a year ago
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# Assuming source_df and target_df have unique primary keys # Merge source_df and target_df based on the primary key merged_df = source_df.merge(target_df, on=pk, how='left', suffixes=('', '_target')) # Create a boolean mask to identify rows where the target values are missing (NaN) insert_mask = merged_df[f'{pk}_target'].isna() # Filter rows where target values are missing (these need to be inserted) rows_to_insert = merged_df[insert_mask] # Filter rows where target values exist but are different (these need to be updated) rows_to_update = merged_df[~insert_mask] # Iterate over rows to insert for index, row in rows_to_insert.iterrows(): # Generate an INSERT query dynamically and execute it insert_query = f"INSERT INTO {schema_ext}.{table_name} ({', '.join(insert_columns)}) VALUES ({', '.join(insert_values)})" try: print(insert_query) # cursor_ext.execute(insert_query) except Exception as e: continue # Iterate over rows to update for index, row in rows_to_update.iterrows(): # Generate an UPDATE query dynamically and execute it update_query = f"UPDATE {schema_ext}.{table_name} SET {', '.join(column_updates)} WHERE {eprm_table_col_pk} = '{row[pk]}'" try: print(update_query) # cursor_ext.execute(update_query) except Exception as e: continue
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