set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 13.1 v2 push $cut_paste_input Group { name HeatWave onCreate "node = nuke.thisNode()\n\nw = node.width()/2\n\nh = node.height()/2+300\n\nif not node.knob('firstCreation').value():\n\n node.knob('p1').setValue((w,h))\n\n node.knob('firstCreation').setValue(True)" knobChanged "n = nuke.thisNode()\n\nif n.input(2) !=None :\n n\['translate'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['velocity'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['bigturbulence'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['turbulencesize'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['smallturbulence'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['smallturbsize'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['p1'].setEnabled(False)\n n\['windstrength'].setEnabled(False)\nelse:\n n\['translate'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['velocity'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['bigturbulence'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['turbulencesize'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['smallturbulence'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['smallturbsize'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['p1'].setEnabled(True)\n n\['windstrength'].setEnabled(True)\n\n\nw2 = n.width()/2\n\nh2 = n.height()/2\n\nn.knob('p0').setValue((w2,h2))\n\nn.knob('p0').setEnabled(False)" tile_color 0x110000ff note_font Verdana note_font_color 0xff5141ff selected true xpos -2002 ypos -140 lock_connections true addUserKnob {20 HeatWaveTab l HeatWave} addUserKnob {26 _________________ l "<b><span style=\"color:#ef4e3d;\">Tracking Data" t "Add tracking translation for non static shots for the distortion to follow.\n\nFeature disabled if the 'Custom' input is being used."} addUserKnob {12 translate l Translate t "Add tracking translation for non static shots for the distortion to follow.\n\nFeature disabled if the 'Custom' input is being used."} addUserKnob {26 __________________ l "<b><span style=\"color:#ef4e3d;\">Turbulence"} addUserKnob {7 velocity l Velocity t "Static noise pattern evolution speed.\n\nKnob disabled if the 'Custom' input is being used." R 0 10} velocity 5 addUserKnob {7 turbulencerange l Range t "Distortion range over the image." R 0 10} turbulencerange 5 addUserKnob {7 globalmult l "Global Mult" t "Global distortion multiplier.\n\nNo distortion if set to 0" R 0 10} globalmult 5 addUserKnob {20 basegroup l Base t "Base distortion." n 1} addUserKnob {7 bigturbulence l Amount t "Base distortion mult.\n\nKnob disabled if the 'Custom' input is being used." R 0 10} bigturbulence 5 addUserKnob {7 turbulencesize l Size t "Base distortion size.\n\nKnob disabled if the 'Custom' input is being used." R 0 10} turbulencesize 5 addUserKnob {20 endGroup_1 l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 detailgroup l Detail t "Distortion detail." n 1} addUserKnob {7 smallturbulence l Amount t "Distortion detail mult.\n\nKnob disabled if the 'Custom' input is being used." R 0 10} smallturbulence 5 addUserKnob {7 smallturbsize l Size t "Distortion detail size.\n\nKnob disabled if the 'Custom' input is being used." R 0 10} smallturbsize 5 addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {26 ___________________ l "<b><span style=\"color:#ef4e3d;\">Haze" t "Heat blur."} addUserKnob {7 blur l Amount t "Haze/Blur amount." R 0 10} blur 5 addUserKnob {7 blurexpansion l Range t "Haze/Blur range over the image." R 0 10} blurexpansion 5 addUserKnob {26 ______________________ l "<b><span style=\"color:#ef4e3d;\">Wind"} addUserKnob {41 p0 l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE T WindRamp.p0} addUserKnob {41 p1 l Direction t "Control the direction of the wind by moving the control point.\nThe distance from center controls the wind strength.