' , minval = 1 , inline = 'bear' , group = "Money Moves [OrderBlocks]")
bg_bull_css = color.new(bullcolor, 80)
bull_css = bullcolor
bull_avg_css = color.new(bullcolor, 37)
bg_bear_css = color.new(bearcolor, 80)
bear_css = bearcolor
bear_avg_css = color.new(bearcolor, 37)

//Money Moves [EQH/EQL]
color TRANSP_CSS = #ffffff00
string ModeSmc_TOOLTIP          = 'Allows to display historical [EQH/EQL] or only the recent ones'
string STYLE_TOOLTIP         = 'Indicator color theme'
string SHOW_EQHL             = 'Display equal highs and equal lows on the chart'
string EQHL_BARS             = 'Number of bars used to confirm equal highs and equal lows'
string EQHL_THRESHOLD        = 'Sensitivity threshold in a range (0, 1) used for the detection of equal highs & lows\n\nLower values will return fewer but more pertinent results'
show_eq = input(false, 'Equal High/Low', group = 'Money Moves [EQH/EQL]', tooltip = SHOW_EQHL)
Mode = input.string(  'Historical', title = "Mode" ,options = ['Historical', 'Present'], group = 'Money Moves [EQH/EQL]', tooltip = ModeSmc_TOOLTIP)
styleSwing = input.string('Colored',  title = "Style" , options = ['Colored', 'Monochrome'], group = 'Money Moves [EQH/EQL]', tooltip = STYLE_TOOLTIP)
eq_len = input.int(3, 'Bars Confirmation', minval = 1, group = 'Money Moves [EQH/EQL]', tooltip = EQHL_BARS)
eq_threshold = input.float(0.1, 'Threshold', minval = 0, maxval = 0.5, step = 0.1, group = 'Money Moves [EQH/EQL]', tooltip = EQHL_THRESHOLD)

//------------------- Money Move Clear Trend V2  ----------------------//
// Get user input
// Getting inputs (calculation from tradingview)

var bool show_ct   = input.bool(true, title="Show Clear Trend V2", tooltip="It Enables And Colour The Bars/Candles According To Real Trend" , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")
// Getting inputs (calculation from tradingview)
fast_length = input(title='Fast Length', defval=18 , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")
slow_length = input(title='Slow Length', defval=26 , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")
src = input(title='Source', defval=close , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")
signal_length = input.int(title='Signal Smoothing', minval=1, maxval=50, defval=9 , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")

//------------------- Money Move Over Bought/Sold  ----------------------//
// Get user input

len = input.int(14, minval=1, title='Rsi Length', group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")
UpperLenght = input.int(78, minval=1, title='Upper Level' , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")
LowerLenght = input.int(22, minval=1, title='Lower Level' , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")
up = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(src), 0), len)
down = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(src), 0), len)
rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - 100 / (1 + up / down)
RsiFx = rsi > UpperLenght and show_ct  and PassCorrect  ? #af5820 : rsi < LowerLenght and show_ct  and PassCorrect  ?  #f47e17 : na
barcolor(RsiFx , title = "OB/OS" , editable=false)
sma_source = input(title='Simple MA(Oscillator)', defval=false , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")
sma_signal = input(title='Simple MA(Signal Line)', defval=false , group="Money Moves [Clear Trend v2]")

//------------------- Money Move [Fibonacci Retracement]  ----------------------//
// Get user settings
afibOn = input(false, 'Fibonacci Retracement On / Off', group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")
reverse = input(false, 'Reverse Fib?', group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")
var extendLeft = input.bool(false, 'Extend Left    |    Extend Right', inline='Extend Lines', group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")
var extendRight = input.bool(false, '', inline='Extend Lines', group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")
prices = input(false, 'Show Prices?', group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")
levels = input.bool(true, 'Show Levels?', inline='Levels', group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")
levelsFormat = input.string('Values', '', options=['Values', 'Percent'], inline='Levels', group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")
labelsPosition = input.string('Right', 'Fib Label Position', options=['Left', 'Right'], group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")
threshold_multiplier = input(3, 'Fibonacci Deviation', group = "Money Moves [Fibonacci Retracement]")


showVwap = input (true, title="Show VWAP on chart", group="Money Moves [VWAP]")
hideonDWM = input(false, title="Hide VWAP on 1D or Above", group="Money Moves [VWAP]")
var anchor = input.string(defval = "Session", title="Anchor Period",
 options=["Session", "Week", "Month", "Quarter", "Year", "Decade", "Century", "Earnings", "Dividends", "Splits"], group="Money Moves [VWAP]")
srcVWAP = input(title = "Source", defval = hlc3, group="Money Moves [VWAP]")
offset = input(0, title="Offset", group="Money Moves [VWAP]")

//------------------- Money Move [Trend Dashboard]  ----------------------//
// Get user settings
showDashboard     = input(true, "Show Trend Dashboard", group="Money Moves [Trend Dashboard]")
locationDashboard = input.string("Bottom Right", "Table Location", ["Top Right", "Middle Right", "Bottom Right", "Top Center", "Middle Center", "Bottom Center", "Top Left", "Middle Left", "Bottom Left"], group="Money Moves [Trend Dashboard]")
tableTextColor    = input(color.white, "Table Text Color", group="Money Moves [Trend Dashboard]")
tableBgColor      = input(#2A2A2A, "Table Background Color", group="Money Moves [Trend Dashboard]")
sizeDashboard     = input.string("Small", "Table Size", ["Large", "Normal", "Small", "Tiny"], group="Money Moves [Trend Dashboard]")

//------------------- Money Moves [Session]  ----------------------//
show_dash = input(false, 'Show Dashboard' , group   = 'Money Moves [Sessions Dashboard]')
use_exchange = input(true, 'Use Exchange Timezone' , group = 'Money Moves [Sessions Dashboard]')
tz_incr = input.int(0, 'UTC (+/-)' , group = 'Money Moves [Sessions Dashboard]')
tableTextColorSession    = input(color.white, "Table Text Color", group="Money Moves [Sessions Dashboard]")
tableBgColorSession      = input(#2A2A2A, "Table Background Color", group="Money Moves [Sessions Dashboard]")
dash_loc = input.string('Top Right', 'Dashboard Location' , options = ['Top Right', 'Bottom Right', 'Bottom Left'] , group   = 'Money Moves [Sessions Dashboard]')
text_size = input.string('Small', 'Dashboard Size' , options = ['Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal'] , group   = 'Money Moves [Sessions Dashboard]')

//------------------- Money Move Volume Profile  ----------------------//
// Get user input
var bool show_Vp   = input.bool(false, title="Show Volume Profile", tooltip="Show Money Moves [Volume Profile]" , group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
sizeBlock    = input.int   (200                        , "Bars in profile block"      , 10, 500      , group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
slices       = input.int   (40                         , "Slices"                     , 1, 40        , group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
rowWidth     = input.int   (100                        , "Visual row width"           , 10           , group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
showPeaks    = input       (true                       , "Show peaks"                                , group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
customSrcVol = input       (false                      , "Use custom volume source"                  , group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
srcVolSym    = input.symbol(""                         , "Custom volume source symbol"               , group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
colBounds    = input.color (color.new(color.white, 20), ""                           , inline="COL1", group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
colProfile   = input.color (color.new(#7e7e7e, 15), ""                           , inline="COL1", group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")
colPeak      = input.color (color.new(color.white, 20), ""                           , inline="COL1", group="Money Moves [Volume Profile]")

//------------------- Money Move Imbalance  ----------------------//
// Get user input
_bullImb = input.bool(true, "Show Bullish Imbalance", group="Money Moves [Imbalances]", tooltip="Show Bullish Imbalances")
_bullCol = color.new(bullcolor , 60)
_bullColBorder = color.new(bullcolor , 75)

_bearImb = input.bool(true, "Show Bearish Imbalance", group="Money Moves [Imbalances]", tooltip="Show Bearish Imbalances")
_bearCol = color.new(bearcolor , 60)
_bearColBorder = color.new(bearcolor , 75)

_removeOld = input.bool(true, "Remove Mitigated", group="Money Moves [Imbalances]", tooltip="Option to either keep or remove the mitigate imbalances")
_width = input.int(2, "Box Width", minval=0, maxval=500, group="Money Moves [Imbalances]", tooltip="Choose the width of the box")
_totalCount = input.int(20, "Total Shown Imbalances", group="Money Moves [Imbalances]", tooltip="The total amount of imbalances allowed to be displayed on the chart")

//------------------- Money Move Big Move  ----------------------//
// Get user input
var bool show_Bm = input.bool(false, title="Show BigMove", tooltip="Shows Before A Huge Volume Enters The Market" , group = "Money Moves [BigMove]")
spacing = input(7 , title = "Spacing",  group = "Money Moves [BigMove]")
length7 = input.int(7,  title = "Length 1", minval=1, group = "Money Moves [BigMove]")
length14 = input.int(14,  title = "Length 2", minval=1, group = "Money Moves [BigMove]")
length28 = input.int(28, title = "Length 3", minval=1, group = "Money Moves [BigMove]")

//------------------- Money Move Kill Zones  ----------------------//
// Get user input
displayZonesLimit = input.int(title='Max Timeframe To Display (Minutes)', defval=60, minval=1, maxval=1440 , group = "Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
asiashow = input(false, title='Display Asia Range', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]" )
asiashowdeviations = input(false, title='Display Asia Range Deviations', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
asiadeviations = input.int(title='Asia Deviations', defval=2, minval=1, group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
asiacolor = input(color.new(#00aad4, 70), 'Asia Range Color', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
asia = input.session(title='Asia Session', defval='1900-0001', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
loshow = input(false, title='Display London Open', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
locolor = input(color.new(color.gray, 50), 'London Open Range Color', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
lo = input.session(title='London Open Session', defval='0200-0600', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
lcshow = input(false, title='Display London Close', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
lccolor = input(color.new(color.white, 50), 'London Close Range Color', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
lc = input.session(title='London Close Session', defval='1000-1300', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")

nyshow = input(false, title='Display New York Open' , group =  "Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
nycolor = input(color.new(color.gray, 50), 'New York Open Range Color', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
ny = input.session(title='New York Open Session', defval='0700-1000', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")

nycshow = input(false, title='Display New York Close', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
nyccolor = input(color.new(color.gray, 50), 'New York Close Range Color', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
nyc = input.session(title='New York Close Session', defval='1400-1600', group="Money Moves [Kill Zones]")
// Killzone End

//Money Moves Misc

//------------------- Money Moves [Reversals] ----------------------//
showReversal      = input(true, "Show Reversals", group="Money Moves [Reversals]")

//------------------- Money Moves [Channel Balance] ----------------------//
// Get user input
channelBal  = input.bool(false, " Show Channel Balance" , tooltip = "Enable Money Moves [Channel Balance] " , group = "Money Moves [Channel Balance]")
channelSensi  = input.float(1.0, "Channel Balance  Sensitivity", 0.5, 3.0 , group="Money Moves [Channel Balance]")

//------------------- [Money Moves [Divergence] ----------------------//
plotRealDiv = input(title='Show Divergence', defval=false , group = "Money Moves [Divergence]")
plotBear = plotRealDiv
plotHiddenDiv = input(title='Show Hidden Divergence', defval=false , group = "Money Moves [Divergence]")
plotHiddenBear = plotHiddenDiv
n1 = input(10, 'Divergence Channel Length' , group = "Money Moves [Divergence]")
n2 = input(5, 'Divergence Average Length' , group = "Money Moves [Divergence]")

//------------------- Money Moves Trend Regression Channel  ----------------------//
// Get user input

autoRc      = input.bool(false, "Show Trend Regression Channel" , group = "Money Moves [Trend Regression Channel]" )
TRCP        = input.float(1, "Trend Regression Period", 1, 5 , group = "Money Moves [Trend Regression Channel]")

//------------------- Money Moves [Bollinger Band]  ----------------------//
// Get user settings
showBB = input(false, title='Show Bollinger Band' , group = 'Money Moves [Bollinger Band]')
srcBB = input(close, title='Source' , group = 'Money Moves [Bollinger Band]')
sma_bb_len = input.int(20, minval=0, title='BB Length' , group = 'Money Moves [Bollinger Band]')
bbStdDev = input.float(2, minval=0.1, title='BB Standard Deviation' , group = 'Money Moves [Bollinger Band]')

