a month ago
2.5 kB
var name2; setBackgroundImageAs("front_of_house_1"); makeNewSpriteAnon("blue_shirt_ball_1", ({"x":150,"y":250})); setProp(({costume: "blue_shirt_ball_1"}), "scale", 200); setPrompt('What is your name?', 'name2', function(val) {name2 = val;}); whenPromptAnswered('name2', function (extraArgs) { printText(textJoin("Hello ", textVariableJoin(name2, '!'))); }); function moving_east(this_sprite) { mirrorSprite(this_sprite, "right"); moveInDirection(this_sprite, 3, "East"); } function moving_west(this_sprite) { mirrorSprite(this_sprite, "left"); moveInDirection(this_sprite, 3, "West"); } function mystery_behavior(this_sprite) { changePropBy(this_sprite, "scale", -1); } function math_random_int(a, b) { if (a > b) { // Swap a and b to ensure a is smaller. var c = a; a = b; b = c; } return Math.floor(Math.random() * (b - a + 1) + a); } function wandering(this_sprite) { if (math_random_int(0, 5) == 0) { changePropBy(this_sprite, "direction", math_random_int(-25, 25)); } moveForward(this_sprite, 1); if (isTouchingEdges(this_sprite)) { edgesDisplace(this_sprite); changePropBy(this_sprite, "direction", math_random_int(135, 225)); } } function running_east(this_sprite) { moveInDirection(this_sprite, 5, "East"); } function spinning_left(this_sprite) { turn(this_sprite, 6, "left"); } function spinning_right(this_sprite) { turn(this_sprite, 6, "right"); } function shrinking(this_sprite) { changePropBy(this_sprite, "scale", -1); } function growing(this_sprite) { changePropBy(this_sprite, "scale", 1); } function moving_south(this_sprite) { moveInDirection(this_sprite, 5, "South"); } function swimming_left_and_right(this_sprite) { if (getProp(this_sprite, "direction") == 0) { mirrorSprite(this_sprite, "right"); } else if (getProp(this_sprite, "direction") == 180) { mirrorSprite(this_sprite, "left"); } moveForward(this_sprite, 5); if (isTouchingEdges(this_sprite)) { edgesDisplace(this_sprite); changePropBy(this_sprite, "direction", 180); } } function moving_north(this_sprite) { moveInDirection(this_sprite, 5, "North"); } function jittering(this_sprite) { changePropBy(this_sprite, "scale", math_random_int(-1, 1)); } function patrolling(this_sprite) { moveForward(this_sprite, 5); if (isTouchingEdges(this_sprite)) { edgesDisplace(this_sprite); changePropBy(this_sprite, "direction", 180); } }
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