\n\nKnob disabled if the 'Custom' input is being used." T WindRamp.p1} addUserKnob {7 windstrength l Strength t "Wind strength multiplier.\n\nWind disabled if set to 0" R 0 2} windstrength 1 addUserKnob {26 _________________________ l "<b><span style=\"color:#ef4e3d;\">Effects"} addUserKnob {7 smoke l Smoke t "Smoke mix." R 0 10} addUserKnob {18 smokecolor l "Smoke Color"} smokecolor 0.02 addUserKnob {6 smokecolor_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 smokecolor_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {7 ca l "Chromatic Ab" t "Chromatic Aberration." R -4 4} addUserKnob {26 ______________ l "" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {20 loopgroup l "Loop Distort Map " t "Loop distortion map.\n\nNOTE: It will also loop tracking translation." n 1} loopgroup 0 addUserKnob {3 loopframes l "Loop Frames" t "Number of frames to loop.\n\nNOTE: It will also loop tracking translation." -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {3 framesoffset l " Time Offset" t "Offset frames to adjust the loop range." -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {20 endGroup_2 l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {68 heatoutput l Output M {Distorted "Distort Map " "CheckerBoard "}} addUserKnob {6 affectalpha l "Affect Source Alpha" t "Distort the source image's alpha." -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {6 firstCreation l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE +STARTLINE} firstCreation true } Input { inputs 0 name Mask xpos -495 ypos 984 number 1 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{Image.width}} box_height {{Image.height}} box_fixed true box_pixel_aspect {{Image.pixel_aspect}} name Reformat6 xpos -495 ypos 1010 } Blur { channels alpha size 10 name Blur2 xpos -495 ypos 1075 } Dot { name Dot12 xpos -461 ypos 1153 } set Ncd9ea400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot5 xpos -461 ypos 1184 } set Ncd9ea000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot3 xpos -461 ypos 1213 } set Ncd9e9c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot14 xpos -461 ypos 1240 } set Ncd9e9800 [stack 0] Input { inputs 0 name Custom xpos 279 ypos -323 number 2 } Blur { channels alpha size 2 name Blur1 xpos 279 ypos -197 } Multiply { channels alpha value {{clamp(parent.turbulencerange)}} name Multiply2 xpos 279 ypos -159 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input2]"}} } Gamma { channels alpha value {{"parent.turbulencerange / 5"}} name Gamma1 xpos 279 ypos -121 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input2]"}} } Dot { name Dot6 xpos 313 ypos 24 } Reformat { inputs 0 type "to box" box_width {{Image.width}} box_height {{Image.height}} box_fixed true name Reformat4 xpos 660 ypos -997 hide_input true } set Nceedfc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot30 xpos 566 ypos -994 } Noise { output alpha opacity {{"parent.turbulencesize / 10"}} size {{"parent.turbulencesize * 70"}} zoffset {{"frame * (parent.velocity / 100)"}} lacunarity 1 gain 0.1 gamma {{"pow(parent.turbulencerange / 10,0.6)"}} translate {{"(frame * (((WindRamp.p1.x-WindRamp.p0.x)/4) * ((Image.width) / 102.4) / 20)) * parent.windstrength + parent.translate.x"} {"(frame * (((WindRamp.p1.y-WindRamp.p0.y)/4) * ((Image.width) / 102.4) / 20)) * parent.windstrength + (parent.translate.y / Image.pixel_aspect)"}} scale {{"((Image.width) / 102.4) / 20"}} center {1440 1080} name Noise3 xpos 532 ypos -875 } Add { channels alpha value {{"parent.bigturbulence >= 5 ? 