// Money Moves [SR]
// Functions
percWidth(len, perc) => (ta.highest(len) - ta.lowest(len)) * perc / 100
// Get components
rb            = 10
prd           = 284
ChannelW      = 10
label_loc     = 55
style         = lineStyle == "Solid" ? line.style_solid : lineStyle == "Dotted" ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
ph            = ta.pivothigh(rb, rb)
pl            = ta.pivotlow (rb, rb)
sr_levels     = array.new_float(21, na)
prdhighest    = ta.highest(prd)
prdlowest     = ta.lowest(prd)
cwidth        = percWidth(prd, ChannelW)
zonePerc      = percWidth(300, zoneWidth)
aas           = array.new_bool(41, true)
u1            = 0.0, u1 := nz(u1[1])
d1            = 0.0, d1 := nz(d1[1])
highestph     = 0.0, highestph := highestph[1]
lowestpl      = 0.0, lowestpl := lowestpl[1]
var sr_levs   = array.new_float(21, na)
label hlabel  = na, label.delete(hlabel[1])
label llabel  = na, label.delete(llabel[1])
var sr_lines  = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesH = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesL = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesF = array.new_linefill(21, na)
var sr_labels = array.new_label(21, na)
if ph or pl
    for x = 0 to array.size(sr_levels) - 1
        array.set(sr_levels, x, na)
    highestph := prdlowest
    lowestpl := prdhighest
    countpp = 0
    for x = 0 to prd
        if na(close[x])
        if not na(ph[x]) or not na(pl[x])
            highestph := math.max(highestph, nz(ph[x], prdlowest), nz(pl[x], prdlowest))
            lowestpl := math.min(lowestpl, nz(ph[x], prdhighest), nz(pl[x], prdhighest))
            countpp += 1
            if countpp > 40
            if array.get(aas, countpp)
                upl = (ph[x] ? high[x + rb] : low[x + rb]) + cwidth
                dnl = (ph[x] ? high[x + rb] : low[x + rb]) - cwidth
                u1 := countpp == 1 ? upl : u1
                d1 := countpp == 1 ? dnl : d1
                tmp = array.new_bool(41, true)
                cnt = 0
                tpoint = 0
                for xx = 0 to prd
                    if na(close[xx])
                    if not na(ph[xx]) or not na(pl[xx])
                        chg = false
                        cnt += 1
                        if cnt > 40
                        if array.get(aas, cnt)
                            if not na(ph[xx])
                                if high[xx + rb] <= upl and high[xx + rb] >= dnl
                                    tpoint += 1
                                    chg := true
                            if not na(pl[xx])
                                if low[xx + rb] <= upl and low[xx + rb] >= dnl
                                    tpoint += 1
                                    chg := true
                        if chg and cnt < 41
                            array.set(tmp, cnt, false)
                if tpoint >= strengthSR
                    for g = 0 to 40 by 1
                        if not array.get(tmp, g)
                            array.set(aas, g, false)
                    if ph[x] and countpp < 21
                        array.set(sr_levels, countpp, high[x + rb])
                    if pl[x] and countpp < 21
                        array.set(sr_levels, countpp, low[x + rb])
// Plot
var line highest_ = na, line.delete(highest_)
var line lowest_  = na, line.delete(lowest_)
var line highest_fill1 = na, line.delete(highest_fill1)
var line highest_fill2 = na, line.delete(highest_fill2)
var line lowest_fill1  = na, line.delete(lowest_fill1)
var line lowest_fill2  = na, line.delete(lowest_fill2)
hi_col = close >= highestph ? bullcolor : bearcolor
lo_col = close >= lowestpl  ? bullcolor : bearcolor
if enableSR and PassCorrect
    highest_ := line.new(bar_index - 311, highestph, bar_index, highestph, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, hi_col, style, lineWidth)
    lowest_  := line.new(bar_index - 311, lowestpl , bar_index, lowestpl , xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, lo_col, style, lineWidth)
    if useHLZones and PassCorrect
        highest_fill1 := line.new(bar_index - 311, highestph + zonePerc, bar_index, highestph + zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
        highest_fill2 := line.new(bar_index - 311, highestph - zonePerc, bar_index, highestph - zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
        lowest_fill1  := line.new(bar_index - 311, lowestpl + zonePerc , bar_index, lowestpl + zonePerc , xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
        lowest_fill2  := line.new(bar_index - 311, lowestpl - zonePerc , bar_index, lowestpl - zonePerc , xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
        linefill.new(highest_fill1, highest_fill2, color.new(hi_col, 80))
        linefill.new(lowest_fill1 , lowest_fill2 , color.new(lo_col, 80))
if ph or pl
    for x = 0 to array.size(sr_lines) - 1
        array.set(sr_levs, x, array.get(sr_levels, x))
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_lines) - 1
    line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x))
    line.delete(array.get(sr_linesH, x))
    line.delete(array.get(sr_linesL, x))
    linefill.delete(array.get(sr_linesF, x))
    if array.get(sr_levs, x) and enableSR and PassCorrect
        line_col = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? bullcolor : bearcolor
        array.set(sr_lines, x, line.new(bar_index - 355, array.get(sr_levs, x), bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x), xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, line_col, style, lineWidth))
        if useZones and PassCorrect
            array.set(sr_linesH, x, line.new(bar_index - 355, array.get(sr_levs, x) + zonePerc, bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x) + zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na))
            array.set(sr_linesL, x, line.new(bar_index - 355, array.get(sr_levs, x) - zonePerc, bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x) - zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na))
            array.set(sr_linesF, x, linefill.new(array.get(sr_linesH, x), array.get(sr_linesL, x), color.new(line_col, 80)))
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_labels) - 1
    label.delete(array.get(sr_labels, x))
    if array.get(sr_levs, x) and enableSR and PassCorrect
        lab_loc = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down
        lab_col = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? bullcolor             : bearcolor
        array.set(sr_labels, x, label.new(bar_index + label_loc, array.get(sr_levs, x), str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(array.get(sr_levs, x))), color=lab_col , textcolor=#000000, style=lab_loc))
hlabel := enableSR and PassCorrect ? label.new(bar_index + label_loc + math.round(math.sign(label_loc)) * 20, highestph, "Strong Resistance : " + str.tostring(highestph), color=hi_col, textcolor=#000000, style=label.style_label_down) : na
llabel := enableSR and PassCorrect ? label.new(bar_index + label_loc + math.round(math.sign(label_loc)) * 20, lowestpl , "Strong Support: " + str.tostring(lowestpl) , color=lo_col, textcolor=#000000, style=label.style_label_up  ) : na


// Variables
var bearBox = array.new_box()
var bullBox = array.new_box()

// Top Imbalance
bearImb = low[2] <= open[1] and high >= close[1]
bearGap = low[1] > high
bearImbSize = low[2] - high
if _bearImb  and PassCorrect  and bearImb and bearImbSize > 0 or bearGap
    n = bearGap ? 1 : 2
    array.push(bearBox, box.new(left=bar_index[1], top=low[n], right=bar_index+_width, bottom=high, bgcolor=_bearCol, border_color=_bearColBorder))

// Bottom Imbalance
bullImb = high[2] >= open[1] and low <= close[1]
bullImbSize = low - high[2]
bullGap = high[1] < low
if _bullImb and PassCorrect and bullImb and bullImbSize > 0 or bullGap
    n = bullGap ? 1 : 2
    array.push(bullBox, box.new(left=bar_index[1], top=low, right=bar_index+_width, bottom=high[n], bgcolor=_bullCol, border_color=_bullColBorder))

// Remove Mitigated
remove_mitigate(arrayType, pos) =>
    if array.size(arrayType) > 0
        for i = array.size(arrayType) - 1 to 0 by 1
            sbox = array.get(arrayType, i)
            top = box.get_top(sbox)
            bot = box.get_bottom(sbox)
            pass = pos =="Bull" ? low < bot + ((top - bot)/2) : high > top - ((top - bot)/2)
            if pass
                txt = pos =="Bull" ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"
                alert("Price (" + str.tostring(close) + ") inside "+txt+" Imbalance", alert.freq_once_per_bar)
                if _removeOld
                    array.remove(arrayType, i)

// Run Functions
remove_mitigate(bullBox, "Bull")
remove_mitigate(bearBox, "Bear")

// Remove Older Imb
if array.size(bearBox) > _totalCount
    b = array.shift(bearBox)

if array.size(bullBox) > _totalCount
    b = array.shift(bullBox)

// Clear Trend V2
// Calculating (calculation from tradingview)

fast_ma = sma_source ? ta.sma(src, fast_length) : ta.ema(src, fast_length)
slow_ma = sma_source ? ta.sma(src, slow_length) : ta.ema(src, slow_length)
macd = fast_ma - slow_ma
signal = sma_signal ? ta.sma(macd, signal_length) : ta.ema(macd, signal_length)
hist = macd - signal

bar_Teal_PowerfullBull = hist > 0 and hist > hist[1]
bar_blue = hist > 0 and hist < hist[1]
bar_dark_o = hist < 0 and hist < hist[1]
bar_o = hist < 0 and hist > hist[1]

barcolor(bar_Teal_PowerfullBull and show_ct  and PassCorrect  ? #84ffd8 : na, title='Teal' , editable=false)
barcolor(bar_blue and show_ct and PassCorrect ? #39c9e0 : na, title='Blue' , editable=false)
barcolor(bar_dark_o and show_ct and PassCorrect  ? #8b018d : na, title='Purple' , editable=false)
barcolor(bar_o and show_ct  and PassCorrect ? #ee81f1 : na, title='Magenta' , editable=false)

// Part 1 SMA channel
// Trend Indicator 1 20/20 SMA channel uses the sma of the high (last 20 candles) and the low. Got that from a tradeciety youtube channel (great guys, not affiliated)
// Uptrend closing above channel, Downtredn closing below channel

//Live Trend Channel
//len2 = input(20, minval=1, title="SMA #20")
////src2 = input(high, title="SMA Source #2")
//out2 = sma(src2, len2)
//x1 =plot(out2, title="SMA #20", color=color.black, linewidth = 1)
//src3 = input(low, title="SMA Source #2")
//out3 = sma(src3, len2)
//x2 = plot(out3, title="SMA #20", color=color.black, linewidth = 1)
//fill(x1, x2, color = color.purple)

// Reversals Signal
Reversal       = ta.rsi(close, 21)
rsiOb     = Reversal > 70 and Reversal > ta.ema(Reversal, 10)
rsiOs     = Reversal < 30 and Reversal < ta.ema(Reversal, 10)
// Colors
cyan = bullcolor, cyan30 = color.new(cyan, 70)
pink = bearcolor, pink30 = color.new(pink, 70)
red  = #FF5252, red30  = color.new(red , 70)
// Plot
plotshape(showReversal  and PassCorrect and rsiOs, "Bullish Reversal" , shape.diamond, location.belowbar, cyan30, size=size.tiny , offset = 1)
plotshape(showReversal  and PassCorrect and rsiOb, "Bearish Reversal", shape.diamond, location.abovebar, pink30, size=size.tiny  , offset = 1 )

// Money Moves [Trend Dashboard]
source    = close
ema = ta.ema(close, 144)
emaBull = close > ema
f_chartTfInMinutes() =>
    float _resInMinutes = timeframe.multiplier * (
      timeframe.isseconds ? 1                   :
      timeframe.isminutes ? 1.                  :
      timeframe.isdaily   ? 60. * 24            :
      timeframe.isweekly  ? 60. * 24 * 7        :
      timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375  : na)
equal_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) == f_chartTfInMinutes() and not timeframe.isseconds
higher_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) > f_chartTfInMinutes() or timeframe.isseconds
too_small_tf(res) => (timeframe.isweekly and res=="1") or (timeframe.ismonthly and str.tonumber(res) < 10)
securityNoRep1(sym, res, src) =>
    bool bull_ = na
    bull_ := equal_tf(res) ? src : bull_
    bull_ := higher_tf(res) ? request.security(sym, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) : bull_
    bull_array = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, higher_tf(res) ? str.tostring(f_chartTfInMinutes()) + (timeframe.isseconds ? "S" : "") : too_small_tf(res) ? (timeframe.isweekly ? "3" : "10") : res, src)
    if array.size(bull_array) > 1 and not equal_tf(res) and not higher_tf(res)
        bull_ := array.pop(bull_array)
TF1Bull   = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "1"   , emaBull)
TF3Bull   = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "3"   , emaBull)
TF5Bull   = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "5"   , emaBull)
TF15Bull  = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "15"  , emaBull)
TF30Bull  = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "30"  , emaBull)
TF60Bull  = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "60"  , emaBull)
TF120Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "120" , emaBull)
TF240Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "240" , emaBull)
TF480Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "480" , emaBull)
TFDBull   = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "1440", emaBull)

var dashboard_loc  = locationDashboard == "Top Right" ? position.top_right : locationDashboard == "Middle Right" ? position.middle_right : locationDashboard == "Bottom Right" ? position.bottom_right : locationDashboard == "Top Center" ? position.top_center : locationDashboard == "Middle Center" ? position.middle_center : locationDashboard == "Bottom Center" ? position.bottom_center : locationDashboard == "Top Left" ? position.top_left : locationDashboard == "Middle Left" ? position.middle_left : position.bottom_left
var dashboard_size = sizeDashboard == "Large" ? size.large : sizeDashboard == "Normal" ? size.normal : sizeDashboard == "Small" ? size.small : size.tiny
var dashboard      = showDashboard  and PassCorrect  ? table.new(dashboard_loc, 2, 15, tableBgColor, #000000, 1, tableBgColor, 1) : na
dashboard_cell(column, row, txt, signal=false) => table.cell(dashboard, column, row, txt, 0, 0, signal ? #ffffff : tableTextColor, text_size=dashboard_size)
dashboard_cell_bg(column, row, col) => table.cell_set_bgcolor(dashboard, column, row, col)
if barstate.islast and showDashboard  and PassCorrect 
    dashboard_cell(0, 0 , "Money Moves")
    dashboard_cell(0, 2 , "Current Trend")
    dashboard_cell(0, 3 , "Volume")
    dashboard_cell(0, 4 , "Timeframe")
    dashboard_cell(0, 5 , "1 min:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 6 , "3 min:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 7 , "5 min:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 8 , "15 min:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 9 , "30 min:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 10, "1 H:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 11, "2 H:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 12, "4 H:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 13, "8 H:")
    dashboard_cell(0, 14, "Daily:")
    dashboard_cell(1, 0 , "V.1")
    dashboard_cell(1, 2 , emaBull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 2, emaBull ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 3 , str.tostring(volume))
    dashboard_cell(1, 4 , "Trends")
    dashboard_cell(1, 5 , TF1Bull   ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 5 , TF1Bull   ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 6 , TF3Bull   ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 6 , TF3Bull   ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 7 , TF5Bull   ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 7 , TF5Bull   ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 8 , TF15Bull  ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 8 , TF15Bull  ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 9 , TF30Bull  ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 9 , TF30Bull  ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 10, TF60Bull  ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 10, TF60Bull  ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 11, TF120Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 11, TF120Bull ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 12, TF240Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 12, TF240Bull ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 13, TF480Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 13, TF480Bull ? bullcolor : bearcolor)
    dashboard_cell(1, 14, TFDBull   ? "Bullish" : "Bearish", true), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 14, TFDBull   ? bullcolor : bearcolor)

