function getUserProfileData() {
var parentElement = document.getElementById('content');
var elements = parentElement.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/profile/"], a[href*="/u/#/"]');
var result = {};
Array.from(elements).forEach(function(element) {
var id = element.getAttribute('href').match(/\/(profile|u\/#)\/(\d+)(?:\/|$)/)?.[2];
if (id) {
result[id] = [...(result[id] || []), element];
Object.values(result).forEach(function(elements) {
elements.sort((a, b) => Array.from(a.parentElement.children).indexOf(a) - Array.from(b.parentElement.children).indexOf(b));
return result;
function getInfoAboutId(profileId) {
const apiUrl = `${profileId}`;
return fetch(apiUrl)
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
throw new Error('Network response was not ok.');
.then(data => {
if (data && data.title) {
return `Status Title for Profile ID ${profileId}: ${data.title}`;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid data format received from the API.');
function getRankColor(statusTitle) {
const statusColors = {
'Новичок': '#8d8d8d',
'Любитель': '#4f9a97',
'Таксист': '#187818',
'Профи': '#8c8100',
'Гонщик': '#ba5800',
'Маньяк': '#bc0143',
'Супермен': '#5e0b9e',
'Кибергонщик': '#2e32ce',
'Экстракибер': '#061956'
return statusColors[statusTitle] || '#000000'; // Default to black color if status title not found
var foundElementsWithIDs = getUserProfileData();
Object.keys(foundElementsWithIDs).forEach(function(id) {
.then(info => {
const statusTitle = info.split(':')[1].trim(); // Extract status title from the API response
const hexColor = getRankColor(statusTitle); // Get hex color based on status title
foundElementsWithIDs[id].forEach(function(element) {'color', hexColor, 'important'); // Apply color to the element with !important
console.log(info); // Log status title for the specific ID
.catch(error => {