2 years ago
2.7 kB
#include <iostream> #define SIZE 11 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define h(x) x%SIZE class HashTable { int data[SIZE]; int flag[SIZE]; int chain[SIZE]; public: HashTable() { for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { flag[i] = FALSE; chain[i] = -1; } } void insert(int x) { int i = 0, j, start; start = h(x); while(flag[start] && i < SIZE) { if(data[start] % SIZE == x % SIZE) break; i++; start = (start + 1) % SIZE; } if(i == SIZE) { std::cout << "\n***hash table is full****"; return; } while(chain[start] != -1) start = chain[start]; j = start; while(flag[j] && i < SIZE) { j = (j + 1) % SIZE; i = i + 1; } if(i == SIZE) { std::cout << "\n***hash table is full****"; return; } data[j] = x; flag[j] = TRUE; if(j != start) chain[start] = j; } int search(int x) { int i = 0, j; j = h(x); while(i < SIZE && flag[j] && data[j] % SIZE != x % SIZE) { i++; j = (j + 1) % SIZE; } if(!flag[j] || i == SIZE) return -1; while(j != -1) { if(data[j] == x) return j; j = chain[j]; } return -1; } void print() { for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { if(flag[i]) std::cout << "\n(" << i << ") " << data[i] << " " << chain[i]; else std::cout << "\n(" << i << ") --- " << chain[i]; } } }; int main() { HashTable table; int x, op, loc; do { std::cout << "\n\n1)Insert\n2)Search\n3)Print\n4)Quit"; std::cout << "\nEnter Your Choice : "; std::cin >> op; switch(op) { case 1: std::cout << "\n Enter a number to be inserted:"; std::cin >> x; table.insert(x); break; case 2: std::cout << "\n Enter a number to be searched :"; std::cin >> x; loc = table.search(x); if(loc == -1) std::cout << "\n****Element not found****"; else std::cout << "\n***Found at the location=" << loc; break; case 3: table.print(); break; } } while(op != 4); return 0; }
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