Author : Arnob Mahmud
mail : arnob.tech.me@gmail.com
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
char T;
double x;
printf("Enter trigonmetric function with angle in radian :\n");
scanf("%c %lf", &T, &x);
if (T == 'S' || T == 's')
printf("Value of sin(%.0lf) is %.2lf.\n", x, sin(x));
else if (T == 'C' || T == 'c')
printf("Value of cos(%.0lf) is %.2lf.\n", x, cos(x));
else if (T == 'T' || T == 't')
printf("Value of tan(%.0lf) is %.2lf.\n", x, tan(x));
printf("Invalid input.\n");
return 0;