/// Money Moves [TrendLine V2]

// Inputs:
// {

// Recent fractals.
var float recent_dn1   = low,   var int i_recent_dn1 = bar_index
var float recent_up1   = high,  var int i_recent_up1 = bar_index
var float recent_dn2   = low,   var int i_recent_dn2 = bar_index
var float recent_up2   = high,  var int i_recent_up2 = bar_index

// Array of lines, newest elements inserted to front.
var line[] arr_ln_up = array.new_line() 
var line[] arr_ln_dn = array.new_line()

// @function cleanup()
// @returns void : To delete excess lines and assign new color to historical lines.
cleanup(line[] arr) =>
    if array.size(arr) > 1
        line.set_color(array.get(arr, 1), ln_col_prev)
        line.set_width(array.get(arr, 1), lnwidth_prev)
        while array.size(arr) > math.floor(max_tl/2)

// @function : draw upper trendline
_draw_upper_TL() =>    
    ln_up = line.new(i_recent_up2, recent_up2, i_recent_up1, recent_up1, xloc.bar_index, 
     str_extend, color=ln_col_up, style=line.style_solid, width=lnwidth_recent)
    array.unshift(arr_ln_up, ln_up) 

// @function : draw lower trendline
_draw_lower_TL() =>
    ln_dn = line.new(i_recent_dn2, recent_dn2, i_recent_dn1, recent_dn1, xloc.bar_index, 
     str_extend, color=ln_col_down, style=line.style_solid, width=lnwidth_recent)
    array.unshift(arr_ln_dn, ln_dn)

// Checking for fractals & Drawing trendlines
if downfract and show_tl and PassCorrect
    recent_dn2:=recent_dn1, i_recent_dn2:=i_recent_dn1
    recent_dn1:=low[n+1],   i_recent_dn1 := bar_index-n-1

if upfract and show_tl and PassCorrect
    recent_up2:=recent_up1, i_recent_up2:=i_recent_up1
    recent_up1:=high[n+1],  i_recent_up1 := bar_index-n-1

// PivtLowotting fractals
bool hh = not na(pivtHigh) and recent_up1 > recent_up2 ? high[n+1] : na
bool lh = not na(pivtHigh) and recent_up1 < recent_up2 ? high[n+1] : na
bool hl = not na(PivtLow) and recent_dn1 > recent_dn2 ? low[n+1] : na
bool ll = not na(PivtLow) and recent_dn1 < recent_dn2 ? low[n+1] : na
// //
//------------------- Money Moves [Divergence] ----------------------//

ap = ohlc4
esa = ta.ema(ap, n1)
d = ta.ema(math.abs(ap - esa), n1)
ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d)
tci = ta.ema(ci, n2)

wt1 = tci
wt2 = ta.sma(wt1, 4)


DivLen= n1
DivSrc= ohlc4

lbR = 2
lbL = 8
rangeUpper = 100
rangeLower = 2

bearColor = color.new(bearcolor, 0)
bullColor = color.new(bullcolor, 0)
hiddenBullColor = color.new(color.blue, 0)
hiddenBearColor = color.new(color.yellow, 0)
textColor = color.new(color.white, 0)
noneColor = color.new(color.white, 100)
osc = wt1
plFound = na(ta.pivotlow(osc, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true
phFound = na(ta.pivothigh(osc, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true
_inRange(cond) =>
    bars = ta.barssince(cond == true)
    rangeLower <= bars and bars <= rangeUpper

// Regular Bullish
// Osc: Higher Low

oscHL = osc[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(plFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(plFound[1])

// Price: Lower Low

priceLL = low[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(plFound, low[lbR], 1)
bullCond = plotRealDiv and  priceLL and oscHL and plFound and PassCorrect

// Hidden Bullish
// Osc: Lower Low

oscLL = osc[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(plFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(plFound[1])

// Price: Higher Low

priceHL = low[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(plFound, low[lbR], 1)
hiddenBullCond = plotHiddenDiv and priceHL and oscLL and plFound 

// Regular Bearish
// Osc: Lower High

oscLH = osc[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(phFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(phFound[1])

// Price: Higher High

priceHH = high[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(phFound, high[lbR], 1)

bearCond = plotBear and priceHH and oscLH and phFound and PassCorrect

// Hidden Bearish
// Osc: Higher High

oscHH = osc[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(phFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange(phFound[1])

// Price: Lower High

priceLH = high[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(phFound, high[lbR], 1)

hiddenBearCond = plotHiddenBear and priceLH and oscHH and phFound

//Pivot Points


plotshape(hiddenBearCond, title='Hidden Bear Divergence', location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, text='Divergence Down', textcolor=color.white, color=color.new(color.orange, 60) , editable=false)
plotshape(bearCond, title='Bear Divergence', location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, text='Divergence Down', textcolor=color.white, size=size.tiny, color=color.new(bearcolor, 60) , editable=false)
plotshape(hiddenBullCond, title='Hidden Bull Divergence', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, text='Divergence Up', textcolor=color.white, size=size.tiny, color=color.new(color.aqua, 60), editable=false )
plotshape(bullCond, title='Bull Divergence', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, text='Divergence Up', textcolor=color.white, size=size.tiny, color=color.new(bullcolor, 60) , editable=false )

// Money Moves [Channel Balance]
// Get Components
ocAvg       = math.avg(open, close)
sma1        = ta.sma(close, 5 )
sma2        = ta.sma(close, 6)
sma3        = ta.sma(close, 7)
sma4        = ta.sma(close, 8)
sma5        = ta.sma(close, 9)
sma6        = ta.sma(close, 10)
sma7        = ta.sma(close, 11)
sma8        = ta.sma(close, 12)
sma9        = ta.sma(close, 13)
sma10       = ta.sma(close, 14)
sma11       = ta.sma(close, 15)
sma12       = ta.sma(close, 16)
sma13       = ta.sma(close, 17)
sma14       = ta.sma(close, 18)
sma15       = ta.sma(close, 19)
sma16       = ta.sma(close, 20)

[middleKC1, upperKC1, lowerKC1] = ta.kc(close, 80, 10.5 * channelSensi)
[middleKC2, upperKC2, lowerKC2] = ta.kc(close, 80, 9.5 * channelSensi)
[middleKC3, upperKC3, lowerKC3] = ta.kc(close, 80, 8 * channelSensi)
[middleKC4, upperKC4, lowerKC4] = ta.kc(close, 80, 3 * channelSensi)

// Colors
cyan1       = color.rgb(0, 196, 226), cyan2   = bullcolor
pink1         = #bd104a, pink2     = bearcolor

// Plots
k1 = plot(ta.ema(upperKC1, 50), "", na, editable=false)
k2 = plot(ta.ema(upperKC2, 50), "", na, editable=false)
k3 = plot(ta.ema(upperKC3, 50), "", na, editable=false)
k4 = plot(ta.ema(upperKC4, 50), "", na, editable=false)
k5 = plot(ta.ema(lowerKC4, 50), "", na, editable=false)
k6 = plot(ta.ema(lowerKC3, 50), "", na, editable=false)
k7 = plot(ta.ema(lowerKC2, 50), "", na, editable=false)
k8 = plot(ta.ema(lowerKC1, 50), "", na, editable=false)
fill(k1, k2, channelBal  and PassCorrect ? color.new(pink2, 40) : na, editable=false)
fill(k2, k3, channelBal  and PassCorrect ? color.new(pink2, 65) : na, editable=false)
fill(k3, k4, channelBal  and PassCorrect ? color.new(pink2, 90) : na, editable=false)
fill(k5, k6, channelBal  and PassCorrect ? color.new(cyan2, 90) : na, editable=false)
fill(k6, k7, channelBal  and PassCorrect ? color.new(cyan2, 65) : na, editable=false)
fill(k7, k8, channelBal  and PassCorrect ? color.new(cyan2, 40) : na, editable=false)

//------------------- Money Moves [Sessions]  ----------------------//

//Session A
show_sesa = true
sesa_txt = 'New York'
sesa_ses = '1300-2200'
//Session B
show_sesb = true
sesb_txt = 'London'
sesb_ses = '0700-1600'
//Session C
show_sesc = true
sesc_txt = 'Tokyo'
sesc_ses = '0000-0900'
//Session D
show_sesd = true
sesd_txt = 'Sydney'
sesd_ses = '2100-0600'
tf = timeframe.period

var tz = use_exchange ? syminfo.timezone :
  str.format('UTC{0}{1}', tz_incr >= 0 ? '+' : '-', math.abs(tz_incr))

is_sesa = math.sign(nz(time(tf, sesa_ses, tz)))
is_sesb = math.sign(nz(time(tf, sesb_ses, tz)))
is_sesc = math.sign(nz(time(tf, sesc_ses, tz)))
is_sesd = math.sign(nz(time(tf, sesd_ses, tz)))

var table_position = dash_loc == 'Bottom Left' ? position.bottom_left 
  : dash_loc == 'Top Right' ? position.top_right 
  : position.bottom_right

var table_size = text_size == 'Tiny' ? size.tiny 
  : text_size == 'Small' ? size.small 
  : size.normal

var tb = table.new(table_position, 5, 6 , bgcolor = tableBgColorSession , border_color = #000000 , border_width = 1 , frame_color = #000000 , frame_width = 1)

if barstate.isfirst and show_dash  and PassCorrect 
    table.cell(tb, 0, 0, 'Money Moves [Sessions]', text_color = color.white, text_size = table_size)
    table.merge_cells(tb, 0, 0, 1, 0)

    table.cell(tb, 0, 2, sesa_txt, text_color = tableTextColorSession, text_size = table_size)
    table.cell(tb, 0, 3, sesb_txt, text_color = tableTextColorSession, text_size = table_size)
    table.cell(tb, 0, 4, sesc_txt, text_color = tableTextColorSession, text_size = table_size)
    table.cell(tb, 0, 5, sesd_txt, text_color = tableTextColorSession, text_size = table_size)

if barstate.islast and show_dash  and PassCorrect 
    table.cell(tb, 1, 2, is_sesa ? 'Active' : 'Innactive'
 , bgcolor = is_sesa ? bullcolor : bearcolor
 , text_color = color.white
 , text_size = table_size)
    table.cell(tb, 1, 3, is_sesb ? 'Active' : 'Innactive'
 , bgcolor = is_sesb ? bullcolor : bearcolor
 , text_color = color.white
 , text_size = table_size)
    table.cell(tb, 1, 4, is_sesc ? 'Active' : 'Innactive'
 , bgcolor = is_sesc ? bullcolor : bearcolor
 , text_color = color.white
 , text_size = table_size)
    table.cell(tb, 1, 5, is_sesd ? 'Active' : 'Innactive'
 , bgcolor = is_sesd ? bullcolor : bearcolor
 , text_color = color.white
 , text_size = table_size)

//Overlays  bullcolor : bearcolor

bb_Upper_color = ( pink30  ) 
bb_lower_color = ( cyan30 )
bb_median_color = #989898   // grey 
bb_bgcolor = #6D9EEB  // light blue

//------------------- Money Moves BB Functions ----------------------//

// Hull Moving Average
// there's no built-in hma function
hma(srcBB, length) =>
    //HMA = WMA(2*WMA(n/2) - WMA(n)),sqrt(n))
    // wrapper max(2,length)) prevents wma(srcBB, 0) type errors when len = 0 or 1 produces wma(srcBB, 0) because len/2 is used and all possible cond branches are always fully executed even when cond is false
    len = math.max(2, length)
    return_1 = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(srcBB, len / 2) - ta.wma(srcBB, len), math.round(math.sqrt(len)))