0 : pow(1 - (parent.bigturbulence /5),3)"}} name Add1 xpos 532 ypos -253 } set Nceedec00 [stack 0] Grade { channels alpha whitepoint 0.2 gamma 0.5 black_clamp false name Grade1 xpos 661 ypos -253 } push $Nceedfc00 Dot { name Dot43 xpos 831 ypos -994 } Reformat { type scale scale {{"1/(((Image.width) / 102.4) / 20)"}} name Reformat9 xpos 797 ypos -922 } set Nceede000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot44 xpos 956 ypos -919 } Shuffle { in alpha red white alpha white out alpha name Shuffle7 label "\[value in]" xpos 922 ypos -699 } Crop { box {0 0 {width} {height}} name Crop7 xpos 922 ypos -657 } Transform { scale 0.98 center {{width/2} {height/2}} black_outside false name Transform12 xpos 922 ypos -633 } Invert { channels alpha name Invert2 xpos 922 ypos -605 } Blur { channels alpha size 10 name Blur7 xpos 922 ypos -567 } Crop { box {0 0 {width} {height}} crop false name Crop8 xpos 922 ypos -471 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{Image.width}} box_height {{Image.height}} box_fixed true filter Keys name Reformat2 xpos 922 ypos -447 } Dot { name Dot45 xpos 956 ypos -376 } push $Nceede000 Noise { output alpha opacity {{"parent.smallturbulence / 400"}} size 1000 zoffset {{"10 + frame * (parent.velocity / 5000)"}} gain 0.35 gamma {{"parent.turbulencerange / 5"}} translate {{"((((frame * (((WindRamp.p1.x-WindRamp.p0.x)/4) * ((Image.width) / 102.4) / 20)) * parent.windstrength) / 4) + parent.translate.x) * Reformat9.scale * 1/(pow((parent.smallturbsize / 2), 0.5) + 1)"} {"((((frame * (((WindRamp.p1.y-WindRamp.p0.y)/4) * ((Image.width) / 102.4) / 20)) * parent.windstrength) / 4) + (parent.translate.y / Image.pixel_aspect)) * Reformat9.scale * (1/(pow((parent.smallturbsize / 2), 0.5) + 1))"}} center {1440 1080} name Noise1 xpos 797 ypos -874 } Dot { name Dot38 xpos 831 ypos -767 } set Ncee8a800 [stack 0] FilterErode { channels alpha name FilterErode2 xpos 714 ypos -774 } Dot { name Dot39 xpos 748 ypos -720 } push $Ncee8a800 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation difference Achannels alpha Bchannels alpha output alpha name Merge18 xpos 797 ypos -727 } Multiply { channels rgba value {{"(pow(parent.smallturbulence, 0.6) * 80) - ((5-clamp(parent.bigturbulence, 0, 5))*40)"}} name Multiply3 xpos 797 ypos -682 } Dot { name Dot40 xpos 831 ypos -616 } set Ncee89400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot41 xpos 739 ypos -616 } Dot { name Dot42 xpos 739 ypos -515 } push $Ncee89400 Multiply { channels rgba value 20 mix {{"parent.smallturbsize / 10"}} name Multiply8 xpos 797 ypos -587 } Transform { scale {{"pow((parent.smallturbsize / 2), 0.5) + 1"}} center {{"width / 2"} {"height / 2"}} filter Keys black_outside false name Transform8 xpos 797 ypos -563 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus Achannels alpha Bchannels alpha output alpha mix {{"clamp(parent.smallturbsize / 2)"}} name Merge19 xpos 797 ypos -522 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{Image.width}} box_height {{Image.height}} box_fixed true filter Parzen name Reformat10 xpos 797 ypos -445 } TransformMasked { inputs 1+1 channels alpha scale 1.01 center {{"Image.width / 2"} {"Image.height / 2"}} black_outside false name Transform11 xpos 797 ypos -383 } Crop { box {0 0 {Image.width} {Image.height}} crop false name Crop6 xpos 797 ypos -351 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply Achannels alpha Bchannels alpha output alpha name Merge9 xpos 797 ypos -253 } Dot { name Dot4 xpos 831 ypos -125 } push $Nceedec00 Multiply { channels alpha value {{"parent.bigturbulence / 2.5"}} name Multiply4 xpos 532 ypos -194 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus Achannels alpha Bchannels alpha output alpha name Merge5 xpos 532 ypos -132 } Switch { inputs 2 which {{"\[exists parent.input2]"}} name Switch2 knobChanged "\nif nuke.toNode('Switch2').knob('which').getValue() == 1:\n nuke.thisNode()\['velocity'].setEnabled(False)\nelse:\n nuke.thisNode()\['velocity'].setEnabled(True)\n\n" xpos 532 ypos 21 } TimeOffset { time_offset {{"-parent.framesoffset - parent.loopframes"}} time "" name TimeOffset1 xpos 532 ypos 199 disable {{"parent.loopframes <= 0"}} } set Ncedf7200 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot34 xpos 676 ypos 202 } TimeOffset { time_offset {{parent.loopframes}} time "" name TimeOffset2 xpos 642 ypos 250 disable {{"parent.loopframes <= 0"}} } push $Ncedf7200 Dissolve { inputs 2 channels alpha which {{"((root.first_frame - frame) * -1) / loopframes"}} name Dissolve2 xpos 532 ypos 244 disable {{"parent.loopframes <= 0"}} } TimeClip { time "" first {{root.first_frame}} before loop last {{"root.first_frame + parent.loopframes - 1"}} after loop origset true name TimeClip2 xpos 532 ypos 282 disable {{"parent.loopframes <= 0"}} } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{Image.width}} box_height {{Image.height}} box_fixed true box_pixel_aspect {{Image.pixel_aspect}} filter Keys name Reformat7 xpos 532 ypos 469 } set Ncee28800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot17 xpos 180 ypos 472 } set Ncedbfc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot13 xpos -200 ypos 472 } set Ncedbf800 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Merge6 xpos -234 ypos 1237 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1]"}} } Dot { name Dot8 xpos -200 ypos 2421 } Shuffle { in alpha name Shuffle5 xpos 368 ypos 2418 } ColorWheel { inputs 0 format "1024 1024 0 0 1024 1024 1 square_1K" edgeValue 0.8 gamma 0.45 name ColorWheel2 xpos 1823 ypos 440 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} postage_stamp false } Transform { scale 0.4 center {512 512} name Transform9 xpos 1823 ypos 466 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{Image.width}} box_height {{Image.height}} box_fixed true box_pixel_aspect {{Image.pixel_aspect}} pbb true name Reformat8 xpos 1823 ypos 492 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } set Ncedbe000 [stack 0] Transform { scale 0.74 center {{Image.width/2} {Image.height/2}} name Transform5 xpos 1935 ypos 533 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } push $Ncedbe000 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation stencil name Merge14 xpos 1823 ypos 554 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } set Ncedbd400 [stack 0] Transform { scale 0.58 center {{Image.width/2} {Image.height/2}} name Transform7 xpos 1937 ypos 594 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } set Ncedbd000 [stack 0] Transform { scale 0.45 center {{Image.width/2} {Image.height/2}} name Transform10 xpos 1937 ypos 653 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } push $Ncedbd000 push $Ncedbd400 Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge15 xpos 1823 ypos 624 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge17 xpos 1823 ypos 680 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } CheckerBoard2 { inputs 0 format "2048 2048 0 0 2048 2048 1 square_2K" boxsize 58 color0 0.03 color1 0.3 color2 0.03 color3 0.3 linecolor 0.5 linewidth 2 centerlinewidth 0 name CheckerBoard2 xpos 1698 ypos 440 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} postage_stamp false } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{Image.width}} box_height {{Image.height}} box_fixed true box_pixel_aspect {{Image.pixel_aspect}} name Reformat5 xpos 1698 ypos 466 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge16 xpos 1698 ypos 680 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } Shuffle { alpha black name Shuffle6 xpos 1698 ypos 706 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } Crop { box {0 0 {Image.width} {Image.height}} crop false name Crop3 xpos 1698 ypos 732 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } Input { inputs 0 name Image xpos 1294 ypos 471 } set Nced5e400 [stack 0] Switch { inputs 2 which {{"parent.heatoutput == 2 ? 2 : 0"}} name Switch4 xpos 1294 ypos 732 disable {{"!(parent.heatoutput == 2)"}} } Dot { name Dot25 xpos 1328 ypos 792 } set Nced5dc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot29 xpos 1552 ypos 792 } Dot { name Dot28 xpos 1552 ypos 2212 } set Nced5d400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot11 xpos 1552 ypos 2320 } push $Ncedbf800 Dot { name Dot35 xpos -329 ypos 472 } Expression { channel0 {-rgba.red -rgba.green -rgba.blue none} channel1 {-rgba.red -rgba.green -rgba.blue none} channel2 {-rgba.red -rgba.green -rgba.blue none} expr3 "a == 0 ? 