import random
# Define a list of city names in Turkish
sehirler = ["İstanbul", "Ankara", "İzmir", "Bursa", "Adana", "Antalya", "Konya", "Gaziantep", "Kocaeli", "Balıkesir", "Samsun", "Trabzon", "Eskişehir", "Malatya", "Kayseri", "Denizli"]
# Define a function to generate a random city name from the list
def rastgele_sehir():
return random.choice(sehirler)
# Define a function to display a city name with only 2 letters visible
def gizli_sehir(sehir):
# Convert the city name to upper case
sehir = sehir.upper()
# Choose 2 random indices from the range of the length of the city name
gizli = random.sample(range(len(sehir)), 2)
# Convert the rest of the characters to underscores
gizli_sehir = "".join([sehir[i] if i in gizli else "_" for i in range(len(sehir))])
return gizli_sehir
# Main program loop
while True:
# Generate a random city name
sehir = rastgele_sehir()
# Display the city name with only 2 letters visible
gizli = gizli_sehir(sehir)
print("Bir şehir ismi bulun. Sadece 2 harf görüntüleniyor:")
# Get the user's guess and convert it to upper case
tahmin = input("Tahmininiz: ").upper()
# Check if the guess matches the original city name
if tahmin == sehir:
print("Tebrikler, doğru cevap!")
print("Maalesef yanlış cevap. Doğru cevap: " + sehir)