// returns ma value by type and length
ma(srcBB, type, length) =>
    // wrapper max(1,length)) prevents ema(srcBB, 0) type errors because all cond branches are always fully executed even when length == 0 (there's no fast cond evaluation)
    len = math.max(1, length)
    // for proper line wrapping/continuation you need indentation > multiple of 4 (4 spaces or 1 tab), i.e. 5 spaces
    // swma has a fixed length = 4, alma has its own smoothing params
    sma_1 = ta.sma(srcBB, len)
    ema_1 = ta.ema(srcBB, len)
    wma_1 = ta.wma(srcBB, len)
    vwma_1 = ta.vwma(srcBB, len)
    swma_1 = ta.swma(srcBB)
    hma__1 = hma(srcBB, len)
    rma_1 = ta.rma(srcBB, len)

// BB Processing

// sma_bb_len == 0 - disable middle sma_bb
ma__11 = ma(srcBB, 'sma', sma_bb_len)
sma_bb = sma_bb_len > 0 ? ma__11 : na

// stdev_bb = stdev(bb_srcBB, sma_bb_len) * bbStdDev
// wrapper max(1,len)) prevents stdev(srcBB, 0) type errors because all cond branches are always fully executed even when len == 0 (there's no fast cond evaluation)
stdev_1 = ta.stdev(srcBB, math.max(1, sma_bb_len))
stdev_bb = sma_bb_len > 0 ? stdev_1 * bbStdDev : na
sma_bb_up = sma_bb + stdev_bb
sma_bb_down = sma_bb - stdev_bb

plot_bb_up = plot(showBB and PassCorrect  ? sma_bb_up : na, color=bb_Upper_color, linewidth=1, title='Upper BB' , editable=false)  // , style=cross
plot_bb_down = plot(showBB  and PassCorrect ? sma_bb_down : na, color=bb_lower_color, linewidth=1, title='Lower BB' , editable=false)  // , style=cross
fill(plot_bb_up, plot_bb_down, color=color.new(bb_bgcolor, 90), title='BB Background' , editable=false)
plot(showBB  and PassCorrect ? sma_bb : na, color=bb_median_color, linewidth=1, title='Middle BB' , editable=false)  // , style=circles

/// Money MOves Trend Regression Channel
// Functions

lr_slope(_src, _len ) =>
    x = 0.0, y = 0.0, x2 = 0.0, xy = 0.0
    for i = 0 to _len - 1
        val = _src[i]
        per = i + 1
        x += per
        y += val
        x2 += per * per
        xy += val * per
    _slp = (_len * xy - x * y) / (_len * x2 - x * x)
    _avg = y / _len
    _int = _avg - _slp * x / _len + _slp
    [_slp, _avg, _int]
lr_dev(_src, _len, _slp, _avg, _int) =>
    upDev = 0.0, dnDev = 0.0
    val = _int
    for j = 0 to _len - 1
        price = high[j] - val
        if price > upDev
            upDev := price
        price := val - low[j]
        if price > dnDev
            dnDev := price
        price := _src[j]
        val += _slp
    [upDev, dnDev]
// Get Components
barsL       = 10
barsR       = 10
pivotHighRC = fixnan(ta.pivothigh(barsL, barsR)[1])
pivotLowRC = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(barsL, barsR)[1])
source4 = close, period = 150 
[s, a, i] = lr_slope(source4, period  * TRCP )
[upDev, dnDev] = lr_dev(source4, period , s, a, i)
// Colors

x1 = bar_index - period + 1, _y1 = i + s * (period - 1), x2 = bar_index, _y2 = i
upperTL = autoRc and PassCorrect ? line.new(x1, _y1 + upDev, x2, _y2 + upDev, xloc.bar_index, extend.right, pink) : na
middleTL = autoRc and PassCorrect ? line.new(x1, _y1, x2, _y2, xloc.bar_index, extend.right, color.white) : na
lowerTL = autoRc and PassCorrect ? line.new(x1, _y1 - dnDev, x2, _y2 - dnDev, xloc.bar_index, extend.right, cyan) : na