1 : 0" name Expression2 xpos -363 ypos 1332 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input2]"}} } Blur { channels alpha size 20 name Blur6 xpos -363 ypos 1358 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input2]"}} } set Nced5c400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot37 xpos -329 ypos 1568 } push $Ncd9e9800 Expression { channel0 {-rgba.red -rgba.green -rgba.blue none} channel1 {-rgba.red -rgba.green -rgba.blue none} channel2 {-rgba.red -rgba.green -rgba.blue none} expr3 "a == 0 ? 1 : 0" name Expression1 xpos -495 ypos 1419 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1]"}} } Blur { channels alpha size 20 name Blur3 xpos -495 ypos 1445 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1]"}} } set Ncdbb3400 [stack 0] ChannelMerge { inputs 2 name ChannelMerge1 xpos -495 ypos 1556 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input2]"}} } Dot { name Dot24 xpos -461 ypos 2212 } push $Nced5d400 push $Ncd9e9c00 push $Ncedbfc00 Grade { channels alpha whitepoint {{"1 - pow((parent.blurexpansion / 10), 1.0 / 3)"}} multiply {{"(parent.blurexpansion / 10)"}} white_clamp true name Grade12 xpos 146 ypos 812 } Blur { channels alpha size 2 name Blur4 xpos 146 ypos 850 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Merge2 xpos 146 ypos 1210 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1]"}} } Dot { name Dot26 xpos 180 ypos 1646 } set Ncdbb1c00 [stack 0] Grade { channels alpha blackpoint 0.1 multiply 8 black_clamp false enable_mix_luminance false name Grade16 xpos 398 ypos 1702 } push $Ncdbb1c00 Grade { channels alpha blackpoint 0.2 multiply 4 black_clamp false enable_mix_luminance false name Grade15 xpos 398 ypos 1671 } push $Ncdbb1c00 Grade { channels alpha blackpoint 0.4 multiply 3 black_clamp false enable_mix_luminance false name Grade14 xpos 398 ypos 1639 } push $Ncdbb1c00 Grade { channels alpha blackpoint 0.6 multiply 2 black_clamp false enable_mix_luminance false name Grade13 xpos 398 ypos 1608 } push $Ncdbb1c00 Grade { channels alpha blackpoint 0.8 black_clamp false enable_mix_luminance false name Grade2 xpos 398 ypos 1578 } push $Nced5c400 Dot { name Dot33 xpos -90 ypos 1365 } push $Ncdbb3400 Merge2 { inputs 2 name Merge13 xpos -124 ypos 1449 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input2]"}} } push $Ncd9ea000 push $Ncee28800 Dot { name Dot7 xpos 566 ypos 613 } set Ncdb2f800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot15 xpos 566 ypos 740 } set Ncdb2f400 [stack 0] Matrix { channels alpha matrix { {0 0 0} {-1 0 1} {0 0 0} } name Matrix1 xpos 452 ypos 787 } Multiply { channels alpha value {{"((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) / 20"}} name Multiply9 xpos 452 ypos 819 } set Ccdb2ec00 [stack 0] push $Ncdb2f400 Matrix { channels alpha matrix { {0 1 0} {0 0 0} {0 -1 0} } name Matrix2 xpos 606 ypos 787 } clone $Ccdb2ec00 { xpos 606 ypos 819 selected false } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 red alpha green alpha2 blue blue alpha black name ShuffleCopy2 xpos 528 ypos 880 } Remove { operation keep channels {rgba.red rgba.green -rgba.blue none} name Remove6 xpos 528 ypos 906 } Blur { channels rgb size 2 mix 0.5 name Blur5 xpos 528 ypos 944 } Multiply { channels rgb value 2000 name Multiply5 xpos 528 ypos 970 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Merge1 xpos 528 ypos 1181 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1]"}} } push $Ncd9ea400 push $Ncdb2f800 Dot { name Dot16 xpos 925 ypos 613 } Shuffle { in alpha out rgb name Shuffle3 xpos 891 ypos 810 disable {{"parent.smoke == 0"}} } ColorLookup { lut {master {curve C 0 x0.2923340797 0.5053922534 x1 0.9933823347 s0.01999999955 u2.22280097} red {} green {} blue {} alpha {}} name ColorLookup1 xpos 891 ypos 834 disable {{"parent.smoke == 0"}} } Shuffle { in rgb out alpha name