
2 months ago
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% Step 1: Load data from Excel
filename = 'example.xlsx'; % Replace with your file name
data = readtable(filename); % Read the Excel file

% Step 2: Assign correct column names (update these based on your data)
time = data.Time_s_; % Replace with the actual name of the time column
abs_accel = data.Absolute_Acceleration_m_s2_; % Replace with the actual name of the absolute acceleration column

% Step 3: Find peaks in the absolute acceleration data
[peaks, peak_times] = findpeaks(abs_accel, time);

% Step 4: Calculate logarithmic decrement
num_cycles = length(peaks) - 1; % Number of cycles
log_dec = zeros(num_cycles, 1); % Preallocate array for log decrement

for i = 1:num_cycles
    log_dec(i) = log(peaks(i) / peaks(i+1));

% Step 5: Plot the results

% Plot absolute acceleration vs. time
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(time, abs_accel, '-b', 'DisplayName', 'Absolute Acceleration');
hold on;
plot(peak_times, peaks, 'ro', 'DisplayName', 'Peaks');
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Absolute Acceleration (m/s^2)');
title('Absolute Acceleration vs. Time');
legend show;
grid on;

% Plot logarithmic decrement vs. cycle number
subplot(2, 1, 2);
cycle_numbers = 1:num_cycles; % Cycle numbers
plot(cycle_numbers, log_dec, '-k', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Cycle Number');
ylabel('Logarithmic Decrement (\delta)');
title('Logarithmic Decrement vs. Cycle Number');
grid on;

% Display calculated values
disp('Logarithmic Decrement for each cycle:');

% Optional: Save the figure
saveas(gcf, 'logarithmic_decrement_analysis.png');
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