//------------------- Money Move Volume Profile  ----------------------//
maFast = ta.ema(close, 24)
maSlow = ta.ema(close, 52)
maMorB = ta.sma(close, 103)
custom_volume = customSrcVol ? request.security(srcVolSym, timeframe.period, volume, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on) : volume
block_high = ta.highest(high, sizeBlock)
block_low = ta.lowest(low, sizeBlock)
float highest_row_value = 0
float row0_price = na
int row0_width = 0
float row0_value = 0.0
row0_is_peak = false
float row1_price = na
int row1_width = 0
float row1_value = 0.0
row1_is_peak = false
float row2_price = na
int row2_width = 0
float row2_value = 0.0
row2_is_peak = false
float row3_price = na
int row3_width = 0
float row3_value = 0.0
row3_is_peak = false
float row4_price = na
int row4_width = 0
float row4_value = 0.0
row4_is_peak = false
float row5_price = na
int row5_width = 0
float row5_value = 0.0
row5_is_peak = false
float row6_price = na
int row6_width = 0
float row6_value = 0.0
row6_is_peak = false
float row7_price = na
int row7_width = 0
float row7_value = 0.0
row7_is_peak = false
float row8_price = na
int row8_width = 0
float row8_value = 0.0
row8_is_peak = false
float row9_price = na
int row9_width = 0
float row9_value = 0.0
row9_is_peak = false
float row10_price = na
int row10_width = 0
float row10_value = 0.0
row10_is_peak = false
float row11_price = na
int row11_width = 0
float row11_value = 0.0
row11_is_peak = false
float row12_price = na
int row12_width = 0
float row12_value = 0.0
row12_is_peak = false
float row13_price = na
int row13_width = 0
float row13_value = 0.0
row13_is_peak = false
float row14_price = na
int row14_width = 0
float row14_value = 0.0
row14_is_peak = false
float row15_price = na
int row15_width = 0
float row15_value = 0.0
row15_is_peak = false
float row16_price = na
int row16_width = 0
float row16_value = 0.0
row16_is_peak = false
float row17_price = na
int row17_width = 0
float row17_value = 0.0
row17_is_peak = false
float row18_price = na
int row18_width = 0
float row18_value = 0.0
row18_is_peak = false
float row19_price = na
int row19_width = 0
float row19_value = 0.0
row19_is_peak = false
float row20_price = na
int row20_width = 0
float row20_value = 0.0
row20_is_peak = false
float row21_price = na
int row21_width = 0
float row21_value = 0.0
row21_is_peak = false
float row22_price = na
int row22_width = 0
float row22_value = 0.0
row22_is_peak = false
float row23_price = na
int row23_width = 0
float row23_value = 0.0
row23_is_peak = false
float row24_price = na
int row24_width = 0
float row24_value = 0.0
row24_is_peak = false
float row25_price = na
int row25_width = 0
float row25_value = 0.0
row25_is_peak = false
float row26_price = na
int row26_width = 0
float row26_value = 0.0
row26_is_peak = false
float row27_price = na
int row27_width = 0
float row27_value = 0.0
row27_is_peak = false
float row28_price = na
int row28_width = 0
float row28_value = 0.0
row28_is_peak = false
float row29_price = na
int row29_width = 0
float row29_value = 0.0
row29_is_peak = false
float row30_price = na
int row30_width = 0
float row30_value = 0.0
row30_is_peak = false
float row31_price = na
int row31_width = 0
float row31_value = 0.0
row31_is_peak = false
float row32_price = na
int row32_width = 0
float row32_value = 0.0
row32_is_peak = false
float row33_price = na
int row33_width = 0
float row33_value = 0.0
row33_is_peak = false
float row34_price = na
int row34_width = 0
float row34_value = 0.0
row34_is_peak = false
float row35_price = na
int row35_width = 0
float row35_value = 0.0
row35_is_peak = false
float row36_price = na
int row36_width = 0
float row36_value = 0.0
row36_is_peak = false
float row37_price = na
int row37_width = 0
float row37_value = 0.0
row37_is_peak = false
float row38_price = na
int row38_width = 0
float row38_value = 0.0
row38_is_peak = false
float row39_price = na
int row39_width = 0
float row39_value = 0.0
row39_is_peak = false
if barstate.islast and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  
    block_height = block_high - block_low
    row_height = block_height / slices
    row0_low = block_low + row_height * 0
    row0_high = block_low + row_height * 1
    row1_low = block_low + row_height * 1
    row1_high = block_low + row_height * 2
    row2_low = block_low + row_height * 2
    row2_high = block_low + row_height * 3
    row3_low = block_low + row_height * 3
    row3_high = block_low + row_height * 4
    row4_low = block_low + row_height * 4
    row4_high = block_low + row_height * 5
    row5_low = block_low + row_height * 5
    row5_high = block_low + row_height * 6
    row6_low = block_low + row_height * 6
    row6_high = block_low + row_height * 7
    row7_low = block_low + row_height * 7
    row7_high = block_low + row_height * 8
    row8_low = block_low + row_height * 8
    row8_high = block_low + row_height * 9
    row9_low = block_low + row_height * 9
    row9_high = block_low + row_height * 10
    row10_low = block_low + row_height * 10
    row10_high = block_low + row_height * 11
    row11_low = block_low + row_height * 11
    row11_high = block_low + row_height * 12
    row12_low = block_low + row_height * 12
    row12_high = block_low + row_height * 13
    row13_low = block_low + row_height * 13
    row13_high = block_low + row_height * 14
    row14_low = block_low + row_height * 14
    row14_high = block_low + row_height * 15
    row15_low = block_low + row_height * 15
    row15_high = block_low + row_height * 16
    row16_low = block_low + row_height * 16
    row16_high = block_low + row_height * 17
    row17_low = block_low + row_height * 17
    row17_high = block_low + row_height * 18
    row18_low = block_low + row_height * 18
    row18_high = block_low + row_height * 19
    row19_low = block_low + row_height * 19
    row19_high = block_low + row_height * 20
    row20_low = block_low + row_height * 20
    row20_high = block_low + row_height * 21
    row21_low = block_low + row_height * 21
    row21_high = block_low + row_height * 22
    row22_low = block_low + row_height * 22
    row22_high = block_low + row_height * 23
    row23_low = block_low + row_height * 23
    row23_high = block_low + row_height * 24
    row24_low = block_low + row_height * 24
    row24_high = block_low + row_height * 25
    row25_low = block_low + row_height * 25
    row25_high = block_low + row_height * 26
    row26_low = block_low + row_height * 26
    row26_high = block_low + row_height * 27
    row27_low = block_low + row_height * 27
    row27_high = block_low + row_height * 28
    row28_low = block_low + row_height * 28
    row28_high = block_low + row_height * 29
    row29_low = block_low + row_height * 29
    row29_high = block_low + row_height * 30
    row30_low = block_low + row_height * 30
    row30_high = block_low + row_height * 31
    row31_low = block_low + row_height * 31
    row31_high = block_low + row_height * 32
    row32_low = block_low + row_height * 32
    row32_high = block_low + row_height * 33
    row33_low = block_low + row_height * 33
    row33_high = block_low + row_height * 34
    row34_low = block_low + row_height * 34
    row34_high = block_low + row_height * 35
    row35_low = block_low + row_height * 35
    row35_high = block_low + row_height * 36
    row36_low = block_low + row_height * 36
    row36_high = block_low + row_height * 37
    row37_low = block_low + row_height * 37
    row37_high = block_low + row_height * 38
    row38_low = block_low + row_height * 38
    row38_high = block_low + row_height * 39
    row39_low = block_low + row_height * 39
    row39_high = block_low + row_height * 40
    for i = 0 to sizeBlock + 1 by 1
        n_rows_affected = 0
        bar_row0_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row0_high and high[i] > row0_low
            bar_row0_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row1_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row1_high and high[i] > row1_low
            bar_row1_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row2_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row2_high and high[i] > row2_low
            bar_row2_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row3_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row3_high and high[i] > row3_low
            bar_row3_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row4_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row4_high and high[i] > row4_low
            bar_row4_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row5_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row5_high and high[i] > row5_low
            bar_row5_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row6_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row6_high and high[i] > row6_low
            bar_row6_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row7_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row7_high and high[i] > row7_low
            bar_row7_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row8_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row8_high and high[i] > row8_low
            bar_row8_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row9_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row9_high and high[i] > row9_low
            bar_row9_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row10_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row10_high and high[i] > row10_low
            bar_row10_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row11_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row11_high and high[i] > row11_low
            bar_row11_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row12_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row12_high and high[i] > row12_low
            bar_row12_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row13_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row13_high and high[i] > row13_low
            bar_row13_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row14_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row14_high and high[i] > row14_low
            bar_row14_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row15_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row15_high and high[i] > row15_low
            bar_row15_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row16_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row16_high and high[i] > row16_low
            bar_row16_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row17_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row17_high and high[i] > row17_low
            bar_row17_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row18_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row18_high and high[i] > row18_low
            bar_row18_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row19_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row19_high and high[i] > row19_low
            bar_row19_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row20_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row20_high and high[i] > row20_low
            bar_row20_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row21_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row21_high and high[i] > row21_low
            bar_row21_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row22_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row22_high and high[i] > row22_low
            bar_row22_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row23_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row23_high and high[i] > row23_low
            bar_row23_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row24_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row24_high and high[i] > row24_low
            bar_row24_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row25_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row25_high and high[i] > row25_low
            bar_row25_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row26_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row26_high and high[i] > row26_low
            bar_row26_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row27_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row27_high and high[i] > row27_low
            bar_row27_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row28_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row28_high and high[i] > row28_low
            bar_row28_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row29_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row29_high and high[i] > row29_low
            bar_row29_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row30_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row30_high and high[i] > row30_low
            bar_row30_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row31_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row31_high and high[i] > row31_low
            bar_row31_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row32_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row32_high and high[i] > row32_low
            bar_row32_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row33_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row33_high and high[i] > row33_low
            bar_row33_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row34_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row34_high and high[i] > row34_low
            bar_row34_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row35_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row35_high and high[i] > row35_low
            bar_row35_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row36_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row36_high and high[i] > row36_low
            bar_row36_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row37_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row37_high and high[i] > row37_low
            bar_row37_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row38_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row38_high and high[i] > row38_low
            bar_row38_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        bar_row39_value = 0.0
        if low[i] < row39_high and high[i] > row39_low
            bar_row39_value := nz(custom_volume[i])
            n_rows_affected += 1
        row0_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row0_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row1_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row1_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row2_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row2_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row3_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row3_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row4_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row4_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row5_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row5_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row6_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row6_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row7_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row7_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row8_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row8_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row9_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row9_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row10_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row10_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row11_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row11_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row12_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row12_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row13_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row13_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row14_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row14_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row15_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row15_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row16_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row16_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row17_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row17_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row18_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row18_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row19_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row19_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row20_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row20_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row21_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row21_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row22_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row22_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row23_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row23_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row24_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row24_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row25_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row25_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row26_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row26_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row27_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row27_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row28_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row28_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row29_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row29_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row30_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row30_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row31_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row31_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row32_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row32_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row33_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row33_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row34_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row34_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row35_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row35_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row36_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row36_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row37_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row37_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row38_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row38_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
        row39_value += (n_rows_affected != 0 ? bar_row39_value / n_rows_affected : 0)
    highest_row_value := math.max(highest_row_value, row0_value, row1_value, row2_value, row3_value, row4_value, row5_value, row6_value, row7_value, row8_value, row9_value, row10_value, row11_value, row12_value, row13_value, row14_value, row15_value, row16_value, row17_value, row18_value, row19_value, row20_value, row21_value, row22_value, row23_value, row24_value, row25_value, row26_value, row27_value, row28_value, row29_value, row30_value, row31_value, row32_value, row33_value, row34_value, row35_value, row36_value, row37_value, row38_value, row39_value)
    row0_price := (row0_low + row0_high) / 2
    row0_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row0_value / highest_row_value)
    row1_price := (row1_low + row1_high) / 2
    row1_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row1_value / highest_row_value)
    row2_price := (row2_low + row2_high) / 2
    row2_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row2_value / highest_row_value)
    row3_price := (row3_low + row3_high) / 2
    row3_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row3_value / highest_row_value)
    row4_price := (row4_low + row4_high) / 2
    row4_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row4_value / highest_row_value)
    row5_price := (row5_low + row5_high) / 2
    row5_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row5_value / highest_row_value)
    row6_price := (row6_low + row6_high) / 2
    row6_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row6_value / highest_row_value)
    row7_price := (row7_low + row7_high) / 2
    row7_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row7_value / highest_row_value)
    row8_price := (row8_low + row8_high) / 2
    row8_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row8_value / highest_row_value)
    row9_price := (row9_low + row9_high) / 2
    row9_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row9_value / highest_row_value)
    row10_price := (row10_low + row10_high) / 2
    row10_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row10_value / highest_row_value)
    row11_price := (row11_low + row11_high) / 2
    row11_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row11_value / highest_row_value)
    row12_price := (row12_low + row12_high) / 2
    row12_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row12_value / highest_row_value)
    row13_price := (row13_low + row13_high) / 2
    row13_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row13_value / highest_row_value)
    row14_price := (row14_low + row14_high) / 2
    row14_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row14_value / highest_row_value)
    row15_price := (row15_low + row15_high) / 2
    row15_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row15_value / highest_row_value)
    row16_price := (row16_low + row16_high) / 2
    row16_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row16_value / highest_row_value)
    row17_price := (row17_low + row17_high) / 2
    row17_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row17_value / highest_row_value)
    row18_price := (row18_low + row18_high) / 2
    row18_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row18_value / highest_row_value)
    row19_price := (row19_low + row19_high) / 2
    row19_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row19_value / highest_row_value)
    row20_price := (row20_low + row20_high) / 2
    row20_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row20_value / highest_row_value)
    row21_price := (row21_low + row21_high) / 2
    row21_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row21_value / highest_row_value)
    row22_price := (row22_low + row22_high) / 2
    row22_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row22_value / highest_row_value)
    row23_price := (row23_low + row23_high) / 2
    row23_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row23_value / highest_row_value)
    row24_price := (row24_low + row24_high) / 2
    row24_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row24_value / highest_row_value)
    row25_price := (row25_low + row25_high) / 2
    row25_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row25_value / highest_row_value)
    row26_price := (row26_low + row26_high) / 2
    row26_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row26_value / highest_row_value)
    row27_price := (row27_low + row27_high) / 2
    row27_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row27_value / highest_row_value)
    row28_price := (row28_low + row28_high) / 2
    row28_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row28_value / highest_row_value)
    row29_price := (row29_low + row29_high) / 2
    row29_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row29_value / highest_row_value)
    row30_price := (row30_low + row30_high) / 2
    row30_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row30_value / highest_row_value)
    row31_price := (row31_low + row31_high) / 2
    row31_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row31_value / highest_row_value)
    row32_price := (row32_low + row32_high) / 2
    row32_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row32_value / highest_row_value)
    row33_price := (row33_low + row33_high) / 2
    row33_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row33_value / highest_row_value)
    row34_price := (row34_low + row34_high) / 2
    row34_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row34_value / highest_row_value)
    row35_price := (row35_low + row35_high) / 2
    row35_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row35_value / highest_row_value)
    row36_price := (row36_low + row36_high) / 2
    row36_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row36_value / highest_row_value)
    row37_price := (row37_low + row37_high) / 2
    row37_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row37_value / highest_row_value)
    row38_price := (row38_low + row38_high) / 2
    row38_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row38_value / highest_row_value)
    row39_price := (row39_low + row39_high) / 2
    row39_width := math.floor(rowWidth * row39_value / highest_row_value)
    if row0_value >= row1_value and row0_value >= row2_value and row0_value >= row3_value and row0_value >= row4_value and row0_value >= row5_value
        row0_is_peak := true
    if row1_value >= row0_value and row1_value >= row2_value and row1_value >= row3_value and row1_value >= row4_value and row1_value >= row5_value and row1_value >= row6_value
        row1_is_peak := true
    if row2_value >= row0_value and row2_value >= row1_value and row2_value >= row3_value and row2_value >= row4_value and row2_value >= row5_value and row2_value >= row6_value and row2_value >= row7_value
        row2_is_peak := true
    if row3_value >= row0_value and row3_value >= row1_value and row3_value >= row2_value and row3_value >= row4_value and row3_value >= row5_value and row3_value >= row6_value and row3_value >= row7_value and row3_value >= row8_value
        row3_is_peak := true
    if row4_value >= row0_value and row4_value >= row1_value and row4_value >= row2_value and row4_value >= row3_value and row4_value >= row5_value and row4_value >= row6_value and row4_value >= row7_value and row4_value >= row8_value and row4_value >= row9_value
        row4_is_peak := true
    if row5_value >= row0_value and row5_value >= row1_value and row5_value >= row2_value and row5_value >= row3_value and row5_value >= row4_value and row5_value >= row6_value and row5_value >= row7_value and row5_value >= row8_value and row5_value >= row9_value and row5_value >= row10_value
        row5_is_peak := true
    if row6_value >= row1_value and row6_value >= row2_value and row6_value >= row3_value and row6_value >= row4_value and row6_value >= row5_value and row6_value >= row7_value and row6_value >= row8_value and row6_value >= row9_value and row6_value >= row10_value and row6_value >= row11_value
        row6_is_peak := true
    if row7_value >= row2_value and row7_value >= row3_value and row7_value >= row4_value and row7_value >= row5_value and row7_value >= row6_value and row7_value >= row8_value and row7_value >= row9_value and row7_value >= row10_value and row7_value >= row11_value and row7_value >= row12_value
        row7_is_peak := true
    if row8_value >= row3_value and row8_value >= row4_value and row8_value >= row5_value and row8_value >= row6_value and row8_value >= row7_value and row8_value >= row9_value and row8_value >= row10_value and row8_value >= row11_value and row8_value >= row12_value and row8_value >= row13_value
        row8_is_peak := true
    if row9_value >= row4_value and row9_value >= row5_value and row9_value >= row6_value and row9_value >= row7_value and row9_value >= row8_value and row9_value >= row10_value and row9_value >= row11_value and row9_value >= row12_value and row9_value >= row13_value and row9_value >= row14_value
        row9_is_peak := true
    if row10_value >= row5_value and row10_value >= row6_value and row10_value >= row7_value and row10_value >= row8_value and row10_value >= row9_value and row10_value >= row11_value and row10_value >= row12_value and row10_value >= row13_value and row10_value >= row14_value and row10_value >= row15_value
        row10_is_peak := true
    if row11_value >= row6_value and row11_value >= row7_value and row11_value >= row8_value and row11_value >= row9_value and row11_value >= row10_value and row11_value >= row12_value and row11_value >= row13_value and row11_value >= row14_value and row11_value >= row15_value and row11_value >= row16_value
        row11_is_peak := true
    if row12_value >= row7_value and row12_value >= row8_value and row12_value >= row9_value and row12_value >= row10_value and row12_value >= row11_value and row12_value >= row13_value and row12_value >= row14_value and row12_value >= row15_value and row12_value >= row16_value and row12_value >= row17_value
        row12_is_peak := true
    if row13_value >= row8_value and row13_value >= row9_value and row13_value >= row10_value and row13_value >= row11_value and row13_value >= row12_value and row13_value >= row14_value and row13_value >= row15_value and row13_value >= row16_value and row13_value >= row17_value and row13_value >= row18_value
        row13_is_peak := true
    if row14_value >= row9_value and row14_value >= row10_value and row14_value >= row11_value and row14_value >= row12_value and row14_value >= row13_value and row14_value >= row15_value and row14_value >= row16_value and row14_value >= row17_value and row14_value >= row18_value and row14_value >= row19_value
        row14_is_peak := true
    if row15_value >= row10_value and row15_value >= row11_value and row15_value >= row12_value and row15_value >= row13_value and row15_value >= row14_value and row15_value >= row16_value and row15_value >= row17_value and row15_value >= row18_value and row15_value >= row19_value and row15_value >= row20_value
        row15_is_peak := true
    if row16_value >= row11_value and row16_value >= row12_value and row16_value >= row13_value and row16_value >= row14_value and row16_value >= row15_value and row16_value >= row17_value and row16_value >= row18_value and row16_value >= row19_value and row16_value >= row20_value and row16_value >= row21_value
        row16_is_peak := true
    if row17_value >= row12_value and row17_value >= row13_value and row17_value >= row14_value and row17_value >= row15_value and row17_value >= row16_value and row17_value >= row18_value and row17_value >= row19_value and row17_value >= row20_value and row17_value >= row21_value and row17_value >= row22_value
        row17_is_peak := true
    if row18_value >= row13_value and row18_value >= row14_value and row18_value >= row15_value and row18_value >= row16_value and row18_value >= row17_value and row18_value >= row19_value and row18_value >= row20_value and row18_value >= row21_value and row18_value >= row22_value and row18_value >= row23_value
        row18_is_peak := true
    if row19_value >= row14_value and row19_value >= row15_value and row19_value >= row16_value and row19_value >= row17_value and row19_value >= row18_value and row19_value >= row20_value and row19_value >= row21_value and row19_value >= row22_value and row19_value >= row23_value and row19_value >= row24_value
        row19_is_peak := true
    if row20_value >= row15_value and row20_value >= row16_value and row20_value >= row17_value and row20_value >= row18_value and row20_value >= row19_value and row20_value >= row21_value and row20_value >= row22_value and row20_value >= row23_value and row20_value >= row24_value and row20_value >= row25_value
        row20_is_peak := true
    if row21_value >= row16_value and row21_value >= row17_value and row21_value >= row18_value and row21_value >= row19_value and row21_value >= row20_value and row21_value >= row22_value and row21_value >= row23_value and row21_value >= row24_value and row21_value >= row25_value and row21_value >= row26_value
        row21_is_peak := true
    if row22_value >= row17_value and row22_value >= row18_value and row22_value >= row19_value and row22_value >= row20_value and row22_value >= row21_value and row22_value >= row23_value and row22_value >= row24_value and row22_value >= row25_value and row22_value >= row26_value and row22_value >= row27_value
        row22_is_peak := true
    if row23_value >= row18_value and row23_value >= row19_value and row23_value >= row20_value and row23_value >= row21_value and row23_value >= row22_value and row23_value >= row24_value and row23_value >= row25_value and row23_value >= row26_value and row23_value >= row27_value and row23_value >= row28_value
        row23_is_peak := true
    if row24_value >= row19_value and row24_value >= row20_value and row24_value >= row21_value and row24_value >= row22_value and row24_value >= row23_value and row24_value >= row25_value and row24_value >= row26_value and row24_value >= row27_value and row24_value >= row28_value and row24_value >= row29_value
        row24_is_peak := true
    if row25_value >= row20_value and row25_value >= row21_value and row25_value >= row22_value and row25_value >= row23_value and row25_value >= row24_value and row25_value >= row26_value and row25_value >= row27_value and row25_value >= row28_value and row25_value >= row29_value and row25_value >= row30_value
        row25_is_peak := true
    if row26_value >= row21_value and row26_value >= row22_value and row26_value >= row23_value and row26_value >= row24_value and row26_value >= row25_value and row26_value >= row27_value and row26_value >= row28_value and row26_value >= row29_value and row26_value >= row30_value and row26_value >= row31_value
        row26_is_peak := true
    if row27_value >= row22_value and row27_value >= row23_value and row27_value >= row24_value and row27_value >= row25_value and row27_value >= row26_value and row27_value >= row28_value and row27_value >= row29_value and row27_value >= row30_value and row27_value >= row31_value and row27_value >= row32_value
        row27_is_peak := true
    if row28_value >= row23_value and row28_value >= row24_value and row28_value >= row25_value and row28_value >= row26_value and row28_value >= row27_value and row28_value >= row29_value and row28_value >= row30_value and row28_value >= row31_value and row28_value >= row32_value and row28_value >= row33_value
        row28_is_peak := true
    if row29_value >= row24_value and row29_value >= row25_value and row29_value >= row26_value and row29_value >= row27_value and row29_value >= row28_value and row29_value >= row30_value and row29_value >= row31_value and row29_value >= row32_value and row29_value >= row33_value and row29_value >= row34_value
        row29_is_peak := true
    if row30_value >= row25_value and row30_value >= row26_value and row30_value >= row27_value and row30_value >= row28_value and row30_value >= row29_value and row30_value >= row31_value and row30_value >= row32_value and row30_value >= row33_value and row30_value >= row34_value and row30_value >= row35_value
        row30_is_peak := true
    if row31_value >= row26_value and row31_value >= row27_value and row31_value >= row28_value and row31_value >= row29_value and row31_value >= row30_value and row31_value >= row32_value and row31_value >= row33_value and row31_value >= row34_value and row31_value >= row35_value and row31_value >= row36_value
        row31_is_peak := true
    if row32_value >= row27_value and row32_value >= row28_value and row32_value >= row29_value and row32_value >= row30_value and row32_value >= row31_value and row32_value >= row33_value and row32_value >= row34_value and row32_value >= row35_value and row32_value >= row36_value and row32_value >= row37_value
        row32_is_peak := true
    if row33_value >= row28_value and row33_value >= row29_value and row33_value >= row30_value and row33_value >= row31_value and row33_value >= row32_value and row33_value >= row34_value and row33_value >= row35_value and row33_value >= row36_value and row33_value >= row37_value and row33_value >= row38_value
        row33_is_peak := true
    if row34_value >= row29_value and row34_value >= row30_value and row34_value >= row31_value and row34_value >= row32_value and row34_value >= row33_value and row34_value >= row35_value and row34_value >= row36_value and row34_value >= row37_value and row34_value >= row38_value and row34_value >= row39_value
        row34_is_peak := true
    if row35_value >= row30_value and row35_value >= row31_value and row35_value >= row32_value and row35_value >= row33_value and row35_value >= row34_value and row35_value >= row36_value and row35_value >= row37_value and row35_value >= row38_value and row35_value >= row39_value
        row35_is_peak := true
    if row36_value >= row31_value and row36_value >= row32_value and row36_value >= row33_value and row36_value >= row34_value and row36_value >= row35_value and row36_value >= row37_value and row36_value >= row38_value and row36_value >= row39_value
        row36_is_peak := true
    if row37_value >= row32_value and row37_value >= row33_value and row37_value >= row34_value and row37_value >= row35_value and row37_value >= row36_value and row37_value >= row38_value and row37_value >= row39_value
        row37_is_peak := true
    if row38_value >= row33_value and row38_value >= row34_value and row38_value >= row35_value and row38_value >= row36_value and row38_value >= row37_value and row38_value >= row39_value
        row38_is_peak := true
    if row39_value >= row34_value and row39_value >= row35_value and row39_value >= row36_value and row39_value >= row37_value and row39_value >= row38_value
        row39_is_peak := true
// Signals
trendBull = maFast > maSlow and ta.rising (maFast, 2) and ta.rising (maSlow, 2)
trendBear = maFast < maSlow and ta.falling(maFast, 2) and ta.falling(maSlow, 2)
// Colors
none = color.new(#FFFFFF, 100)