Shuffle4 xpos 891 ypos 858 disable {{"parent.smoke == 0"}} } Multiply { channels alpha value {{"(parent.smoke / 10)"}} name Multiply6 xpos 891 ypos 1020 disable {{"parent.smoke == 0"}} } Gamma { channels alpha value {{"(parent.smoke / 5)"}} name Gamma2 xpos 891 ypos 1052 disable {{"parent.smoke == 0"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Merge7 xpos 891 ypos 1149 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1]"}} } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {{parent.smokecolor.r} {parent.smokecolor.g} {parent.smokecolor.b} {curve}} color_panelDropped true name Constant2 xpos 793 ypos 1190 disable {{"parent.smoke == 0"}} postage_stamp false } Shuffle { alpha white name Shuffle1 xpos 793 ypos 1216 disable {{"parent.smoke == 0"}} } push $Nced5dc00 Crop { box {0 0 {Image.width} {Image.height}} crop false name Crop4 xpos 1294 ypos 857 } set Ncf026400 [stack 0] Transform { scale 1.4 center {{"Image.width / 2"} {"Image.height / 2"}} black_outside false name Transform2 xpos 1402 ypos 857 } Dot { name Dot27 xpos 1436 ypos 1090 } push $Ncf026400 Mirror { Horizontal true Vertical true name Mirror2 xpos 1294 ypos 883 } Reformat { type scale scale 3 name Reformat1 xpos 1294 ypos 909 } Tile { rows 3 mirrorRows true columns 3 mirrorCols true name Tile1 xpos 1294 ypos 935 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{Image.width}} box_height {{Image.height}} box_fixed true box_pixel_aspect {{Image.pixel_aspect}} name Reformat3 xpos 1294 ypos 961 } Transform { translate {-1 -1} scale 3 center {{"width / 2"} {"height / 2"}} black_outside false name Transform1 xpos 1294 ypos 987 } push $Nced5dc00 Dot { name Dot36 xpos 1242 ypos 792 } Dot { name Dot18 xpos 1242 ypos 1042 } Dissolve { inputs 2 channels rgba which 1 name Dissolve1 xpos 1294 ypos 1039 } CopyBBox { inputs 2 name CopyBBox1 xpos 1294 ypos 1087 } Dot { name Dot9 xpos 1328 ypos 1267 } Keymix { inputs 3 channels rgb name Keymix1 xpos 891 ypos 1264 disable {{"parent.smoke == 0"}} } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.red to0 forward.u from1 rgba.green to1 forward.v name Copy2 xpos 528 ypos 1251 } CopyBBox { inputs 2 name CopyBBox2 xpos 528 ypos 1449 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1] & !\[exists parent.input2]"}} } Blur { inputs 1+1 channels rgba size {{"((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) * (parent.blur / 8)"}} quality 2 name Blur10 xpos 528 ypos 1582 } Blur { inputs 1+1 channels rgba size {{"parent.Blur10.size / 1.25"}} quality 2 name Blur11 xpos 528 ypos 1612 } Blur { inputs 1+1 channels rgba size {{"parent.Blur10.size / 1.666666"}} quality 2 name Blur12 xpos 528 ypos 1643 } Blur { inputs 1+1 channels rgba size {{"parent.Blur10.size / 2.5"}} quality 2 name Blur13 xpos 528 ypos 1675 } Blur { inputs 1+1 channels rgba size {{"parent.Blur10.size / 6.66666"}} quality 4 name Blur14 xpos 528 ypos 1706 } Dot { name Dot1 xpos 562 ypos 1841 } set Ncefcc400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot10 xpos 274 ypos 1841 } set Ncef7bc00 [stack 0] Remove { operation keep channels {-rgba.red -rgba.green rgba.blue none} channels2 forward channels3 alpha name Remove9 xpos 240 ypos 1893 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } IDistort { channels rgba uv forward uv_scale {{"((1 + -parent.ca/2) * (parent.globalmult / 5)) * (((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) / 20)"}} blur_scale 0 name IDistort5 xpos 240 ypos 1932 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } set Ncef7b400 [stack 0] push 0 push $Ncef7bc00 Remove { operation keep channels {rgba.red -rgba.green -rgba.blue none} channels2 forward channels3 alpha name Remove10 xpos 339 ypos 1891 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } IDistort { channels rgba uv forward uv_scale {{"(parent.globalmult / 5) * (((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) / 20)"}} blur_scale 0 name IDistort6 xpos 339 ypos 1932 