a year ago
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Test { internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Enter the value of f: "); bool firstValue = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out double f); Console.Write("Enter the value of g: "); bool secondValue = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out double g); Console.Write("Enter the value of e: "); bool thirdValue = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out double e); bool validData = firstValue && secondValue && thirdValue ? true : false; bool firstExpression = validData; double a = 1.0; firstExpression = validData ? (g + e != 0 && 25 - g != 0 ? double.TryParse(((Math.Pow(f - g, 3) - 7) / Math.Pow(g + e, 2) + 7 * (e * f - f * f * g / 3) / (25 - g)).ToString(), out a) : false) : false; bool secondExpression = firstExpression; double x = 1.0; secondExpression = firstExpression ? (g - e != 0 ? double.TryParse((43 * 43 * a - 42 * 42 * g / 27.3 + (16 + g) / (g - e)).ToString(), out x) : false) : false; bool thirdExpression = secondExpression; double w = 1.0; thirdExpression = secondExpression ? (x != 0 && f != 0 && e + g * g != 0 ? double.TryParse((x / 100 + 25 * 25 / x + a / (3 * f) - (g + e * e) / (e + g * g)).ToString(), out w) : false) : false; bool fourthExpression = thirdExpression; double h = 1.0; fourthExpression = thirdExpression ? (f != 0 && e != 0 ? double.TryParse((g - f * f - 7 * e * e * w / 3 - x * x / (4.5 * f * e)).ToString(), out h) : false) : false; Console.WriteLine(!validData ? "Неверные входные данные" : (firstExpression ? (secondExpression ? (thirdExpression ? (fourthExpression ? $"{a:f3} {x:f3} {w:f3} {h:f3}" : $"{a:f3} {x:f3} {w:f3} " + "Невозможно произвести расчёт") : $"{a:f3} {x:f3} " + "Невозможно произвести расчёт") : $"{a:f3} " + "Невозможно произвести расчёт") : "Невозможно произвести расчёт")); } } }
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