var int first_bar_time = time
if barstate.isfirst
    first_bar_time := time
var line block_high_line = line.new(bar_index, high, bar_index, high, color=colBounds)
var line block_low_line = line.new(bar_index, low, bar_index, low, color=colBounds)
var label row0_label = slices > 0 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row1_label = slices > 1 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row2_label = slices > 2 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row3_label = slices > 3 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row4_label = slices > 4 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row5_label = slices > 5 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row6_label = slices > 6 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row7_label = slices > 7 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row8_label = slices > 8 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row9_label = slices > 9 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row10_label = slices > 10 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row11_label = slices > 11 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row12_label = slices > 12 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row13_label = slices > 13 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row14_label = slices > 14 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row15_label = slices > 15 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row16_label = slices > 16 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row17_label = slices > 17 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row18_label = slices > 18 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row19_label = slices > 19 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row20_label = slices > 20 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row21_label = slices > 21 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row22_label = slices > 22 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row23_label = slices > 23 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row24_label = slices > 24 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row25_label = slices > 25 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row26_label = slices > 26 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row27_label = slices > 27 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row28_label = slices > 28 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row29_label = slices > 29 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row30_label = slices > 30 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row31_label = slices > 31 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row32_label = slices > 32 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row33_label = slices > 33 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row34_label = slices > 34 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row35_label = slices > 35 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row36_label = slices > 36 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row37_label = slices > 37 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row38_label = slices > 38 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
var label row39_label = slices > 39 ? label.new(time_close, close, "", xloc.bar_time, yloc.price, colProfile, label.style_label_left, none, size.auto) : na
if barstate.islast and show_Vp  and PassCorrect 
    line.set_xloc(block_high_line, math.max(time[sizeBlock], first_bar_time), time_close, xloc.bar_time)
    line.set_y1(block_high_line, block_high)
    line.set_y2(block_high_line, block_high)
    line.set_xloc(block_low_line, math.max(time[sizeBlock], first_bar_time), time_close, xloc.bar_time)
    line.set_y1(block_low_line, block_low)
    line.set_y2(block_low_line, block_low)
    row0_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row0_width + 1 by 1 
        row0_text += "#"
    row0_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row0_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row0_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row0_label, row0_price)
    label.set_color(row0_label, row0_color)
    label.set_text(row0_label, row0_text)
    row1_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row1_width + 1 by 1
        row1_text += "#"
    row1_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row1_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row1_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row1_label, row1_price)
    label.set_color(row1_label, row1_color)
    label.set_text(row1_label, row1_text)
    row2_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row2_width + 1 by 1
        row2_text += "#"
    row2_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row2_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row2_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row2_label, row2_price)
    label.set_color(row2_label, row2_color)
    label.set_text(row2_label, row2_text)
    row3_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row3_width + 1 by 1
        row3_text += "#"
    row3_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row3_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row3_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row3_label, row3_price)
    label.set_color(row3_label, row3_color)
    label.set_text(row3_label, row3_text)
    row4_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row4_width + 1 by 1
        row4_text += "#"
    row4_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row4_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row4_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row4_label, row4_price)
    label.set_color(row4_label, row4_color)
    label.set_text(row4_label, row4_text)
    row5_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row5_width + 1 by 1
        row5_text += "#"
    row5_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row5_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row5_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row5_label, row5_price)
    label.set_color(row5_label, row5_color)
    label.set_text(row5_label, row5_text)
    row6_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row6_width + 1 by 1
        row6_text += "#"
    row6_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row6_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row6_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row6_label, row6_price)
    label.set_color(row6_label, row6_color)
    label.set_text(row6_label, row6_text)
    row7_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row7_width + 1 by 1
        row7_text += "#"
    row7_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row7_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row7_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row7_label, row7_price)
    label.set_color(row7_label, row7_color)
    label.set_text(row7_label, row7_text)
    row8_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row8_width + 1 by 1
        row8_text += "#"
    row8_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row8_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row8_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row8_label, row8_price)
    label.set_color(row8_label, row8_color)
    label.set_text(row8_label, row8_text)
    row9_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row9_width + 1 by 1
        row9_text += "#"
    row9_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row9_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row9_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row9_label, row9_price)
    label.set_color(row9_label, row9_color)
    label.set_text(row9_label, row9_text)
    row10_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row10_width + 1 by 1
        row10_text += "#"
    row10_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row10_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row10_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row10_label, row10_price)
    label.set_color(row10_label, row10_color)
    label.set_text(row10_label, row10_text)
    row11_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row11_width + 1 by 1
        row11_text += "#"
    row11_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row11_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row11_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row11_label, row11_price)
    label.set_color(row11_label, row11_color)
    label.set_text(row11_label, row11_text)
    row12_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row12_width + 1 by 1
        row12_text += "#"
    row12_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row12_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row12_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row12_label, row12_price)
    label.set_color(row12_label, row12_color)
    label.set_text(row12_label, row12_text)
    row13_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row13_width + 1 by 1
        row13_text += "#"
    row13_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row13_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row13_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row13_label, row13_price)
    label.set_color(row13_label, row13_color)
    label.set_text(row13_label, row13_text)
    row14_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row14_width + 1 by 1
        row14_text += "#"
    row14_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row14_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row14_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row14_label, row14_price)
    label.set_color(row14_label, row14_color)
    label.set_text(row14_label, row14_text)
    row15_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row15_width + 1 by 1
        row15_text += "#"
    row15_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row15_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row15_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row15_label, row15_price)
    label.set_color(row15_label, row15_color)
    label.set_text(row15_label, row15_text)
    row16_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row16_width + 1 by 1
        row16_text += "#"
    row16_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row16_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row16_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row16_label, row16_price)
    label.set_color(row16_label, row16_color)
    label.set_text(row16_label, row16_text)
    row17_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row17_width + 1 by 1
        row17_text += "#"
    row17_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row17_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row17_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row17_label, row17_price)
    label.set_color(row17_label, row17_color)
    label.set_text(row17_label, row17_text)
    row18_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row18_width + 1 by 1
        row18_text += "#"
    row18_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row18_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row18_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row18_label, row18_price)
    label.set_color(row18_label, row18_color)
    label.set_text(row18_label, row18_text)
    row19_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row19_width + 1 by 1
        row19_text += "#"
    row19_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row19_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row19_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row19_label, row19_price)
    label.set_color(row19_label, row19_color)
    label.set_text(row19_label, row19_text)
    row20_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row20_width + 1 by 1
        row20_text += "#"
    row20_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row20_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row20_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row20_label, row20_price)
    label.set_color(row20_label, row20_color)
    label.set_text(row20_label, row20_text)
    row21_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row21_width + 1 by 1
        row21_text += "#"
    row21_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row21_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row21_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row21_label, row21_price)
    label.set_color(row21_label, row21_color)
    label.set_text(row21_label, row21_text)
    row22_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row22_width + 1 by 1
        row22_text += "#"
    row22_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row22_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row22_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row22_label, row22_price)
    label.set_color(row22_label, row22_color)
    label.set_text(row22_label, row22_text)
    row23_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row23_width + 1 by 1
        row23_text += "#"
    row23_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row23_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row23_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row23_label, row23_price)
    label.set_color(row23_label, row23_color)
    label.set_text(row23_label, row23_text)
    row24_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row24_width + 1 by 1
        row24_text += "#"
    row24_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row24_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row24_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row24_label, row24_price)
    label.set_color(row24_label, row24_color)
    label.set_text(row24_label, row24_text)
    row25_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row25_width + 1 by 1
        row25_text += "#"
    row25_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row25_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row25_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row25_label, row25_price)
    label.set_color(row25_label, row25_color)
    label.set_text(row25_label, row25_text)
    row26_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row26_width + 1 by 1
        row26_text += "#"
    row26_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row26_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row26_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row26_label, row26_price)
    label.set_color(row26_label, row26_color)
    label.set_text(row26_label, row26_text)
    row27_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row27_width + 1 by 1
        row27_text += "#"
    row27_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row27_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row27_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row27_label, row27_price)
    label.set_color(row27_label, row27_color)
    label.set_text(row27_label, row27_text)
    row28_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row28_width + 1 by 1
        row28_text += "#"
    row28_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row28_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row28_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row28_label, row28_price)
    label.set_color(row28_label, row28_color)
    label.set_text(row28_label, row28_text)
    row29_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row29_width + 1 by 1
        row29_text += "#"
    row29_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row29_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row29_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row29_label, row29_price)
    label.set_color(row29_label, row29_color)
    label.set_text(row29_label, row29_text)
    row30_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row30_width + 1 by 1
        row30_text += "#"
    row30_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row30_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row30_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row30_label, row30_price)
    label.set_color(row30_label, row30_color)
    label.set_text(row30_label, row30_text)
    row31_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row31_width + 1 by 1
        row31_text += "#"
    row31_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row31_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row31_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row31_label, row31_price)
    label.set_color(row31_label, row31_color)
    label.set_text(row31_label, row31_text)
    row32_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row32_width + 1 by 1
        row32_text += "#"
    row32_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row32_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row32_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row32_label, row32_price)
    label.set_color(row32_label, row32_color)
    label.set_text(row32_label, row32_text)
    row33_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row33_width + 1 by 1
        row33_text += "#"
    row33_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row33_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row33_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row33_label, row33_price)
    label.set_color(row33_label, row33_color)
    label.set_text(row33_label, row33_text)
    row34_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row34_width + 1 by 1
        row34_text += "#"
    row34_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row34_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row34_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row34_label, row34_price)
    label.set_color(row34_label, row34_color)
    label.set_text(row34_label, row34_text)
    row35_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row35_width + 1 by 1
        row35_text += "#"
    row35_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row35_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row35_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row35_label, row35_price)
    label.set_color(row35_label, row35_color)
    label.set_text(row35_label, row35_text)
    row36_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row36_width + 1 by 1
        row36_text += "#"
    row36_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row36_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row36_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row36_label, row36_price)
    label.set_color(row36_label, row36_color)
    label.set_text(row36_label, row36_text)
    row37_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row37_width + 1 by 1
        row37_text += "#"
    row37_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row37_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row37_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row37_label, row37_price)
    label.set_color(row37_label, row37_color)
    label.set_text(row37_label, row37_text)
    row38_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row38_width + 1 by 1
        row38_text += "#"
    row38_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row38_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row38_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row38_label, row38_price)
    label.set_color(row38_label, row38_color)
    label.set_text(row38_label, row38_text)
    row39_text = ""
    for i = 0 to row39_width + 1 by 1
        row39_text += "#"
    row39_color = showPeaks and show_Vp  and PassCorrect  and row39_is_peak ? colPeak : colProfile
    label.set_x(row39_label, time_close)
    label.set_y(row39_label, row39_price)
    label.set_color(row39_label, row39_color)
    label.set_text(row39_label, row39_text)