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } set Ncef7ac00 [stack 0] push $Ncef7bc00 Remove { operation keep channels {-rgba.red rgba.green -rgba.blue none} channels2 forward channels3 alpha name Remove11 xpos 142 ypos 1893 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } IDistort { channels rgba uv forward uv_scale {{"((1 + -parent.ca) * (parent.globalmult / 5)) * (((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) / 20)"}} blur_scale 0 name IDistort7 xpos 142 ypos 1931 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } set Ncef7a400 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 3+1 operation average name Merge10 xpos 339 ypos 1988 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } push $Ncef7b400 push 0 push $Ncef7ac00 push $Ncef7a400 Merge2 { inputs 3+1 operation plus name Merge11 xpos 142 ypos 1987 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos 239 ypos 2069 disable {{"parent.ca >= 0"}} } push $Ncefcc400 Dot { name Dot2 xpos 852 ypos 1841 } set Ncef79400 [stack 0] Remove { operation keep channels {-rgba.red rgba.green -rgba.blue none} channels2 forward channels3 alpha name Remove4 xpos 818 ypos 1893 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } IDistort { channels rgba uv forward uv_scale {{"((1 + parent.ca/2) * (parent.globalmult / 5)) * (((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) / 20)"}} blur_scale 0 name IDistort2 xpos 818 ypos 1930 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } set Ncef78c00 [stack 0] push 0 push $Ncef79400 Remove { operation keep channels {-rgba.red -rgba.green rgba.blue none} channels2 forward channels3 alpha name Remove5 xpos 917 ypos 1892 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } IDistort { channels rgba uv forward uv_scale {{"(parent.globalmult / 5) * (((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) / 20)"}} blur_scale 0 name IDistort3 xpos 917 ypos 1930 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } set Ncef78400 [stack 0] push $Ncef79400 Remove { operation keep channels {rgba.red -rgba.green -rgba.blue none} channels2 forward channels3 alpha name Remove3 xpos 720 ypos 1893 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } IDistort { channels rgba uv forward uv_scale {{"((1 + parent.ca) * (parent.globalmult / 5)) * (((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) / 20)"}} blur_scale 0 name IDistort1 xpos 720 ypos 1931 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } set Nd2dc3800 [stack 0] Merge2 { inputs 3+1 operation average name Merge4 xpos 917 ypos 1988 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } push $Ncef78c00 push 0 push $Ncef78400 push $Nd2dc3800 Merge2 { inputs 3+1 operation plus name Merge3 xpos 720 ypos 1989 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy1 xpos 827 ypos 2069 disable {{"parent.ca <= 0"}} } push $Ncefcc400 IDistort { channels rgba uv forward uv_scale {{"(parent.globalmult / 5) * (((Image.width*Image.pixel_aspect) / 102.4) / 20)"}} blur_scale 0 name IDistort4 xpos 528 ypos 1951 disable {{"parent.ca > 0"}} } Switch { inputs 3 which {{"parent.ca < 0 ? 2 : parent.ca > 0"}} name Switch1 xpos 528 ypos 2073 } Keymix { inputs 3 channels rgba name Keymix2 xpos 528 ypos 2209 disable {{"!\[exists parent.input1] & !\[exists parent.input2]"}} } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 in alpha red red out alpha name ShuffleCopy1 xpos 528 ypos 2317 disable {{"parent.affectalpha > 0"}} } Remove { operation keep channels rgba name Remove2 xpos 528 ypos 2343 } Switch { inputs 2 which {{"parent.heatoutput == 2 ? 0 : parent.heatoutput"}} name Switch3 xpos 528 ypos 2418 } Crop { box {0 0 {Image.width} {Image.height}} crop false name Crop1 xpos 527 ypos 2504 } Output { name Output1 xpos 527 ypos 2591 } push $Nced5e400 Ramp { output none p0 {1024 778} p1 {1024 1078} name WindRamp xpos 662 ypos -875 hide_input true } end_group
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