    ///////////////////////////////////////////// Money Moves Big Moves

average(bp, tr_, length) =>
    math.sum(bp, length) / math.sum(tr_, length)
high_ = math.max(high, close[1])
low_ = math.min(low, close[1])
bp = close - low_
tr_ = high_ - low_
avg7 = average(bp, tr_, length7)
avg14 = average(bp, tr_, length14)
avg28 = average(bp, tr_, length28)
uo = 100 * (4 * avg7 + 2 * avg14 + avg28) / 7

lowest_in_segment(s_close, s_osc, length) =>
    min_bar = ta.lowestbars(s_close, length)
    min_val = ta.lowest(s_close, length)
    next_s_close = s_close[length]
    osc_val = ta.lowest(s_osc, length)
    next_s_osc = s_osc[length]
    [min_bar, min_val, osc_val, next_s_close, next_s_osc]

s_close = close
s_osc = uo
[low_bar_1, low_val_1, low_osc_1, low_s_close_1, low_s_osc_1] = lowest_in_segment(s_close, s_osc, spacing)
[low_bar_2, low_val_2, low_osc_2, low_s_close_2, low_s_osc_2] = lowest_in_segment(low_s_close_1, low_s_osc_1, spacing)
[low_bar_3, low_val_3, low_osc_3, low_s_close_3, low_s_osc_3] = lowest_in_segment(low_s_close_2, low_s_osc_2, spacing)
[low_bar_4, low_val_4, low_osc_4, low_s_close_4, low_s_osc_4] = lowest_in_segment(low_s_close_3, low_s_osc_3, spacing)
[low_bar_5, low_val_5, low_osc_5, low_s_close_5, low_s_osc_5] = lowest_in_segment(low_s_close_4, low_s_osc_4, spacing)
[low_bar_6, low_val_6, low_osc_6, low_s_close_6, low_s_osc_6] = lowest_in_segment(low_s_close_5, low_s_osc_5, spacing)

lowest_padded(series) =>
    ta.lowest(series, spacing * 3)

first_low = 1

second_low_5x() =>
    low_val_5 < low_val_6 ? 5 : 6
second_low_4x() =>
    second_low_5x_1 = second_low_5x()
    lowest_padded(low_s_close_2) == low_val_4 ? 4 : second_low_5x_1
second_low_34() =>
    second_low_4x_1 = second_low_4x()
    lowest_padded(low_s_close_1) == low_val_3 ? 3 : second_low_4x_1
second_low_3x() =>
    second_low_34_1 = second_low_34()
    second_low_4x_1 = second_low_4x()
    first_low != 3 ? second_low_34_1 : second_low_4x_1
second_low_23() =>
    second_low_34_1 = second_low_34()
    lowest_padded(s_close) == low_val_2 ? 2 : second_low_34_1
second_low_23_1 = second_low_23()
second_low_3x_1 = second_low_3x()
second_low = first_low == 1 ? second_low_23_1 : second_low_3x_1

seg_1(i, seg_1, seg_2, seg_3, seg_4, seg_5, seg_6) =>
    i == 1 ? seg_1 : i == 2 ? seg_2 : i == 3 ? seg_3 : i == 4 ? seg_4 : i == 5 ? seg_5 : seg_6
first_low_val = seg_1(first_low, low_val_1, low_val_2, low_val_3, low_val_4, low_val_5, low_val_6)
first_low_bar = (first_low - 1) * spacing + seg_1(first_low, low_bar_1, low_bar_2, low_bar_3, low_bar_4, low_bar_5, low_bar_6)
second_low_val = seg_1(second_low, low_val_1, low_val_2, low_val_3, low_val_4, low_val_5, low_val_6)
second_low_bar = (second_low - 1) * spacing + seg_1(second_low, low_bar_1, low_bar_2, low_bar_3, low_bar_4, low_bar_5, low_bar_6)

first_osc_val = seg_1(first_low, low_osc_1, low_osc_2, low_osc_3, low_osc_4, low_osc_5, low_osc_6)
second_osc_val = seg_1(second_low, low_osc_1, low_osc_2, low_osc_3, low_osc_4, low_osc_5, low_osc_6)

val_lows_direction = math.sign(first_low_val - second_low_val)
osc_lows_direction = math.sign(first_osc_val - second_osc_val)

White80T = color.new(color.white , 80)
//color.new(#FFFFFF, 100)

n_bull_diff = val_lows_direction < 0 and osc_lows_direction >= 0
bgcolor(n_bull_diff and show_Bm  and PassCorrect  ? White80T : na ,editable = false)  //, offset=-8)

// Auto Fibonacci Code
dev_threshold = ta.atr(10) / close * 100 * threshold_multiplier
depth = 10

var extending = extend.none
if extendLeft and extendRight
    extending := extend.both
if extendLeft and not extendRight
    extending := extend.left
if not extendLeft and extendRight
    extending := extend.right

var line lineLast = na
var int iLast = 0
var int iPrev = 0
var float pLast = 0
var isHighLast = false  // otherwise the last pivot is a low pivot

pivots(src, length, isHigh) =>
    l2 = length * 2
    c2 = nz(src[length])
    ok = true
    for i = 0 to l2 by 1
        if isHigh and src[i] > c2
            ok := false

        if not isHigh and src[i] < c2
            ok := false
    if ok
        [bar_index[length], c2]
        [int(na), float(na)]
[iH, pH] = pivots(high, depth / 2, true)
[iL, pL] = pivots(low, depth / 2, false)

calc_dev(base_price, price) =>
    100 * (price - base_price) / price

pivotFound(dev, isHigh, index, price) =>
    if isHighLast == isHigh and not na(lineLast)
        // same direction
        if isHighLast ? price > pLast : price < pLast
            line.set_xy2(lineLast, index, price)
            [lineLast, isHighLast]
            [line(na), bool(na)]
        // reverse the direction (or create the very first line)
        if math.abs(dev) > dev_threshold
            // price move is significant
            id = line.new(iLast, pLast, index, price, color=na, width=1, style=line.style_dashed)
            [id, isHigh]
            [line(na), bool(na)]

if not na(iH)
    dev = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
    [id, isHigh] = pivotFound(dev, true, iH, pH)
    if not na(id)
        if id != lineLast
        lineLast := id
        isHighLast := isHigh
        iPrev := iLast
        iLast := iH
        pLast := pH
    if not na(iL)
        dev = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
        [id, isHigh] = pivotFound(dev, false, iL, pL)
        if not na(id)
            if id != lineLast
            lineLast := id
            isHighLast := isHigh
            iPrev := iLast
            iLast := iL
            pLast := pL

_draw_line(price, col) =>
    var id = line.new(iLast, price, bar_index, price, color=col, width=1, extend=extending)
    if not na(lineLast)
        line.set_xy1(id, line.get_x1(lineLast), price)
        line.set_xy2(id, line.get_x2(lineLast), price)

_draw_label(price, txt, txtColor) =>
    x = labelsPosition == 'Left' ? line.get_x1(lineLast) : not extendRight ? line.get_x2(lineLast) : bar_index
    labelStyle = labelsPosition == 'Left' ? label.style_label_right : label.style_label_left
    align = labelsPosition == 'Left' ? text.align_right : text.align_left
    labelsAlignStrLeft = txt + '\n ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏ \n'
    labelsAlignStrRight = '       ' + txt + '\n ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏  ‏ \n'
    labelsAlignStr = labelsPosition == 'Left' ? labelsAlignStrLeft : labelsAlignStrRight
    var id = label.new(x=x, y=price, text=labelsAlignStr, textcolor=txtColor, style=labelStyle, textalign=align, color=#00000000)
    label.set_xy(id, x, price)
    label.set_text(id, labelsAlignStr)
    label.set_textcolor(id, txtColor)

_wrap(txt) =>
    '(' + str.tostring(txt, '#.##') + ')'

_label_txt(level, price) =>
    l = levelsFormat == 'Values' ? str.tostring(level) + ' ' : str.tostring(level * 100) + '% '
    (levels ? l : ' ') + (prices ? _wrap(price) : ' ')

_crossing_level(sr, r) =>
    r > sr and r < sr[1] or r < sr and r > sr[1]

startPrice = reverse ? line.get_y1(lineLast) : pLast
endPrice = reverse ? pLast : line.get_y1(lineLast)

iHL = startPrice > endPrice
diff = (iHL ? -1 : 1) * math.abs(startPrice - endPrice)

processLevel(show, value, colorL) =>
    float m = value
    r = startPrice + diff * m
    if show
        _draw_line(r, colorL)
        _draw_label(r, _label_txt(m, r), colorL)

show_0 = true
value_0 = 0
color_0 = #787b86
if afibOn and PassCorrect
    processLevel(show_0, value_0, color_0)

show_0_236 = true
value_0_236 = 0.236
color_0_236 = #f44336
if afibOn and PassCorrect
    processLevel(show_0_236, value_0_236, color_0_236)

show_0_382 = true
value_0_382 = 0.382
color_0_382 = #81c784
if afibOn and PassCorrect
    processLevel(show_0_382, value_0_382, color_0_382)

show_0_5 = true
value_0_5 = 0.5
color_0_5 = #4caf50
if afibOn and PassCorrect
    processLevel(show_0_5, value_0_5, color_0_5)

show_0_618 = true
value_0_618 = 0.618
color_0_618 = #009688
if afibOn and PassCorrect
    processLevel(show_0_618, value_0_618, color_0_618)

show_0_786 = true
value_0_786 = 0.786
color_0_786 = #64b5f6
if afibOn and PassCorrect
    processLevel(show_0_786, value_0_786, color_0_786)

show_1 = true
value_1 = 1
color_1 = #787b86
if afibOn and PassCorrect
    processLevel(show_1, value_1, color_1)
// Money Moves Kiilzones

in_session(sess) =>
    not na(time(timeframe.period, sess))

start_time(sess) =>
    int startTime = na
    startTime := in_session(sess) and not in_session(sess)[1] ? time : startTime[1]

is_new_session(res, sess) =>
    t = time(res, sess)
    na(t[1]) and not na(t) or t[1] < t

BarInSession(sess) =>
    time(timeframe.period, sess) != 0
_hline(StartTime, EndTime, Price, Color, Style, Width) =>
    return_1 = line.new(StartTime, Price, EndTime, Price, xloc=xloc.bar_time, extend=extend.none, color=Color, style=Style, width=Width)
indexHighTF = barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 0
indexCurrTF = barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 0
dailyhigh = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', high, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)[indexHighTF]
dailylow = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', low[indexCurrTF], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)[indexCurrTF]

displayZones = timeframe.isintraday and (timeframe.multiplier > displayZonesLimit ? false : false)

asia_session = is_new_session('1440', asia)

float _asialow = na
float _asiahigh = na
_asiabox = box(na)

_asiastart = start_time(asia)
_asialow := asia_session ? low : in_session(asia) ? math.min(low, _asialow[1]) : na
_asiahigh := asia_session ? high : in_session(asia) ? math.max(high, _asiahigh[1]) : na
diff1 = _asiahigh[1] - _asialow[1]

if in_session(asia)
    if in_session(asia)[1]

    if low < _asialow
        _asialow := low
    if high > _asiahigh
        _asiahigh := high

    if asiashow and PassCorrect
        _asiabox := box.new(_asiastart, _asiahigh, time, _asialow, xloc=xloc.bar_time, bgcolor=asiacolor, border_color=asiacolor, border_style=line.style_dotted)
if asiashowdeviations and PassCorrect and not in_session(asia) and in_session(asia)[1]
    for s = 1 to asiadeviations by 1
        _hline(_asiastart, time, _asiahigh[1] + diff1 * s, color.new(color.black, 0), line.style_solid, 1)
        _hline(_asiastart, time, _asialow[1] - diff1 * s, color.new(color.black, 0), line.style_solid, 1)

lo_session = is_new_session('1440', lo)

line _lolinelow = na
line _lolinehigh = na
_lostart = start_time(lo)

if in_session(lo)
    if in_session(lo)[1]

    if loshow and PassCorrect
        _lolinehigh := line.new(_lostart, dailyhigh, time, dailyhigh, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=locolor, style=line.style_solid, width=3)
        _lolinelow := line.new(_lostart, dailylow, time, dailylow, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=locolor, style=line.style_solid, width=3)

ny_session = is_new_session('1440', ny)

line _nylinelow = na
line _nylinehigh = na
_nystart = start_time(ny)

if in_session(ny)
    if in_session(ny)[1]

    if nyshow and PassCorrect
        _nylinehigh := line.new(_nystart, dailyhigh, time, dailyhigh, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=nycolor, style=line.style_solid, width=3)
        _nylinelow := line.new(_nystart, dailylow, time, dailylow, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=nycolor, style=line.style_solid, width=3)

lc_session = is_new_session('1440', lc)

line _lclinelow = na
line _lclinehigh = na
_lcstart = start_time(lc)

if in_session(lc)
    if in_session(lc)[1]

    if lcshow and PassCorrect
        _lclinehigh := line.new(_lcstart, dailyhigh, time, dailyhigh, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=lccolor, style=line.style_solid, width=3)
        _lclinelow := line.new(_lcstart, dailylow, time, dailylow, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=lccolor, style=line.style_solid, width=3)

nyc_session = is_new_session('1440', nyc)

line _nyclinelow = na
line _nyclinehigh = na
_nycstart = start_time(nyc)

if in_session(nyc)
    if in_session(nyc)[1]

    if nycshow and PassCorrect
        _nyclinehigh := line.new(_nycstart, dailyhigh, time, dailyhigh, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=nyccolor, style=line.style_solid, width=3)
        _nyclinelow := line.new(_nycstart, dailylow, time, dailylow, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=nyccolor, style=line.style_solid, width=3)

//Line Style function
get_line_style(style) =>
    out = switch style
        'Solid'  => line.style_solid
        'Dashed' => line.style_dashed
        'Dotted' => line.style_dotted

//Function to get order block coordinates
get_coordinates(condition, top, btm, ob_val)=>
    var ob_top  = array.new_float(0)
    var ob_btm  = array.new_float(0)
    var ob_avg  = array.new_float(0)
    var ob_left = array.new_int(0)

    float ob = na

    //Append coordinates to arrays
    if condition
        avg = math.avg(top, btm)
        array.unshift(ob_top, top)
        array.unshift(ob_btm, btm)
        array.unshift(ob_avg, avg)
        array.unshift(ob_left, time[length])
        ob := ob_val
    [ob_top, ob_btm, ob_avg, ob_left, ob]

//Function to remove mitigated order blocks from coordinate arrays
remove_mitigated(ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_avg, target, bull)=>
    mitigated = false
    target_array = bull ? ob_btm : ob_top

    for element in target_array
        idx = array.indexof(target_array, element)

        if (bull ? target < element : target > element)
            mitigated := true

            array.remove(ob_top, idx)
            array.remove(ob_btm, idx)
            array.remove(ob_avg, idx)
            array.remove(ob_left, idx)

//Function to set order blocks
set_order_blocks(ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_avg, ext_last, bg_css, border_css, lvl_css)=>
    var ob_box = array.new_box(0)
    var ob_lvl = array.new_line(0)

    //Fill arrays with boxes/lines
    if barstate.isfirst and show_OBls and PassCorrect
        for i = 0 to ext_last-1
            array.unshift(ob_box, box.new(na,na,na,na
           , xloc = xloc.bar_time
           , extend= extend.right
           , bgcolor = bg_css
           , border_color = color.new(border_css, 70)))

            array.unshift(ob_lvl, line.new(na,na,na,na
           , xloc = xloc.bar_time
           , extend = extend.right
           , color = lvl_css
           , style = get_line_style(line_style)
           , width = line_width))

    //Set order blocks
    if barstate.islast and show_OBls and PassCorrect
        if array.size(ob_top) > 0
            for i = 0 to math.min(ext_last-1, array.size(ob_top)-1)
                get_box = array.get(ob_box, i)
                get_lvl = array.get(ob_lvl, i)

                box.set_lefttop(get_box, array.get(ob_left, i), array.get(ob_top, i))
                box.set_rightbottom(get_box, array.get(ob_left, i), array.get(ob_btm, i))

                line.set_xy1(get_lvl, array.get(ob_left, i), array.get(ob_avg, i))
                line.set_xy2(get_lvl, array.get(ob_left, i)+1, array.get(ob_avg, i))

//Global elements 
var os = 0
var target_bull = 0.
var target_bear = 0.

nn = bar_index
upper = ta.highest(length)
lower = ta.lowest(length)

if mitigation == 'Close'
    target_bull := ta.lowest(close, length)
    target_bear := ta.highest(close, length)
    target_bull := lower
    target_bear := upper

os := high[length] > upper ? 0 : low[length] < lower ? 1 : os[1]

phv = ta.pivothigh(volume, length, length)

//Get bullish/bearish order blocks coordinates 
[bull_top , bull_btm , bull_avg , bull_left , bull_ob] = get_coordinates(phv and os == 1, hl2[length], low[length], low[length])

[bear_top , bear_btm , bear_avg , bear_left , bear_ob] = get_coordinates(phv and os == 0, high[length], hl2[length], high[length])

//Remove mitigated order blocks
mitigated_bull = remove_mitigated(bull_top , bull_btm , bull_left , bull_avg , target_bull , true)

mitigated_bear = remove_mitigated(bear_top , bear_btm , bear_left , bear_avg , target_bear , false)

//Display order blocks
//Set bullish order blocks
set_order_blocks(bull_top , bull_btm , bull_left , bull_avg , bull_ext_last , bg_bull_css , bull_css , bull_avg_css)

//Set bearish order blocks
set_order_blocks(bear_top , bear_btm , bear_left , bear_avg , bear_ext_last , bg_bear_css , bear_css , bear_avg_css)
//Show detected order blocks
plot(bull_ob, 'Bull OB', bull_css, 2, plot.style_linebr , offset = -length , display = display.none)

plot(bear_ob, 'Bear OB', bear_css, 2, plot.style_linebr , offset = -length , display = display.none)

// Money Moves [EQH/EQL]
n4 = bar_index
atr4 = ta.atr(200)
cmean_range = ta.cum(high - low) / n4
eqh_alert = false 
eql_alert = false 
var eq_prev_top = 0.
var eq_top_x = 0

var eq_prev_btm = 0.
var eq_btm_x = 0

if show_eq
    eq_top = ta.pivothigh(eq_len, eq_len)
    eq_btm = ta.pivotlow(eq_len, eq_len)

    if eq_top and PassCorrect
        max = math.max(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
        min = math.min(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
        if max < min + atr4 * eq_threshold
            eqh_line = line.new(eq_top_x, eq_prev_top, n4-eq_len, eq_top , color = bearcolor , style = line.style_solid)

            eqh_lbl = label.new(int(math.avg(n4-eq_len, eq_top_x)), eq_top, 'EQH', color = #00000000 , textcolor = bearcolor , style = label.style_label_down , size = size.tiny)

            eqh_alert := true

        eq_prev_top := eq_top
        eq_top_x := n4-eq_len

    if eq_btm and PassCorrect
        max = math.max(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
        min = math.min(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
        if min > max - atr4 * eq_threshold
            eql_line = line.new(eq_btm_x, eq_prev_btm, n4-eq_len, eq_btm , color = bullcolor , style = line.style_solid)

            eql_lbl = label.new(int(math.avg(n4-eq_len, eq_btm_x)), eq_btm, 'EQL' , color = #00000000 , textcolor = bullcolor , style = label.style_label_up , size = size.tiny)

            eql_alert := true

            if Mode == 'Present'

        eq_prev_btm := eq_btm
        eq_btm_x := n4-eq_len

alertcondition(eqh_alert, 'Equal Highs', 'Equal highs detected')
alertcondition(eql_alert, 'Equal Lows', 'Equal lows detected')

alertcondition(bull_ob, 'Bullish OB Formed', 'Bullish order block detected')
alertcondition(bear_ob, 'Bearish OB Formed', 'bearish order block detected')
alertcondition(mitigated_bull, 'Bullish OB Mitigated', 'Bullish order block mitigated')
alertcondition(mitigated_bear, 'Bearish OB Mitigated', 'bearish order block mitigated')

alertcondition(bullCond, title='Bull', message='Regular Bull Div {{ticker}}')
alertcondition(bearCond, title='Bear', message='Regular Bear Div {{ticker}}')
alertcondition(hiddenBullCond, title='H Bull', message='Hidden Bull Div {{ticker}}')
alertcondition(hiddenBearCond, title='Hidden Bear', message='Hidden Bear Div {{ticker}}')

alertcondition(not na(pivtHigh) or not na(PivtLow), title="New trendline formed", message="New trendline formed")

mesaj = eqh_alert ? "eqh_alert" : eql_alert ? "eql_alert" : bull_ob ? "bull_ob" : mitigated_bull ? "mitigated_bull" : mitigated_bear ? "mitigated_bear" : bullCond ? "bullCond" : bearCond ? "bearCond" : hiddenBullCond ? "hiddenBullCond" : hiddenBearCond ? "hiddenBearCond" : na

alarm = eqh_alert or eql_alert or bull_ob or mitigated_bull or mitigated_bear or bullCond or bearCond or hiddenBullCond or hiddenBearCond

if alarm
    alert(message= mesaj )

var cumVol = 0.
cumVol += nz(volume)
//if no volume provided, VWAP switched OFF by default
if barstate.islast and cumVol == 0
    showVwap := false
computeVWAP(srcVWAP, isNewPeriod) =>
	var float sumSrcVol = na
	var float sumVol = na
    var float sumSrcSrcVol = na

	sumSrcVol := isNewPeriod ? srcVWAP * volume : srcVWAP * volume + sumSrcVol[1]
	sumVol := isNewPeriod ? volume : volume + sumVol[1]
	// sumSrcSrcVol calculates the dividend of the equation that is later used to calculate the standard deviation
	sumSrcSrcVol := isNewPeriod ? volume * math.pow(src, 2) : volume * math.pow(src, 2) + sumSrcSrcVol[1]

	_vwap = sumSrcVol / sumVol
	variance = sumSrcSrcVol / sumVol - math.pow(_vwap, 2)
	variance := variance < 0 ? 0 : variance
	stDev = math.sqrt(variance)

timeChange(period) =>

new_earnings = request.earnings(syminfo.tickerid, earnings.actual, barmerge.gaps_on, barmerge.lookahead_on, ignore_invalid_symbol=true)
new_dividends = request.dividends(syminfo.tickerid, dividends.gross, barmerge.gaps_on, barmerge.lookahead_on, ignore_invalid_symbol=true)
new_split = request.splits(syminfo.tickerid, splits.denominator, barmerge.gaps_on, barmerge.lookahead_on, ignore_invalid_symbol=true)

isNewPeriod = switch anchor
	"Earnings" => not na(new_earnings)
	"Dividends" => not na(new_dividends)
	"Splits" => not na(new_split)
	"Session" => timeChange("D")
	"Week" => timeChange("W")
	"Month" => timeChange("M")
	"Quarter" => timeChange("3M")
	"Year" => timeChange("12M")
	"Decade" => timeChange("12M") and year % 10 == 0
	"Century" => timeChange("12M") and year % 100 == 0
	=> false

isEsdAnchor = anchor == "Earnings" or anchor == "Dividends" or anchor == "Splits"
if na(srcVWAP[1]) and not isEsdAnchor
	isNewPeriod := true

float vwapValue = na
float std = na
VWAPup = bullcolor
VWAPdown = bearcolor
VWAPneutral = color.gray
color colorVWAP = na
if not (hideonDWM and timeframe.isdwm)
    [_vwap] = computeVWAP(srcVWAP, isNewPeriod)
    vwapValue := _vwap
    colorVWAP := _vwap > _vwap[1] ? VWAPup: _vwap < _vwap[1] ? VWAPdown: VWAPneutral

plot(vwapValue and showVwap ? vwapValue : na, title="VWAP", color=colorVWAP, linewidth = 2, offset=offset , editable = false)
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